We Gotta Power! [S]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Liberator
April 10
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Figuring it Out
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
We Gotta Power! [S]
POSTED ON Mar 17, 2023 2:45:14 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Another day, another Lockbox. Isaac was proving himself quite adept at scouting these old vaults out, and after the success of his past two missions it was only natural that command would come to him for a third.[break][break]

It was a lot less natural that he'd be all on his own. Typically, these endeavors were done by Rockets in groups of two, ensuring that no matter what they encountered inside of these old bunkers and storage units they'd always have a partner to bail them out of a jam. However, Isaac's partner for today had gotten sick, and that meant he'd be flying solo this go around.[break][break]

Ah well. New Mauville was an area he knew fairly well. Previous encounters with and had gotten him quite used to the wild Pokemon population, and he'd previously used an abandoned corner of it as the hiding place for his secret base. What was the harm in a little bit of solo adventuring in familiar turf?[break][break]

It helped that the place was absolutely loaded to the gills in tech. Whoever built their bunker in the deepest reaches of New Mauville must've had some sort of an in at the power plant, because there were all sorts of computers, power sources, and even blueprints tucked away down here. This information could all prove quite useful to Team Rocket, but Isaac's orders were clear. Survey first, salvage second.[break][break]

After all, if he were to let his wandering eye distract him from his surveying, it was quite likely that he'd be caught off guard. These bunkers were never quite what they seemed, and they were always a touch less secure and a touch more populated than their original owners intended . . .


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Colton Boothroyd
We Gotta Power! [S]
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2023 4:42:37 GMT
Colton Boothroyd Avatar
If there was anywhere that Colton genuinely enjoyed exploring, it had to be New Mauville. The complex, despite teeming with wild Pokémon, was equally bursting at the seams with old tech in the older parts. Every time he ventured into the depths, he always came out with some interesting bit or bob that he could tinker with back in his lab or, if he was really lucky, an entire blueprint to pour over. He often dreamed about what wonders lay within. The source code for Porygon Z's upgrade? An broken up appliance Rotom had an affinity for? The broken down remnants of someone attempting to create a heretofore unknown artificial Pokémon? That was what New Mauville represented to him. At least, so long as GMH didn't confiscate anything he found when he'd come back to the parts they had repaired, but usually flashing his HBIC I.D. made things work out.

However, things were different these days. Team Rocket were skulking about in just about every crevice Hoenn had and he would be naïve to think that his haven was safe from their presence. The place was a verifiable goldmine to anyone who knew what they were looking for and Colton had no doubt that Rocket had more than its fair share of salvagers and tech experts ready to comb the place over.

Still, he couldn't let that potential threat keep him from delving into the old power plant. There were some old vaults he'd managed to crack the codes on that he was excited to open up to see what lay within. It helped that it was also in an area where he had yet to see another soul grace, whether by chance or by it simply being too out of the way for GMH to send someone down to retrieve what may lay there.

Or, that's what he thought. At least until he saw a blond man in a leather jacket and a black mask scrounging around.

Colton froze, his eyes wide behind his glasses while one hand fumbled for the Pokéballs on his belt, his fingers struggling to wrap around the smooth surface as they grew slick with sweat. Perhaps it was wrong to assume the worst of the other man and there certainly were some rather unique individuals with very peculiar styles of dress in Hoenn, but there was still something deeply off putting about someone skulking about where most wouldn't venture.

"H-Hey! W-What are you doing back here?" Colton piped up, brandishing his Pokéball in the most threatening way he could manage. He was a Leaguer, after all, and if this guy was part of Team Rocket, then it was his duty to try and put a stop to whatever schemes he could be manifesting.

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
We Gotta Power! [S]
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2023 19:24:51 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]And there he was.[break][break]

Isaac had a feeling he wouldn't be here alone. If there was anything he knew about Operation Lockbox, it was that these abandoned locations were never quite as abandoned as they'd seemed. That was especially true with Oscar's efforts at rehabbing New Mauville; the old, abandoned corners of the power plant were becoming fewer and far between, so it was inevitable that treasure hunters would cross paths.[break][break]

Were they friend or foe? The brandished Pokeball suggested the latter. The stammered out thread suggested something else entirely.[break][break]

Eyeing him curiously, Isaac reached not for his Pokeball but for a nearby chair. "Oh, y'know. Doing a little bit of exploring," he said, popping into the chair and propping his feet up the closest piece of machinery at feet level. "Wandering around the forgotten corners of a power plant. Seeing the sights. Doing some salvage."[break][break]

Somewhat hidden behind his mask, he shot a teasing grin the nervous man's way. "You could say it's the same sorta thing you're here for."[break][break]

Casually, he tossed a Pokeball up and down in his hand. While he wasn't taking any offensive moves of his own, the combination of fear and resolve that the other man had on display was quite curious. Who was he? Why was he down here in the first place? What were his reasons for trying to challenge Isaac so directly?[break][break]

The ball was all in Colton's court to answer those questions.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST /


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april 15
mauville city
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Colton Boothroyd
We Gotta Power! [S]
POSTED ON Mar 27, 2023 2:40:34 GMT
Colton Boothroyd Avatar
Colton unconsciously took a step back as the other man casually sat down and propped his feet up. He watched the Pokéball in his hand go up and down for a moment, nervously taking another step back, before looking back at the masked man's face. Colton was stuck for a moment, unable to speak until he remembered the feeling of his own Pokéball in his hand. Arti's Pokéball. His grip tightened for a moment as resolve filled his chest. "W-what's with the get-up, then? Salvaging down here isn't illegal, except for certain areas..." he said, his body slowly starting to relax. "Y-you can't blame me for thinking...well, you know..."

It was a bit weird how...casual this guy was being about being pretty much accused of nefarious actions. So, while Colton's body relaxed, he was very much still on alert as he began to look around the area they were in. "So, what is it you're after down here? Everything I've pulled out of this section, GMH won't ever let me keep," Colton said. For a moment, his nervousness fell away, replaced by frustration. "So annoying...the things I could make with the stuff here..."

Colton kept himself from talking about the lockboxes in the area. Not many people knew they existed or had a reliable way in and he was still unsure just who he was talking with. He couldn't think of any normal person going so far out of their way to crack open old vaults for technology they probably had no use for beyond selling for scrap, but perhaps this guy was one such particular treasure hunter with the talent to break them open.

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
We Gotta Power! [S]
POSTED ON Mar 27, 2023 18:07:26 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]"Well, I missed Halloween, so I figured I might as well make up for lost time," Isaac teased. Something about being behind the safety of a mask made messing with people even more fun than usual.[break][break]

It was just a shame the mask no longer felt as safe as it used to.[break][break]

It was no wonder that, upon seeing him, even a worked up nerd raised his hackles immediately. The question of what Team Rocket would become after Sootopolis' takeover and their changing of the guard once raged through the Hoenn region. Now the answer was clear; attacks on peaceful towns, grave sites, and Hoenn's chances at surviving the end times. Meet the old boss, the same as the new boss.[break][break]

Isaac wished he'd known. Acts of gentleman thievery and masked vigilantism suited him far better than being a terrorist.[break][break]

Still, the conversation had ebbed down out of active hostility and into a cold tension. The guy was even willing to share a few of the details of what he was doing down here, and seemed quite flustered from the fact that he'd settled into a look but don't touch philosophy. It seemed like he was just chomping at the bit to get his hands on some of the tech down here.[break][break]

"Y'know? Can't say I'm too sure," Isaac admitted. "I've got a lot of talents, but circuits ain't one of 'em. Usually, I just nab whatever looks interesting down here and flip it on the market to some curious eggheads." He knew if he got any particularly interesting salvage, would be the first to ask about it. She was the brains of their partnership, no doubt. Anything she didn't want, he either brought to Rocket or sold off for a quick buck.[break][break]

"Now, here's my question. What's stopping you from doing the same? Not a lot of eyes this deep in the old plant . . ."


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Colton Boothroyd
We Gotta Power! [S]
POSTED ON Apr 4, 2023 15:58:34 GMT
Colton Boothroyd Avatar
Colton's lips drew thin at the answer the man gave him, partially out of annoyance for the sarcasm and partially because it didn't exactly lift any suspicions he had for the man. It felt more mocking than anything, a challenge to try and accuse him of wrong doing and what consequences that may entail. "Not exactly a whole lot of people handing out candy down here, is there? You're not going to come back with a very good haul," he replied, electing to try and match his attitude as he continued to awkwardly try and dance around anything direct. He needed to try and meticulously pull apart the man's façade before doing anything concrete.

The man's explanation wasn't the worst thing in the world, at least. No one was really going to arrest someone for pulling scrap out of abandoned areas of a power plant, save maybe GMH. Maybe he had just jumped to conclusions, born partially out of a selfish possessiveness over an area he had deemed "his." But, the man's off putting attire also played a large part, so Colton couldn't be entirely to blame. "Depending on where you found it, it's not entirely out of the question my own money has lined your pockets once or twice. The tech in these older parts in unprecedented and its hard to just let it slip by."

Colton hesitated for a moment at the question, his eyes narrowing slightly. It was bait, certainly, but bait he couldn't argue with. While he'd never attempted to smuggle tech he was certain GMH would confiscate out, the temptation was always there. He simply shook his head, though. "I can't risk it. I'm on good standing with GMH and I can't risk them barring me from entering in the future."

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
We Gotta Power! [S]
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2023 2:09:42 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]"Au contraire, my friend. There's all sorts of candy here, if you know how to look," Isaac said. He flicked a pair of computer chips out in his hand, one bolted onto a motherboard and the other hanging loose. "How do you like your tech? With or without nuts?"[break][break]

This man enabled an incredibly niche pun, and Isaac loved him for it.[break][break]

That said, for all he engaged with grey markets. and for all he was fascinated by the offerings GMH kept in its back pocket, the man drew the line at active smuggling. It seemed less because he had a moral stand against it and more because he had a moral stand against ruining perfectly good working relationships.[break][break]

"Y'know what? That's fair," Isaac said. "Don't shower in the watering hole and all that. I can dig it. Guess that means you'll just have to be in time for my next flip, then." A small grin spread across his face. "Glad to know there's some interest."[break][break]

With that, he turned in his chair to give the man a closer look. "So! Guess that's my story. Now, what's yours?"


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST /


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april 15
mauville city
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Colton Boothroyd
We Gotta Power! [S]
POSTED ON May 5, 2023 1:53:55 GMT
Colton Boothroyd Avatar
Colton chuckled at the statement, giving a nod of his head and a shrug of his shoulders in a "Fair enough" gesture. He couldn't disagree, since the tech stored away here was often times much nicer to receive than any candy he could imagine. It was rare that he found someone as equally keen about scrounging around in the depths of New Mauville and it almost made him drop his guard entirely.

He was still very much hung up on the fact that the guy was wearing a skull mask while skulking about as he looted.

Colton couldn't help but scowl at Isaac's comment, letting out a frustrated sigh. "I won't confirm or deny it," was all he said. It wasn't like he could judge, considering he benefitted from people smuggling stuff out. He just hated that that was what he had to sink to, what with GMH being such sticklers about what goes in and out of New Mauville. It wasn't like they were sending people down here to recover stuff!

"Not really much to the story. Just a guy trying to research new things, whether that include the old junk found in here or anything else," Colton said, tucking his hands into his pockets. He kept it vague on purpose, still not wanting to give too much away to someone he didn't really know.

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,340 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
We Gotta Power! [S]
POSTED ON May 7, 2023 19:41:25 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]"Well, if that's the case, I won't confirm or deny that you'll be catching me in Slateport next week."[break][break]

Isaac hadn't actually taken an in person role at the Blackwing Bazaar in a while. The last thing he wanted was for his neutral-ground grey market to wither under the yoke of an increasingly militarized Rocket. When Rocket went to war, and the Blackjack identity had too much baggage to serve as a vigilante, Isaac had put those days behind him. But who was to say he couldn't make himself a brief guest star to slip Colton some solid deals?[break][break]

Colton didn't seem to have much of a story to go with those deals. In his eyes, he was just a guy that had been taken with the idea of research. Yet to Isaac, that simple sentence was heavy with implications. What was research without ambition? What was ambition without a dream? What was a dream without an impact one wanted to make on the world? Every project had a hope behind it, and figuring out what those were was one of the most fun parts of talking to eggheads.[break][break]

would probably love this guy.[break][break]

"New things, eh?" The tone in his voice made it all too clear that he knew how wide of a net Colton was casting here. "Whatcha been cooking up?"


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST /


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it's a long life full of long nights