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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Shirohashi Kazuro
September 29
Ecruteak City, Johto
Senior Ranger
a million miles away, come back and stay
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Asahiko Hakuryuu
hoshi ni negai wo [sz]
POSTED ON Mar 13, 2022 20:45:24 GMT
Asahiko Hakuryuu Avatar

One friend after another, it seemed.[break][break]

Not long after tucking the capsule away had he shifted his attention towards his wondering companions once more; bicolored hues briefly scanning their surroundings prior to settling upon his beloved little companions. Within the span of what could only have amounted to no more than several seconds’ worth of time, he watched as they bounded back towards him, offering quickened and seemingly excited chirps before promptly finding themselves distracted by yet another creature.[break][break]

After seeing them run towards it, he followed their trail that time around, though not without ensuring that some distance was set between them for safety and comfort. Much to his surprise, however, he eyed the trio as they seemed to share a brief mingle, all before the more vulpine of them bounded over towards him with the others in tow.[break][break]

”...Quick friends, mmn…?” he chuckled softly amidst cries and chirps in response, crouching down upon a knee and reaching out to gently scratch through the fluff around its neck. ”Mmn. It would be a shame to separate you all so quickly, then…”[break][break]

With a faintly more broadened and amused smile, he reached for the last remaining capsule he’d been given before deftly tapping it upon the fox’s head.[break][break]

tl;dr: catching eevee

0/3 safari balls remaining

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played by


Shirohashi Kazuro
September 29
Ecruteak City, Johto
Senior Ranger
a million miles away, come back and stay
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Asahiko Hakuryuu
hoshi ni negai wo [sz]
POSTED ON Mar 12, 2022 6:14:32 GMT
Asahiko Hakuryuu Avatar

Everything seemed peaceful enough for the time following, though before long, the man found his gaze drifting throughout the surroundings prior to settling upon a particular little creature eying him from afar, partially hidden beneath the shroud of nearby grasses. A soft, ”Oh…?” left his lips as he noticed it, at upon noting it seem to creep out of the bushes, he glanced towards his own Pokemon (seemingly still enjoying their time in the fields and nothing more), he slowly sat down and softly gestured it closer.[break][break]

Much to his surprise, he found it growing closer and closer within his sights, and even found himself holding a hand out it held both of its own towards him. Warmly did he smile, and softly did he smile, and after some minor debate, he took one of the remaining capsules he’d been given before gently tapping it atop its head.[break][break]

He eyed the button upon it before it dimmed, and he gave a softer chuckle before tucking it away safely.[break][break]

”Absolutely precious~…”[break][break]

tl;dr: catching happiny

1/3 safari balls remaining

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played by


Shirohashi Kazuro
September 29
Ecruteak City, Johto
Senior Ranger
a million miles away, come back and stay
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Asahiko Hakuryuu
hoshi ni negai wo [sz]
POSTED ON Mar 10, 2022 4:34:32 GMT
Asahiko Hakuryuu Avatar

He walked over to pick the ball up.[break][break]

With a softened hum, he gazed down upon it shortly after the light upon its button dimmed, gently brushing the excess dirt off of it prior to stashing it upon another portion of his belt. He took a brief pause upon feeling the rustling of two of his own companions from within their capsules, promptly pressing the buttons of both in order to release them. A soft smile tugged upon his lips at the sight of a familiar duo of draconian and avian creatures land upon the ground, chirping at one another before finding a sudden interest in a nearby Pokemon that made itself known.[break][break]

They quickly scurried over with the intention to talk, or perhaps even play, and nothing more by the look of it.[break][break]

tl;dr: skipping

2/3 safari balls remaining

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played by


Shirohashi Kazuro
September 29
Ecruteak City, Johto
Senior Ranger
a million miles away, come back and stay
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Asahiko Hakuryuu
overthinking pt.ii [sw]
POSTED ON Mar 9, 2022 6:57:21 GMT
Asahiko Hakuryuu Avatar

…It really was always the larger ones,wasn’t it?[break][break]

He hadn’t quite had a qualm with it, but as the sounds of clamorous clanging met his ears, the man’s head turned towards the direction from whence it came; a familiar feeling of direness etching himself within his soul as he looked to the nearest obstruction to him and swiftly bound over to it, all while crouching himself down. Inhaling deeply and silently, he rested himself against the rock that obscured him from view, all while his own Pokemon ventured after him the moment the sounds had echoed throughout the area (and with the case of a particular two, had attained swift rides to their trainer with the aid of their seeming caretakers out in the open).[break][break]

As the two, smaller creatures were set gently upon the ground, the ashen haired man took care to give their capsules a swift click; only giving them a sparing glance as they were shifted back into their safe keepings, and as the remaining of the four watched alongside their trainer, he gave a quick command as the drake made its way into the clearing.[break][break]

