
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gabe
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2022 17:49:05 GMT







[attr="class","leaguecardname"]King Wayland

































king wayland is a twenty-eight year old LEAGUE TURNCOAT, who was BETRAYED by those closest to him, and now he's on a WARPATH.

there is nothing more king loves to do than drink, except maybe fighting, which he does in equal measure. he will fight anyone, or anything, whether it be with his pokemon, or his own fists.
due to happening in his past, he aims to kill one of the current elite four (matias silph), even if it means the end of him.
active plot points: exploring a moment of peace, revenge, hatred, fighting arcs, fighting tournaments, anger, barfights, drinking



being king's friend means you need thick skin — really thick skin. he's an asshole in nearly every encounter, and will tell you like it is. however, he does respect someone that can go tit for tat, whether that be verbally, or physically.
due to betrayals by friends in his past, this is a sensative subject for him, and will take a while to earn his full loyalty. and even then, there will always be a lingering doubt.
LF: friends, rocket/league acquaintances, kanto-war vets, friendly spar partners.



king loved a woman once, and she faked her death to get away from him. he's closed off, and is difficult to open up again.

this is CLOSED.

rivals and enemies are PREFERRED. his actions in kanto, and betraying the league (or simply getting payback, however you wish to see it), has gained him a lot of notoriety and hatred from those present. he's ashamed, partly, by his actions, but does not regret them.
rivals are anyone who can keep up with him in drinking, or a fight. both would be great to explore, and king truly lets himself relax in the ring.[break][break]
LF: consistent rivals / enemies, minor story strings exploring certain themes, avatars/high-infamy tests of strength against, fighting ring threads, training others, etc.



[attr="class","leaguecardlilname"]King Wayland

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he / him
december fourth
slateport city
191 height
191 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
717 posts
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TAG WITH @gabe
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2022 17:49:16 GMT
player OOC name: Greyson[break][break]
character tag: [break][break]
four IC posts:[break][break]

summarize two plot points that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • councilman, ceo, & father[break][break]

    [break]since ascending to councilman, gabriel has sat back and absorbed the processes, and information, of his role. this is doubly more important after the events of the Sea!Hoenn raid, where gabriel loses an arm. he realizes that he's no longer the head honcho, and needs to adjust accordingly. this has spurred on his EVOLUTION plot-line, as well as given him a number of pathways stemming to a number of high-profile characters, league and rocket alike.
    a number of threads happen specifically as a DIRECT RESULT of the AA2 RAID.
    in TARNISHED PRIDE we see elite four member @/kazimir visiting gabriel in his hospital room, impressed by the way he handled himself. the thread is still on-going, but is one the few rare threads where gabriel is 'vulnerable'.
    on the other hand, in CURTAIL, gabriel is once again visited, but this time by @/silph. here, fernando gives gabriel a warning on the nature of avatars, and the sacrifice they must make. he takes this lesson to heart, committing himself never to accept to become a herald of any creature.
    staged after the events of the hospital, and just beginning his journey back to work, ROCKS AND GLASS HOUSES has gabriel meeting the council's newest assistant, @/iseult. she comes upon his office during an episode, with gabriel nearly on the edge of a panic attack.
    after much contemplation on the nature of avatars, and his own place in this realm, he finds himself caught in a ILL TIMED space-time rift with @/lulu. they conversate, for a small time, before he begins to question her connection to darkrai.

    [break]now comfortable and settled into his role as a 'councilman', gabriel begins to enact the duties of his office. this ranges from overseeing specific league canons, and pushing their plots, to assisting non-canons in their specific goals. all of these, while beneficial to the league as a whole, are designed to increase his own influence with each specific member. of course, this isn't something he just goes around telling people though, is it?

