honey hot or toxic tango (DW)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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honey hot or toxic tango (DW)
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2020 21:27:21 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

Here he was again venturing down the fiery path, anxious to get his hands on a new fire type, the last time he'd been here he'd found a talented Seviper. He'd almost regretted trading it but the new edition to his team in place of it was a real show-stopper.

It was faster getting here the second time, this time by flight rather than by lift. Since he knew right where to land it was a singed cinch. He only needed to adjust his bandana from his forehead to cover his mouth and nose from the falling ash and they were good to go.

The only poison-type left in his camp since the trading away of not just one but two sevipers; Croagunk stood alone in his typing among Sénon's other pokemon. "A war of attrition, get it you two?" He was speaking not just to the Croagunk but to Jakka, his charmander as well.

They didn't really seem to understand 'attrition' so he tried again. "We burn and we poison and we mostly wait for them to tire themselves out, understood?" With as many victories as the toxic toad-kin had, he was well due for a name.

● tags: @tadashiootori
● notes:

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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honey hot or toxic tango (DW)
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2020 0:24:20 GMT
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While doing some thinking and research about the Hoenn Region, Tadashi figured that of all the things he had been doing in his solo traveling time since leaving home that maybe it was time for him to get out there and maybe catch some new Pokemon, and even work on training up to maybe challenge the league trainers like he had heard about. Tadashi, of course, wasn’t exactly well versed in what kind of Pokemon he may or may not be looking for or interested in training and capturing, but he knew enough to listen about interesting and unique places and knew enough that in one particular area, Nanghi and Ostinato might be able to do some good work. There was a place called the Fiery Path in the central part of the region, around the desert that was famous in the Hoenn Region, and being full of fire type Pokemon and Poison type Pokemon, he at least knew that having a water type and a steel type could bode well for him.
”Well, I guess we’re here,” Tadashi said aloud as he and his few Pokemon had moved along the worn path that they had been directed towards. Tadashi heard his voice come back to him from the mouth of the cavern that was in front of them, filling his sight with clarity and crisp images before fading back.
”Let’s try out some of this training business, huh? Maybe we’ll find something neat in here,” Tadashi commented down to Cassio who stood beside him, a bit begrudgingly, but with Nanghi behind him and Ostinato in tow too, the small group had made their way into the Fiery Path to explore.




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honey hot or toxic tango (DW)
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2020 3:45:23 GMT
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[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD QUILAVA APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] BLAZE
[attr="class","wildtabox"] INFERNO
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] FLAMETHROWER
[attr="class","wildtabox"] SMOKESCREEN
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] BURN UP
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] @tadashiootori &

[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD SHINY BELLSPROUT APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] GLUTTONY
[attr="class","wildtabox"]RAZOR LEAF
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]POISON JAB
[attr="class","wildtabox"]STUN SPORE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]VINE WHIP
[attr="class","wildtabox"]POWER WHIP
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] @tadashiootori &

[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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honey hot or toxic tango (DW)
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2020 16:52:06 GMT
Deleted Avatar



