she was the gateway to the empire

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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emilee, vivian, brianne
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It ain’t easy being mean. In effete morality, I maintain a masquerade of earnestness and modesty.
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she was the gateway to the empire
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2019 18:25:31 GMT
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Setting stages was easy, the only thing one had to worry about was if everything was in the correct place or not, the hard part came from the play that would follow, a hope of nothing going wrong heavily resting on the mind of the actors. This was a situation much of the same cadence.

This meeting with Abbiati would test Marie’s limits, the young woman truly seeing if there is a limit to how far she would be able to pursue the goals she held within this time frame.

The place of their meeting would be chosen by Marie herself, somewhere that would cater to all of their needs while also being an acceptable location to speak business. The location being was a seaside restaurant, reserved for the hours that they would occupy it, the only other inhabitants being employees hand picked by herself to present amenities when requested by either of them.

They would be sit at a table for two in the middle of the room, cleared of any unneeded decoration other than a white tablecloth draped over its surface.

Marie had enough time to give the room one final once over before the councilwoman had presented herself, Marie straightening out her clothes before meeting her halfway to the door.

Good evening, Miss Abbiati. My name is Emilee Shou and I am a representative for Lupin Incorporated and secretary to Miss Lupin, current owner of Lupin Incorporated.

She had extended a hand quietly as she spoke, expecting her to intercept within the introduction.

Take a seat and make yourself comfortable, I’ll get us some water.

Once she had finished introducing herself, Marie would move towards the kitchen, disappearing for a moment before returning with a waiter, two glasses and a pitcher of water upon a platter, the waiter quickly setting the glasses down and pouring the both of them a drink before returning to the back.

Once everything had been settled, Marie sat herself down, ironing out her dress quietly as she let Olivia set into a more comfortable position.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Olivia Abbiati
she was the gateway to the empire
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2019 0:30:01 GMT
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knowledge of olivia being of the council was not known to most of the public yet. yes, had been promoted to gym leader of sootopolis but most simply saw it as the natural progression of things. the foreign professor turned gym leader turned back professor; and that was how she liked it. an announcement would be made soon of her newfound position, but until such time, only a select few knew. the commissioner, of course, her fellow council members, and the gym leaders - save for balder of course - were having the information trickled down to them one way or another.

today, however, olivia found herself on business in slateport. a representative of some 'lupin inc.' wished to speak in private about matters that, as far as olivia was aware (or cared for really), would benefit them both. a restaurant by the sea, olivia noted as she graced the stairs of the building. the sounds of the tide crashing on the shore brought forth feelings of nostalgia and home. perhaps that was the reason it had been chosen, she mused. members of the crown had surrounded the building: some in civilian wear, watching stealthily while others were in uniform and stood guard at the door once olivia entered.

her ocean eyes met an empty room save a table set for two, and a young woman coming forward to meet her. olivia took the girl's hand in her own well manicured hand and gave it a gentle shake, the motion causing the wisp of silk that wrapped itself around olivia's shoulders and tied into her off white blouse to fall off. so be it, an off the shoulder look was never a bad one. at least, never a bad look on olivia. she did as bid, smoothing out her azure skirt before sitting in the chair. she crossed a slender leg over another, her silver strapped stilettos bouncing as her foot dangled above the ground.

two glasses and a pitcher of water were all that separated olivia and this 'emilee shou'. she didn't take a drink, instead, laying her hands on her knee and asked, "what is it you summoned me for miss shou, and why is this 'lupin incorporated' interested in setting up such a meeting?" her eyes splashed around at the empty room quickly before returning to the woman before her. "and why is it this 'miss lupin' could not meet with me herself?" she asked, arching a perfectly shaped brow.

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emilee, vivian, brianne
october 17
Castelia City, Unova
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It ain’t easy being mean. In effete morality, I maintain a masquerade of earnestness and modesty.
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marie jules
she was the gateway to the empire
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2019 15:20:23 GMT
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All perfectly valid questions.” She mused in a gentle tone, her features calm yet neutral in their aspects.

While It would do Miss Lupin injustice to give excuses, excuses are all that I can currently supply for her, my employer having other affairs to attend to in running her company. This does not mean she thinks any less of you for not personally meeting you- I am her most trusted employee after all- it is simply that a business is quite a lot to care after, as I am sure you wholly understand. I hope you feel no offense for the course of action Miss Lupin has taken.

Immediately, and with hardly a breath taken, she would continue, hazel eyes focused on Olivia’s oceanic iris.