    in EYE FOR DETAILS, gabriel visits @/illeana's lab, and begins to ask questions about the nature of her work. having recently been placed 'in charge' of the league's scientists, he takes this role seriously. these questions naturally include the space-time distortions, the creation trio (a personal project of @/illeana's), and even the events of TOLERATE IT where she creates an unauthorized breech in-between dimensions. he expresses that she should trust him, and that he will shield her from those whose reach is far too long.
    after learning about @/dreva's attacks ( & @/bryan), gabriel calls both the professor and @/penelope to his office. here he asks @/dreva to relay her experience for the reporter, so that she may run a report that paints rocket in a more negative light, than he feels they've been getting recently. this meeting evolves when they get more in-depth into this figure known as the 'Wolf' (@/bryan), and their combined experiences + @/matias's with him. thus, gabriel tasks the duo to do all they can to find out information on this figure.
    in a DIRECT FOLLOW-ON to this this thread, POWER STRUGGLE goes into detail of @/penelope and @/cian's encounter with the deer-god XENEREAS and its herald, @/bryan. he reviews the report, and the two discuss at length their views on it, and the way forward.
    in RECONVENE, former council woman @/freya comes to gabriel's office, and they discuss the revelation of gabriel's place in this world, at least, compared to godly heralds. but, she's come to him with a purpose, and it's about a certain emerald scaled god-serpent.
    a number of other sub-plots with other league members are in the works as well, with a great number of 'relationship' building threads, as well as 'talent recognizing' threads. while there are bigger plans in place for many of these, i am not yet ready to reveal it (AA3 maybe?) and i'll list these BENEATH the spoiler.
    [break]in the thread THUNDERCLAP, gabriel invites rising star @/boruta to a training session against one the league's powerful mythic pokemon. designed to assess the ranger's abilities, gabriel keeps the true reason a secret.
    gabriel reaches out to the son of a family friend, who'd recently passed, in ROCK BOTTOM. he gives @/fenris a harsh lesson in life, and takes him under his wing. no doubt a grueling, hellish process, it will shape the boy into a man.
    in a number of threads, to include SUNNY DAY, BANK ROBBERY, and ANCIENT, gabriel and @/matiasmake a deadly duo.
    in PLACING A BET, gabriel has a unique conversation with a noble from kalos, one @/elisabeth this spawns the P.I FILE: ELISABETH, where gabriel's paranoia and constant need to be ahead of the curve, shines through. also, it's an incredibly insightful piece into a character that makes the worldbuilding all the more fun.


    [break]a huge part of gabriel's character is his family. while not a dotting, or really even a present father, since inheriting the company from his own, his desire to put (and keep) them at the top, is one of his primary motivations.
    BELOW the spoiler is a couple of threads with his children!
    [break]in ARMLESS, the volatile relationship between gabriel and his heir continue. in the wake up AA2, and the profound lesson imparted onto him, gabriel announces to his oldest he will have no heir. no one will have the company. no one deserves it. finally, his son starts to get some spine.
    a late night surprise by @/jessica, A CHILD OF MINE, leads to the news of her fiancés death, and the concrete fact that he has a grandchild. even now, gabe keeps her at arms length, but soothes the child while he tells her to deal with her more pressing issues.
    gabriel attempts to impart a life lesson onto his son, @/adrial, as OLD WAYS come to a head.

    [break]despite still being a councilman, he's a also a chief executive officer (ceo) of his own company. deals much still be negotiated, connections made.
    as @/skyler and @/angelo begin to bring their company NAUTICA to life, there are a number of transactions (read: threads/business dealings) between the two of them, and gabriel, as he's brought into the fold as a business partner!
    in SHIPPING, gabriel visits the pharmacutical company that his friend created, but is now headed by his son, @/jayden. he gets a tour, and they discuss business opportunities. a meal ensues.
    the first of THREE threads with @/nikita, VENEER showcases their interactions as gabriel finds a suitable arm. as things progress, the intention is to get a more better defined business relationship, but that depends on his EVOLUTION plotline...[break][break]
  • EVOLUTION[break][break]

    this project is a recent addition, spawned from the events of AA2, ILL TIMED with @/lulu, and CURTAIL with @/silph, to name a few.
    this is a more secretive project, with only one IC person having been told of it. this character, @/theo, was informed in COLLECTION, and is currently listed as 'in-progress'. however, this plot will continue through this event, and the next (and more, if needed), until he achieves his goal.




[newclass=".gabe2"] --accent:#b75d5d; [/newclass]

[newclass=".gabe2"]margin:0 auto;width:470px;line-height:15px;margin-top:-20px;margin-bottom:50px; font-size:12px;letter-spacing:0.5px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".gabe2 blockquote b"] color:var(--accent); font:bold 12px 'Poppins'; } .gabe2 blockquote i { color:var(--accent); } .gabe2 blockquote u { letter-spacing:1px; text-decoration:none; border-bottom:1px dotted; [/newclass]
[newclass=".gabe2 .wizzcredit"]float:right;margin-top:25px;margin-right:-40px;height:12px;width:12px;border-radius:5px;font-size:8px;line-height:12px;padding:1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".gabe2 .notes"] margin:25px 30px -15px 30px; text-align:center; padding-top:10px; border-top:1px solid #222; font:11px 'Poppins'; text-transform:uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=".gabe .notes"] margin:25px 30px -15px 30px; text-align:center; padding-top:10px; border-top:1px solid #222; font:11px 'Poppins'; text-transform:uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=".gabe11 img"] border-radius: 3px; width: 400px; border: 1px solid #232323; background: #2b2b2b; padding: 9px; [/newclass]
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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 22:21:43 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
player OOC name: Greyson[break][break]
character tag: [break][break]
four IC posts:[break][break]

summarize two plot points that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • settling into his role[break][break]






[newclass=".gabe2"] --accent:#b75d5d; [/newclass]

