roasted marshmallows and dirty tents [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Dec 13, 2019 16:50:27 GMT
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the sun was slowly moving towards the treeline of the route, an indication that night time was steadily approaching and the cold winter air was going to creep up on those still outside. anything living still outside was now trying to find their way back home, pokemon of all sizes were taking shelter and any people still on the route were booking it home. shinra and his team were not exactly in a hurry to head back to the nearest center, no they were partaking in the age old tradition of camping out under the stars. the tent was set up and a small makeshift fire pit was put together and kindling of all kinds was set inside. they had done this many times already that it was almost second nature to them.

"alright! let's start roasting some berries!" he cried out and was met with applause from all the pokemon he had with him, anthony the pikachu already coming up with a stick in his mouth and an oran berry speared on top of it and took a seat next to shinra and held the stick close to the flames. "anyone know where i left the cooking pot?" from inside the tent out popped an incineroar holding up a large pan in which shinra gave him a thumbs up as he grabbed it and looked it over. "ok...dante go and find us some more berries. gotta make a lot of curry for everyone before we lose all our daylight."


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POSTED ON Dec 14, 2019 13:01:46 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
Trixie found the stranger’s camp first. The Whimsicott had been searching for berries too, decorating her coat with them, when she spotted a Pikachu running off with some. She bounded through the bushes to lay eyes on the trainer, then ran back to report to her trainer.

Moments later, Shinra’s camp was invaded. Annie announced herself with a “Hello there, stranger!” and a wave. As always, the girl was very poorly dressed for the weather. A loose tracksuit and a shirt would normally be fine for Hoenn, but in the winter, and especially in the snow? It was no surprise that she was shivering. Still, she wouldn’t let that stop her from smiling. On her back she carried a hiker’s backpack, almost half her size and definitely at least half her weight.

Following suit was the tattletale Trixie and an ever-curious Vulpix. The later was the first to get up close to the other trainer – or rather, to his firepit. To roasted food. “Hey, Sune, you at least have to introduce yourself before you make yourself comfortable! …Sorry.” She gave the man a mildly embarrassed smile. “It’s been a long day, and I can’t really blame her for wanting to warm up. Hell, I’m only feeling colder now that I’ve stopped moving.”

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POSTED ON Dec 14, 2019 18:08:38 GMT
Shinra Redgrave Avatar

looking up from his fire he could tell that yes, this girl was going to be cold dressed like that, and gave her a quizzical raise of the eyebrow and a smile. "well ya ain't gonna keep warm wearing stuff like that. c'mon 'n sit down. we got plenty of room. and food too." he looked between his pikachu enjoying a warm berry and the incineroar bringing over the pot that they would be using for cooking in a few moments, "you hungry? we were all gonna enjoy some curry and grilled slowpoke tails if any of that is yer thing."

warming up by a fire just wasn't complete unless you were enjoying something to eat after all. once the pot was in place and the ingredients brought out shinra got to work throwing some slowpoke tails into it to let them sizzle. just the sound of it was music to his ears. "so what brings ya out here in the cold anyway? 'cause you look like you were supposed to be jogging to the nearest center, not forest."


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POSTED ON Dec 15, 2019 20:33:45 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
Few people noticed her clothes, or at least cared enough to comment on it, so his words earned a raised eyebrow from her. The look relaxed into a small smile as he offered her a place at the fire, and she took a step towards him… Only to stop once he started asking questions. The girl turned her head away, showing a shy side for a moment – or perhaps an embarrassed one.

“My other outfit is all smelly, and it’s not like it’s any warmer.” She turned to meet his eyes; hers seemed a little more determined, or stubborn. “This is what I’ve got, so I’ve got to make the best of it.” Her tone suggested that it was just as much a proud declaration as it was a fact of life. Still, her eyes narrowed, as if anticipating his criticism, or laughter, or anything that would warrant her going on the defensive. Perhaps that was why she stayed standing, even as her pair of Pokemon stared up at the man like they were straight out of Oliver Twist. The cold starting to settle against her skin wasn’t enough to make her budge, either… Not until she could read the man’s reaction.