Now onto why this meeting was arranged. To put it simply, we would like the support of not only you, but the business your family has created harvesting Clamperls. We think it would be beneficial for our company to have the approval of a distinguished professor of your caliber to better promote our products and manufacturing. Along with this we would like to better introduce your families claim into a wider market, whether this market be regions not yet introduced to what your family offers in terms of the distribution of pearls. We either aim to improve on said product with our own manufacturing or, if we do not see a reason to improve on the product, ship as is.

Each word was spoken with purpose, not a single slip-up uttered with posture held upright. Fingers sat intersecting within one another on top the table cloth- only untethering once she had finished and reached for the pitcher- pouring herself a glass of water, then promptly taking a few gulps, setting both the decanter as well as her own glass back onto the table.

This moment would allow Olivia the chance to speak before Marie continued on any further, the young woman sighing quietly before looking back to the one opposite of herself.

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sea witch
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Olivia Abbiati
she was the gateway to the empire
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2019 19:32:09 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar

olivia listened as proposals were made. she herself, not too long ago, was the one making a proposal. still, without a solid answer. that day nor the man in question had not been on her mind of recent, there were more pressing matters: transitioning leadership unto balder, prepping the crown for security of the city, and her own work on the A.Q.U.A. initiative. it was not until this 'miss shou' droned on about business did come to mind. they had yet to see each other since the tentacruel attack, and even then, spoke little save to coordinate their attack. olivia wondered what he thought of her proposal now that she was on the council.

regardless, her own proposal was not the matter at hand. olivia dismissed the idea of being slighted with a wave of her hand as she said, "no offense taken, i understand the schedule of women in leadership." she was more suspicious than anything else. sending an assistant to meet with a member of the regional council was odd, especially with what they were asking. "if i may be frank, miss shou, my family has no need nor would they consent to such a partnership. the pearls we harvest are done so in an artisan fashion; hand picked or, more oft than not, freely given by the clampearls themselves because of the bond our family has built with the sea pokemon over generations. the pearls are then polished, refined, and detailed or decorated as necessary. profits then are used for the upkeep of the snowpoint temple and the family trust, miss shou. we are not a corporation or business like your own." olivia said matter of factly.

so the water was safe to drink, olivia observed as the woman poured herself a glass. olivia moved to pour one of her own and continued, "yet, that does not mean i would not be opposed to such an idea. as head of my house i lead all operations, including finances. donations and funds could be given, as well as my own public support for whatever it is the lupin corporation has in mind." the water flowed seamlessly into the cup and olivia indulged herself in the refreshment. "however, i have stipulations of my own." she added, glacier eyes looking to the woman over the cusp of the cup.

"i would like the support of the lupin corporation for an up and coming project that i will be proposing to the council in the near future. the details are under wraps, but what i can say is that it revolves around the security of hoenn's most precious resource: the environment."

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emilee, vivian, brianne
october 17
Castelia City, Unova
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It ain’t easy being mean. In effete morality, I maintain a masquerade of earnestness and modesty.
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marie jules DOLLARS
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marie jules
she was the gateway to the empire
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2019 18:37:04 GMT
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Marie listens, her hands sitting atop one another as she nods diligently, intaking every word Olivia had to offer until she had finished speaking. Her proposition was agreement locked behind Marie’s own initial agreement, a stalemate of sorts made with the simple exchanging of words.

One answer I can give you assuredly is that we at Lupin Inc. are more than happy to aid the environment when we can. So far we have only invested in businesses that pose no threats to the environment and- when the time comes- plan to progress these businesses with eco-friendly methods.

Now, while I am not at liberty to give you a matter of fact answer to your proposal, I can pass this information onto Miss Lupin. A little more context would be appreciated, though- if you deem it not to be- is not necessary.

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sea witch
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Olivia Abbiati
she was the gateway to the empire
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2019 21:35:02 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar

"but of course." olivia answered cooly with a thin smile. she took a sip from her glass before explaining, "as i am sure you are well aware, wild mutated pokemon have been attacking densely populated areas at an alarming rate. while rampaging pokemon on their own are concerning there is also the extraterrestrial beast that have popped up in hoenn via wormholes or what have you." olivia paused for the briefest of moments to allow the other woman to process what she had just said - or specifically, so olivia could watch her process said information. none if it should be news to her, but still, it was better not to assume.

"further, there has been a spike in a legendary sightings as well as their newfound..." the mistress of the sea continued to explain before she pondered for the correct word. "... avatars, for lack of a better term, have been increasing as well. my successor in sootopolis, , is a prime example. while we cannot pinpoint the exact reason, i can give my educated opinion on the matter as both an expert in pokemon mythos and professional who works with pokemon: legends do not come out from hiding lest they are needed, and it is undeniable that these pokemon have a deep connection with nature. it is with this in mind that i fear our fumbling with the environment has somehow provoked a response from these mythic pokemon and triggered these mutations in wild - usually docile - pokemon."

olivia finished, "thus, i wish to bring together a specialized team to investigate these claims as well as work to better hoenn's environmental impact. to do so i will need the support of the populace to convince my fellow council members of the importance of said initiative." she took another sip after speaking so much and asked with an arched brow, "i do hope that answer would suffice for miss lupin."

