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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Sept 14, 2020 21:47:34 GMT
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The proverbial record scratch jarred him from the moment.

It unnerved him that he was so close to tasting her lips on his own. Ten minutes ago he hadn't even considered he might have a chance at an impromptu makeout. Unnerving wasn't the same as frustrating though and as she looked and moved off to something that caught her eye he paused with his eyes closed for only a moment; mentally dousing himself in cold water with a teasing grin.

"Maybe next time." He reassured himself in thought.

It was nice to hear such maple in a voice that had thus far been mostly mint; like any person it went up octaves when she was excited and/or surprised.

Looking over her shoulder he saw a little feline cub with dark fur and a red stripe atop its head. "Litleo" she called it, with a name and look like that it had to be a fire-type. Although looks could be deceiving and he had been fooled before, imagine his surprise to find out Charizard wasn't a Dragon-type.


She seemed to have a soft spot for a young pokémon and might have even indulged in breeding pokémon herself. She offered it to him first and truthfully it would have fit right in with his troop of younglings. But he'd heard the sound of her voice when she saw it, when she identified it.

There was no way he'd take that joy away from her.

It was just as well because the moment he'd taken his eyes off her he saw something strange coming near him without any sense of personal space. Sliding his hand inside his jacket he rolled over his pokéballs until he reached the fourth ball. "It sounds like you're already a bit attached."
A casual toss called Jūken to the field () to stand his ground and like always, guard his trainer. "-and I only get one chance to make a good impression."

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POSTED ON Sept 14, 2020 23:13:41 GMT
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if you say so."

she grinned at his reasoning, her attention quickly returning to the lump of fur and bones that trembled fearfully in rapidash's presence. but he still managed to maintain his facade of bravado with obvious difficulty, his eyes round and his lips lightly curled to reveal pointed teeth.

not coming along without a fuss?

the little male's spirit was admirable and would do him some good as he developed into a pyroar.

'i'm not sure if my mating pair of pyroar will accept him,' she thought, pursing her lips lightly. 'but with a bit of encouragement... they may take him in.'

"rapidash? can you grab him for me?"

the pokemon's horn shone with power, her grasp upon the babe gentle as she raised him in the air. the cub flailed awkwardly, a series of yowls and squeaks escaping him in succession. cait stepped closer, sweeping him with an analytical gaze. there were freshly healed over scabs that marred his filthy and slightly tangled pelt. a hint of puss oozed from one wound, the barest hint of infection oozing from the babe. 

"oh, baby," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "i'll take care of you. you'll be mine. just like all the others."

litleo stiffened and raised his gaze, visibly alarmed as the woman's eyes exuded the faintest glow. cait was careful to ensure her back was to senon, concealing the evidence of her power. the litleo settled, a warmth washing over him, growing almost alarmingly still before cait raised a pokeball and triggered the capture mechanism. it was a quiet moment, one that that ended in the normal-type's inevitable detainment. when she turned to smile brilliantly at the red-head, she revealed a freshly filled pokeball that was quickly minimized and rolled within her palm. 

"we'll get him fixed up and fed when we're out of here."

ideas surrounding the cub manifested, but she'd contemplate them further down the road.

"a ghost, huh?"

her gaze soon flitted between the man and the creature which resembled a balloon.

[ capturing litleo! ] 

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POSTED ON Sept 15, 2020 0:22:24 GMT
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He couldn't see what she'd done to entice to the cub to fall into her ranks but he didn't need to. Just a moment ago she was successfully recruiting him for some position she wanted him in. From the sound of it she'd already had pokémon of the Litleo's evolution line which meant she might not have minded if he had captured it himself, not that she'd shared that information before hand.

He rolled his eyes at her in a grin while her was back was turned. She was greedy and he was allured further to see a flaw in her.

From behind Jūken like a proud papa Senon crossed his arms ready for a quick battle. Without looking back to see that he'd done so, the Riolu mimicked his 'father's' movement.

"Alright Jū, this one's probably a ghost-type." He surveyed that battleground with a focused gaze. "What's your first move?" A visible aura surged a white flash before the white light retreated into Jūken's eyes; FUTURE SIGHT. His vision telling him when and how to hit ghost-types effectively. "Ohoho! Impressive, and correct."

