
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON May 21, 2023 18:56:15 GMT
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it's been a while since she let loose. like, really let loose. she never ever does it on jobs either, but the stress has been getting to her, man. ripping her leg open with literal shadows is a haunting enigma that would drive anyone to the bottle. 

but at least she's being proactive about the where and how. with a lump sum of cash in hand and the directive: lose it all, well this is the perfect fuckin' setup. she's got a partner with her anyway, so she has to be a little professional, but she's not too worried.

she's in the casino now, thrumming her fingers against the bar and idly sipping on a piña colada. 
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The Liberator
April 10
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON May 21, 2023 19:38:56 GMT
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[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]There was nothing like a very threatening talking-to from the big boss man himself to get your head in the game.[break][break]

Okay, so that little chat hadn't done much to improve Rocket's esteem in Isaac's eyes. If anything, seeing that side of was the wakeup call he needed to know that this place was going to kill him, one way or another. However, it did warn Isaac that he'd grown a little too lax and a little too daring. If he was going to keep his head afloat, then he was going to need to do a better job of playing along.[break][break]

Luckily, for every mission that involved flinging him headfirst into a cacophony of violence and bloodshed, there were missions that were far more Isaac's style. Rocket or Rockn't, Isaac was never going to have an issue with the cool and sexy crime of tax fraud. Add in a swanky casino atmosphere, the chance to get to know a new partner, and the amazing challenge of non-suspiciously losing all of their money, and Isaac was actually looking forward to a job for the first time in a while.[break][break]

Right now, he was stationed behind the bar. It wasn't the usual bar he worked, but there was no better place to get a sense of the casino's atmosphere. He could get a feel for the patrons, observe the movements of anyone that could ruin their plans, and most importantly keep an eye out for the partner that he was due to meet. He could also pick up some nice tips, but that was just a bonus.[break][break]

He found himself attending to a rather punky looking girl. From the nervous tapping of her fingers on the table, Isaac was picking up some nervous energy. Almost like she was preparing for something big. Like the gamble of a lifetime. Or some manner of heist.[break][break]

Oh. He had a feeling he knew who this was.[break][break]

"Scoping out the tables? Or are you just here for a drink and a show?" he asked, tone light. A part of Isaac wondered how long he could keep the ruse up before outing himself.


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parker jones
POSTED ON May 21, 2023 20:29:04 GMT
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she's got another something (someone) sweet on her mind. her phone's on the table too and she's staring at it as though that will be enough to wake it up with a notification. but she knows it's not going to. these are 's busiest hours of the day. 

still, that doesn't stop her from sighing and nibbling at the end of her straw, waiting for some fruity text about interdimensional rifts or aliens come through. 

her gaze lifts. the somewhat chewed end of the straw pops out of her mouth and she chuckles, raps her knuckles against the bar and flips the phone over so it won't distract her. this is the bartender who had made her bombass piña colada. 

"eh, kinda both? watching grown ass men throw fits because they're losing money they don't have is a new kink i didn't know i had," she says with a grin. 

she gestures with a jut of her chin to one table in particular. "i wanna make that old fart with the twenty-something arm candy cry."
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The Liberator
April 10
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON May 21, 2023 20:45:18 GMT
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[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]"It's a hell of a treat, huh?" Isaac asked. "There's a reason they call it just desserts."[break][break]

There were plenty of sore losers at this casino. It seemed like every other table had someone throwing a fit at any given moment. The best part? They were right back minutes later, ready to gamble away what little winnings they had and dig themselves even deeper into a hole of losses. Nothing like a casino to show how quickly grown men could shrink back into entitled babies.[break][break]

A man who looked like he was taking his granddaughter to her first casino caught Parker's eye. She had her hands on his shoulders, her vain talons prepared to dig into his neck if he jeopardized her gravy train. He simply nestled back into her, enjoying the comforts a body that was about 50 years out of his league. Disgusting. Nevertheless, he leaned back like the king of the castle, feet propped up in the air as he tossed around his chips willy-nilly.[break][break]

"Y'know, if you really make him cry, his 'stache is a good place to start," Isaac remarked. "And I don't mean giving it a yank. He's a snorter, y'see. And that means when he gets worked up, you can just see that thing bristling." Isaac would know. He had to endure the man's rant about Unovan politics. If he had to hear about "good ol' Driftveil values" one more time . . .[break][break]

"Bet a few chips hitting the table while he's fussy would throw him for a loop. But you didn't hear that from me."