It would find itself met with a Psychic and an Extreme Speed—courtesy of his Kadabra and Lucario, respectively—before he picked himself up enough to gain a proper view and arc, tossing a vacant Pokemon out towards it.[break][break]

--Kadabra used Psychic on the wild Kommo-o[break]
--Lucario used Extreme Speed on the wild Kommo-o[break]
--Asahiko used x1 Pokeball in a capture attempt


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played by


Shirohashi Kazuro
September 29
Ecruteak City, Johto
Senior Ranger
a million miles away, come back and stay
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TAG WITH @asahiko
Asahiko Hakuryuu
hoshi ni negai wo [sz]
POSTED ON Mar 9, 2022 6:57:00 GMT
Asahiko Hakuryuu Avatar


By the look of it, however, it seemed to be unaware of his presence for the moment. Whether it had been snacking upon some nearby berries and the like, or whether it had simply been distracted by some other means, had been something of little relevance to him within those moments. In light of such a thing, he merely gave a cursory glance around him as he began to stalk towards the little creature, all while he minded his own business just as it had been doing.[break][break]

When close enough, he gave the Safari Ball within his grasp another toss and catch as if feeling the situation out before ultimately tossing it towards the unsuspecting little beast.[break][break]

tl;dr: catching stufful

2/3 safari balls remaining

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played by


Shirohashi Kazuro
September 29
Ecruteak City, Johto
Senior Ranger
a million miles away, come back and stay
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TAG WITH @asahiko
Asahiko Hakuryuu
overthinking pt.ii [sw]
POSTED ON Mar 9, 2022 5:20:41 GMT
Asahiko Hakuryuu Avatar

There he was again- and at the nagging insistence of his Pokemon that time, nonetheless.[break]
He was equal parts appreciative and ashamed, truthfully.[break][break]

The sights were familiar for the most part. The same, makeshift seat along the side of the path. The same, rural paths, and the same, overbearing sense of conflict that weighed heavy upon his shoulders.[break][break]

He narrowed his eyes with a sigh as he turned his head, watching two of his accompanying Pokemon seemingly spar one another within their break.


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played by


Shirohashi Kazuro
September 29
Ecruteak City, Johto
Senior Ranger
a million miles away, come back and stay
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TAG WITH @asahiko
Asahiko Hakuryuu
hoshi ni negai wo [sz]
POSTED ON Mar 9, 2022 5:19:44 GMT
Asahiko Hakuryuu Avatar

He took a deep breath, peering about within an idle, yet vigilant manner as he trekked through the zone grounds. Footfalls sounded vaguely and quietly as he made his way through the entry gates of the area, and as he rested a hand comfortably within its respective pocket, the remaining sought to occupy itself with one of the capsules handed to him upon clearance to enter. As the remaining two of the aforementioned capsules rested upon a belt hung loosely upon the flank of his leg, he tossed the remaining within a repetitive manner as he walked through.[break][break]

A pensive hum escaped his lips as he caught it and paused, narrowing his eyes while attempting to keep an eye and ear out for any of the roaming fauna.

3/3 safari balls remaining

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played by


Shirohashi Kazuro
September 29
Ecruteak City, Johto
Senior Ranger
a million miles away, come back and stay
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Asahiko Hakuryuu
processed shop
POSTED ON Mar 9, 2022 1:34:37 GMT
Asahiko Hakuryuu Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

1X safari ticket (50 PD)


do come again!

50 PD
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played by


Shirohashi Kazuro
September 29
Ecruteak City, Johto
Senior Ranger
a million miles away, come back and stay
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Asahiko Hakuryuu
deep dive [m][ac]
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2022 4:36:47 GMT
Asahiko Hakuryuu Avatar



Not too long after setting his beloved Pokemon down, he’d already began to reach down towards the remainder of the suit that hung from his waist. Upon noting the voice, however, he found himself at a pause only moments after finding the proper holes to his sleeves, and as the woman stared at him, he found himself at a momentary loss of words as he processed the situation.[break][break]

After some (awkward) staring, he inhaled silent before continuing to quickly slip himself into the rest of the wetsuit.[break][break]

”...My apologies…” he started off, although audibly seemed as if he were at a vague lost as to where he would go afterwards. Glancing down, he blinked while watching the selfsame bird that distracted him as she skittered across the floor, wobbling faintly due to the waves, but catching herself at the last moment before chirping at the neighboring water type. He sighed.[break][break]

”...She may be a bit too excited and antsy for her own good~...”