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Shinra Redgrave
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POSTED ON Dec 16, 2019 17:12:24 GMT
Shinra Redgrave Avatar

shinra tried to stifle a laugh. he still came out nearly bawling his eyes out at the girl's explanation. "sorry sorry...its just...I uh. feel sorry for ya then. c'mon and sit down then and warm up. its gonna get even colder just standing there." he reached down with a stick and poked it through one of the slowpoke tails and held it up to her, waving it around as it slightly wiggled on the stick. "sides making the best of it is what we do down here." he took another grilled slowpoke tail and set it down in front of annie's pokemon to enjoy before getting to his feet and walking over to his tent and pulling out a large quilt blanket. "Well if you need something around yourself for warmth we have this. or you can sit in dante's lap, he's pretty warm." he gestured to the large feline cat who was flicking small twigs into the fire.


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POSTED ON Dec 17, 2019 8:01:21 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
His words stung, and it showed. Just a little twitch in her left eye, a slight wince. She didn’t have much, but she did have her pride. She was also going to have frostbite soon if she didn’t suck it up and let his pity slide. Besides, the food smelled good. Really good. And her Pokemon didn’t need to suffer for her stubbornness, right?

“Maybe I’ll… stay for a little while.” The Whimsicott raised her stubby arms and cheered, undeterred by (or more likely, not understanding) the hesitation. Annie closed the distance between the two trainers, taking the offered tail. The Vulpix took that as a cue to dig in as well, nibbling on the one left on the ground. “…Thank you.” She was quieter than before, largely thanks to his words and his laugh. No, that wasn’t fair and she knew it. Even if he felt for her bad, he meant well. “Thank you, really.” She tried again, louder and more confidently than before. She even forced a bit of a smile on for him, coming closer to her demeanour when she’d arrived… Before he’d started asking questions.

She took the blanket with her free hand, drawing it over herself. A pat of the blanket prompted Trixie to hurry to her side, under the covers and into Annie’s lap. Every other bite of the grilled tail would be offered to the cotton ball. She left the other end of the cloth hanging, just in case the man didn’t have a spare. “I don’t think I’ve ever sat in a Pokemon’s lap before, and I don’t think that’ll change today. No offence. Besides, I have Sune to keep me warm. Sometimes.” The Vulpix perked her head up, realised that she wasn’t needed, and went straight back to munching.

“…What are you doing out here, then? This isn’t the kind of weather most people want to be hanging around in.”

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Shinra Redgrave
roasted marshmallows and dirty tents [c]
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2019 6:21:11 GMT
Shinra Redgrave Avatar

he kept up a smile as he watched her grab the blanket and sit down next to him so the both of them could warm up by the fire as they and their pokemon enjoyed a good meal. he didn't want to come off as like he was trying to make fun of her. he did find her attitude a little funny but just because to him it seemed like she really wasn't trying to be grateful. maybe it was just his imagination.

"oh well, i like camping." it was probably a bit too basic of an answer to her question. he did enjoy camping but he would be hard pressed to disagree about the weather like right now would be some great camping weather. "its sort of a tradition i sort of made up ever since i moved to hoenn. every holiday my family would barbecue and grill outside till nightfall and hold a big party. now i can't really do that with myself and a handful of loveable critters, so we just do our own kind of thing. a smaller party with just us, a big campfire, and tasty treats."

remembering all those times he spent with his family was starting to make him feel both warm inside and also heavy, like a weight was building up in his chest. "i know i know. its pretty weird. but hey everyone's got a weird thing they do or two don't they?"


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POSTED ON Dec 24, 2019 15:34:24 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
“Nothing weird about it. I like camping too.” Hers was an interest born more out of necessity than choice, but she’d made the most of it. “It doesn’t take much to set up. You can get all the people you care about with you. They can all sit together and enjoy some food or tell stories, and…” The girl’s smile had grown weaker, but it was much more sincere. “It’s nice. Makes it feel like family.”

It sounded like they were kindred spirits. After all, if he’d had family to be with, she’d be able to see them. All she saw was a handful of Pokemon, but she wasn’t about to ask why. If his reasons were anything like hers, they weren’t the kind for casual conversation. A bittersweet smile, perhaps, would be enough to tell him that she understood. “Not that these guys aren’t pretty much family now!” The Whimsicott’s mouth was half full, but that didn’t stop her from letting out a cheer muffled by the blanket. “So we end up camping out most nights. It’s a good way to get everybody feeling like a real team.” That, and the company helped distract them all from the weather. In that regard, warming up with the stranger worked just as well as her Pokemon did. "Besides, it makes sure we're keeping to Camp Annie Tenet Number Three: Sleep well, eat well! Because we won't get far on an empty stomach or dull mind."