[newclass=".gabe2"]margin:0 auto;width:470px;line-height:15px;margin-top:-20px;margin-bottom:50px; font-size:12px;letter-spacing:0.5px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".gabe2 blockquote b"] color:var(--accent); font:bold 12px 'Poppins'; } .gabe2 blockquote i { color:var(--accent); } .gabe2 blockquote u { letter-spacing:1px; text-decoration:none; border-bottom:1px dotted; [/newclass]
[newclass=".gabe2 .wizzcredit"]float:right;margin-top:25px;margin-right:-40px;height:12px;width:12px;border-radius:5px;font-size:8px;line-height:12px;padding:1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".gabe2 .notes"] margin:25px 30px -15px 30px; text-align:center; padding-top:10px; border-top:1px solid #222; font:11px 'Poppins'; text-transform:uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=".gabe .notes"] margin:25px 30px -15px 30px; text-align:center; padding-top:10px; border-top:1px solid #222; font:11px 'Poppins'; text-transform:uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=".gabe11 img"] border-radius: 3px; width: 400px; border: 1px solid #232323; background: #2b2b2b; padding: 9px; [/newclass]
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played by


Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,130 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 22:21:54 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
player OOC name: Greyson[break][break]
character tag: [break][break]
four IC posts:[break][break]

summarize two plot points that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • settling into his role[break][break]

    [break]the first and most pressing thing i want to point out, is my huge focus on greyson's SELF-IMPROVEMENT. in this list HERE, you can see that greyson has made it a goal to slowly start integrating all of his growing team. to accomplish this, he's taking them out 1-by-1 and running them through a series of gauntlet-like testing (as seen HERE and HERE) or simply seeing how they handle under pressure (as seen HERE and HEREto name a few.).
    these threads are solo-focused, but provide a detailed background to his actions, and choices, in even larger, more important threads (DOTDD, Cyberchase, etc.)
    while this is largely a personal thing, i want to show greyson making steady progress with his pokemon, to create a sort-of track record of 'competency'. he has big goals of achieving not only elite four membership, but one-day going through the victory road gauntlet, and facing down the champion @/kyle.
    to this end, i've also been tracking his many gym-battles (seen HERE) in both the MINOR LEAGUE and the GYM LEAGUE. i view these battles as a BENCHMARK for his current progress, and have not been afraid to explore LOSING a time or TWO. these losses have grown greyson more, arguably, than even his victories.
    in DARKEST DAY greyson experiences the death of his pokemon for the first time, and the anger, and grief, and pain that comes with it. this is explored further in a THREADwith @/annalise where, post-DOTDD, he's battered and grieving, but still tries to help someone he cares about. as the event winds down, and time goes on, i will explore more of this change in him as he goes through the stages of grief and how he transforms that to be a more prepared trainer.
    to me, having a clear and defined (for the most part), progression from greyson when he joined hoenn last may, to the competent officer he is today, is a huge defining, continuous arc of his character.


    [break]greyson has a lot of challenges going on currently, with some finishing up in the next few weeks. see the entire list HERE.
    ever since his first raid (the GROUDON raid), and the subsequent BRUISES AND SOOT THREAD greyson had with ruby walker, greyson has worked on devising a way to assist the league in disaster response and recovery. his idea culminates into a SIEGE THEMED gym that utilizes a whole team of zoroark's to prepare convincing, almost real illusions, as well as a vast amount of props, staging, and actors.
    so far he has seen elite four members, aspiring champions to be, avatars, and more attempt to take him gym challenge. it's designed to both test a trainer's ability to prioritize their response in a scenario like this, but also to gauge how they approach themes such as LOSS, OVERWHELMING POWER, and FEAR.
    this challenge is also designed to be a sort of 'certification' test in trust and competency for real cataclysmic events (read: raids, events, etc.) the goal is to allow players to use this challenge as a means to grow their character in the face of these disasters, and better prepare themselves for it. an example of this is the trust greyson has in @/pokejun to stand side-by-side with him, in the event of a disaster, as he's seen the trainers skills in action and trusts him wholeheartedly.
    to spread awareness about his gym (and about the gym-leader himself) he's been able to do a couple of (uncomfortable) interviews. the FIRST was with @/penelope, given in a more formal setting about both himself, and the gym, set in his hometown of oldale town. this allowed him to explore the official 'public' facing portion side of being a gym-leader.
    the SECOND was with @/annalise, given in a more informal (tiktok) style, he's once again forced to put on a 'show' for the public, but this time he's able to give a more in-depth example of how his gym operates. these were of particular note because it's forcing greyson to step-outside his comfort zone, especially as he transitions from a nameless officer to a face of the league.
    in-truth, i struggled to get my bearings when i started these challenges. i made them overtly complicated, and relied too heavily on the idea that it was a "1 on 1 DND experience". this has made my challenges longer than i would've liked them to be, since i do not want the drive / motivation to putter out and for the thread to be a slog. i've since low-key revamped it to shorten the challenges from (3) to (2), and add a more player-choice based rolling system, that i think is working out well so far (pending reviews.)