Stepping into the mouth of the cavern that they had come up on, Tadashi was pleased with the acoustics of the Fiery Path, he could definitely see as clearly as he really could in any instance with the way that sound reverberated and bounced off of the walls. Even something so small as Nanghi’s ears brushing and flapping against her smooth skin or Ostinato starting to pad around and knock his shell on the rocks that were in the cavern, everything was providing him with a crisp image of where they were.
”Wow Cassio, I can even see some of the spines in your fur,” Tadashi commented as he looked down to his companion, and the Jolteon gave a small yip of a response as he remained close to Tadashi, sniffing around at their new surroundings.
”I don’t hear a whole lot though… I wonder if there’s even anybody else around here…,” he commented, the occasional Pokemon sound came off of the walls, the sounds of rocks and pebbles shifting and moving around, but he didn’t hear any voices or anything, at least not yet. What he did hear though was Ostinato giving a small cry at something coming towards them, the Oshawott was quick to jump back just in case something happened, but Tadashi turned at the sound and found a small figure coming towards them, something thin and wispy almost…
”What is that,” he questioned, he could barely make out its shape with how thin it looked, but he pulled out his Pokedex all the same to try and figure it out. The device spoke aloud and referred to the Pokemon as a Bellsprout, a grass and poison type Pokemon that resembled a flower bulb. Tadashi looked up, still barely able to make out the shape of the Pokemon, but he was rather confused now.
”A grass type? But what is it doing here? That doesn’t sound right…,” he trailed off, but the Bellsprout gave out a shrill cry before the ground shook and a mess of huge vines came up from the ground and struck at the ground around it, clearly dismissing any notion at all that it was in need of help or assistance, that it was in fact a very strong force to be reckoned with. Nanghi huffed and raised her trunk at the suddenness of the attack, and Tadashi panicked with a yelp at all of a sudden being attacked by the small grass type. He reacted quickly, sweeping up Ostinato into his arms and releasing the clasp from Cassio’s leash and harness as he rushed towards Nanghi.
”Cassio, use your speed,” Tadashi called out as he rushed up Nanghi’s broad trunk to get up onto her back in an attempt to keep out of harm’s way. The Jolteon barked in response, the vines and whips that the Bellsprout had summoned were in full force, but Cassio knew that he was faster. The electric type rushed over the rocky ground, quick and light on his paws, dipping through vines and ducking under the swinging whips, and found an opening to strike with a swift attack at the Bellsprout. The grass type recoiled, but only just, and swung again with the vines, striking at Cassio’s side. The Jolteon yelped a bit at the strike, skidding along the dusty ground on his paws, knowing that this was mostly going to be a battle of speed and stamina. He eyed the Bellsprout again and made for another rush attack, using the spines in his fur to fire, they were small and thin and managed to make it through the onslaught of vines and struck again at the Bellsprout, and Cassio understood that so long as he could stay at a distance, he might be able to fend off the attacker.
”Wow, I guess being surrounded by fire types this Bellsprout got really strong… I wonder if it will let me catch it,” Tadashi commented as he peered out from atop Nanghi’s back, listening to the battle below. It was an incredibly fast paced battle, Cassio getting struck by vines while finding openings, the electric type keeping his distance and striking with long range Pin Missiles and Swift attacks, and finally it seemed that the vines were starting to wane down and dwindle as the battle waged on. Tadashi slid down from Nanghi’s trunk with a Pokeball in hand, and he was able to spot the thin figure of the Bellsprout, taking an opportunity to throw a Pokeball at it to make his first capture attempt.




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[newclass=.nologictag div a]color:#ffffff!important;font:bold 12px Montserrat;line-height:10px;[/newclass]

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Thirty One
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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Sénon Game
honey hot or toxic tango (DW)
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2020 18:46:52 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

At the sight of a Quilava the Game changed gears.

Eying his Croagunk, he gave first orders; "Go quick; BULLET PUNCH." Raining quick-fire punches down on the Johto regional starter Croagunk was barely able to finish before the middle-staged evolution retaliated with a quick fire of its own.

Croagunk used BULLET PUNCH!
(Quilava was not poisoned...)
Quilava used FLAMETHROWER!
Returning Jakka ( ) to his pokéball, Kiri ( ) taking his place.

The bright red lights of the swap distracted the fire-type just long enough for Croagunk to get in his next attack; another BULLET PUNCH. Having not ordered the croa to punch up the quilava's face again Sénon made a mental note of one of his pokémon not following orders, or at least, acting on its own rather than waiting for him to give the order.

As BULLET PUNCH an acceptable attack to use, he wouldn't scold the Croagunk just yet; probably later. With Kiri in the field she waited for her master to make the call it was in her bones to heed him. "HYDRO PUMP!" As a boy he'd held back from knocking pkmn out during capture attempts, believing they needed to be conscious to be captured.

Maybe pokéballs back then truly had that limitation.

Croagunk used BULLET PUNCH!
(Quilava was not poisoned...)
Kiri used HYDRO PUMP!

He was glad that potentially limitation was certainly no longer so, kneeling down to the beaten pkmn, he tapped it with the pokeball's activation button to claim it as one of his own.

Crimsen attempted to capture Quilava!

● notes:  remaining: 35
● tags: @tadashiootori

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honey hot or toxic tango (DW)
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2020 21:05:52 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD MUK APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] STENCH
[attr="class","wildtabox"]VENOM DRENCH
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]SLUDGE WAVE
[attr="class","wildtabox"]GUNK SHOT
[attr="class","wildtabox"]SHADOW SNEAK
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] @tadashiootori &

[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD TEPIG APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] BLAZE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] @tadashiootori &

[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
honey hot or toxic tango (DW)
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2020 21:39:03 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

He'd almost noticed the presence of another person up here, who couldn't have possibly been anything other than another trainer. He saw a muk go by but with the way they congregated on Cinnabar when he was a kid, he didn't put in any urgency to get it. Although he couldn't live on Cinnabar at the moment, he still felt the causality of home. As if he could go capture a muk at any moment.

