
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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mateo martinez
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2020 7:31:14 GMT
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 "lame..." and that was his third battle for him outside of the mall. mateo would return milotic to their respective ball. with sceptile remaining at his side, he'd look off elsewhere as the crowd cheered and roared with excitement. mateo didn't exactly feel the excitement he had once before when it came to battling, but the crowd had all the excitement that he had been missing.

his draconian side had become distant, his audere gone without a trace. it was as if pieces that made him "mateo of the dragon clan" and "mateo of the elite four" had cease to exist. even on his mother's side, a descendant of the draconid people, it was as if his connection to this world had been briefly severed. he even tested it out on himself back within their estate, though it is unknown: mateo is unable to enact mega evolution with sceptile at this time; even his attempt to perform a z-move with dragonite had become inaccessible.

as the crowd cheered. mateo could only wear a idle gaze. the former elite four would walk off, a hand waving high, "i'm gonna go grab somethin' t'eat. anyone else want to fight come bother me in an hour." his heart just wasn't in it. even so, as a former elite four member, he was always happy to help raise the future league challengers.

standing at a hot dog stand. mateo would order one for himself and sceptile. after doing so, he'd casually place himself upon the egde of a water fountain. it was the place he had been battling before taking lunch. the earlier scenery in question was in front of slateport mall.

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october 11
sootopolis city
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TAG WITH @birdie
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2020 17:55:57 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Slateport is . . . big. Much bigger than Fallarbor, or Verdanturf, or Rustboro. Much bigger than even Birdie's hometown of Sootopolis. Upon arriving it takes her only an hour to make her first wrong turn and only a few hours after that to find herself almost hopelessly lost in the city's upper district. On the upside? There are worse places to be lost in.

Usually a person is fearful when they find themselves directionless in foreign territory, but there was just so much to do in this particular territory that Birdie's wonder distracted her from any worries. A museum, beautiful parks, even a mall; she was given something to "ooh" and "aah" at every second one after the other. The latest (and perhaps most exciting) of these somethings was a bustling space around a fountain. Battles litter the area, though none with as much attention as the one right in front of the center fountain.

Curious, Birdie makes her way up to the crowd and, upon realizing she can't see a damn thing, through it. Her little 5'2" frame squeezes between people and even (embarrassingly) through a few legs until she can get a proper look at the event. It's beyond her, even once she's got her look, but it's amazing nonetheless. Four pokemon obviously stronger than anything she has going at it; and one trainer obviously superior. It ends in jut a few moments but they're moments unlike any she's seen in person.

It fires her up, and as the winner leaves to a mix of cheers and disappointed jeers she finds herself wanting to emulate what she saw.

Maybe she isn't quite ready for this, actually. In the spot where the veteran trainers had been battling earlier Birdie struggles to stay afloat against another young trainer. Drifter and Bubbie stand looking winded against her opponent's Zigzagoon and Meditite. By the time a certain stranger sits down to enjoy a hot dog it's obvious to any onlookers (were there any onlookers for such an amateur match) that there's not much time left for Birdie to make a comeback.

"Uh, guys, get in there!" she's thoroughly flustered. A small notebook in her right hand with her Pokemon's abilities and general battle plans scrawled in it is clutched too tightly in her sweaty grasp, and her mind is too frazzled to use the information it holds. A desperate call for some kind of action is met by both of her Pokemon, but quickly goes wrong.

As Bubbie moves forward on his insect legs he's cut off by Drifter. Not just cut off, beat back. A WING ATTACK better saved for an opponent is fired off by the Murkrow towards his ally before he takes off towards the Meditite. Having secured the one on one he wanted he attempts to bring one shadowy talon around for a FEINT ATTACK. The Meditite throws out an arm and intentionally takes the hit.

"Counter!" the other trainer shouts and Meditite answers. Channeling the pain from its injured arm into its opposite palm it makes one strong thrust towards Drifter's feathery chest.

The counter-attack catches the Murkrow as it's gloating and he falls to the ground, unconscious. Meanwhile the Zigzagoon has rapidly closed the space between itself and a still reeling Bubbie. It hits the Dewpider with one good HEADBUTT and he, too, is down for the count.

"Dammit!" Birdie curses under her breath as both of her pokemon hit the pavement, "Fuck!" her notebook joins them when she spikes it to the ground.