    one of my more favorite things to explore, with greyson growing in strength, and experience, he's been able to pass these on-to others. a big-part of who i want greyson to be as a trainer, is one who up-lifts those around him, elevating them to better positions alongside him.
    see below the spoiler for a much more in-depth look at some highlighted threads of mentorship, as well as conflict with team rocket.
    in this THREAD with @/annalise, greyson expands upon his word from a previous thread, promising to help annalise become a better trainer. in this thread (that is still underway), we see greyson utilizing his most well-known offensive pokemon, who he has trained with in previous solo threads, to elevate annalise's knowledge and skills.
    on the other end of the spectrum, on a more professional note, greyson and @/willow dive into the lower reaches of a primal infused HIVE as they investigate a threat to their local little farm. this is a direct build off of this THREAD, and even more in-direct branching off from this THREAD. understanding willow's desire to get stronger, greyson takes her safety onto his shoulders, and tosses her into the preverbal pool head first.
    during a mission to stop an INCURSION from S!Hoenn to our realm, greyson fights side-by-side with @/bugcatcherdoug. past threads and apologies are brought to bear, namely greyson's outburst from post-groudon raid group DINNER, as well as greyson's FIRST gym-challenge ever, which happened to be doug's gym. greyson hasn't had many chances to interact with doug, and i felt that bringing these two connections together, especially over a long period of 'ic' time, was a good way to define a new arc in their working relationship.
    in CRACKS, greyson comes upon a young @/eris, who relays to him the DARKEST DAY PROHPECY. greyson, seeing the heavy burden on this child's shoulders, contemplates this strange and ominous riddle while ensuring she's well taken care of. greyson is a bleeding heart for children, and being able to interact with eris like this is both a mixture of site-plot related elements, but also slice of life, both of which i love.
    a MISSION with @/callie goes deeper into their comraderies and allows them to work together and deal with a threat to his hometown. you can that their dynamic works well, with callie relying on greyson as an officer, but in-part greyson also trusts that she will be able to handle her own. me and milky are (also) looking to push this into a mini-plot line, to help flesh out some finer details.
    a more recent change between greyson and fellow league character @/illeana in TOLERATE IT, her push in search of the CREATION TRIO comes to a head, almost beginning another incursion into their dimension. he's forced to weigh his options between friendship, and duty, and overall makes the choice that hurts to do. i particularly enjoyed how quickly this thread turned, and how well it turned out.
    in TIERED TEA ROOM, he got to work alongside elite four member @/matias, professor @/dreva, and @/boruta, a man whose battle talents greatly impress him. going through these challenges and deciphering their clues, all the while working along-side of the leagues best, allowed greyson not only to network, but test his own competency next to fellow men and women he respects.
    as greyson grows in notoriety and strength, i've been more eager to explore faction conflict with him. greyson comes upon a suspicious person stealing some of the rare, mutated flowers in this DIAMOND EARTH THREAD. his singular focus on catching him allows @/jayden (who's in disguise) to burn the rest of the field, and still get away. me and milky are currently exploring a miniature storyline revolving these two coming into more conflicts in the near future, setting up a rivalry of sorts.
    another bout of conflict comes with greyson DISCOVERS a seedy figure (@/lex) under the cover of night, and chases after her. this will mark a good interaction between gym-leader and rocket beast, allowing the two to test their abilities against one another.

  • search for the heroes of legend[break][break]
    when greyson was a child, he came upon a small shrine dedicated to an unnamed pokemon(s). he became enamored with the effigy, keeping it well-maintained over the years. during an interview with @/penelope (mentioned above), they come across the shrine during their tour, and greyson shares a piece of his past with the reporter. since then, the two have found themselves in search of these strange shrines, even coming across ONE during a particularly awkward moment of their friendship.
    with the appearance of the two in CYBERCHASE, greyson's attention is even more peaked at these strange creatures.
    this is a continuous, and on-going plot, with more dedication as the creatures make their appearance(?) on hoenn! for now, it's mostly just fluff and vibes, and the assistance and putting up with me from @/penelope has been great. i look forward to exploring this more with her (and anyone else curious!) in the future!

i really wish i had the time to write out a blurb for every thread i've done since my last activity check, but, shiv would probably choke me out in the denny's parking lot.[break][break]with that said, i really enjoyed reading everyone else's posts, and an opportunity to lay it all out like this for everyone to see is really refreshing.[break][break]i really look forward to threading with more and more people, and exploring the dozens of dynamic plot-lines we're meshing together in this great hoenn spiderweb. if anything i've listed up here interests you, feel free to reach out to me at anytime!
lastly, writing this really made me realize my tracker needs to be better planned out, sheesh.