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emilee, vivian, brianne
october 17
Castelia City, Unova
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It ain’t easy being mean. In effete morality, I maintain a masquerade of earnestness and modesty.
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marie jules
she was the gateway to the empire
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2019 23:04:39 GMT
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Her expression remains calm, completely professional, when the going ons of the region had been mentioned. This was no news to her, nor would it be news to any other. Rampaging beast causing a ruckus all about hoenn catching the eyes of those who even so much as glimpsed at the news or peeped to the skies.

She hummed in acknowledgement of her words, taking a sip of her water and giving a light nod for her to continue; she seemed to have more to say even with the brief pause she allowed.

Once she finished speaking, Marie gave a thankful smile, once more nodding before she began to speak.

I’m sure Miss Lupin would be more than willing to accept these conditions, so I will relay your words to her as soon as we finish up here. With that being said, I would like to continue as if we already have her blessing, eliminating the need for any further needless meetings and wasting of time.

We are a corporation Miss Abbiati, and while your endorsement is greatly appreciated I would still like to discuss the possibility of gaining a profit from the collaboration of your family's business and our company.

For a moment she rifled through her bag, a few seconds passing before she presented a smart tablet, setting it on the table for the two of them to view, swiping through visuals of her plans as she explained them.

As I’ve already said, we at Lupin would like to expand your reach of artisanal pearls, shipping them to other regions in order to create a bigger profit with them. But what I had failed the mention are the sights we had set on Galar.

Just as Olivia had, Marie would take a moment to examine the one opposite of her, but only for a second as she began to swipe through her tablet, bringing up a Galarian map and pointing to a lake.

Our sources tell us the lakes of Galar are filled with natural resources, the main ones we’ve set our eyes on being pearls. We plan to purchase an area of this lake here in the wild area and create a reserve to prevent overfishing of the aquatic wildlife as well as harvest pearls as they are presented. The abundance of Shellder and Cloyster willing to abscond of their pearls if quite prevalent there, so much so that trainers can find them without even looking.

And on the topic of Galar, I’m sure you are quite aware of the reefs in said region and the unfortunate circumstances that have befallen them? While it was not originally planned, I’m sure Miss Lupin would be ready to aid in restoring these reefs in the process of making a profit by introducing non-Galarian Corsola into the reserve we had planned to create.

As she spoke she presented visual cues alongside her words, circling areas on the map with her finger as well as setting marks on the screen to visualize points of interest.

I’m sure your family had planned on acting on one, or maybe both of these options that I have presented to you but we at Lupin Inc. figure that it would be better to collaborate when it comes to something like this, especially when it comes to the wellbeing of pokemon.

A sweet smile forms on her lips, eyes locked on Olivia’s, unwavering in their calm intensity for even a moment.

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sea witch
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Olivia Abbiati
she was the gateway to the empire
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 2:32:34 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar

"well spoken." olivia said at last, adding, "and you are correct, i have been looking into the pollution issue and how it is affect water pokemon regionally. i accept these terms to expand the abbiati market into galar in collaboration with lupin co." it was nearly over, these negotiations, yet there was more to say.

"are we at an agreement then? may i rely on you and your company for support, miss shou?"

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emilee, vivian, brianne
october 17
Castelia City, Unova
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It ain’t easy being mean. In effete morality, I maintain a masquerade of earnestness and modesty.
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marie jules
she was the gateway to the empire
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 22:31:25 GMT
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As I’ve said before, Miss Abbiati, I am merely a representative for Lupin Inc. My boss, Miss Lupin, will be the one who decides on the final verdict.

With that being said, your agreement to our terms will most definitely sway her in a tasteful direction. So… Yes, you may count on the support of Lupin in any current and future plans that may require us.

With that, Marie stands and presents her free hand to Olivia, the other occupied with packing up her things.

We will keep in touch for future endeavors.

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sea witch
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Olivia Abbiati
she was the gateway to the empire
POSTED ON Feb 15, 2020 0:00:56 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar

"i look forward to our next meeting then." olivia remarked, sealing the deal with a shaking of hands. she would move to leave unless stopped; and what could be said of this new partnership? had olivia just made a deal with the devil... or was it the other way around?

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POSTED ON Feb 15, 2020 6:15:24 GMT
[attr="class","reward2"]you receive the following: 10 pokedollar and 5 infamy!