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parker jones
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 22:23:36 GMT
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she snorts out an ugly laugh, lucky she hadn't yet attempted to swallow the last of the frozen drink in her mouth. but she does that now and licks her teeth, her lips, and looks at him out of her peripherals. 

parker's has a fairly one-track mind. her mission's somewhat fallen to the wayside because there are greater stakes here. she's pretty sure his hands are going somewhere not appropriate for a public establishment and really, the worst of it is that he's touching the chips afterwards. 

she doesn't fault the girl. not once. she's known girls like her. fuck, she's shaken down men like him before - the men who own them, warping circumstance and tying a noose with green paper. women like dav. thinking about her makes parker suck down the rest of her drink. 

"first thing you gotta know about me," she says as she pushes the glass towards him, "is i'm real fuckin' good at gettin' under people's skin."

she slaps her palm against the bar top and gives a wink. "why dont'cha bring me another two in about ten? sooner if i can work 'im up faster."
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON May 26, 2023 2:32:41 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]"That so, huh?" Oh, Rocket. Poor, foolish Rocket. They sent a pair of sharp-witted provocateurs to lose money. If they were going to lose this money, it'd be after breaking this casino over their knees and succumbing to their own hubris. "Well, hey. Takes one to know one."[break][break]

Perhaps he'd elaborate. Maybe he'd even show a little of his own stuff when the time came. But not now. Not when this was Parker's battle to fight. He'd just watch from the sidelines and stick to the missio-[break][break]

Ha. No way. He was gonna fuck with that crusty old fuck from the sidelines the second the chance showed itself.[break][break]

Clearly, he and Parker were on the same wavelength. She'd give him the signal, and he'd bring some drinks along. Two of them. Oh, boy. There was clearly a plan brewing here, and Isaac liked it. "Just gimme the sign," he said, flashing her a grin. "And lemme know if you need any of 'em kicked up a notch or three. I'm feeling generous."[break][break]

How embarrassed would this old fuck be when he couldn't even win a "fair" "drinking" "contest?"


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parker jones
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 4:56:01 GMT
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parker can safely bet her life savings on the fact that no one else has thought of her as a "sharp-witted provocateur." hell, she still has no fucking clue that her bartender is actually her mission partner. hell, she's kind of forgotten she's on an assignment in the first place.

doesn't matter. she swaggers confidently off her chair and moves with a bounce to her step to nab the chair beside old crusty's left, snatching it out from underneath a mild-mannered snob who looks like he's about to say something, but sees her withering glare and flexing of her muscles, and backs off with an agitated mumble.

the game's blackjack. the dealer gives her a look, but says nothing, and she throws her lot in with the rest. he doles out the cards. seven of diamonds. she taps with her pointer and looks to the man at her right, scoots her chair. the thumb lifting his cards presses them down again and he harumphs.

"so what's a pretty girl like me gotta do to end up in your lap like this dame here?" she asks. the woman two seats to her left nearly snorts out her drink and coughs into her arm to hide her chuckles.

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 17:32:04 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]The snob decided to drown his sorrows with an Old Fashioned. Was it frustrating hearing him snivel about getting his seat stolen by a big, scary girl? Maybe. Was it valuable hearing that Crusty over there was on a hot streak, and starting to play a little fast and loose with his money? Definitely.[break][break]

Was the tip on his drink a nice bonus? No doubt. This tag team was already paying off.[break][break]

Crusty appraised Parker like he was going to a butcher shop. Isaac had to remind himself to let his fellow con do her thing, even as the temptation to "accidentally" spill a fresh bottle of chianti all over his suit raged in the back of his mind. Crusty's trophy daughterwife shot him an incredulous look, the word "her?" practically written all over her face.[break][break]

He'd already brushed against the trap. In an act of blatant showing off, he tossed a hefty bet down on the table. His grin poked out from beneath the cornere of his moustache as a few fifties tumbled across the table. "Yer not bad," he said, his high voice strained and craggly from what had to be a lifetime of smoking. "But why don't'cha tell me a little more about yerself, sweet cheeks?"[break][break]

If a part of the table wasn't groaning, it was holding back laughter. Only Crusty seemed to be blissfully unaware of the waves of disgust and cringe radiating off of his very being. Yet his eye, glazed over and expectant, never left Parker for a moment.