He was wrong about that but even still, he let it go.

The small piglet snorting by however; "SHELL SMASH, follow up with BRINE." The Prototurtle flexed her flipper-arms up and swelling or perhaps tensing her muscles she brought them down cracking her own shell as it shattered to pieces, most of which fell from her back. Losing the shell she lost some of her defense but her attacking power and speed increased by more than what her defense lost. This was her attack mode.

During her flex Croagrunk was back to following orders.

"BULLET PUNCH!" It wasn't pretty watching him pummel a precious premature piglet but sure as hell looked good doing it.
Croagunk and Jūken ( ) had been developing their fighting skills much faster using each other for sparring. Of all the Captures since joining the league Croagunk had become the most tethered to his core group of dependable pkmn.

Given he was the first capture after the redhead joined the league Sénon still thought it special that he had made himself such a fixture and companion among pkmn he'd known for more than fifteen years.

Struggling of keep at it's feet after the punches it seemed dizzy and a purple miasma clouded about the wild hog. Poisonous to the touch Croagunk had poisoned him simply by punching skin to skin. With that in mind, a name was beginning to form in his head for the froggiest of the hard workers on his team.

Kiri used SHELL SMASH!
Croagunk used BULLET PUNCH!
(Croagunk's Poison Touch poisoned Tepig!)

● tags: @tadashiootori
● notes: emi, if you don't want muk make a small post that you're 'passing' on capturing it.
next round you get first pick!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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honey hot or toxic tango (DW)
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2020 1:18:04 GMT
Deleted Avatar



The battle won, and after throwing his Pokeball, Tadashi was actually a bit shocked at himself that he was able to pull that off! He’d heard the click of the device, and heard it roll around on the ground for a few moments, but then it fell still and denoted that he had in fact successfully captured the Bellsprout.
”Wow! How cool is that, we’re not too bad at this training stuff, huh,” Tadashi commented with a smile beneath his pale eyes, he was actually pretty pleased with the notion that he’d captured something as he moved towards Cassio. The Jolteon had fought admirably, and while the strikes from the vines were pretty intense, he made out alright and put his head in Tadashi’s hand to let him know that he was back at his side.
”You did great Cassio, really,” he said as he patted the electric type’s head, and he moved to pick up the Pokeball from the ground. He’d only taken a few steps though before there was a rumbling, grumbling gurgle of a sound that he heard coming towards them, a deep guttural call. Tadashi looked around… He didn’t see anything that looked like the figure of a Pokemon despite how close it sounded… But Cassio was now pulling at his hand and Nanghi was trumpeting behind him, stomping her feet at the Muk that was coming up on them.
”What is it, there’s nothing here,” Tadashi tried to argue, but as Cassio moved him out of the way, Nanghi rushed forward with her raised trunk, striking the ground where the Muk was approaching. The poison mass could hardly do anything, it lunged and only slid off of the smooth surface of the Copperjah’s skin, and as it plopped and dripped back onto the ground, Nanghi shook the ground again with her powerful feet as spikes of earth and rock protruded and shot upwards with the high power of her ground type attack. Tadashi took out his Pokedex, and it caught the sight of the poison type Muk, and that’s all it really was was just a mass of toxic poisons and other such materials… That was so strange to him, but thankfully it seemed that Nanghi had taken care of the Pokemon as it slunk away back into the stretches of the cavernous Fiery Path.
”Okay… So literal walking poison is a thing… I guess that’s good to know, and something to watch out for…,” Tadashi commented as he moved slowly then to trek through the cavern.




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[newclass=.nologictag div]float:right;background-color:#222222;height:10px;padding:15px;font:bold 12px Montserrat;line-height:10px;color:#999999;letter-spacing:-.5px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.nologictag div a]color:#ffffff!important;font:bold 12px Montserrat;line-height:10px;[/newclass]

OOC: I will pass on the Muk capture!