"Use, FORCE PALM follow up with COPY CAT."
Drawing it left paw back at the elbow with its right paw outstretched it suddenly thrust it forward creating a surge of wind so strong Senon was pulling in a bit by the wind current that flew out to blast the balloon. Just as soon as it was attacked, it moved with a counter-attacking speed disappearing from sight before appearing at Jūken's back to deliver a prominent strike.

Drifblim used PHANTOM FORCE.

Copying the ghost move with COPY CAT the Riolu disappeared itself with high-speed movement, resurfacing with a blow to the back of its target. Super effective was the damage of a ghost being hit by a ghost move. Teetering and showing some trouble staying a float Jūken moved fast to finish the fight only for the Blimp pokémon to begin to glow an intensely with a light that only intensified with every second.

It always looked the same no matter which pokémon did it.

"JUMP BACK!" He called the pup who did so with ease. Calling Jūken back to his pokéball Sénon realized the rotten thing was now coming towards him again. "Oh! You, used-condom!"

Turning to run as the white of the ghost-types body shined with a blinding light he realized he wouldn't make it very far and he couldn't leave Cait standing in the wake of the explosion.

With a dive that took her down with him he covered her body with his own and as the hot-air balloon erupted with a crater making detonation.

Drifblim used SELF-DESTRUCT.

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POSTED ON Sept 15, 2020 1:08:48 GMT
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they were temporarily blinded by the flash, the rush of motion and the position they found themselves in the immediate aftermath leaving her somewhat dizzy. litleo's pokeball remained clutched to her chest, the protective presence of senon felt above her. 


she raised her head, blinking rapidly as she searched for the pokemon. eventually she discovered the equine, the creature presently covered in significant injuries that came from enduring the blast. a grimace tugged at the pokemon's features, her nostrils flaring as she found her back onto her legs that wobbled. but despite her success she looked like she was on the cusp of collapse, cait retrieving her pokeball and returning the fairy before the mare fell.


she was still within his grasp, her worried gaze shifting toward him as she turned her body within his grip.

are you alright?"

his selfless act was not lost to her, though she remained uncertain of how to respond. but before she could contemplate the appropriate words, she needed to make sure he was okay

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POSTED ON Sept 15, 2020 1:24:09 GMT
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He was dazed.

Getting up to his feet he stumbled about just from standing up; he was dizzy.

The world seemed to teeter back and forth off a central axis. Like a school bus cartoonishly balancing on a fine-pointed spike. He stuck out his arms for balance which helped him from falling but didn't stop the world of rocking.

It was so much brighter out than it had been before the explosion. He rubbed his eyes and blinked hard to adjust for all the light in his retinas. Which, without his hands extended out it made him stumble again. He looked around like a hunted deer trying to evade the hunter.

Onward he wobbled towards the crater in the hill, unimpeded by the smoke and smoldering earth.

Through his delirium he could hear a noise, it sounded like his name but it was coming from miles away. It was so hard to isolate just that one sound with the shrill ringing in his ears.

He saw Cait following and circling around him, saying things he couldn't understand. She looked worried but it was fine. He was fine, she was fine too. Not like that, but also like that. She didn't have to worry. He'd said he was fine like ten times already right? Pretty sure.

Looming above the crater with a standing-sway he slowly searched his six pockets a thousand times before he found what he was looking for.

He was running low on pokéballs again.

He moved to throw the empty ball at the passed out grocery-bag but he couldn't line up his aim right. With all the coordination of a drunken slowpoke he got down to his knees and leaning over the ballooned bomber he tagged it with a pokéball.

Crimsen attempted to capture Blimpface Drifblim!
Crimsen blacked out!

Leaning forward a bit more he let gravity make the decisions as he took a big rest, right in the dirt.

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POSTED ON Sept 15, 2020 3:45:49 GMT


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD RIBOMBEE APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] SWEET VEIL
[attr="class","wildtabox"]POLLEN PUFF
[attr="class","wildtabox"]DRAINING KISS
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]FAIRY WIND
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] &

[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD SNUBBULL APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] RATTLED
[attr="class","wildtabox"]PLAY ROUGH
[attr="class","wildtabox"]THUNDER FANG
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] &

[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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POSTED ON Sept 15, 2020 3:55:41 GMT
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oh gods above."

she'd hurry to his side, at first fearful and then nearly overwhelmed with a tide of relief. cait had checked his pulse and for any injuries that could be considered life-threatening. but nothing seemed terribly amiss despite the man being littered with a ridiculous amount of bruises. 