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dragon king
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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mateo martinez
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2020 0:12:27 GMT
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 well that was a bit much. shocked hues watched the battle scene that unfolded. the girl in question caused the duo to stare. their meal paused at the entrance of their maw. it wasn't exactly his problem, but the memory of her battle continued to replay within the back of his mind.

it wasn't until her usage of the notebook came into thought. the way she ordered them. it wasn't exactly the icing on the cake, but he just couldn't hold it in. finally, he'd stand to walk over toward the girl. cause clearly she, and no one else around, had the motive of telling herself exactly what she needed to hear. "just what the hell was that?" mateo bluntly stated.

he and sceptile together standing some feet from the girl. passing her to pick up the notebook she had thrown, he would open it up to analyze what was written. "who the hell has the time to read and battle, aren't these your damn pokemon?" the former elite trainer would state. turning to question the pinkette. "normally i don't throw myself into others personal lives unless necessary, but you seriously..." his grip would tighten upon the journal, "...you seriously danced on my nerves, idjit!" he'd tear the pages from the book without hesitation.

"aren't you suppose to be a trainer? or are you some wannabe nerd gettin' a kick outta seein' her pokemon tossed around like rag dolls!?" she seriously pissed the dragon tamer off. in a weird way, it had been sometime since he exhibited such a draconic personality.

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october 11
sootopolis city
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TAG WITH @birdie
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2020 4:53:39 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Shame, embarrassment, frustration, they collect in Birdie's stomach and leave her almost sick with their churning. It takes a big breath to pull her out of the post-loss feeling. She lets the breath out on a sigh; and reaches towards the bag hanging from her shoulder to pull out her downed pokemons' pokeballs.

She's only about halfway there when some particularly loud criticism stops her in her tracks. Birdie's eyes shoot up to find the source and very quickly land on one of the trainers from earlier. The winner, with his big green pokemon still at his side. Pure shock at this development keeps her from doing or saying anything as he passes her to reach for the crumpled notebook she'd thrown to the ground.

By the time he's paging through it she manages to get her wits about her, but it doesn't matter for much. The moment he shouts again she feels her muscles tense. She tries to answer his first question. Opens her mouth to speak (well I don't really --) but she's not even able to finish thinking her response before he's yelling again. She shuts her mouth, acknowledging it isn't quite her turn yet.

She takes in a sharp breath on a gasp when he tears at the pages he'd been skimming. She'd worked hard on those notes. . .

The rest of what he has to say, all of what he has to say really, grates on her. Grates on her the way all criticism with even a grain of truth does. She wants to get angry and yell something back or tell him he's being too harsh, but when he calls her an idiot and a wannabe it rings too true. So instead she sits there with her mouth shut tight and her face turning red and stinging eyes as he leans into her harder and harder.

Maybe that's why the moment he says something that misses the mark and gives her some space to respond she pounces. That's definitely why she's shaky even in the face of this very small chance to lay claim to some scrap of her dignity.

"Of, Of course I don't g-get a kick out of . . ." her voice warbles and cuts out, she's holding onto too much tension and she's not breathing deeply enough, "but what else am I supposed to do!? They, they, they don't listen! And I'm still learning!"

Far from the confident little lecture the man had to offer, Birdie's rebuttal is uncertain, and shrill as her namesake. It's not going to get much better either. As this goes on the knowledge that she's having this exchange out in the open only worsens the humiliation that undermines her words.

From behind the other trainer her pokemon stir. They rise to their feet shakily. First Drifter, then Bubbie, a little time and all the noise enough to pull them from unconsciousness.

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dragon king
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2020 5:20:11 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
 they don't listen? the hell did that even mean. when it came to training pokemon, mateo had seen it all. there were those who utilized them as soldiers, others who wielded them strategically, and those who fought with them as if they were one. "every trainer has their way of doing things," mateo calmly responded. after doing so sceptile would pat the young girl on her shoulder.

"it's not about whether they listen to you or not. you can demand respect, but that doesn't mean they'll give it. every trainer i've met has their own thing, even me." he'd call out KOMMO-O all while speaking to the young trainer. with a simple fist bump between the pair, he'd continue, "every pokemon i own we have some bond that can't really explained to outsiders. i don't think it's ideal to use a notebook to memorize their capability though." which led him to ask his next question:

"why are you a trainer?"

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october 11
sootopolis city
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TAG WITH @birdie
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 0:12:39 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]When the veteran trainer mentions everyone doing things their own way she wants to interrupt him. To complain about how if everyone does things their own way why is he tearing up her notebook and tearing into her? It feels so mean! But before she opens her mouth she feels a touch on her shoulder.

Something about the way the man's pokemon looks at her sets her at ease a little. Enough to get her to listen to the next bit at least, and it's a good thing she does. 'You can demand respect, but that doesn't mean they'll give it' -- it's an obvious, simple concept, but one Birdie hadn't considered. She kinda just expected her pokemon to fall in line once they were in a pokeball.