[newclass=".greyson"] --accent:#7c98b2; [/newclass]

[newclass=".greyson"]margin:0 auto;width:470px;line-height:15px;margin-top:-20px;margin-bottom:50px; font-size:12px;letter-spacing:0.5px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".greyson blockquote b"] color:var(--accent); font:bold 12px 'Poppins'; } .greyson blockquote i { color:var(--accent); } .greyson blockquote u { letter-spacing:1px; text-decoration:none; border-bottom:1px dotted; [/newclass]
[newclass=".greyson .wizzcredit"]float:right;margin-top:25px;margin-right:-40px;height:12px;width:12px;border-radius:5px;font-size:8px;line-height:12px;padding:1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".greyson .notes"] margin:25px 30px -15px 30px; text-align:center; padding-top:10px; border-top:1px solid #222; font:11px 'Poppins'; text-transform:uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=".greyson .notes"] margin:25px 30px -15px 30px; text-align:center; padding-top:10px; border-top:1px solid #222; font:11px 'Poppins'; text-transform:uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=".greyson11 img"] border-radius: 3px; width: 400px; border: 1px solid #232323; background: #2b2b2b; padding: 9px; [/newclass]
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played by


Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON May 28, 2023 16:47:31 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar

the BLIZZARD made yen nearly impossible to see, wrapped in the SNOWCLOAK as she was, but the steady trail of footprints to his side told him she was close.
arm stretched out to block the biting wind, he pushes forward through the tundra's never ending expanse of ice. nearby a herd of abomasnow stop to regard the strangers into their lands. sensing no hostility from the group, greyson gives them a stern nod but continues their way forward.
he only relaxes his free hand when they're out-of-sight.






[newclass=.char-wrap] margin: 0 auto; width: 420px; background-color: #272727; box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #333333,-2px 2px 0px #333333,2px -2px 0px #333333,-2px -2px 0px #333333; border: solid 1px #232323; border-radius:3px; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.char-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: uppercase; color: #d4a53c; [/newclass]
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played by


Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,130 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2023 17:31:39 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
rules and guidelines:[break][break]
Teams of 6-pokemon accomplished through a 2v2 format. Battle will conclude when all six Pokémon are defeated, or a surrender is declared. At anytime Greyson may call the match to an end, if he is satisfied that the Challenger is accomplished enough to continue.

"Stats" will not be used in this battle. This covers, but is not limited to, priority, increased/decreased percentages, tracking HP/PP, etc. Moves that effect these statistics (e.g. Calm Mind, Agility, Defense Curl) are encouraged, but their boost is limited to their current action. (e.g. Lopunny uses Agility to cross the field quickly, but the speed boost dies off once she's' there.)[break][break]

No standard items allowed other than items such as Mega, Tera, etc. Dynamax is not currently allowed but could change.[break][break]

(3) 'actions' across both Pokémon. Only (1) can be used to "dodge" and this shares a cooldown with typical protection moves (e.g. Protect, Wide-Guard, Detect, etc.) Turn-based attacks (e.g. Hyperbeam, Rage, etc.) are still required to meet the charge/cooldown ratio. However, if an Action can be taken to accomplish multiple things at once, it is allowed so long as it's not abused. The emphasis of this battle is a give-and-take, not a slog. (e.g. Delphox uses Psychic to lift a Boulder from the earth. She uses that to scatter the incoming Water-gun as it's tossed as an attack towards the enemy.)[break][break]

There are no 'banned' abilities or moves, but the narrative will be drafted in a way that certain abilities (e.g. self-destruct, explosion, etc.) are not as devastating to the world around them.[break][break]

You must declare your team and their moveset before the official start of the match.[break][break]

You may swap a Pokémon out for another at anytime. This will consume (1) action, and the on-coming Pokémon cannot execute more than (1) action on their summoning. A Pokémon fainting, without using any moves, is not subject to this rule and any new Pokémon may use (2) actions.

elite four chamber:[break][break]
Trainers who venture through the entrance find their footsteps guided by a soft, welcoming crunch of gravel pathway that winds through the verdant sanctuary. Trees tower, casting dappled shadows while sunlight filters through their canopy. The air is infused with the sweet fragrance of nectar and blooming flowers, a soothing accompaniment to the gentle buzz of Combee tending to their hives.
The walls of this chamber are a mix of natural stone and interwoven branches, and upon them they house integrated bee-hives. These hives, designed by the brilliant and camouflaged within the garden's aesthetic, pay homage bee and its evolution, Vespiquen. The buzzing life within the walls adds a vibrant pulse to the atmosphere, making it feel as though the garden itself is alive and buzzing with energy.
A variety of Pokémon, both flying and ground-dwelling, coexist in this garden paradise. Comfey flits from flower to flower, spreading a sense of calm and healing with their aromatherapy. Occasionally, Vespiquen can be seen overseeing their subjects, radiating a sense of absolute authority.
At the center is a small field of grass, meticulously kept and overlaid with the traditional battlefield markings. Small Pokemon gather around to watch those that stand on opposite ends, curious and eager. Here, you will face Greyson to determine if you're worthy of the title Champion.



