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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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september 14
fight area, sinnoh
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
43 posts
jacob kim DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 7:22:46 GMT
jacob kim Avatar
it is the big ball of ice that breaks the tether between the two pokemon.

the drifblim and its light body gets thrown off further than its size would suggest, but things do not look grim from their side when he sees the effects of the drifblim's moves finally come into fruition.

"good." jake sighs of relief when he finds out he doesn't have to dip into his savings for more suitable clothing. as the wave of relief passes, he holds his head high again. "oh, and use hypnosis."

a weakened opponent would likely find less strength to resist the move. the drifblim stares at the castform's eyes as it tries to force it to sleep with its move.

getting it out of commission should fit the requirements on how to deal with pokemon as per directed by tam moments earlier, he concludes.

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played by


september 14
fight area, sinnoh
20 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
43 posts
jacob kim DOLLARS
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jacob kim
b for bandwagon [m]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 7:05:57 GMT
jacob kim Avatar
he knew he asked for dangerous things to happen when he decided hoenn was the place for him, but he didn't intend for it to be so devoid of the exciting part of his criteria.

"i guess we're luring them away."

he looks at his pack. the repellant he packed wouldn't be useful in this situation, so he pushes it at the back of his bag. without grass-types to use sweet scent, he resorts to honey.

with a big exertion of force, he grunts as he opens the jar right there and then.

"this is the move!" he presents the open jar to tam. "right?"

while he seems proud, the scent already wafts through the area the moment it has been unsealed, garnering the attention of the bees.

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played by


september 14
fight area, sinnoh
20 height
20 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
43 posts
jacob kim DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jake
jacob kim
who's there? [m]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 6:58:31 GMT
jacob kim Avatar
he shivers at the gust of cold wind, but doesn't flinch from it as easily as he would have from other factors. his hands hold his sleeves as he huddles for warmth.

"a freezing cave here in a tropical region? that's so cool." he intends the pun. "i should check it out sometime."

the blizzard covers the drifblim with frost, but it can only hope that the cold lets up eventually from the belittling effects of mystical fire earlier.

it manages to hang on from the super effective move with a tether of energy between itself and the castform. the weather pokemon would experience further weakening from strength sap as the drifblim tops itself up.

"...b-but the other things are cool too," he picks up, realizing that he focused on the wrong thing. "and you mean to say i should have packed my winter clothes too? shame i didn't bring any with me."

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played by


september 14
fight area, sinnoh
20 height
20 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
43 posts
jacob kim DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jake
jacob kim
b for bandwagon [m]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 6:42:02 GMT
jacob kim Avatar
he can't deny that he just jumped on the hoenn adventure bandwagon once he's saved up enough for travel. it's the premier destination for people seeking for thrills, after all.

people always said they hated the region, but it still had a steady amount of people migrating. it confused him for a bit, but after being in the region for a while, he understands.

"here's the location based on the report, tam."

jake responds to the scene with the city's captain. the sight was something else to see-- and he's been at floaroma town and seen a whole cloud of combee before too! perhaps it just seemed surreal when it's in the city.

"what's the move? are we going to smoke them off or lure them away? one of them feels like the right decision, but it's also, how do i say this, risky?"

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played by


september 14
fight area, sinnoh
20 height
20 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
43 posts
jacob kim DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jake
jacob kim
who's there? [m]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 6:31:25 GMT
jacob kim Avatar
instinctively, jake attempts to pull the sleeves of his shirt to cover the length of his arm, only to be reminded that his choice of clothing differed from back home. he ignores the cold afterwards.

"i can handle it! i'm from sinnoh," he reminds tam. "it's always cold there."

the drifblim appears behind the castform afterwards. accompanying the pokemon are mystical fire being lit by the tips of its appendages. one by one, they touch the castform.

hail hits the drifblim straight on the head, forcing it to flinch and recoil, backing away from the castform soon after.

"does it really hail naturally on hoenn?" he asks, head tilting to a side.

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played by


september 14
fight area, sinnoh
20 height
20 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
43 posts
jacob kim DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jake
jacob kim
who's there? [m]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 5:59:37 GMT
jacob kim Avatar
that part didn't occur to him until now. a fight's always a fight for him, but it's only normal to think that he should change his approach on things with his new vocation.

"ooh, gotcha."

the buizel's ball is deposited back to his holster in favor of another pokemon. he lets his drifblim out, floating alongside the field with tam's castform.

still, this was an opportunity to impress. he can't get too absorbed with the newfound perspective and keep himself distracted with it.

"broccolo, let's go with phantom force."

as the opener, the drifblim shrouds itself in the shadows. will tam stay in for the immunity or get the setup going with his weather-reliant pokemon?

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played by


september 14
fight area, sinnoh
20 height
20 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
43 posts
jacob kim DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jake
jacob kim
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2022 16:02:34 GMT
jacob kim Avatar
he feels something hit his face directly sooner than later.

fillings drip from his face as he looks at the slice that he had dropped after the impact. he stares at the wasted food for a moment before wiping it off from his features.