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Thirty One
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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honey hot or toxic tango (DW)
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2020 2:50:42 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

Before it could find its footing the tepig was already honing its fire to fight back. It blasted out a FLAMETHROWER but it was overpowered by an older more powerful and more experienced pkmn, blasting it with a wave of water that sent it to a forceful sleep.

Tepig suffered poison damage!
Kiri used BRINE!

It was small and without a herd to protect it. Surely it was around here somewhere the ones who birthed it and raised it but they weren't here now and so, the little one was coming with him. It gently tapped its head with his premier ball to begin their journey together.

Crimsen attempted to capture Tepig!

● notes:  remaining: 34
● tags: @tadashiootori

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honey hot or toxic tango (DW)
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2020 17:45:50 GMT


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD HAUNTER APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] LEVITATE
[attr="class","wildtabox"]SHADOW PUNCH
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]DARK PULSE
[attr="class","wildtabox"]MEAN LOOK
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] & @tadashiootori

[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD PANSEAR APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] GLUTTONY
[attr="class","wildtabox"]FLAME BURST
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]FURY SWIPES
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] & @tadashiootori

[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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honey hot or toxic tango (DW)
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2020 1:42:58 GMT
Deleted Avatar



Gaining his footing and making sure to keep his hearing open for things that might be approaching, Tadashi was quickly learning that there were going to be things around here that didn’t even look like it could be a Pokemon when in fact it was… Like the Bellsprout, he could barely even see it’s thin figure, and a giant blob of a mass was a Pokemon too? Sure, he’d been traveling around for a while now… Years by now as he thought about it, but he’d spent all of his time trying to make his way to the different places that he’d heard about but never got a chance to visit… Like Alamos in Sinnoh where the world's largest musical instrument was, or Hau’oli City where the beaches were absolutely to die for… It wasn’t until fairly recently that he had started learning about the Pokemon that the world contained, and it seemed like he had a lot of things to grasp… He hoped that not all of the poison types that might be in the Fiery Path would be as truly dangerous as a sludge monster Muk though. He knew that Roxie in Unova was famous in her city for training poison types, and now that he really thought about it, Tadashi thought that was crazy, working with something so dangerous… But maybe that’s why she was so famous and so strong as a gym leader?
Tadashi was a bit lost in his own wonderings, Ostinato and Cassio both padding around alongside him, when Ostinato squeaked at something coming towards them, raising his shell in taking on the offensive. Tadashi was quick to react, he still held his Pokedex in his hands now, and the device identified the small figure that he could see as a Pansear, a fire type monkey Pokemon.
”Oh, a fire type? You can give this a try, right Ostinato,” Tadashi asked of the small otter, and with a tap of his tail the Oshawott flung his shell like a frisbee towards the Pansear, showering it with water as the shell struck. The monkey screeched a bit at the suddenness of the attack, and didn’t hesitate to lunge towards Ostinato, and at that point it became a battle of chase with bursts of fire and showers of water. When the monkey came too close and almost hit Nanghi with its flames, the elephant trumpeted again and stamped her powerful feet against the ground, scaring off the fire type.
”Hey, hey! It’s okay,” Tadashi tried to say, calming down Nanghi in her bit of a fit, but when she stopped shaking the ground, Tadashi’s keen hearing caught on to something, a voice in the distance? Bouncing off of the cavernous walls?
”Hello?? Hello,” he called out, watching the sound of his voice carry and bounce off of the various stones and rocks that surrounded him, carrying through the Fiery Path.




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[newclass=.nologicpost1 b]font:12px Montserrat;line-height:15px;color:#777777;font-weight:800!important;letter-spacing:-.5px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.nologictag div a]color:#ffffff!important;font:bold 12px Montserrat;line-height:10px;[/newclass]

OOC: I will pass on the Pansear capture!
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Thirty One
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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honey hot or toxic tango (DW)
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2020 16:28:30 GMT
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With the persistence of the other person's voice getting closer and closer it was only a matter of time before he bumped into another trainer. For now he'd focus on what was in front of him; a haunter.

It seemed to look at him with certain curiosity, a challenging expression even. The challenged was met with a forceful acceptance, and without a second thought. "HYDRO PUMP."

The pressurized blast of water sent the Haunter back into a wall where it took the brunt of Kiri's water assault. It returned the attack with a dark wave of energy that seemed to be dire but had no effect on its opponent.

Kiri used HYDRO PUMP!
Haunter used HEX; its attack missed!