She watches the man bump fists with yet another one of his imposing pokemon and is stricken with the same kind of awe she felt when watching a man just a few days ago pet his Hydreigon. How does someone get to be so tender with their partners? Why aren't her Pokemon like that with her? She almost misses the second bit of wisdom just looking between the man's two Pokemon in front of her.

But she catches her notebook being brought up again. Glances at it crumpled in his hand, the stray pages on the ground. He pulls her eyes back up with his question. She blinks. This is the second time she's been asked this question, but she's sure he won't accept the answer she gave last time.

"It's uh, well, it's all I could think to do with myself," she starts, giving the answer she's already ruled out in her head, "But . . ." Why is it all she can think to do? Her mind skates around as her voice trails off. To days asleep in class, quiet dinner tables, sideways glances. To a night in Fallarbor, an evening on the street.

She chews at her cheek and scans the space around her feet while she thinks before looking up again with a slightly more confident gaze.

"I think I want something to be proud of?" the words hang in the air for barely a moment before she feels the need to amend them, "I want to be proud of this." She says with more certainty, glancing beyond the man to her Pokemon standing behind him.

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dragon king
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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mateo martinez
POSTED ON Oct 6, 2020 11:20:56 GMT
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 she wanted to be proud of something, to be proud of this. there was no need for an explanation on as to what she meant. when it came to raising pokemon one didn't need a reason, but they did need pride. and that's what the girl was showing mateo at this very moment.

"remember this is an equal partnership, and to always treat them as your equal," a soft smile had formed. his words clearly embraced the girl. "you're already on the right path then. you don't have to know exactly what this is, but..." mateo would crouch down to their level. gently pushing the pair to the front of him. "you need to start by actually taking the time to learn about them, or better yet e may have to take you to them..." a hand was brought over his mouth as he thought and .

mateo wasn't sure as to which handled the introduction of a pokemon trainer, but leaving her in the hand of another would just be irresponsible. besides, it wasn't as if he was currently busy at this time. he had nowhere to be exactly, and this could help him clear his head. "that's why i'm here to help you, it's your lucky day little dragon." how did he get himself roped into this?

in the back of his mind there was displeasurable groan, but it's not like he wasn't a former elite four member or gym leader. he was literally paid to do this in another life. though, to be honest, maybe there was a chance he could also gain something from this? "tell me, is battling all you know? i mean, something must have gotten you into wanting to step into the limelight of a trainer?"

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october 11
sootopolis city
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TAG WITH @birdie
POSTED ON Oct 10, 2020 23:48:40 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]The sight of the man's smile gives Birdie a bit more confidence in her freshly considered answer. She was pretty sure she was on the right track when she offered it, but the way the previously rough trainer softens at her words is reassuring.

She watches the man kneel down by her two partners and feels a familiar surge of anxiety; the moment of mixed fear and pre-emptive embarrassment that crops up whenever someone gets too close to Drifter. Thankfully, he's tired and allows himself to be pushed with little but an irritated caw and a snap at the air. Bubbie is moved without complaint -- blowing a few bubbles in his helmet as he's scooted along the concrete.

"Uh, okay, get to know them," she echoes his words and takes a hard look at her pokemon, ignoring the bit about "taking" her somewhere to avoid making things more confusing. Again she finds herself a bit ashamed at how easily she'd overlooked the now seemingly obvious lessons presented to her.

"Every trainer has their own thing, this is an equal partnership, take time . . ." she murmurs them under her breath, wishing desperately she had her notebook. No, this is a good opportunity, if she can just commit this to memory maybe it'll be easier when it's about her poke-- little dragon?

"Little dragon?" she repeats her thoughts out loud, shooting the man a confused look before attempting to quickly school her expression in time to answer his question, "Uh, yeah, I guess? I mean, I don't know if I'd say I, like, uh, even know battling? I saw some League matches on tv when I was a kid? When I started training pokemon it was kind of just . . . all I could think to do?"

Bashfulness begins creeping back into her voice word to word, sentence to sentence. Her last answer was kind of cool if she says so herself, but this one? It makes her worry she's gonna throw off the good mood of the conversation.

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dragon king
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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mateo martinez
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2020 14:14:37 GMT
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"there's a lot to do y'know?"

this world was full of opportunities and careers for those who desired to be something other than trainers. mateo assumed she didn't know too much about it from her response. "you're just mimicking something you saw on the box," he'd let out a slight laugh, "that's hilarious!" mateo couldn't contain his laughter. it'd been awhile since he laughed with merriment.

