i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 7, 2023 0:41:59 GMT
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libby clyne




Age / twenty nine [break]
Occupation / petty thief [break]
Sexuality / asexual[break]
App / Here [break]
Libby is a spoiled, materialistic, vain, petty, fashionista cry baby. She is more interested in her visual appeal than anything. Not so much for the men or the women but rather the hierarchy of style it can offer in the city streets of Lilycove. She's quick to fight and quick to forget. There is very little need for true revenge or outright cruelty.[break][break]
Likes / spicy food, peach candy, fashion, pink, cute Pokemon, cellphones, fruity scents, tuna sandwiches, pictures, the beach, train rides, drama, gossip, natural lighting, crying[break][break]
Dislikes / the outside, ugly Pokemon, numbers, bicycles, casual clothing, beige, pixie cuts, sports, salty food, sweet food, fluorescent lights, bug Pokemon
Loves / peach parfait, bird pokemon, pale pink



looking for mostly petty enemies, frenemies and maybe a parental type figure! i doubt she'd be interested in anything romantic unless they don't mind being a fashion accessory!

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