Sticky Fingers

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Employee at the Stray
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189 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
639 posts
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TAG WITH @kyoukon
Annie Mei
Sticky Fingers
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2019 20:36:08 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
OOC: Please message me before replying!

A lone Sneasel continued what was quickly becoming routine for him. He waited outside one of the city’s many malls, hopping to be mistaken for some nearby trainer’s beat. Civilians would gather to take pictures, or check their shopping, or take a call. As more and more people arrived, he was effectively hidden in the huddle of humans. They were a good smokescreen. Slanted eyes watched for easy prey – a phone hanging out of a pocket, a loose bracelet, a note poking out of a wallet. He briskly walked, the ‘clumsy bump’ against them disguising him going for their goods. They’d notice that something was wrong, usually within seconds, but he’d have long since disappeared into the crowds with his prize, to meet his young master.

Annie leaned against a wall, in a nearby alleyway – far enough that her partner could make sure they weren’t being tailed, but close enough to act as backup if he was. Even if he had a knack for thievery, he was new to her team and to an urban setting. An easy mistake could land them both in big trouble, which was why she let out a sigh of relief every time he returned. “Good job, buddy,” she spoke, in a quiet voice reserved for their operations. His efforts were rewarded with a rub on the head. “What’ve you got for us this time?”

It was a win-win situation. Blitz, as he was now called, was able to prove his worth to his new pack. Annie could sell the fruits of his labour to ensure that they weren’t eating boiled Chansey eggs for the fourth night in a row. The owner of the pawn shop got to severely undercut the girl, because who else was she going to sell obviously stolen goods to? And the tourists, well… They were tourists, or suits, or snobby rich folk that had too much money anyway. They got to enjoy a little bonus shopping, once they realised that their pockets had been relieved.

At least, that was what she told herself. It helped to numb the pang of guilt she felt every time she ‘borrowed’ from a stranger. She was just doing what she had to, she reminded herself. She was in a foreign land with no support – just her and the Pokemon she’d met on the way. If it kept them happy and her alive, then it was worth doing… Right?

The girl furrowed her brow, drawn from her thoughts by Blitz’ latest delivery. A wallet. “Huh? Oh, no, no… Blitz, we don’t take wallets!” She did her best to keep her voice hushed, but the alarm shone through regardless. “Money, sure, but not somebody’s whole wallet…! Damnit…” Pragmatically, wallets were bad news. A tourist might not bat an eye if they were missing a few pokedollars, but take their bank card and their ID and suddenly they were much more eager to recover their goods. It would make them hang around in the area, or even put the authorities on alert, and then their job got a lot harder. Annie’s better half couldn’t help but agree. It was one thing to yoink a few dollars so they could eat or have a roof over their head for the night. It was another to ruin somebody’s day to do so, and a lot harder to justify in her head.

“No, it’s not your fault. You didn’t know.” Whispers hoped to combat a distraught look on Blitz’ face. “It’s okay. Well, it’s not… but I’ll handle it. We just need to get rid of it somehow. Somewhere that it’ll be found, probably. Don’t worry.” She was trying to convince herself more than she was commanding him, but he nodded all the same. She took a deep breath in, stowed the wallet into her pocket and strolled out of the alley…

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