Dragon boot camp [Mission]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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Adam Shepard
Dragon boot camp [Mission]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2019 15:54:10 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
Adam was always more than happy to help out Freya and the Morning Star Estate. He had worked with them in the past before and they helped quite a bit in his own personal training so any call for help would be answered.

And besides it was a job to train Pokémon, there was no way he wasn’t going to enjoy this. This was the type of work he was most interested in when it came to League duties so payment wasn’t really a huge interest to him but it was most certainly nice cause damn do Morningstars pay well.

The silver-haired male was familiar with the Estate so it was a casual walk to the manor grounds. Despite how many times he came here the place never ceased to be impressive, well mostly, it could be considered a bit much for Adam’s taste.

His background was that a farm boy so he wasn’t really the type to care for all this flash and grandeur. Siren flew above, the dragon excited to see the estate again having been the main Pokémon in training with Adam when he arrived here so long ago. Adam smiled at the sight of the Pokémon.

And he knew just who to bring along on this mission with him. The dragon princess of Blackthorn herself got dragged into this by Adam. It’d be fun and a good way for her to flex that dragon knowledge of hers and besides the job sorta required that someone else be with him and there wasn’t any question on who to bring.

Well, he could have asked the other Blackthorn dragon royalty but Adam was pretty certain the guy was busy with something. Battling gyms maybe? Wrestling a dragon with his bare hands? Ah who knows what the guy was up to, dude was a busy man.

He waited for his partner to show up. Adam knew how to get here but he wasn’t sure if she did and the worry crossed his face. And given the last time, he ran into her…..oh god he hoped she’d make her way over here alright.

Despite giving her directions……really specific and clear directions, he hoped she didn’t end up getting lost. Nah he was just overacting she was going to be fine she can get a bit distracted at times but she wasn’t a total klutz with absolutely no sense of direction.

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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane
Dragon boot camp [Mission]
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2019 3:33:36 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
She was absolutely a total klutz with no sense of direction. Or...more like, she wasn't really listening when Adam was explaining the directions to her. Instead, she was too fixated on how adorable Nero was when he was curled up and sleeping. Had Adam not been talking her ear off on the phone, she would've taken a picture! But, now wasn't the time for that...she was running a bit late, and honestly, still had little idea where to go.

Wandering around the massive estate with a lost look on her face, she was, thankfully, helped by some old, butler looking guy. Holding onto the ends of his shirt like a lost toddler, he led her along until...finally-!

"I believe this is yours, master shepherd? She was wandering the grounds like a lost rockruff." The old man looked down towards the shorter woman, who smiled brightly. Almost immediately, in a leap that was like a blur, Noelle clung onto the pale haired man.

"Everyone kept staring at me," she complained, "it was creepy." It was likely because they were wondering just why she was here. She didn't...exactly get into the manor the 'regular person' way. Aka, hopping off the back of a dragonair in the middle of the place wasn't exactly as traditional as walking through the grand front gates. Thankfully, after explaining to security why she was here, they finally stopped harassing her. For whatever reason, it was hard for them to believe she was the heiress to the Bellemoore family. It was kinda offensive, honestly. Like, what was that supposed to mean?

Eventually letting go of Adam, she straightened herself up, trying to appear a bit more 'formal', as though she were on duty back within Johto. "Ahm," she cleared her throat. "Priestess Noelle Bellemoore and soon to be martinez reporting for duty!"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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Adam Shepard
Dragon boot camp [Mission]
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2019 17:54:08 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
Adam was astounded that the girl actually managed to make her way over here but whatever amazement he might have had was quickly washed away once the whole situation was put into context. The man shook his head, a bit of a laugh escaping him despite him figuring he should be scolding the girl.

”Yeah she’s mine.” He laughed, wondering how much trouble she caused. ”Of course they were staring at you dummy; it ain’t like this your backyard or something.” He dismissively waved his hand at the thought of them having any other sort of reaction to her.

He shook his head again, this time at the way Noelle introduced herself. ”Ah yes cause this makes things so much better.” Well there was no point in dilly dallying here anymore so Adam began to move.

”Mind showing us where our students are? I’d rather get things started.” The silver-haired male was looking forward to doing some teaching. And honestly he was more curious as to the type of people that would be showing up. With him there was a good chance that his style of teaching was more so just having fun and messing with the students.

The buttler was more than happy to show them where they needed to go and more than happy to throw Noelle at someone else so they would deal with her. ”Thanks!” Adam would say before turning the prospects in front of him. They had a decent sized group, nothing they couldn’t handle but they sort of looked like they were out of their wits.