"oh man, you're really a kid aren't you! what're you twelve!?" he'd continue to laugh as he held his stomach. he couldn't keep it together, that was just too great. wiping a tear from under the lid of his right eye, mateo continued, "you know pokemon are more than just battling, right? you can do a lot with them. you could even be a coordinator, those are pretty popular." eyeing the girl's pokemon, mateo would ask, "you ever thought about performing with them? in my opinion, that's a pretty cool profession."

at times, when certain people lack the skill or ability to do one thing, they learn that they're better at another. maybe that's her case? "you like pokemon, i can tell. but what do you like about them? why do you start to train them? you didn't have to do that. you could've just caught pokemon and stayed home, make a little family with them." there was a reason she's doing this. there had to be more, and even if there wasn't that was okay too. "you're a weird one," mateo would come to take a seat upon the water fountain's edge, "and i just gotta know a little more about you"

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october 11
sootopolis city
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POSTED ON Oct 20, 2020 22:30:07 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Contrary to earlier, when the man's words pushed her into begrudging silence with their truth, the deriding of her mindset and general mockery this time around actually makes Birdie really mad! Her face goes red as he openly laughs at her and (despite her diminutive height and lack of physical strength) her hands tighten into little fists as he takes jabs at her age and perspective.

Of course she knows pokemon are for more than just battling! Of course she knows what a coordinator is! What does he know? She's feeling ornery by the time he brings the conversation to a place she can re-enter. The words about staying home especially strike a bad chord in her chest.

"What home?" she snaps, biting back harder than intended, "What do you know about the options I had?"

There's a real petulant quality to the way she replies, but it's not the only thing there. The insipid whining from earlier is supported by more genuine anger brought on by honest offense. Still, it's reined back by the time she opens her mouth again. Already the momentarily stoked fire is settling back to a passive blaze.

"Sure I don't know much about being a trainer, but it was the only thing I could think of for a reason," she says, staring at the ground and kicking at it with her worn sneakers. She takes a breath then. The man asked her another specific question it's about time she answer it. She looks to Drifter for a second before she does.

"I like pokemon for how tough they are, and how it, like, just comes naturally to them to be cool and self-sufficient. At least that was the start of it," she looks up from the ground to look at the veteran trainer as she speaks, "I thought maybe if I became a strong trainer I could help them and they could help me, or whatever."

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dragon king
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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mateo martinez
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2020 21:37:48 GMT
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a soft smile had found itself etched onto mateo's face. she reminded him a little bit of his self. the way she bit back toward her senior as she was teased. it reminded him a little bit of himself and how he talked to his late father. as she continued to speak, he slightly zoned out while listening. his mind running back to the past.

a soft huff escaped him. a hand would find itself atop of the young girl's head. "okay, okay, you definitely have your reason. i can sense the passion through your words." a wide grin worn, he'd say, "you wanna be cool just like a pokemon, that's also a nice goal to have." physically her face and hairstyle, though a different color, reminded him of someone he respected. "you look a lot like the new champion of hoenn, albeit you're more levelheaded than her." mateo chuckled, "she's a cool trainer, like a pokemon. you know of her? her name's , if someone as cool as that airhead can become champion. i think you have the ability to be even cooler than her, just like a pokemon." mateo would praise the pinkette for her passion.

"you don't have to have a goal. there's no right or wrong answer, even just wanting to be cool is a good answer." a single finger was risen, mateo continued, "be it win or lose, as long as the battle's cool and exciting, you're on the right path!" he'd pound his chest, "it's your lucky day, little dragon. i'm gonna show you what it means to find your trainer way. i hope you're ready to whip your pokemon into shape!"

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october 11
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TAG WITH @birdie
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2020 19:51:14 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]For the second time Birdie is comforted by a gentle hand, and for the second time it works. Something about such casual, friendly contact just instantly puts her at ease. She can't help but bashfully grin back at the other trainer's praise.

His words are something she hadn't realized she was lacking until now. Encouragement from someone else. Encouragement, and empathy, and even a little bit of confidence. She's not sure she buys the comparisons to a league champion, but to have someone listen to her and affirm her feelings . . . it's almost enough to choke her up. Almost. She sniffs hard through her nose to push that embarrassing feeling down and nods into the hand on her head.

"Thanks," she practically whispers between one of the man's phrases and the next.

The more he speaks the more Birdie can feel something in her revving up. Worries and anxieties she only recognized in passing are brought to the surface and quelled. About her lack of direction, about her uncertain passions, about her fear of failure. As they're stripped away they're replaced by energy. Desire. Being cool and reliable like a pokemon is the start but now she wouldn't mind living up to all the promise this man sees in her, too.