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played by


Shirohashi Kazuro
September 29
Ecruteak City, Johto
Senior Ranger
a million miles away, come back and stay
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TAG WITH @asahiko
Asahiko Hakuryuu
serenade [m][ac]
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2022 4:36:35 GMT
Asahiko Hakuryuu Avatar

”...I suppose so.”[break][break]

Although his tone remained skeptical, the look upon his face had been thoughtful as he pondered her words. Only when he noted a shifting from the corner of his eye did he glance away from the screen, finding himself peering towards his companion as she seemed intent with bringing herself closer (something he far from detested). Rather than moving away, he merely let her do as she sought fit— and after breathing a soft sigh, he even shifted himself closer, as well, for the means of meeting her halfway.[break][break]

”We could easily do that at home for free…” he murmured, leaning softly against her while glancing towards the lists once more. ”...Although so long as you’re here, altogether, neither price nor place matters…”

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played by


Shirohashi Kazuro
September 29
Ecruteak City, Johto
Senior Ranger
a million miles away, come back and stay
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Asahiko Hakuryuu
please no [m][ac]
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2022 4:36:16 GMT
Asahiko Hakuryuu Avatar

He sighed in exasperation, sparing her little more than a side eyed glare from the corner of his eye at first. ”Mandatory or not, this is-... Well, truthfully, I’m not sure what to call it…” he grumbled, gently moving his hand over in attempt to nudge hers aside and away. Rather than fully fend her off, however, he merely curled his fingers around hers while guiding their hands down, and by the time they rested by both of their sides, he’d sought to twine them together with hers before looking around.[break][break]

”...You’re very lucky that I find it hard to say no to you, more times than not.”

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played by


Shirohashi Kazuro
September 29
Ecruteak City, Johto
Senior Ranger
a million miles away, come back and stay
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Asahiko Hakuryuu
concern [m][ac]
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2022 4:35:51 GMT
Asahiko Hakuryuu Avatar

”...What exactly are we supposed to do to help, here?[break][break]

He couldn’t help but to furrow his brows slightly at the idea of a “love potion.”[break][break]

”...Fantastical suggestion aside, I’d dare say that’s a good thing,” he murmured, shifting his gaze throughout the corridors they’d been directed through upon arrival. There had come a point at which he’d slowed himself to a stop, idly eying one of the many doors that seemed to lead to some sort of enclosure before reaching out for its handle. ”...In any case, this does seem to be where they directed us to…”[break][break]

He sighed, pulling the door open and gesturing her inside.[break][break]

”...Hopefully a solution is easier to come by once we see them for ourselves.”

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played by


Shirohashi Kazuro
September 29
Ecruteak City, Johto
Senior Ranger
a million miles away, come back and stay
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Asahiko Hakuryuu
for the memories [m][ac]
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2022 4:35:13 GMT
Asahiko Hakuryuu Avatar

Without missing a single beat, he reached out to take her hand as soon as it was offered to him for no other reason than desiring her touch (something that seemed to happen often, nowadays, and significantly more than he had in the past). His fingers found hers quickly; the spaces between them even more so as he held on firmly and peered across their surroundings for a short while.[break][break]

”...Mmn,” he hummed, glancing towards her afterwards. ”Let’s go, then?”

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played by


Shirohashi Kazuro
September 29
Ecruteak City, Johto
Senior Ranger
a million miles away, come back and stay
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Asahiko Hakuryuu
like old times [m][ac]
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2022 4:34:47 GMT
Asahiko Hakuryuu Avatar

He’d glanced over in passing as he entered, but upon noting the footsteps grow louder (as well as the voice paired with it), he lifted his head once he’d released the bags just in time to see her make her way in. His gaze trailed after her as she walked closer before he brought his attention back to the ingredients, beginning to sort through them.[break][break]

”...That was the intention, but I suppose I should’ve known better~...” he hummed lowly, allowing the vaguest trace of amusement to tug upon his lips in the form of a softened smile. ”Has the rice finished cooking?”

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played by


Shirohashi Kazuro
September 29
Ecruteak City, Johto
Senior Ranger
a million miles away, come back and stay
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Asahiko Hakuryuu
deep dive [m][ac]
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2022 8:33:18 GMT
Asahiko Hakuryuu Avatar

He was exasperated- but for once, it hadn’t been due to some bout of misfortune or personal distaste. If anything, it had been of endearment, as he had decided to take along one of his younger ones in light of the nature of this mission. As the two of them attempted to get themselves ready, he found his gaze locked upon a certain little blue bird as she chirped at them before ultimately slapping her flippers against his leg as if vying for attention.[break][break]

After some time, he sighed, and - after only managing to pull his suit up to his waist - took a pause in order to crouch down and pick the penguin up.[break][break]

”Soon, Sui… Please wait…” he murmured, pursing his lips while cradling the water type within an arm. A soft smile tugged upon his lips at the chirps he received in response, and after gently tapping his finger atop her beak, he set her back down onto one of the seats. ”We can’t swim if we’re not dressed properly. Just give us a couple of minutes--”