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POSTED ON Dec 27, 2019 13:09:24 GMT
Shinra Redgrave Avatar

so she understood! sounded like she did the same sort of thing that shinra did, so they were kindred spirits in camping! that much shinra could understand at the very least. what he couldn't understand what she was talking about some camp rule. she looked young yeah but "camp annie"? "what the heck is camp annie anyway? didn't think hoenn had camps around here. everyone just talks about making secret bases or something." he stuffed his face with another mouthful of grilled slowpoke tail as his pokemon were finishing their own meal.

"not that that isn't a bad rule. can't really do anything on an empty stomach after all. speaking of which i think...we might have a few leftovers. let's hope we don't attract any wildlife huh? think your guys could take on an angry ursaring?" he gave a smirk as he suddenly paused mid bite as the sound of rustling foliage caught his attention before disappearing. did he just curse their luck like that? well between the both of them they could probably take an ursaring. or an army of teddiursa. the latter was probably more dangerous due to the cute factor. "does camp annie have any rules about confronting the wildlife by the way?"


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POSTED ON Dec 30, 2019 17:57:38 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
He’d fallen for her trap card. The girl’s smile took on a devilish edge. If that didn’t clue him in, then her clearing her throat might have done the trick. “Camp Annie is the ever-expanding party led by up-and-coming extraordinaire, Annie Mei! We travel the region, adding more to the pack and watching out for it.”

Another muffled cheer escaped the blanket. “Thank you, Trixie. Anyway, any Pokemon can join the Camp, as long as they’re willing to abide by its Five-Plus-One Tenets! Tenet One!” She wasn’t stopping. “Make Every Introduction Unforgettable! We’ve got to leave good impressions if we’re going to be superstars one day!”

“Tenet Two! Try Not To Give Up! We’ve got a lot to do, and it’ll only take longer if a bunch of failures slow us down!”

“Tenet Three!” It was becoming clear that she had rehearsed her speech. Several times. “Sleep Well, Eat Well! I’ve already explained that one.”

“Tenet Four! If You’re Troubled, Talk To Someone! Sometimes things don’t go too well, but that’s why we’re together – to lift up the guys that are feeling down.” Perhaps ironically, the girl hadn’t done much talking in a while. Her Campers were great and all, but few things could replace a conversation with a human who could respond in kind. Perhaps that was why she was so eager to tell him around her clan.

“Tenet Five! You’re Likely To Succeed If You Try! So try a lot, and remember Tenet Two!”

“And Tenet Five-Plus-One! This one’s Orion’s Rule, so it’s still a work in progress, but I like the sound of it. Never Leave A Camper Behind. If there’s a Pokemon or a person out there with the spark to join the camp, or is already in it, then it’s our job to make sure they’re alright.”

She let a few seconds of silence pass, a large grin upon her face. Trixie had finished the tail while she was distracted, and Sune was almost done nibbling away at hers. “…So, no! We don’t have any rules about wildlife, but I’m not afraid. We run into Pokemon all the time, and not all of them are friendly, but we always manage. She doesn’t look it, but Trixie can be a real nightmare when she wants to be, and Sune is packing heat – literally!” She didn’t leave much time for him to wonder where she’d learned what packing heat was. “If anything wants to start a fight, we’re ready for it. Are you?”

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Shinra Redgrave
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POSTED ON Jan 1, 2020 18:13:36 GMT
Shinra Redgrave Avatar

shinra listened as annie listed off her so called tenets. from what he could gather it was what she referred her pokemon team as. he nodded along after the first two but then she kept going without interruption. and then kept going. and going. she sure had a lot of breath going for her.