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March Twenty-First
Vermillion City
League Turncoat
Should I bite my tongue, until blood soaks my shirt?
1,397 posts
part of
TAG WITH @king
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2024 16:19:33 GMT


King's chuckle is nearly as dry as the whiskey on his lips.

"Good ta see yer ego hasn't changed much. So caught up in yer own bullshit ye don't even notice the smell."

His thumb traces the glass up and down, breath coming steady and controlled. At Matias's next comment, his tongue traces the pointed end of his canines.

"A decade later 'n ye still don't know yer enemy — why am I surprised?" He shrugs it off, even as he places the glass in the deep sink nearby. "Hidin' though? Don't look it ta me. S'pose it's my fault ye Silph types only go ta the top dollar places, eh?"

Though, rumor had it a certain @/silph had visited this place himself. He'd look into it after.. this.

"How's the side ye treatin' ye?"



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played by


Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,130 posts
part of
TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2024 20:23:32 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar




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played by


Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,130 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 21:50:54 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar


Greyson Connors is a member of the ELITE FOUIR.

His age, height, sexual orientation as listed in his side-profile.

Owns a SYGNA SUIT that is bonded to the DELPHOX & Comfey lines.

Was the former Gym Leader of Fallabor Town, specialty being large battlefield warfare, otherwise known as the SIEGE THEME.

Co-Owner of a business that sells HONEY alongside . The company's name is ROYAL AMBROSIA.


Greyson and Willow produce the MAX HONEY for the League. (Dahlia, Council, Elite-Four)

Greyson, through the use of a Delphox's PSYCHIC and the computer like abilities of a PORYGON has compiled a DATABASE OF COMBAT MEMORIES. This acts like a simulation to practice battling against the memories of ones enemies. (Dahlia, Council, Elite Four)

Owns a SYGNA SUIT that is bonded to the DELPHOX & Comfey lines.

Was the former Gym Leader of Fallabor Town, specialty being large battlefield warfare, otherwise known as the SIEGE THEME.

Co-Owner of a business that sells HONEY alongside . The company's name is ROYAL AMBROSIA.


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played by


Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,130 posts
part of
TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2024 2:19:10 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar







[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] POKÉ BALL 49

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] PREMIER BALL 00

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] HEAVY BALL (HISUIAN) 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] SAFARI

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] PREMIUM SAFARI TICKET 00

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] WARDEN SAFARI TICKET 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] GACHAPON TICKET 02

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] PREMIUM GACHAPON TICKET 00

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] INCENSE 16




[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] FREE EVOLUTION 07

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] TYPE 1 EVOLUTION 02

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] TYPE 2 EVOLUTION 07

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] TYPE 3 EVOLUTION 04

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[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] DEVOLUTION STONE 04

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] MEGA STONE 02

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] MEGA ACCESSORY 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] MEGA EXTENDER 02

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] CHARIZARDITE Y 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] EEVITE 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] HOUNDOOMINITE 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] MELMETALITE 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] GRACIDEA FLOWER 01




[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] LEVEL TUTOR 26

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] TM/TR 13

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] MOVE TUTOR 14

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] EGG TUTOR 21

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] ABILITY CAPSULE 12

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] FORM CHANGE 07

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] TERA ORB 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] TERA SHARD (ANY) 07

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] POISON TERA SHARD 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] DYNAMAX BAND 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] Z-CRYSTAL 08

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] SILVALLY MEMORY 15

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] ANY MOVE 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] FIRE MOVE 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] WATER MOVE 02

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] ELECTRIC MOVE 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] SLEEP MOVE 02

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] TM103 (SUBSTITUTE) 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] TM022 (CHILLING WATER) 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] TM212 (TRIPLE AXEL) 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] TM052 (SNOWSCAPE) 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] TM124 (ICE SPINNER) 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] TM135 (ICE BEAM) 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] ROOT OF PUGNUS 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] POWDER OF PRUINA 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] POWDER OF FERRUM 02

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] FLASK OF INFATUATION 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] FLASK OF FACADES 02

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] FLASK OF LUCK 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] DRAUGHT OF PROPOGATION 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] DRAUGHT OF DOWNPOURS 01



[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] SQUIRTLE PAIL 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] HONEY 02

