Dark Whispers [SW]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Dark Whispers [SW]
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2020 9:22:56 GMT
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our voices carry
careful words we can barely speak out loud
Irisa held her phone out in front of her, using an app on her phone to amplify the screen's brightness. She didn't have a flashlight or a lantern with her, so the phone would have to do. This was her first time ever setting foot in a cave, but the chance of finding some unique pokemon had made it worth the trip, at least so she hoped. Suddenly, she heard the sound of a lot of rustling wings. The light from her phone had disturbed several roosting Zoobat, and Irisa was forced to duck as they swooped over her head. She thought they wanted to fight at first, but thankfully they flew out the mouth of the cave and out of sight. Irisa took a deep breath to calm herself down, there was no reason to be scared of the cave, or so she kept trying to convince herself. The truth was that entering the dark cave was rather intimidating, and not knowing what she might find only made it worse. Thankfully, she did have most of her pokemon with her, except for one. She left her useless Zigzagoon behind, because she was more convinced than ever that he was too weak. She planned to give Fyodor a chance to redeem himself another time, but where she was going was too dangerous. "You three, keep close and don't go wandering off. If you do, consider this cave your new home because I'm not combing every nook and cranny looking for you," Irisa warned in a grouchy tone. Really though, she was on edge and felt safer with her pokemon nearby. Olenka was the only one she considered to be dependable, but she had brought her new Munchlax Morn, and Richter along for backup as well.

Olenka looked around the dark cave, which was large and spacious. It was ideal habitat for her, and she honestly wouldn't have minded staying there except for one thing...food shortages. Irisa supplied her with a steady supply of food, which was not something she could get in the cave. Plus, humans made all kinds of tasty food that she knew she would never find in this cave. She grumbled and swatted in annoyance at the pesky Zoobats that flew overhead, and came very close to swiping one of them out out of the air. Olenka sniffed at the air and immediatedly smelled the multitude of Zoobats, the scents of several pokemon she couldn't identify offhand, and something that surprised her. Her trainer was giving off a distinct fear scent, which was something that was unusual for the human. What was her trainer so frightened of? Certainly it couldn't have been the Zoobats, who were more annoying than threatening. Already, they had cleared out of the cave, and she didn't see anything immediately in front of Irisa. She lost a little respect for Irisa then, but she obediently trailed after Irisa and guarded her back. After all, if she did a good enough job at protecting her, maybe Irisa would reward her with food later.

While Olenka was picking up on different kinds of scents, Richter was picking up on all sorts of sounds. The sound of Irisa's footsteps, as well as the other pokemon on the team. He could hear water dripping off of stalagmites nearby, and the very floor of the cave itself seemed to echo with minute vibrations from footfalls. Distantly, he picked up on the sound of soft growls and rustling wings, most likely from the wild pokemon scattered throughout the cave. They definitely were not alone in the cave, but he wasn't too worried about it. It was certainly one or the more interesting places to visit, and he was eager to go deeper into the cave to explore. Unfortunately, Irisa quickly put a damper on that idea. He tried not to let it get him down though, and fell in line behind Olenka's bulky form. If there were any pokemon up ahead, Irisa and Olenka would be the first ones to encounter them.

Morn the Munchlax had already wandered away, so he wasn't even there to hear Irisa's warning about being left behind in the cave. He had gotten hungry, Irisa hadn't had the smell of food on her, and he thought he could search for food in the cave. He had only recently been captured, and hadn't broken the habit of foraging for food yet. He knew that caves were usually good places to find food, if one knew where to look. He looked for a spot where the shadows were deepest, and he grinned in satisfaction when he thought he found what he was looking for. He smelled some sort of odd pokemon nearby; it was a damp sort of smell, but they hadn't eaten the mushrooms that grew along the bottom of a stalagmite from the looks of it. He reached out to pick one of the mushrooms, only to have it wiggle at him. The damp smell was actually coming from the mushroom, which was actually a pokemon. He could just barely see the beady black eyes on the tiny creature. He didn't know it was a Morelull, but he did back off nonetheless. He wanted mushrooms to eat, not another pokemon, and it didn't smell all that good to begin with. Morn wandered off in search of food, leaving the wild pokemon to do its own thing. Irisa and the other pokemon were already moving deeper into the cave, so they hadn't seen it happen.

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TAG WITH @spiral
Dark Whispers [SW]
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2020 1:58:41 GMT



male / iron fist[break]
bullet punch / comet punch / parting shot / arm thrust