"is this a tradition?" he ponders out loud. "i guess hoenn really is what they say it was."

he readies a pie as he stares at before he turns to .

"ah, i get it now." the people who named his yamper. the collage on his wall. the tacky mugs on his desk. "you're a great parent, tam."

as soon as he readies to participate, shouts. it startles jake just enough to drop his second pie of the day, piling on the small food pile by his feet.

he freezes on the spot, confused. was this not a hoenn thing after all?


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played by


september 14
fight area, sinnoh
20 height
20 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
43 posts
jacob kim DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jake
jacob kim
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2022 13:08:32 GMT
jacob kim Avatar
jake's wet hands casually get dried off of his shirt before he's met with a surprise.

he just got out of the bathroom after taking a dump form eating so much free food. he thought he could stock up on carbs to save up money, but it all backfired in the end in more ways than one.

one, digestive problems.

two, he missed a lot of stuff.

as he returns to the room, he feels animosity brewing. as he's new to both the organization and the region, he's not sure if this is normal or not. at least everyone seems engaged, one way or another.

he takes one more slice of pie for dessert from the table along the way as he goes around looking for someone he recognizes. comes into view, approaching him while he munches on the pastry.

"what did i miss?" he asks him. "you guys seem to be having fun."

it looked like it for him.

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played by


september 14
fight area, sinnoh
20 height
20 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
43 posts
jacob kim DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jake
jacob kim
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2022 9:20:36 GMT
jacob kim Avatar
he would swat one of the balls in the air if he could. unfortunately, they had to make some distance between them to demonstrate safety in pokemon battles.

three electric-types were facing his water-type in a flash.

"oh, you already know of type advantages? good job."

he would sound patronizing if it wasn't with children. then again, he would've said it to anyone else despite genuine intentions behind his words.

"and thank you for the chance. we'll be starting off with hydro pump now."

despite the offensive type advantage, these pokemon do not have the resistance against heavy water-type moves. the buizel starts to regurgitate a heavy jet of water, mowing down three little lightweight electric-type rats like the police using crowd control on a group of rioters.

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played by


september 14
fight area, sinnoh
20 height
20 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
43 posts
jacob kim DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jake
jacob kim
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2022 8:53:52 GMT
jacob kim Avatar
teaching kids what a proper battle is like is bound to look good on his portfolio. he takes the opportunity when it presents itself, which has an added bonus of acquainting himself with another captain.

"i won't disappoint, sir!" he answers with optimism.

he's never fought against kids before besides, well, when he was also a kid as well. those in his hometown were built different though, so he's not sure if he's going to hold back or not.

still, he made his promise. his buizel and him are going to impress if their life depended on it.

as soon as he was ready, he lowers his sights to match with the children's point of view. "alright kids, take out your pokemon," he patiently calls.

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played by


september 14
fight area, sinnoh
20 height
20 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
43 posts
jacob kim DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jake
jacob kim
who's there? [m]
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2022 16:36:05 GMT
jacob kim Avatar
jake limbers his arms as if he's the one being physical for the spar instead of their pokemon.

"i'm actually from fight area back at sinnoh, so you can say that fighting is in my veins." it was his attempt at humor as he reacts at his own joke with soft chuckles. "i'm kidding. i don't really compare to the other people that visit the battle tower there."

he flinches by a sudden caw of a taillow by the trees nearby before he gets his attention back to the captain.

"i still know my way though. don't worry much about going easy, tam."

pokeballs by his holster jiggle, eager to come out for a fight. he gives them a quick pat inside their capsules in response,.

"so, which rules do we go with for this test?"

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played by


september 14
fight area, sinnoh
20 height
20 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
43 posts
jacob kim DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jake
jacob kim
knock knock [m]
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2022 16:12:36 GMT
jacob kim Avatar
as soon as the papers come out, he readily takes out a pen from his pockets. a childish pattern adorns the writing instrument, but he makes no effort trying to get embarrassed for it.

"oh, i will have fun with it," he chirps in as he fills up the forms right there and then.

most of it was, as tam had described, intuitive. he's had similar forms filled out before that they almost felt vanilla instead of the zany and weird traditions he thought hoenn would have.

jake doesn't mind either way, though.

"i'm sure it won't be something i can handle. it'll be all worth it in the end, so if you give me a chance, i'm sure you won't regret it ever."

he finishes in record time, adjusting each page so they align by tapping them softly against the surface of tam's table. the papers are laid out neatly afterwards.

"i'm looking forward for the next meeting sir- er, tam!"

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played by


september 14
fight area, sinnoh
20 height
20 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
43 posts
jacob kim DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @jake
jacob kim
knock knock [m]
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2022 9:51:53 GMT
jacob kim Avatar
"of course i'm ready," he answers.

as for questions, however.

"is there some kind of timeline before i get to be on the field?" he asks. "or is it just a few tests that i can take anytime that i need to pass before i can get on asap?"

there's no arrogance, but simply rush, in his words. he's clearly excited as evidenced by the certain tunes in his expression anyone who vaguely has a clue in reading faces could take note of.

jake goes further to the edge of his seat as he awaits an answer.