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] GREPA BERRY 00

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] TAMATO BERRY 01

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] MICLE BERRY 06

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] MAGO BERRY 00

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] CUSTAP BERRY 14

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] KEBIA BERRY 00

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] COLBUR BERRY 03

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] SALAC BERRY 44

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] STARF BERRY 09

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] ROWAP BERRY 02

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] PASSHO BERRY 03

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] KASIB BERRY 04

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] FIGY BERRY 05

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] OCCA BERRY 02




[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] SPARKLING DUST 08

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] RAINBOW SHARD 40

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] MEGA SHARD 09

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] SHINY SWAP 02

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] CUSTOM POKÉMON TICKET 06

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] TATTERED MANUAL 06

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] POKÉMON EGG 02

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] RED SHARD 06

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] BLUE SHARD 07

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] GREEN SHARD 04

[attr="class","pcruinsitem"] YELLOW SHARD 04


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played by


Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,130 posts
part of
TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2024 2:21:21 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar


































































































































































































































































































































































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played by


Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 22:52:28 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
[attr="class","postruinstxt"]Was it ignorance, idiocy, or narcissism that led Matias to stand in-front of Greyson and critique his actions?

Incredulously, he can only stare at the Avatar before he laughs. It's broken, slow-to-start, and genuine. "You—" the words die in his throat, as action surges him forward. Carrying not a bit of the typical hate for Matias, Greyson swings.

"—fucking idiot!"



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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,130 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2024 0:18:34 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar

"Good. That tenacity will serve you well.

Greyson nods, accepting Mint's condition. He releases two Pokémon of his own: Rillaboom and a Poliwrath. These two were some of his oldest companions.

Not one to believe in type advantages, at least in his challenge, Greyson shifts the two until they align against their polar opposite.

"Of course." He lays a hand out reflexively in-frontof him in casual acceptance.

Whether or not the Challenger was ready, Greyson's Pokémon move at his sharp whisle.

Rillaboom BEATS HIS DRUM, sound waves echoing theough the chamber. Each of Mint's Pokémon caught in the soundwaves would feel more SLUGGISH coming out of the gate

The Poliwraths footfall is quiet comparatively but the same cant be said of its BELLY DRUM. It acts alongside in tempo, empowering him, even as he rushes the Mushroom creature.

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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,130 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON May 13, 2024 23:30:50 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar


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the robbed that smiles



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played by


Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,130 posts
part of
TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON May 22, 2024 0:51:29 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar




  • player/ooc name: Snubis Von Lubis Rose Silph
  • character tags:

4 ic posts for canon characters:

summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • 1. EMOTIONAL DAMAGE[break][break]
    Greyson has been through a lot over the years. He's held it together because he's needed too—for his loved ones, for his own sanity, for the people he represents. However, slowly but surely, cracks begin to spread in that foundation until finally, things start to break.
    At the end of Post Dormitorium the woman he loves is kidnapped, someone he considered a trusted friend turns on him, and he begins to see the League in a new light when they refuse to mobilize to help her. This leads to continued conflicts with many of League's well-respected and highly-valued assets, but more than that, begins to morph Greyson slowly into something akin to an Anti-Team Rocket zealot, with lasting enough effects on his views towards certain League ideals, and especially, the Amnesty Program.
    My goal with this plot is to explore Greyson's more complex emotions, as I've felt there are certain aspects of his personality that have been too rigid in this constantly evolving site-plot. A huge portion of his character is the fact that, no matter what happens, he keeps to certain morals and ideologies. But as conflict with Team Rocket, and even the League, continues to push him closer to that metaphorical edge, he has to wrestle with how far he's willing to go in this ever-evolving conflicts. The shift from small-town boy, to a war-scarred veteran touches slightly on the Monomyth—at the very least when attempting to explore a man who once idolized the role he currently serves in, and is now coming to the harsh reality that he necessarily isn't a 'hero', and that the 'right thing' isn't as simple as he always expected.

    To this end I've attempted to explore a number of small, but consistent personality shifts, to include:

    anger, fear, anxiety, panic, pain, loss, and resignation.

    Along with these themes, I tried to ask myself a number of questions that, through my writing, I'd hope to answer. These aren't all-inclusive, but are things that have molded his character in these past couple of months:

    How should he, a member of the Elite Four, react to those in a League sanctioned program that's meant to reform the worst of society? [break]
    How does the common man/woman view someone like Greyson and his rather antagonistic views? [break]
    How does his Panic Attacks manifest?[break]
    How can he rationalize fulfilling his role while suffering from panic attacks?[break]
    How does Greyson handle nearly killing someone in cold-blood?