If they weren’t prepared for what they were about to get into then they were in for a rude awakening. ”Look alive boys and girls! Today we’re going to whip you rookies into shape! And you better count yourselves lucky as you’ve got yourself a bonafide celebrity here!” He was of course referring to Noelle.

”This is Noelle Bellemoore, the Dragon Priestess of Blackthorn and heiress of the Bellemoore family. Lucky for you she decided to help train you today so count your blessings! She knows more about training and handling dragons than you know how to tie your own shoes so give her the utmost respect and listen to what she has to say.” He’d then turn to Noelle.

”Why don’t you take the lead here?” Curiosity is what drove this decision. Teaching was something Adam was used to seeing how someone else handled it would be fun.

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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane
Dragon boot camp [Mission]
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2019 5:22:15 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
Although the beginning of this 'training request' had started out a bit shaky, with the help of a butler, they were on their way to finally getting to why they came here. Approaching the decent sized group of trainees, the woman couldn't help but feel a bit...shy? No, that wasn't the word...Perhaps just slightly anxious. She'd never really had to teach others outside of her own clan before. Hearing adam's own little 'introduction' caused a soft 'oh' to come from her lips as noelle stared up at the man with something akin to starry, and slightly teary, eyes. "do...do you really think that about me?" a perfect way to introduce herself to her new class, right?

thankfully, the pinkette caught herself with a clear of her throat. "please pay attention. before we start teaching you all, there's something very important you have to hear first, if you want our - or, at least my help." an odd, serious look came to her face as her tone was...much more mature than it typically was.

"what separates a dragon tamer from a regular trainer is the understanding they have of one another. all pokemon are special, yes. but there's a reason why dragons are so rare and powerful, with a potential strength that can rival that of even pokemon thought to be mere myths. any trainer can train a dragon. but only a dragon tamer has what it takes to bring out their full potential, to understand them on a level no other can." she paused for a moment, thinking to herself as she saw the intense gazes resting on her. some looked a bit confused, if not slightly intimidated - but, the woman merely continued on. 

"what it means to be a dragon tamer isn't about the strength you have nor the lust of power you desire...it's about the bond you share with them. the love and friendship two completely separate souls wield for one another. that's what makes a dragon tamer special. a bond that connects them to their partner past the limits of 'whats possible', and more than any regular trainer could ever hope to have." she finished her speech and explanation with a breath. her cheeks were slightly flushed, a rare look of slight embarrassment, and yet sheer serious passion, aflame in her eyes.

"now, let's begin!" she clasped her hands together. "adam, can i borrow kanē for a moment?" she hummed slightly with a cheeky smile.

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senior ranger
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dynamo
Adam Shepard
Dragon boot camp [Mission]
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2019 18:25:33 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
Adam watched, a big smile on his face, as Noelle made her speech. The way she spoke with such confidence and knowledge really showed that despite how much of klutz and an airhead she can act like at times there was a brilliant trainer in there. It was probably why they decided to give her the titles she had, there was more than just being the daughter of someone important.

The contrast between these two sides of her were a bit jarring but admirable nonetheless. All of these Blackthorn kids were truly passionate about dragon Pokémon and all that goes behind training them.

He was a bit surprised to hear here ask for his Garchomp, the Pokémon wasn’t really the teaching type. ”Are you sure about that? You sure you don’t want Siren? She’d be easier to deal with. I get that might be the point of picking him but....ya know what alright.” He’d ask but still summoned the dragon anyway.

the Garchomp letting out a proud roar as he appeared in front of the group, stretching his body to show off his size and power. The dragon was always a bit of a showoff you enjoyed letting everyone in the room know that he had the biggest dick, it can get really annoying.

”Alright Kanē, here’s the deal.” Adam walked over to the Garchomp, pulling the Pokémon closer to him. ”We’re teaching these scrubs here how to train dragon Pokémon and you’ve been picked to help out. So listen to Noelle, alright?” The dragon wasn’t really the type who taught, no, he was a fighter but he wasn’t completely against the idea or disobedient so he nodded to show he understood what was going on.

”He’s all yours Noelle.” The silver-haired male would give her a thumbs-up. He’d watch intently, extremely curious as to what she was up to. But he figured she wanted Kanē because of how wild he was.

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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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Noelle Lane
Dragon boot camp [Mission]
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2019 1:00:53 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
Unrelenting with her decision to use the ever prideful garchomp, that bright-eyed look didn't falter as she merely gave a toothy grin and a thumbs up. She had this!