"AGAIN, HYDRO PUMP." Still under the attack and speed boosting effects of SHELL SMASH Kiri doubled down with another HYDRO PUMP flushing away what resistance the Haunter had over her shoulder he threw a pokéball and rode out the wobbling-wait, in his attempt to claim her as now one of his own.

Kiri used HYDRO PUMP!
Crimsen attempted to catch Haunter!

● notes:  remaining: 33
● tags: @tadashiootori

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
honey hot or toxic tango (DW)
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 0:24:49 GMT
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[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD GULPIN APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] GLUTTONY
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]ACID SPRAY
[attr="class","wildtabox"]GUNK SHOT
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]WRING OUT
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] & @tadashiootori

[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD SCOLIPEDE APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] SPEED BOOST
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]BUG BITE
[attr="class","wildtabox"]FURY CUTTER
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] & @tadashiootori

[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

[attr="class","reward2"]SENON CAUGHT HAUNTER!

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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honey hot or toxic tango (DW)
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 1:37:15 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

While in the throws of victory from capturing an old classic, Kiri let out a strange wail of pain.

He turned to see her back burning and smoke or perhaps vapor rising from the wound. The assailant was a pile of mucus, or maybe better explained as a giant snot. Whatever it was it decided to attack first; it was feisty and unafraid. Luckily Kiri was old and even more unafraid, and now angered.

The acid had melted off the remains of her shell giving her even less defense but her attacking power was still through the roof.

"HYDRO PUMP!" For a moment he thought ill of the water attack, thinking it might dilute the pkmn from existence. Yet when her attack subsided, the blob remained and after only a few seconds the excess moisture on its body had been absorbed it moved on the turtle again suddenly shooting some of its snot at the cold-blooded pkmn.

Gulpin used ACID SPRAY!
Kiri used HYDRO PUMP!
Gulpin used GUNK SHOT; Kiri was poisoned!

From the purple fog surrounding her it was clear the last attack had an after affect. For a wild pkmn this thing was pretty good, if they didn't work fast, Kiri might actually  lose to this thing.

● tags: @tadashiootori
● notes:

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
honey hot or toxic tango (DW)
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 23:31:39 GMT
Deleted Avatar



Still being able to hear a voice in the caverns, the sounds carrying and bouncing off of the cavern walls, Tadashi wasn’t sure if calling out was the best idea now. The other person that was potentially in the Fiery Path sounded intense, he could hear the sounds of battle coming closer every so often, and he really wasn’t in any kind of position to battle someone like another trainer that was just looking for their next score… But what if they were just someone exploring and adventuring like him, and it would be a harmless meet? There was really no way to know for certain, but before he could even consider going out and seeking this other person that was somewhere in the caves, there was a hiss from a figure approaching them, something much larger than Tadashi might have been expecting. He turned, finding an incredibly long, tall and horned figure rushing towards them as it hissed again, and Nanghi was the first to rush forward as she trumpeted in response, catching the horns with her trunk as they clashed. Tadashi rushed back away with Ostinato and Cassio, keeping out of the way of the battle that was now taking place, and he took out his Pokedex again to name the Pokemon that they were up against.
A Scolipede was a giant bug Pokemon, not something that Tadashi had been expecting, but as Nanghi shook the ground with her powerful feet and swung with her massive trunk, Tadashi was surprised at just how fast the Scolipede was. It was almost serpentine in the way that it moved, and despite getting struck by the rocks and stones that the Copperajah was kicking up from the ground, it kept up its attacks.
”Oh man… I hope this thing doesn’t have corrosion or something that can hurt Nanghi…,” Tadashi breathed, watching as the figure of the Scolipede rushed forward again towards Nanghi’s swinging strunk, hitting with its horns. Tadashi could hear the clash against Nanghi’s smooth skin, this was definitely a powerful Pokemon… Maybe he could try and catch it…? Nanghi trumpeted again as she raised her trunk, and with a snuff of her breath she rushed forward at a high speed, her feet shaking the ground as she caught the Scolipede between her tusks, and she ran the bug type into a wall of the cavern with her force, and the bug let out a screech as it made impact with the wall. Thinking there was nothing to lose, Tadashi saw his opening and did throw a Pokeball, wondering if he might even be able to train something so powerful if he did indeed manage to capture it.




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OOC: Attempting to capture Scolilpede!