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parker jones
POSTED ON May 31, 2023 4:24:20 GMT
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crusty, to her surprise, takes the bait. well, then again, she could absolutely see some stifled, conflicted homophobia deep in his bones, and maybe she's chick enough he can tell himself i'm not gay while plowing her in the ass and marveling at how utterly masculine her broad shoulders are.

his eyes are predatory, not leaving hers.

until arm candy leans a little in his way, tits brushing his cheek for arceus' sake, and out of view, parker simpers up at her. blonde tresses are heavenly, tumbling over her shoulders and her front, and her eyes are a soft green. her eyes tell parker everything. and that's why parker winks. 

'cause ain't no way she should be the one feeling threatened right now. 

"aw, y've pegged me already. got a sweet tooth. ma says that's why 'm such a brat." mommy issues get pathetic points, right? she taps a thumb. ten of spades. the round passes and comes back to her. crusty taps. she does too. 

four of hearts. oh, fuck

"oh, fuck." oh well. there will be more time to lose later. 

"aw, don't worry, sweethea't," crusty says, ingorantly misunderstanding her 'fuck' (of course). not for long though. dealer goes to call and she flips her winnings over. the arm candy wriggles and parker raises a hand to the bartender for some drinks to smooth things over.
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The Liberator
April 10
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2023 14:31:52 GMT
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[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Direct at the table service was common at casinos like this. The patrons didn't have to break their streaks by doing something as pedestrian as "standing up." The house got to watch their common sense and hold on their winnings vanish in real time. The bartender got to pick up some extra tips for playing waiter for a moment. Everyone wins, until the patron sobers up the next morning and realizes how much they rolled away.[break][break]

At Parker's call, Isaac came. Crusty was just close enough that, if he had both of his eyes, he'd be able to make out what his cards were. He may have largely adapted to the shift in depth perception by now, but that didn't mean he didn't feel the sting of his eye loss every now and then. Instead, he turned his attention to Parker, his own poker face just as strong as any of those at the table.[break][break]

"What's your poison?" he asked, glancing around the table to try and get a read on everyone's mood. The more he could figure out now, the better he could set the stage for some sabotage. "Any friends at the table? Or are you ordering solo?"[break][break]

It was time to get ready for Crusty's downfall.


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parker jones
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2023 1:33:23 GMT
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"it's on me," parker says when isaac nears, which makes crusty shift awkwardly with a couple of grunts. the blonde in his lap nearly slips right off, but he catches her with a knobbly hand over her stomach. he looks down at parker and gives her a wolfish smile. 

'it's on me. fer yeh winneh's luck.' his eyes glimmer and he takes his fill of her body. parker's only response is to cock a brow and think of at least thirteen different ways she could break his nose. 

the other patrons just want to get on with the game. parker scoops her winnings up and leans back while the dealer changes tables. man, she kinda misses casino starlight. that place had some class. 

isaac asks what they want and crusty orders a a dewar's with one rock (wannabe pretentious fuck) and then says, 'same fer 'er. ye look like a whiskey gal.' which, if he had a single braincell and could absorb the one thing she'd told him about her, he would know this is incorrect. but parker just flashes a brilliant smile and nods up to isaac. 

"call?" she flips the corner of her card up. another ten. taps for another. 

"and somethin' for his girl here, too," parker says sweetly. 
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2023 3:34:32 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]One rock? Who the fuck ordered one rock? Crusty, apparently, because the old fuck just had to keep being the most uncanny human being alive. "Right away," Isaac said, flashing him the world's most practiced smile. He and Parker had the composure of saints for this.[break][break]

He walked past Crusty and returned to his station at the bar. With his presence dismissed, and his head held high, surely there would be no noticing the pair of electric blue eyes poking out from his waistcoat.[break][break]

Luckily, Crusty'd played right into his hands. The smallest amount of whiskey to pass the sniff test, cut with coke to both dilute and sweeten it, would be just what it took to disguise a more palatable drink for Parker. Crusty's own order was less easy to fuck around with, considering he seemed just particular enough to actually know what brand he wanted. However, Isaac made sure to make his pour ever-so-slightly deeper, in an ever-so-slightly larger glass. He'd think they had the same drink, only to find himself in for a rude awakening.[break][break]

As for his original date? Hard to go wrong with a vodka and cranberry. Sometimes, you just caught a vibe off of someone.[break][break]

The drinks were done in moments. They were just simple pours, after all. Isaac was able to return to the table before the next round of play even finished. He put out drinks for Crusty and his date first, then stepped a seat down to hand over Parker's.[break][break]

While passing it over, he drummed on the side of the glass a few times. Perhaps it was just an absent-minded tic. Or perhaps, with how he switched fingers each time, it was some sort of coded message.[break][break]


There was no way Isaac could have remembered Crusty's cards from the second he walked past, surely. It wasn't like he had a photographic memory. But perhaps he had some other form of photograph on his side, thanks to a certain ghost in the machine currently living inside of his pocket.[break][break]

First rule of running a casino op. Always stack the deck.


