i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Devil wears Prada
May 13
Castelia City, Unova
Undercover mean girl
Know your worth & add your tax
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TAG WITH @erin
Erin Caulfield
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 12:31:44 GMT
Erin Caulfield Avatar
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transfer ol power


[attr="class","box active"]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-porygon2"]


It's not her fault there's an easily traceable feed to connect her to the meeting. Really. She believes it to be intentional, and that's why she doesn't bother to show up in HQ. Erin may not have been the organization's most involved member for a long time, having chosen to lay low as she figured out her place after what happened in Verdanturf and Fallarbor. She still hasn't quite figured it out, much to her distress, but that doesn't mean she wants to miss this event.


Had Rocket really captured this many powerful assets recently? She must have been too busy with her day job to keep up with her night one. There's a small kindling that threatens to light up, but she blows it out before it has the chance to. When questions start to pop up, she waits.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 19:39:26 GMT
Deleted Avatar
[attr="class","dae b"]
[attr="class","dae i"]someone nudges him when the speech comes to an eventual end. the murmurs and whispers that spread through the crowd are lost on him, too distracted by the lines of text on his phone. he had been reading instead of giving his full attention, apparently, but the important bits are not missed.

raising his hand, dae asks: "hello excuse me i heard there was going to be a raffle? is that starting soon or?" a few seconds are allowed to pass before he speaks again. "i'm just messing with ya. i just wanted to know what you have planned for the rest of us."


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 20:45:38 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Situated towards the outskirts of the gathered crowd, Circe somewhat pays attention to the meeting, occasionally offering melodramatic gasps and 'oh wows' to liven up the mood.

Despite working on a few personal projects for Cadis, she can't bring herself to feel grief over his departure from power - only annoyance that her phase of doing 'whatever she pleased' would be over with this change of power. This man, Declan Walsh, hailed from Kanto, a place where rocket had not only successfully taken control of but managed to maintain its command...much unlike Hoenn. Some part of her almost felt embarrassed. Were they this incompetent? That a different regional branch needed to send aid their way?

"Like a bunch of children," her deride is full of exasperation. As the questions began to ring out from the peanut gallery, she stifles another impatient scoff in favor of fixating her stare onto their new bosses expression and features. A small smirk pulls onto her lips.

She is certain of one thing though. Dominic didn't lie to her.
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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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TAG WITH @dominic
dominic sinclair
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2020 20:55:10 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar
 he hates that he flinches when the darkrai approaches. it feels, he thinks, like lethargy given form. for a brief moment, dominic feels too tired to even draw breath, but the sensation is gone just as quickly, settling in somewhere in the space between his ribs and his shadow. he exhales sharply and straightens to make eye contact with walsh.

dominic knew, of course. he was underboss under both blackwells and under cadis too; the rank and all it entails is engraved into his bones.

he watches the rest of the procession with an expression of faint, steely satisfaction, responding with an incline of the head and the flash of a grin when he feels hands clap against his back and shoulders, congratulations uttered in murmurs. his gratitude is expressed only by the razor-sharp quirk of his lips - the words for thanks don’t find themselves among his vocabulary and he trusts both darkrai and walsh recognise it.

as the questions arise, dominic’s gaze flickers from those gathered and back to their boss. when he shakes his head, it’s a minute gesture. dominic had taken pains to warn the man back in kanto; the hoenn branch is filled to the brim with clowns, only, unfortunately, they were primarily the human kind and not the ultra beast kind.

among the murmurs surrounding him, dominic catches cadis’s name being uttered, and calls out a question to alleviate their concerns rather than to put his own curiosity to rest.

"will cadis remain aboard?" he spares a brief glance behind him and the grunts milling around. "some of the newer recruits have grown fond of him, perhaps his presence is reassuring to them."

which is to be read as: they are soft. across the crowd, dominic catches ’s gaze and offers the briefest of nods.

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Agent SiK
August 26th
Team Rocket
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TAG WITH @sebastianc
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2020 22:53:37 GMT
Igor Avatar

A shift in power....

It brought questions to Igor's mind and yet, at the same time it didn't bother him in the least. Whomever was the Boss of Team Rocket mattered little to an Associate, Igor's job was to take orders and get the job done, that was it, at least in his mind. Nigh programmed, literally though he didn't know, the ebony clad figure would stand in the background, blending in with the shadows as to not bother the others with his...strange appearance.