    Overall there's still a lot left to explore and not even I know where Greyson will end up when all is said and done and look forward to seeing how the upcoming plot(s) will effect him going forward!
    SIDE NOTE: I also really wanted to try to visualize how this plot has played out. To that end, I've created something of a web diagram. If you're interested, please take a look HERE.

    relevant threads[break]
    A HOUSE IN NEBRASKA ft. @/Annalise[break]
    DISCOMFIT ft. @/Zev[break]
    ICARIAN ft. @/Annalise[break]
    EXCURSION: FREYA & GREYSON ft. @/Freya[break]
    CHILDREN OF MEN ft. @/Freya[break]
    A WOUNDED ANIMAL ft. @/Cian[break]
    CONSIDERATIONS (ONGOING) ft. @/Penelope[break]
    ECHOES OF THE KING ft. @/Caleb[break]
    EXCURSION: CONFRONTATION ft. @/Caleb, @/Lulu, @/Barnaby[break]
    CONTOURS OF THE HEART ft. @/Caleb[break]
    STRONGARM (ONGOING) ft. @/Ollie[break]
    PP: GREYSON & NOMI ft. @/Nomi[break]
    TWO CENTS (ONGOING) ft. @/Theo[break]
    RESCUE ft. @/Jayden[break]

  • 2. A PILLAR WITH CRACKS[break]
    As a member of the Elite Four, Greyson is expected to be a pillar of the League. Yet, as spoken about in EMOTIONAL DAMAGE above, he finds himself fraying at the edges. Constant defeat and humiliation, as well as an inability to reign his own self-control in, is all feeding the growing imposer syndrome.
    But, even as he struggles to come to terms with himself, he still must strive to be a beacon for all those that may—or may not—look up to him.
    Even as his relationship with @/Matias fluctuates from near-deadly encounters to begrudging alliances, Greyson finds solace in real friends like @/Lou, @/Melody, @/Aaron, @/Lance, and many others.
    To that end he seeks to push those for a great purpose—as seen with his encounters with @/Lou who he believes embodies the kind-of bravery and selflessness that the League looks for. His level head and soft-heart, on top of his merits, are what push Greyson to encourage Lam one day soon join the A.Q.U.A. Initiative.
    He also speaks to @/Melody about taking on the task of looking for Giratina, an old ally of the League's, asking for her help in finding a suitable candidate or set up a mutually beneficial arrangement similar to Jirachi or Diancie.
    Or when he tries to offer an outlet of aggression for a grief filled @/Noah; guides an uncertain @/himari in taming a Mythical Paradox; spread the word about the glory of Comfey alongside a humble @/gwyar; offer his advice to @/joshdevlin's new Ashen Raikou; racing (and cheating) against @/nabi; and push not only for his own advancement, but the future (and current) Champion's of the region such as: @/joshdevlin, @/freya, @/Aaron, @/Mint.
    But Greyson is not without his doubts or fallacies of his own.
    Greyson questions the likes of @/Stone to gauge his take on @/Matias's melt down and @/Kyle's death. He nurtures the seeds of doubt at the direction of the League and the Amnesty Program @/Dahlia pushes for, alongside an apathetic @/penelope. He takes beating after beating, only to stand back up a little slower reach time, wondering if all of this is worth it—if he was destined to be a punching bag for the powerful for the rest of his life.
    His time in that prison, as well as his past experiences at death's door against the likes of @/matias, @/jayden, and @/zev will undoubtedly change him and how he approaches fights against powerful Avatars. Despite trying to maintain the composure that he has everything together it looks more and more likely that mask will slip—pray tell what consequences come from that.

    relevant threads[break]
    TORTURED BATTLERS DEPARTMENT (ongoing) ft. @/Aaron[break]
    E4 Interview ft. @/Aaron[break]
    E4: Challenger Accepted ft. @/cian[break]
    E4: Challenger Accepted ft. @/freya[break]
    E4: Challenger Accepted ft. @/mint[break]
    E4: Challenger Accepted ft. @/JoshDevlin[break]
    CULL THE HORDE ft. @/lou[break]
    ANCILLARY ft. @/lou[break]
    HOPE / ˈHOƱP / VERB (ongoing) ft. @/Noah[break]
    VICTORY LAP ft. @/joshdevlin[break]
    LEAGUE AND LEARN ft. @/gwyar[break]
    E4: Challenge Requested ft. @/melody[break]
    E4: Challenge Requested ft. @/Matias[break]
    FALLEN ft. @/Stone[break]
    TWISTING BRANCHES (ongoing) ft. @/Cian[break]
    THE WORLD OUTSIDE ft. @/Matias[break]
    THE SEARCH ft. @/yuinahigashi[break]

  • any notes/comments: I'm not good at things like these, but the past few months have been a blast to write-out and explore so much narrative tension across so many interweaving stories. I know things will only get crazier from here on out and I look forward to all the shenanigans that follow!

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it's a long life full of long nights