"wait wouldn't that be six tenets then?" was all he could slip out before she went on again about how they were ready for anything that would come their way and meet it with a good fight. shinra had to pay respect to her confidence about it, not a lot of people he knew would go along with whatever act she had, if it even was one, and still be sitting there like they were the top dog around.

when asked if he would do the same if he met a wild pokemon shinra grinned as he felt his confidence rising. "oh yeah. wild beast or wild trainer i'll take anything on. heck i'll take on your whole camp." a challenge that was really a joke but if she did take it...well he just said he'll take on nearly any challenge now did he? "my whole team's ain't amateurs, after all we couldn't do this sort of thing often if we didn't know how to take care of ourselves. right boys?"

dante looked up at shinra and raised his arm in a flex, his bicep bulging underneath all that fur as the incineroar let out a toothy grin. meanwhile anthony just let out a quick "chu!" as he went back to nibbling on his tail. "See? they're ready for anything!"


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POSTED ON Jan 1, 2020 19:33:48 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
Annie paused, halfway through reaching for her Whimsicott’s Slowpoke tail. She stared at Shinra for several seconds before she repeated herself: “Five-plus-one. The last one isn’t finalized.” There was an edge of confusion to her voice, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “One day there’ll be six, or maybe five-plus-two. I don’t really plan these things out.”

She pulled the stick out of the blanket, only to realise that there was no tail left. “Wha- Trixie, that thing was, like, a third of your size!” The Whimsicott sunk into her trainer’s lap in response, eyes shut in absolute bliss. Annie rolled hers. “I don’t know where you put all of that…”

She shook her head, settling her eyes back on Shinra. “Bold claim, stranger! But we’ve got a big camp. Too big for me to have out all at the same time. And, more importantly… I wouldn’t have them fighting for fun right now. Not in this weather. Not when I can’t promise that they’re taken care of after.” She beckoned her Vulpix over. The little fox drew close, allowing her trainer to pet the top of her head. “So I’ll have to take your word for it this time. Besides, you look like a pretty beefy guy yourself, so I’d bet that your guys are tough too.”

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POSTED ON Jan 4, 2020 19:43:25 GMT
Shinra Redgrave Avatar

"yeah ok that's fair. nearest center ain't around here for about...a few miles. and i only have so many potions." he kind of had to keep in mind of his own stock of things to keep the team in top shape when they went outside. shinra had a bad habit of pushing his team a bit during their little training sessions and is way too willing to throw them at the nearest wild pokemon whenever one got to his campsite. honestly he was surprised they were all cool with it.

"would you believe me if i said that pikachu is kinda the lowest ranking member of the team? guy's cute but he's got a lot to work with." anthony looked at shinra, offended that he would say such a thing. sure it was true but he shouldn't say it nonetheless. "but i still love the guy." ok maybe that helped ease the strain that was their relationship now. either way the pikachu went back to nibbling on the last bits of his tail.

the sounds of hoothoots echoed in the night and caught shinra's attention. had it gotten that late already? "well then when we can we should have a battle. just so you can see up close how tough my pokemon can be. for now though...we might wanna turn in. heard ursarings love to wander around this area real late. you wanna stick with us till morning? we extra blanket or two. i think."


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Annie Mei
roasted marshmallows and dirty tents [c]
POSTED ON Jan 4, 2020 21:45:43 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
“I don’t even think I have any potions. I have a Fortuna, which is just as good! …She’s my Blissey, by the way, and a very good girl.” When the giant ball was on the field, nobody had a say in the matter. If they were injured, they wouldn’t be for long. “So things work out either way.”

The idea of team rankings prompted her to tilt her head. For all her talk of her Camp and its rules- “I don’t think that we have an order, really. I’m on top, obviously, but besides that everybody’s on the same level. I’d guess that my Zoroark gets more respect from the others just because he’s been around the longest, but besides that…” She shrugged. “We’re a team. Besides, I think there’s too many Campers for me to try and figure out an order now.” The girl paused. Blinked. Thinking of her dozens of creatures gave her an idea.

“I’ll tell you what, though. We’ll meet again, soon. Probably. I’ve got a team plan that I’m working on, and you can be my test dummy. If all goes to plan, it’ll be a tough batch, so you better be ready!” There was a smug edge to her smile – a challenge, almost. “Until then… Yeah, I wouldn’t mind hanging here for the night, since you offered! I had to fight a giant green Pokemon in the dark a few nights back. Wasn’t fun, so I’ll stick with company for now. Safety in numbers and all that. So… thanks!”

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roasted marshmallows and dirty tents [c]
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2020 0:39:27 GMT
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