Arms crossed high along his chest with his cloak draped around his form Igor would remain unmoving as he refused to interrupt. Even after introductions, speeches, and even questions being flung around the room Igor would keep to himself. That was until the silence seemed to begin to stir, requiring a poke to keep the fire going.

The only question I have is....When's our next move?

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
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843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2020 20:07:25 GMT
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priam weaves through the crowd until he reaches and situates himself beside him. there's a friendly nudge with his elbow to alert him of his presence, giving him a wink and a click of his tongue if ever he turns his attention to him.

questions keep on piling up, although most of them were asking similar things. priam decides to keep his mouth shut, not knowing how else he can rehash the same question with a different wording.

he busies himself with marcel, although his eyes were still glued to the speaker, feigning attentiveness. "did ya want a present from mister walsh too?" priam teases in a whisper, a smirk forming in his expression.

as soon as the words leave his mouth, priam crosses his arms and starts to nod with each word, as if he is engaging with the class. he already was trying his best as it was difficult to keep his attention on anything that doesn't interest him anyways.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @rocketnpc1
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2020 1:15:57 GMT
NPC Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]A TRANSFER OF POWER





DECLAN ADDRESSES THE MORE UNIQUE INQUIRIES FIRST. as the submarine channels through the seas of hoenn, its corviknight steel and stealthed frame hidden to radar, the boss scans his audience calmly after acknowledging 's gratitude.[break][break][break]

he answers first, pulling off his rain wet gloves. "an abbiati in rocket? interesting. previously, a rocket member by the name of jayde cross had encountered it being infected by an ultra beast we now call nihilego. a few months ago, when olivia was councilwoman, she had been exploring ruins underneath sootopolis. the lugia had been taking shelter there. we took it for ourselves instead." he speaks, a boring melody to his voice, as if he is recounting directly from a page.[break][break][break]

he passes his gloves off to a grunt. without a word, the grunt moves toward declan's office, careful not to let the gloves drip on the metal floor.[break][break][break]



in response to and , declan says, "you can trust me because i've worked in rocket for years— and have worked with some of you before in kanto. like the curiously absent admin, , underboss, , who is simply returning to a position he has long held," declan rubs his hands together to warm them, "cadis will remain with us. you can actually visit him in the medical bay, room c46. a man as loyal as him deserves the best care under our eyes as an award for his service." as the submarine descends deeper, the dark water bubbles against the windows. "awards like the lugia. the blacephalon. awards for action, dedication. i refrain from adding darkrai to the list, for that was the pokemon's choice and not mine."[break][break][break]


the darkrai's eyes watch from a web of shadow drenching a wall corner. such an ominous presence is not new to these rockets— for the pokemon stalks the submarine's shadows, especially at night. however, some will surmise correctly that such hauntings would cease with declan and dominic's partnerships.[break][break][break]

"as for our next move," declan says, "in the past, for hoenn and johto, rocket has attempted attacks from the outside-in. our next move, and what we have been doing currently, is to continue attacking from the inside." he begins to pull his raincoat off and another grunt assists him. "we prey upon the fact that is still new to her post, remind the public of her own acts in the blacephalon's attack, and the league's incompetence in general. plant seeds of doubt in the minds of the public, and naturally, destabilization will follow. criticize the league on the hoenn news network, where our plant, , is working. scapegoat the league for hoenn's disasters and struggles; then again, they seem to be doing the majority of the work for us."[break][break][break]


he speaks as if this obvious, in a matter-of-factly lilt. however, he may simply be tired. constant travel and the solemn rainy weather seeps in as grey fatigue. "last but not least, the league has been compiling a list of avatars as well as those who could be dangerous figures, should they become avatars. one of our beasts, , has intel about one () now— but i would like everyone to keep their eyes out for other league-affiliated avatars. report them to us. they are meddlesome. dangerous to our cause as well. assassination is one thing, but painting them as risks to public safety is another. if we 'remove' them, we shift the blame on to and 's A.Q.U.A. INITIATIVE."[break][break][break]

the a.q.u.a. (avatar quality and ultra beast action) initiative, first put forth by former councilwoman , was initially devised as response and research team against ultra beast attacks; however, unbeknownst to the public and the rocket, the initiative has become a way for to track avatars.[break][break][break]

declan excuses himself after the meeting. if there were further questions, they would need to be asked later, for rest will be needed for the tumultuous days ahead.[break][break][break]


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