blast off again [miss.]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Mar 17, 2019 21:55:12 GMT
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Well this was a fine pickle he found himself in. Captured by Team Rocket because he was a bit too careless and caused a large ruckus around the city to alert them to where he was. He thought it was fine if he beat up those three that are probably still asleep in the alleyway, but when more of them showed up that's when it was apparent he might have bitten off more than he could chew today. Still they were Rocket Grunts, grunts he could handle, what he couldn't handle was getting someone else involved in his mess.

As he was busy waiting for his Joltik to finish cutting the ropes that held him he looked over to the other person locked in here with him. Another guy around his age who came to his rescue when he was getting ganged up on. He put up a heck of a fight and for a moment the superhero thought the two of them were in the clear, but one smog and hypnosis later sort of killed that chance. "Well, they could have at least given us a better meal than day old malasada's am I right?" The masked hero joked with a chuckle as he tried to lighten the mood in the room. Better that than waiting for them to be killed like Houndour's on teh street.

mission brief.
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the machampion
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Mar 19, 2019 2:14:57 GMT
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"i still feel the malasada's gurgling around in my guts." noah rubs his taut stomach, clutching it with a pained wince as it whines and rumbles like a washing machine. "or maybe it's from sucking in so much smog."

the fighter's bruises sting with the memory of the previous night. as he peers over at his masked cell partner, noah can't help but feel assured. this man was a hero, after all. the pokenger— then again, noah couldn't help but acknowledge the slightest poison of skepticism.

he shuffles over to the busy joltik. wrists bound together, the rope digging red trenches in his skin, he bends slightly to allow the joltik access. for now, the thought of execution leaves his haunted thoughts like the beams of moonlight that flicker on and off his person. within the revealing rays of the moon, one can see the dried blood and scabs of his beaten body.

"so, mister hero man. is this your first time being captured?" noah whispers, scanning side to side like an satelite for incoming steps. "or is this going to be a walk in the park?"

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Ballonlera, Galar
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POSTED ON Mar 20, 2019 5:50:14 GMT
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"Would you believe me if I said i'm an escape virgin?" His tone was way too cheerful for that kind of admission of the fact that he had no idea what to do in this situation. In truth he sort of winged about more than seventy percent of his plans when it came to crime fighting and it worked out more or less for the better. He will admit though that he is getting a little bit better at thinking on the fly and improvising. With a loud snap signaling that his Joltik was done he rubbed his wrists to ease the pain.

Once he felt a bit better he helped his little bug with the bindings on his fellow captive by tugging at them until they were loose enough to slide right off. "I say we just bolt out of here, maybe break down a wall. I think we can take whoever's still in here no problem, buuuuut right now we should find our shit. Lucky for us Itty Bitty here was sleeping in my hair when they took our stuff. C'mon I'll lead." Like some spy thriller action hero he lead them up to what he figured was an exit in this place, sticking close to the crates that were kept in the place for cover from anyone passing by.

mission brief.

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the machampion
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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blast off again [miss.]
POSTED ON Mar 21, 2019 3:08:31 GMT
noah faber Avatar

"ahhh, sure! the pokenger doesn't get caught." noah chirps. "except for this one time. don't worry. i won't tell anybody." his fingers curl back and rub sourly against the tough sinew of his bondage.

finally, the ropes fall slack. stripped away from his sore wrists, noah's limbs shiver and his fingers spread into a victorious star. freedom.

"breaking down walls? my speciality!" noah drives a confident fist into an open palm, but the hero before him illuminates him of their damning predicament. "oh geez. our pokémon." empty pockets feel heavier than they should. a cold sweat breaks as he imagines the worst.

noah follows obediently. snapping by the crates, he slows his breath. makes no sound. eerily, all other sensations heighten as he concentrates up ahead.