"you didn't have to..." she murmured, wilting a little. "i'm barely an acquaintance."

cait hesitated briefly before moving him, rolling him onto his back with a laborious grunt. 

'he's fine.'

she stared at his face for a moment, suddenly reminded of the 's words. 

'trains come and go from station to station, kay. but just because you like the look of one doesn’t mean you should get on it. if it isn’t meant to be, it isn’t meant to be. your ride will come eventually, just be patient.'

'yes,' she thought, a strange gleam entering her gaze. 'this could work. i can be happy despite everything if i have this one thing.'

cait gently moved to run her fingers through his beautiful mane, marveling at his handsome features.

'i'll take care of you,' she promised. 'i'll make you mine.' 

her expression transitioned from clever to one of absolute serenity.  eyes aglow with the power of her god, she'd mend his flesh with a few careful touches - the bruises unable to manifest - which only left slight discomfort and tenderness in their wake. when he stirred he'd be greeted with a hopeful cait, a look of worry tugging at her freckled features as she allowed his head to rest upon her lap.

are you alright? i didn't know if i needed to take you back to the city. should i? how... how are you feeling?"

her words came in another rush, the girl appearing uncertain and frightened. 

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POSTED ON Sept 15, 2020 9:25:30 GMT
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In a world where his voice was godly law and his presence was the epicenter of reality; Sénon drifted in the sea. His body too heavy with grief and regret he fell below the surface, going where the tides went.
Kiri and Gan; they carried him away to the sea, to safety. They saved his life so three of them might survive but eventually... the depths took the two of them too.

No matter how long the tides trapped him underneath, no matter what his body suffered banging and twisting, ripping and breaking against rock and coral; he didn't die.

The waters caressed his scalp and filtered through his hair. The sea spoke love to him and with all he lacked in his life, he listened.

When he washed up to shore he coughed up sea water for a night and a day, until it was night again; the lunar glow shaded in a hue uncommon.

On his back in the sands he stared at the mint moon until his body began to heal, his head ceased to throb, the ringing in his hearing became a soothing expression of the waves. Soon enough the moon was gone again and the loving warmth of the sun willed him back his autonomy.

He opened his eyes slowly and even more slowly; he blinked. He looked tired but he was cognizant (groggily), and mindful not to exert himself. Then he remembered the smashing feeling at the back of his head after he made his dive. It hit him with such force the wound was numbing before he even hit the ground. Deep down at his 'candy apple' roots the wet-red that clung to his skin was more burgundy. There was enough of it to coat his fingertips, but the wound it came from felt negligible, if he could feel it at all.

The way Gan seemed to spread itself across his chest, face down. It seemed he was out for a while. When he realized he was in Cait's lap he turned his attention to her, searching for something clever to say. ". . ." Instead nothing came to his face but a frown and enough moisture for a tear but not enough for two; a memory in his head too raw to swallow.

Her concern was luminescence giving context to darkness. Leaning his head back on her lap, she asked how he felt and it took entire seconds to articulate. "Lost at sea."

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POSTED ON Sept 16, 2020 7:31:16 GMT
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lost at sea," she parroted.

her finger moved to brush away the single tear, gathering the moisture with a single sweep of a spindly digit. the contemplative and mildly bewildered expression she wore quickly transitioned into one of open fondness. 

'he's talking and his eyes are clear enough. all good signs.'

he appeared to just be in the midst of recovering from  unconsciousness. which meant he didn't require an excessive amount of aid. 

"what's your ditto's name?"

she extended one hand, intending to caress the pink creature whom worried over the prone man. 

"they worried about you," she informed. "they love you."

such loyalty was admirable, the creature remaining immobile as they rested upon their master.

i can have one of my pokemon carry you back to the city if you need it.

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POSTED ON Sept 16, 2020 16:29:31 GMT
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"Lost as sea." Wasn't what he'd intended to say, or rather it was a truth that had no context for Cait so it was pointless to say considering he refused to give her the context.

Over five-hundred nights since the incident on Cinnabar, the last time he'd seen Cinnabar, the last time he had all members of his Elite Team alive and in one peace.

In those five-hundred the nightmares had all but stopped in the first half and the pained memories only came back to him in fleeting floating bombs of emotion, not unlike the pokemon he'd just captured.

As time went by, those 'bombs' came to him less and less. Maybe the combined synapses tied to being hit in the head, exploding, trying to save someone that he didn't want to die and the result of being knocked unconscious brought up old memories of the last time those circumstances were all in play.