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parker jones
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2023 2:10:37 GMT
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parker tries her best not to smile (unsuccessfully) when she sees the vodka cranberry in isaac's returning arms. the blonde is more than happy with the drink and takes it with beautifully manicured hands, sipping neatly on the bar straws and curling around crusty's doughy form. 

the dealer comes around again. with the second pass, she'd pulled a two. that puts her at a nice, neat twelve. respectable at least. her gaze slides over to isaac, down at his hands. around the table one more time. crusty taps for another. 


she could lose. double down on her bet and throw some money away. y'know, actually do the job she was supposed to come and do, but crusty's hands are going somewhere they shouldn't on the girl, at least not in public and hey, fuck him

she taps again. brings herself to a nice, pretty eighteen. 

maybe i'm actually kinda good at this, she thinks. 

everyone calls. crusty swears. chips get pushed over to parker. she sips lightly on her drink (blech) and watches crusty take a big 'ol swig of his. he mutters something and the blonde actually totters off of her perch, tottering away to go to the bathroom. leaving parker with a beautiful view of crusty's rumpled suit.

"aw, c'mon. don't get mad at lady luck," parker says with a grin. "next round? imma go all or nothin'."
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The Liberator
April 10
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2023 2:53:44 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]A proud smirk spread across Isaac's face as Parker kept a steady course. Good. Slow and steady didn't always win the race, but it had a way of turning tortoises into hares. From how Crusty swore, and his mustache bristled in frustration, Isaac could tell he'd fallen into the trap.[break][break]

It helped how Parker dangled that bait right in front of his face. The poker chips weren't the only red he was seeing now. He pushed them forward, letting the last few chips tinkle one by one onto the pile. It was as if he was flexing how much money he could throw around like it was nothing. Because A) he was worth more than she could ever be and B) he most certainly wasn't mad in the slightest.[break][break]

How pathetic. Isaac knew if a men flashed their money around like that, it was because they had nothing more worth showing off.[break][break]

He made a note with one of the bar girls to go check on blondie, because his hands were flirting with the bounds of being eviction-worthy. Frankly, were it not such an unsatisfying climax to Parker's one-two punch, Isaac would've given him the heave-ho himself. But this was her one-night nemesis, not Isaac's, so he was content to sit back and watch the show.[break][break]

They could go back to being losers later. But for tonight, what was wrong with doubling down and riding high for just a little bit longer?


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST /


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march 21
debt collector
chaotic stupid, i'll get used to feeling useless
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parker jones DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @parker
parker jones
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 21:43:20 GMT
parker jones Avatar

is that a mustard stain on his shirt? she's pretty sure the casino doesn't serve anything that would require mustard be put on top of it. and straight up yellow mustard at that. not something classy like dijon or spicy brown. besides, it kinda looks days old too. 

for gods' sake. how much money is he worth to have that absolute dessert on his arm? not enough, that's for sure. 

he angrily shoves all of his chips in, before even flipping his first card. so parker gives a wolfish grin and does the same, shrugging as she does. he licks his teeth, sucks on something stuck in the corner of one of them. 

parker wants to gag. 

seven of hearts. well, that won't be enough. he taps. she taps. three of spades. yikes. he waves a hand. fuck. she taps. two of clubs. double fuck. two seats down, another waves their hand. hey, even if she doesn't win, at least crusty will - 

he's smirking down at her. noooooooooooooo.

ain't no way he got blackjack.

she taps. 

king of hearts. 


her bust is made plain for the world to see and lady luck does her dirty with a fat, shiny ace on crusty's side of the table. parker's face flushes and she sets the glass down sourly. it would have been fine, really, if she had a second to cool off.

and if crusty hadn't touched her leg. 

but unfortunately for the two of them, he did and now parker is standing over him while he's wailing and holding a splurting, bloody nose. she locks eyes with her bartender in crime and gives a salute before booking it to the nearest exit while security rushes to catch her. 


it's a long life full of long nights