"i think i hear people coming." noah murmurs.

two grunts toddle toward them, a klefki jangling on one of their waists.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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blast off again [miss.]
POSTED ON Mar 25, 2019 16:54:31 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
Pokenger gave his fellow captive a nod of acknowledgement when the mention of people coming by was suddenly brought up. Now that they were untied they could take on a couple of people. Not a whole warehouse full right now, but two people would be enough. As they crept along the row of crates Kazimir could see a point where the Rockets might come through, a gap in the line, and the gears in his head began to turn. With a bit of a sprint he rolled to the other side of the gap and told Noah to wait with a hand signal. CLoser and closer he could hear the footsteps as well, it was only a matter of time now.

Suddenly two Rockets came into view with a Kefkli indeed with them, and that's when the attack started. Pokenger suddenly grabbed one of them and wrapped his arm around their neck and gagged their mouth with his hand and pulled them to the side in a tight grip. The other one didn't even get a chance to yell anything before his mouth was suddenly covered in silk webs from a Joltik that jumped from its hidden view from Kazimir's person and sat on the crates. The moment the Rocket tried to tear off the webs a jolt of electricity shot through his skull. The Kekfli was non-surprisingly surprised and tried to wriggle free and flee but was pounced on by the Joltik and the two rolled along the ground. The struggle was real.

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the machampion
July 17
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kyle lopez
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5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber
blast off again [miss.]
POSTED ON Mar 30, 2019 22:11:25 GMT
noah faber Avatar

"nice." noah whispers, his note of amazement punctuating his partner's dramatic maneuver.

the pokenger lived up to his name. however, noah is not one to be overshadowed or one to stay so idle. as the klefki clangs on to the floor, noah's feet scrape against the floor in a frantic dash. he joins the jolitk in its pin—his fingers hestitate for a moment, fearful of the residual static—but noah tugs upon one of the keys.

"no wait... which one..."

a cold sweat breaks across his forehead, but he instead, tugs on all the keys the klefki possesses. with the joltik's help, the klefki surrenders them, and a scattering of keys clatter on the floor like droppings. noah scoops them all.

"i've got the ke- keys, pokenger!" noah says with a breathy punch. with a small frown, he whispers. "sorry, klefki... you're just on the wrong side of things."

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
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6 ft 3 in height
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Kazimir Wynter
blast off again [miss.]
POSTED ON Apr 1, 2019 2:06:07 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
"good job!" Kazimir gave Noah a thumbs up from the ground before standing up to his feet and looking down at their unconscious friends, including the kefkli that was dazed and fainted due to Itty Bitty's electricity. Now that they had a means to getting their gear next came the next part. Actually getting to them, which was probably going to be easier said than done. Especially if the entire complex was going to be on the lookout for a duo of civillians running around. However...they wouldn't be on the lookout for two rando grunts would they?

Kazimir looked between him and Noah and the two grunts, then back to him and Noah. And to the grunts a second time. How about three more times just for good measure, three times the charm after all. That's when the light bulb in his head light up so bright it blew out the fuse inside as he snapped back to reality. "Quick strip these guys! I got an idea!" He didn't even bother waiting for a reply as he was already down on one of them removing their uniform and then his armor bit by bit until he was in nothing but his helmet. That was when he was looking at Noah to see if he caught his idea that he realized, he was still in his Pokenger disguise, and he was undressing in front of this dude. Didn't that risk his own secret identity?

"Uh...don't...don't say anything about ? Secret identity and all that. If you knew then you'd be in trouble." Because it wasn't like Pokenger was some kind of rich boy with mommy issues. Turning his back onto Noah Kazimir removed his masked and put on the outfit, if Noah wasn't intent on finding out who Pokenger was he would just see blonde hair come out from under the mask before stuffed into a Rocket hat and being face to face with a blue eyed boy around his age with a scar running along hsi face. " do I look?"

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the machampion
July 17
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kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber
blast off again [miss.]
POSTED ON Apr 13, 2019 3:35:36 GMT
noah faber Avatar

it's odd. stripping someone of their clothes. noah feels like he is peeling back a skiier's multi-layered uniform from a thick, waterlogged plank. the uncooperative limbs slap onto the cold floor as noah metamorphoses from a lowly prisoner.

noah can't help but take a hefty glance of kazimir. it's surreal to even just see a face. "my lips are seaaaaaled." noah says. "i might just forget anyway because i can never remember anything, haha." but he knows he won't forget.

the pokenger seems young. just like him. perhaps heroism ages someone—finely, of course. noah fastens the hat, one too large for his own head, over his mess of brown hair.

"lookin' goooood." noah winks, framing his disguised partner with his indexes and thumbs. "let's get our stuff and get outta here."

with a playful elbow to the pokenger's side, noah awaits his lead.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
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Kazimir Wynter
blast off again [miss.]
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2019 18:34:13 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
Kazimir couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the other guys surefire guarantee that he won't tell anyone about his secret identity since he'll probably forget about it after this whole day. He probably couldn't really verify that himself but the dude seemed trustworthy, he was following Kaz along anyway despite the position they were in. "Ok, let's see if we can find where its all being kept."

It surprising didn't take long for them to really find their Pokeballs and other belongings with Kaz's Joltik pointing them in the right direction thanks to sniffing it all out. It was fortunate for them to have the Klefki with them as he removed its keys and shooed it away as he tried to find the right one. "No...nope...nuh uh....there we go!" It took a few tries but once the right one was found and the door was opened for them.

Inside they would find the room full of crates and briefcases, what was inside was pretty much unknown until they opened them. "They never make it easy do they? Let's hurry before someone notices us." He had an idea, or well a concept, of what he could do if someone came in and questioned what they were doing in here. For the meantime that was saved in his head as his thought process was on guessing where in this room their teams could be.

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the machampion
July 17
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kyle lopez
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5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber
blast off again [miss.]
POSTED ON May 4, 2019 23:44:14 GMT
noah faber Avatar

the klefki flees. even in its flat, metal planes, noah could see the tinges of disgrace and embarrassment smearing its lustre. it's a sad sight, but noah's sympathy is cut short by the ticking clock of their escape.

"hurrying, hurrying," noah hums as he scours the area. he's careful not to toss the crates. a heat prickles his skin like the pulsing wave of an alarm. are his pokemon even here? have they taken them away?

but noah eventually stumbles upon his backpack, a glossy charm of boxing gloves dangling from a worn zipper tag. a satisfied gasp and a frantic zzzzziiiiip uncovers the safety of his companions.

"did you find your stuff, pokenger?" noah zips his bag close, holding one pokeball in his hand. his knuckles whiten at their peaks. his grasp is one of serendipitous reunion.

as noah looks to the exit, he is struck by a sad epiphany of dissolution. he pivots back to the pokenger and with a firm hug, noah pats the hero on the back.

"thanks so much, man." noah says. he steps back. "if ya ever need a sidekick. give me a call, yea?"

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
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Kazimir Wynter
blast off again [miss.]
POSTED ON May 8, 2019 17:38:32 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
It didn't take terribly long for kaz to find his own bag in the pile of stuff stashed away in here. He was quick to find his own bag thanks to the identifying charm of Pokenger's helmet hanging off the side. Something he could pass off as just being a fan of his own work whenever people asked about it. As he dug into it he was relieved to know that all of his Pokemon were safe and sound. Not a single ball out of place.

"Glad to have ya guys back" He cooed as he slung the pack over his shoulder and caught the other boy's question followed by his thanks. "Yup everything and everyone's all here. THank god, if my guys weren't gonna bring this place down escaping I sure was gonna do it. And its no problem, we should do it again. Y'know without the whole being captured thing." He did have a nice bit of adrenaline rush out of it however so that was pretty nice.

Then he was pulled into a hug and a pat on the back from the guy. The superhero's cheeks quickly flashed with pink, Pokenger never really got this kind of attention from people. "Y'know I probably could. Especially a cute one like yerself bud. First let's get outta here then we can talk shop." With that he led the charge for them to get out of this place before people started noticing.

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POSTED ON May 13, 2019 3:41:54 GMT




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