"His name's "Gan" like porygon or gonorrhea." Sitting up with only his core he had to 'peel' the Ditto from his chest. ". . .and for a genderless blob he does prefer being addressed as he." As a boy, it was through Gan that Sénon learned how deeply certain pokémon could think and feel, rationalize and differentiate.

The Transform Pokemon would warm and 'glurg' happily under Cait's touch, just as Sénon himself had.

Until she offered to have him taken back to town. "Nono, No." He shot down her kind offer careful not to 'shoot' her for being kind. "I don't get carried anymore. I have to do the carrying." The 'have to' was toned more like atonement than a burden.

On his feet with the coordination of a sober slowpoke he looked around slowly.

Seeing a Snubbull scuttle past he lobbed his pokeball just past it to block its path. It seemed his hand-eye coordination was fine even if he himself was a little fatigued. The Unnamed Croagunk emerged from the ball walking towards the Snubbull, which caused it to back peddle closer to Sénon.

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● notes: I will the take snubbull methinks

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POSTED ON Sept 17, 2020 21:39:17 GMT
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"gan," she repeated.

she dedicated the blob's title and pronouns to memory, often avoiding even labeling genderless creatures as 'it' if she could help it. 

it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, gan."

cait observed as the red-head shakily returned to his feet, standing alongside him in order to effectively aid the male if he stumbled or fell again. but he managed well enough on his own, summoning yet another companion to intimidate a wandering snubbull.

'maybe i should heal rapidash while we're idling away. i have the means. why wait?'

she made sure all of her capsules were present, noting the one that contained litleo, her injured rapidash and the felled pokemon's foal. cait smoothly returned to her kneeling position, releasing the unconscious mare from her orb. the creature lay upon her side, her breathing relatively even but the burns which marred her  flesh distressingly apparent.

alright. you'll be fine, girl. we'll get you fixed up."

cait ran a comforting hand down the shiny rapidash's muzzle, her other hand  tapping at the temporary release mechanism of a formerly minimized orb. a ponty emerged in a flash of light, the foal blinking in bewilderment before immediately investigating the limp mare. he nudged her gently with his rounded snout, his look of bemusement quickly transitioning into one of worry as she remained unresponsive. 

it's alright, baby," she assured, her tone level and soft. "i need your help getting your mama well enough to stand again."

the foal owlishly blinked at her and she smiled patiently back.

heal pulse," she said. "remember your lessons."

ponyta hesitated briefly, his gaze flicking uncertainly between cait and his mother. 

focus. shut your eyes and focus."

cait oversaw the mending, the ponyta's eyes falling shut as he focused on tending to his mother's wounds. eventually the rapidash would stir underneath his ministrations, raising her head and releasing a quiet huff as consciousness slowly but surely returned to her. 

good boy! that's it. you've got it.

eventually the mare would return to her feet, nuzzling her son as the power faded from his stout horn.

sorry," cait said, apologetic as she addressed sénon. "i try to keep everyone topped up whenever i have the resources available."

while pokecenters were pleasant alternatives - they weren't altogether necessary for someone such as herself. if she wasn't available or lacked the strength to heal, a number of her pokemon were equipped with the necessary skills. 

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POSTED ON Sept 17, 2020 23:01:04 GMT
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In all his concern for his own state of being, he didn't even ask Cait if she was okay.

It came to him as she watched one of her pkmn heal the rapidash. It must have gotten hurt from the SELF-DESTRUCT. It shamed him to consider that he was only selfless when his brain was in fight or flight. The guilt of it froze him in his tracks.

With Croagunk looking to him for a stratagem. He was surprised to see his trainer's hand cut across the air in a reverse swipe; like he was waving off a bug with his right hand starting left and cutting across to the right, at torso level.

It was a gesture that usually meant "Go, Scatter, Run (to your objective)." In this context, with no prior instructions and a minimized pokéball nestled between his ring-finger, pinky and thumb; it meant "Engage." Seeing the gesture meant the Toxic Mouth was allowed to fight how he wanted so long as he won and his trainer could capture the new pokémon. The fact that Sénon trusted him enough to fight effectively on his own, made his eyes light up for a second.

His pride as a fighter swelled.

From his mouth he spat concentrated bile and gunk at the doggish pkmn; TOXIC. It was almost always the first thing he was ordered to do in battle. Trying to run from the fight the Snubbull was struck in the back while retreating with piston-paced fists; BULLET PUNCH nailing the damage home.