With the flash of a bright light, the mighty dragon revealed himself with a roar that certainly made a few of the students falter a bit. "Kanē," Noelle sweetly greeted the dragon-type. She reached forward to idly pat him on the arm a few times, "you still look as powerful as ever - seems like you've gotten even stronger since I last saw you!" She offered a cheeky grin to the pokemon before turning back to the crowd. Most seemed amazed at how...idly calm and collected she was with the fearsome creature who eluded an air of power.

"Like all pokemon, each dragon-type is different. However, most tend to be a bit...unruly. They're strong creatures, with lifespans that tend to outlast most. My dragonair, for example, has been around forever. She's a bit of a grandma, now that I think about it..." Previously serious expression trailing off in favor of her more goofy persona, she had to quickly shake her head and get her mind back on track...lest she start rambling, and ranting, about Odessa. "It helps immensely if you learn about the species of a dragon-type. Likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses...They'll all aid in growing closer to really getting to know and understand them. People within my clan have enough experience where a single look into even the most unruly dragon's eye, and they can understand it as though it's been there lifelong companion - think of that as a goal to achieve!" She smiled up at Kanē, ushering him closer, if just to let a hand rest upon the top of his head in a gentle pat.

"Garchomps are definitely one of the toughest of their typing. Excelling in most areas such as speed, power, and defense, they're extremely powerful. Unfortunately, most tend to be very hard to control, even if raised from an egg. They're prideful creatures who value one's strength and proper respect more than anything. Once a garchomp acknowledges you though, you won't find a dragon more willing to fight by your side, regardless of the challenge. With proper training and effort, they're fantastic pokemon. They tend to struggle in realizing their limits, and forging a bond with one is necessary. A garchomp that even its own trainer can't control is...dangerous. "

"But control isn't all about respect or whose stronger. Dragon-types tend to feel emotions extremely deep to those they consider their trainer. A bond formed with one, regardless how small, should be a genuine friendship if you want them to perform to their fullest. This goes for all dragons - for most pokemon, even."
She took a little breath. This reminded her of her own youth, when she was taught the ways of being a dragon tamer. Of course, she'd never be as good with her words and teachings as the elder's were, but...well, she wasn't doing too bad of a job, right?

"Of course though, a strong-willed trainer is a big boon though! And until you can form a friendship, forging a mutual respect for one another is very important."
She looked up at Kanē once more, staring the dragon-type into the eye as he returned the stare. To most, the exchange looked tense - if not a bit frightening. For Noelle though? It was perfectly fine. They were simply...ah...she thought of it as 'listening to one another's heart'. "Kanē, use dragon claw!" The abrupt command was followed by the air seemingly ripping into two as that dangerously sharp claw tore through it right over her head. Yet, she didn't flinch, and instead, smiled.

"Would any of you like to try giving him a command?" She asked the students, who seemed to grow a bit pale-faced.
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senior ranger
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dynamo
Adam Shepard
Dragon boot camp [Mission]
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2019 14:40:10 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
His faith was placed well as the Blackthorn girl did what Adam considered an excellent job teaching so far. Honestly he was impressed but it shouldn’t come as a surprise given that when it came to dragons all these dragon den nuts knew what they were doing. He wondered if they had any other hidden talents that he wasn’t too sure about hiding under all that nerdy dragon stuff.

Adam scoffed at the idea, next thing he knows will be some sort of baking wiz or something. Maybe he’d make dragon-shaped cookies or cakes. Alright, he needed to stop, he was getting hungry.

He could tell that some of this stuff was going right over some of the cadet’s heads, especially the part whenever Noelle brought up her clan. Not exactly the smartest bunch it seemed but they were going to have to work with it. And at least they all seemed invested in what she was saying.

Some of them Adam suspected were only interested because a cute girl was talking to but hey, whatever worked he supposed. Their job wasn’t to make sure that they call became dragon scholars at the end of this, just competent enough that they didn’t blow everything up.

Though all this buttering up of Kanē was going to be annoying as the dragon just loved letting things go to his head. The Garchomp had happily did what the priestess commanded of him, loving being able to show off his power. Oh boy, the look of terror on everyone’s faces when she asked them to give the Garchomp an order was hilarious.

”Don’t worry gang! Go ahead and give it a try! He won’t bite your head off……much.” The man snickered, not really helping those that were intimidated by the dragon, didn’t help that Kanē’s resting face looked like he was waiting for an excuse to make someone a snack.

One student had some guts and stepped up, trying to get Kanē to use Dragon Claw just like Noelle did. The dragon almost completely ignored this little runt thinking how dare this little shit to tell him what to do but he remembered what he was here for and complied. The look on the student’s faces changed which was good. ”See look at that! Not too bad is it?”

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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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Noelle Lane
Dragon boot camp [Mission]
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2019 5:44:29 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
Briefly, Noelle's gaze slid over to the garchomp, giving him a grateful look as he acknowledged the student's command. Now, hopefully, this wouldn't give them the bright idea of approaching a dragon they didn't know and trying to boss it around, but, it'd do wonders to boost their confidence! Clapping her hands together with a vibrant smile, the pinkette gave an eager nod. "perfect!" she praised cheerfully, "now, i want you all to buddy up and practice a few mock battles with your dragon-types. We'll be closely observing, critiquing, and making sure nothing goes awry. and the person who manages to show the most promise and growth will get the honor ooooffff," she gave a little drum roll in the air using her fingers, "battling with adam and kanē!" in a grandiose gesture of her hands, she motioned to them both.

a few students looked a bit cocky, giving a little scoff and puff of their chests...noelle couldn't help but snicker. oh, this would be fun. while not nearly as hot-blooded and battle loving as two bozos she knew, one of which she loved, the blood of the hundred devouring family did flow through her. even if her true skills lie elsewhere, she could appreciate a good battle. "ohohoho!" she suddenly cackled, dramatically, hands on her hips. "keep that confidence, young dragon tamers! it'll lead you to victory!" 'and getting your tail handed to you, hehe!' but, her smile gave away nothing.

turning back to adam, she stared at him for a moment...before letting out a sigh, a few trembles going down her body. "i was so nervous," she admitted in a complaining wail, her head plopping against his shoulder, if just to rest it there for a moment. "how did i do? did i smile too much - did i have something on my face?!"
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senior ranger
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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Adam Shepard
Dragon boot camp [Mission]
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2019 18:55:55 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
It would have been nice for her to run that by him before volunteering him to put one of these kids into the ground. ”Wooo! What a great prize.” The man rolled his eyes and lazily rotated his finger about to show his “excitement”.

They really had no idea what they were getting into but Adam wouldn’t say anything and for now would just let them be surprised when the time came. He couldn’t go full out on any of them, the goal wasn’t to break them and that would definitely look bad and probably lead to jail time or something.

”You did great.” Adam smiled, finding her reaction adorable. ”You’ve got a knack for this sort of stuff I tell ya. You should have more confidence in yourself, seriously. ” Though he wasn’t going to let her off the hook just yet, Adam was going to have some more fun.

He’d watch carefully as all their little students did their mock battles, making sure he’d pick the right ones for the “reward” at the end. But there was going to be a bit of a twist, something Adam had thought of as soon as they started these mock battles.

”I know battling me was the ultimate prize but there’s going to be a bit more to it than that!” Adam smirked at Noelle before continuing.

”Instead of just fighting me you’re going to be fighting the both of us and we’ll be picking two winners!” See now that was going to be more fun and would teach her a lesson before pulling a stunt like that again.

”What’ya say princess? Sounds like fun right? Don’t you guys want to see the Princess go all out? Show you what she’s got?” Now that he had them all fired up it would be hard for her to bail out on this one.

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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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Noelle Lane
Dragon boot camp [Mission]
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2019 2:12:46 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
The silvery haired man's sarcasm went right over the dragon tamer's head. To be fair, a challenging match, to all of the dragon-esque clans, was considered quite the 'handsome' prize. They could all appreciate a good fight. Even someone like her who wasn't as keen as battling as, say, Mateo or Chance, could always acknowledge a challenge, and yearn to take it. "I know, right?!" She excitedly giggled, beaming up at the sarcastic man with a vibrant smile.

Smiling a bit more at his compliment, a breath of relief left her lips...if only to stiffen up once more as Adam began to yell about-...Oh.

Oh, no. No...no no, no.

Immediately perking up and beginning to flail her hands about with a flustered face, she tried to get him to just...stop talking. "Adam - no, no, don't- Adam please, don't, I don't wanna-" Nope, too late. The students were staring at the both of them with fiery eyes, as though arceus himself had offered to battle them. Noelle paled considerably, twitching as she forced herself to put on a challenging smirk. "Ohohoho! So you want to try and challenge I? A true dragon tamer? Very well!" She cackled once more, surprisingly switching from her anxious display to her more crafty persona in a blink of an eye.

That was until she turned to stare back up at the man with a scathing glare from the corner of her eyes that soon abruptly turned into a sweet, content smile.

aka, he'd better watch his back later. she always got the last laugh. 

 // thank you for the thread <3 gonna submit it for our rewards now!

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Dragon boot camp [Mission]
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2019 2:59:52 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","reward"]mission complete!
[attr="class","reward2"]you two receive the following: 50 pokedollars, 5 infamy[break]
& 1 free dragon-evolution (redeem in site shop).
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