When he promises to help her find her way she's practically fit to burst.

"I'm ready, sir!" she practically shouts, eyes beaming.

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dragon king
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2020 19:11:04 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
the pokemon he had on him were a little advance, but no one got anywhere by taking it easy? "eevee, out!" emerging from his back pocket had been none other than the infamous eevee with the potential to become a "dragon-type". the eevee, like a dragon, would release a small, adorable roar.

courtesy of mateo and the many dragon's the eevee is raised around. it's grown accustom to possess the nature of a dragon. "meet eevee, he's my most hardworking pokemon. this little guy is gonna be a dragon-type someday, so we have to keep him on his toes when that day comes! right, ee?" the eevee responded accordingly, roaring its name lightly this time. "we'll have a battle, if you plan on challenging the gyms to really test your skills. you're in luck." as an ex-gym leader himself, he knew what to look for.

"for starters, when battling, i noticed you were a bit flustered. i don't know if it was due to being nervous or agitation with your pokemon, but there was no confidence there." folding his arms and nodding, he'd add, "yeah, yeah. you need to get some confidence in yourself. i wanna hear you three shout!" eevee, himself, would shout with a roar. "just like that, rawr!" mateo followed the eevee in suit.

"let me hear your dragon cry, rawr!" mateo growled. many watched, some giggled, but this training was only just the beginning. "let it build in your, release those inhibitions, and shout as loud as you can! right, eevee?!" together they'd roar once more. "hell yeah, idjit! i'm feelin' pumped!"

notes: i don't wanna hear you shout, i wanna hear you shout.

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october 11
sootopolis city
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TAG WITH @birdie
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2020 20:29:07 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Her excitement holds strong through the introduction of the other trainer's next pokemon. An . . . uh . . . yeah! Eevee! She can remember a cousin of hers that was obsessed with the things. Though she can't remember it having a dragon-type evolution. Maybe it's something only veteran trainers can bring out?

"Nice to meet you, Eevee!" she shouts with a wave. Birdie's bouncing with anticipation at this point. What's he going to do with Eevee? A demonstration? Maybe talk more about the bonds he has with his pokemon? Her head is spinning with possibilities when it's brought to an abrupt stop by reality. She blinks a few times as the enthusiasm runs out of her like water from a punctured bucket.

"B-battle?" she asks, voice now too soft to so much as register against the strong voice of the man instructing her. It feels like things might be moving a bit fast. She just lost a battle like ten minutes ago against someone way worse than this guy, this doesn't seem fair. She wants to object. Like, really wants to object.

But then, as if reading her mind, he nips the complaint in the bud.

Confidence. She's never really had it, and she definitely doesn't have it right now, but if she's going to do this whole adventure thing she should at least try to fix that, right? Especially around this veteran trainer who's compared her to champions.

If he can have that much confidence in her so quickly she has to be able to muster up at least a little, right?

So she roars.

"Raaaaaaaah!" she shouts after the Eevee's example, "Raaaaaaaaaaah!!" she shouts again after Mateo's coaching.

"Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!" she roars for real, one last time, and immediately after returns her Dewpider.

"C'mon Drifter! We're gonna do this!" she's practically screaming in the middle of this public square at this point, but she doesn't care. And it seems to almost do something for Drifter. Without complaint he struts over to a position in front of her.

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dragon king
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mateo martinez
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2020 18:43:21 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
"that's what i'm talkin' about!" he didn't expect the little dragon to jump in so quickly. though he couldn't exactly say the same for her pokemon. "the goal here is to rid you of those timid emotions. it won't exactly be gone in just one day, but the start is all about getting you 'out there' and raising your confidence." looking toward the murkrow, a hand would come to place itself beneath his chin.

"what you and your pokemon lack is unison. when your pokemon is battling you should feel what they feel," the dragon master stated, "if they're hurt, you're hurt. when you cry, they cry. will you feel weak, they'll feel weak. it's not about who's the vespiquen and who's the combee, being a trainer is equal partnership." everything mateo's learned he's learned with the help of his pokemon. the same could be said for them.

"there are those who can't grow without help from those around them, your pokemon are that help just as you are to them." in order for the pair to grow strong, they needed to know everything about one another. "your murkrow and dewpider are still freshly new, just like you are to them. you need to learn everything there is to know about one another, starting now; from fears to hopes to dreams, you need to communicate with them." hands were brought together as a visual example, "it's like the 'jian bird' my mom told me about when i was little!"

notes: boop

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