Turning his attention from the capture-battle he left Croagunk to its devices, only turning to watch every minute or two.

"Cait." His lower baritone reached across the distance now watching her in this loving, nurturing, motherly position. "I'm sorry; I didn't ask if you were okay." There he was merging personal spaces again. "I didn't even apologize for basically tackling you." He frowned.

"Were you hit?" Dusting off his dust-less hands he went about giving her a basic medical inspection. He touched her shoulders, her arms, her neck, her scalp, apply mild pressures through a gentle grasp. -What he did with his pkmn after a though fight or a sweeping loss. "Does any of this hurt?" He didn't see any bruising on her face and but the idea she'd sat with him with ignoring her own pain made him more of bastard and her more of a beauty, beyond her appearance.

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POSTED ON Sept 21, 2020 11:44:18 GMT
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she tittered softly, the feel of his hands causing her to erupt into a burst of unwilful laughter. the young woman bats away at him. 

"i'm ticklish," she complained, a hint of a pout present upon her painted lips. 

cait appears mildly satisfied by his worry, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards as her attention is momentarily diverted. she turns away from him only to ensure both mare and foal were well, both presently standing nearest to her right side as they observed the pair with shared looks of open curiosity.

and i'm fine," she assures. "i'm a healer by trade - as archaic as that might sound."

even without her blessing she possessed the knowledge necessary to diagnose, mend and remedy various symptoms that may plague the human body. such information had been passed down for generations, her mother having bestowed upon her the skills necessary to serve as an impromptu doctor. 

you took the full brunt of the blast," she said. "it's a miracle you weren't seriously hurt by the -

cait bit her lip, her eyes alight with amusement.

- 'used condom'.

she snorted, her expression crinkling as she tamped down on her laughter.

it's nice to know you're not just another handsome face."

there was a lot about him she'd seek to learn; but she had enough time if arceus allowed her to survive the duration of the war. 

there's something else i've been dying to ask."

she gestures toward his face, her head tilting lightly to the side as she presented him with an inquiry.

those tattoos. are they tribal, symbolic or purely decorative?"   

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POSTED ON Sept 22, 2020 18:52:50 GMT
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He was probably concussed.

It was the only thing that made sense of his heightened heartbeat and his sudden urge to risk being too 'bold'. The way she laughed off his concerns with a feminine wile about her. She half-hearted batted him off claiming ticklishness and assured him she herself was fine.

The luck or timing or magic that faded from interruption before was present again resonating like a frequency only they could hear, or a vibration only they could feel passing back and forth increasing in power. Between the batting, the laughter, the being ticklish and the appreciation of his crude humor, it was getting harder and harder to keep his hands to himself.

She mentioned being a healer by trade and it found it fitting to her sensibility although it wasn't lost on him how pained the heart of healer could be; because no healer could save everyone. He wondered how much hurt and guilt she carried on her back from this or that person who just couldn't help in time, or help at all.

His check up of her person concluded with a gentle rub down of her ribs with no winces or pain or reactions to pressure he was able to satisfy his own relief that she was fine. He audibly sighed, venting the from the good news.

When she asked about is tattoos the roguish smile came back to him and he stepped in closer still. He spoke lowly but not in a whisper as if what he was saying was no 'secret' but was still for her ears only. "They're actually fake." He grinned with his right eye closed.

Holding out his left forearm for her he grabbed her left arm and licked her thumb. "Just apply pressure with a little moisture and they come right off." He waited for her try to remove one, waiting for their eyes to make contact again.

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● notes: (the tats aren't fake)

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POSTED ON Sept 25, 2020 11:14:58 GMT
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the young woman rubbed at it lightly with her slickened thumb, but the dark 'paint' failed to smear underneath her ministrations. she tilted her head from one side to the other, blinking slowly and bemusedly. she applied a bit more pressure, muttering as she did so. 

so like war paint?"

cait released a quiet hum as the marking remained printed upon his flesh. she met his gaze, noting the amusement present within those remarkably dark orbs.

you're teasing me," she accused.

a snort followed her verbal prodding of the male, the girl taking the jest in stride. though she was inwardly happy that they were likely real; tattoos made for a delightful feature if they were tasteful and carried some semblance of meaning. she peered at him, silent and observant before she reached into her pocket. a slickly-modeled phone with a green case was produced, the girl tapping away at the device before presenting him with a screen requesting his contact information.


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RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP