old yeller [e4]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Oct 23, 2020 20:48:07 GMT
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as the masked hero stepped into the battle arena his body was tingling underneath his suit. he really didn't think he would make it this far in the gym challenge. hell he wasn't even sure he would have the time to even do this. yet he did, it was a sign that he was improving as a trainer, so he might as well keep moving forward with this challenge. so first up was one of the elite four that he knew as "the dog whisperer" due to well...his fame with dogs. seriously he was half expecting the room to be full of dog houses and fire hydrants.
"hope your ready! because this hero aims to prove that he can back up the spirit of justice that beats within my heart!" the hero proclaimed as he got into place on the arena and posed fabulously on the spot. doing this always eased his nerves and got him pumped up for a fight, and he was going to need it for this big fight.[break][break]

[attr="class","notes"]notes: let's do this


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POSTED ON Oct 28, 2020 17:48:07 GMT
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kyle opens the door from the spectator area overhanging above the basic arena and peers over his challenger. he takes one swig of a can of soda while he watches a dramatic entry. he'd applause if his hands weren't holding anything.

"yo!" he greets back. "that's cool." he tries his best to match his energy but he can't.

while he's pretty sure the mask was a security risk since they cannot be identified easily should something happen, he trusts the front desk to take care of that problem should it arise. he supposed tracking with dogs was an option too. kyle shrugs it away as he steps down from a spiraling staircase as he takes off his headband that gets hair off of his eyes.

"so, how do you want this to proceed? i can let you pick the format if you want."

he approaches his podium on one side of the stage and accesses his pc from it with one hand as he awaits for the response. he already has something in his head, but he might as well make sure he got the right pokemon for the format beforehand.

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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2020 1:24:33 GMT
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his attention is brought up to the skybox above and as the elite four member gives him a greeting the hero replies back with a wave of his hand in response. as he waits for the elite trainer to get down to his level pokkenger is already wondering how to start this battle. he has a decent team of heavy hitters sure but would it be enough? was it too offensive for this fight? all these questions nd more filled his head but he knew that the true answer to them was to jut put his trust in his pokemon and hope they can overcome whatever challenge that this battle provides.
"i'm thinking singles format! got a whole team of six with me that are ready to go and let loose! here i'll show ya!" taking out a ball from his belt he released his first combatant, scorcher the charizard. the beast may have had scars from the battles in meteor falls but that still wouldn't slow him down as he let out a challenging and intimidating roar and beat his wings to kick up specks of dust. "let's show them how bright your flames burn scorcher!"[break][break]

[attr="class","notes"]notes: let's do this


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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2020 18:29:40 GMT
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he raises a brow when singles is mentioned, but he supposed he doesn't have any room to complain since he did ask for the challenger's preference. he withdraws pokemon from his pool on his pc and then promptly releases one of his own to face against the charizard as he takes his place on a podium.

"you remind me of a friend," he mentions out of a blue. "y-yeah! let's do this."

the eelektross sizes up the opposition. kyle, himself, would have thought twice upon facing a clearly experienced charizard, though he notices his pokemon doesn't share the same view as him. he knew the reason behind it wasn't from sheer unawareness however.

he cranes his neck behind him to take a look at a security camera. he snaps a finger at its direction before it flickers red. kyle turns back to the challenger with a battle ready smile as he folds his arms.

"challenger may have the first move."

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Kazimir Wynter
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POSTED ON Nov 6, 2020 4:00:56 GMT
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the masked hero tilted his head as the trainer mentioned something about a friend. he couldn't quite hear from under his mask but it didn't matter, their opponents pokemon showed themselves and his charizard glared at it. now was the time for action and victory, and pokkenger was keen on earning that win! "ok let's start off with some poor eyesight, scorcher let 'em have it! smokescreen!"
the large dragon took in a deep breath and let out a cloud of black smoke that consumed the arena around them. thick like peasoup the charizard could only grin as he took small steps among the black cloud waiting for his foe to make their own movments against him.[break][break]

[attr="class","notes"]notes: charizard uses smokescreen! (enemy evasinvess down!)


template by kay

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POSTED ON Nov 9, 2020 19:39:49 GMT
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kyle already knows the response of his eelektross from minor inconveniences. he clicks his tongue and immediately goes for a control panel by his side of the field on the podium he's standing on in anticipation of the worse. the click of a button gets screen up that separates the trainer from the field. it's usually for stray electric-type attacks and the such, though other applications exist.

the eelektross starts to spew its acid spray all over the area, wildly spreading corrosive poison in the vicinity. it thrashes about as it attempts to fan off the smoke with its erratic movements, letting the acid splash on random areas of the room.


some of them manage to fly all across to kyle's side, stopped by the screen between him and the field. there's a sudden disconnect with the heat of the battle, which takes away from his immersion from kyle's perspective, but he can't argue against the sake of safety.

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
old yeller [e4]
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2020 16:13:55 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
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the smoke filled the arena as the charizard eyed the cloud of it surrounding his foe. he was not expecting the splash of ooze to come out of it however. he was quick to block it with his wings but let out a roar of pain as he felt the stinging sensation of it as it burned the skin of his wings as he took a step back. "don't worry scorcher, it ain't as bad as you think! light 'em up as payback!"
as the fire dragon shook off the poison from its wings it took in a deep breath before letting out a powerful stream of flames. the black cloud turned orange as it began to heat up as the charizard moved forward towards the cloud and heated it up with his flamethrower sweeping back and forth to hit the electric eel hiding within.[break][break]

[attr="class","notes"]notes: charizard uses flamethrower!


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POSTED ON Nov 17, 2020 18:04:43 GMT
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as the flames pass over the eelektross once or twice beneath the smokescreen. burn marks cover sections of his body that got briefly passed over by the flamethrower, though this wouldn't be visible by the growing amount of sparks on the eelektross' body.

"wild charge."

it lifts itself from the ground and zooms to the air, levitating right towards the charizard. the direction towards its targets were already provided by the cry and the stream of flames, and its one-track mind has already allowed it to lock on without prohibitions.

the eelektross rams itself at the charizard at full speed. static electricity surrounding its body only glows stronger with each passing moment as it gets closer to its target.

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old yeller [e4]
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2020 19:07:48 GMT
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as the flames licked up the smoke it cause something that pokkenger and scorcher didn't see coming, literally. it gave cover to the large eel as it snaked its way right through the air towards the charizard and rammed right into his torso covered in elecriticy. jolts ran up and down the fire dragon's body as it roared in pain and with a powerful beat of its wings jumped and pushed back against his enemy to give himself some space. "let's get some revenge yeah scorch?! show them that ain't enough to even slow ya down!"
the charizard couldn't agree more as it roared one more time to signal its body glowing as rocks began to form out of thin air. it dug into an ancient power it had learned and sent the rocks flying like missiles at the eel in order to bury it under rubble and to make sure it covered all angles the charizard began to flap its wings and take to the air and circle its opponent. shards of rocks coming in from where ever it flew as it did so that the elecktross would need to do some decent weaving to try and avoid them all.[break][break]

[attr="class","notes"]notes: charizard uses flamethrower!


template by kay

[newclass=.kcontain]width:350px;height:auto;border:solid 1px #1a1a1a;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2020 23:15:52 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
as soon as the charizard creates distance between itself and the eelektross, it starts to pelt it with attacks. the eelektoss releases its roars as it tries to fend off the attacks, unable to get the distance back with the repeated barrage.

kyle scratches his head, wondering if he chose the wrong pokemon to lead the battle with.

"acid spray."

as the eelektross crosses its arms over its head to protect it from most of the ancient power, it attempts to get back to its attacker from below. aiming at the charizard, it releases a volume of acid that goes through the volley of rocks and towards the flying-type.

although the acid spray doesn't completely melt the rocks, it softens them enough to lessen the damage for the electric-type. what doesn't get blocked manages to seep through the cracks in between the attack, fluid in motion as they find their way to the charizard.

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Kazimir Wynter
old yeller [e4]
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2020 4:41:08 GMT
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the rocks melted against the eel's acid, the image brought back memories of meteor falls and the poison that littered the place. pokkenger reached out a hand out of protective instinct but quickly remembered where he was. a battle, an important battle, one where he couldn't hesitant even for a second if he wanted to win. his outstretched hand balled into a tight fist that he brought back close to his chest as he watched the two pokemon go at it as an idea was forming in his head. "scorcher! barrier battery! execute!"
the charizard threw up a protective shield just as the acid droplets came for him, splattering against its barrier and sizzling out against energy. it wouldn't just sit back and defend itself however, it could see the eel coming at it and decided to use its best defense for offense. with a single beat of its wings it charged the elecktross with its protect still up and aimed to ram the electric type with its shield and force it to the ground.[break][break]

[attr="class","notes"]notes: charizard uses protect![break]
charizard rams its protect into elecktross!


template by kay

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POSTED ON Nov 28, 2020 1:22:19 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
he felt like he jolted awake when he hears the challenger come up with some kind of special command for a move. a number of his friends already do this thing that kyle is always inclined to either snap at them to talk normally or play along depending on his mood.

habit dictates him to do the latter.

"barrier battery?!" he gasps. "fuck, i don't have anything for that special move!"

he's thankful that the fight is brought back to close quarters despite his words.

the charizard collides with the eelektross, pinning it down to the ground as it gets flattened down by the barrier. kyle's pokemon can only snarl at the fire-type, though its sense of defenselessness can only last as long as the move's duration.

"wild charge," kyle orders his pokemon, a cheery tone left in his voice from the jesting earlier.

the eelektross waits until the charizard's shield expires before it attempts to immediately wrap itself at the charizard. electricity start to surge throughout its elongated body once again as it attempts to electrocute the charizard with its move.

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Ballonlera, Galar
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old yeller [e4]
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2020 5:10:07 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
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the eel is quick to suddenly charge at the large dragon with its body coated in electricity. already the lizard could tell it was going to hurt. "fire off at point blank scorcher! right in the face!" his trainer calls out, one that the fire type wasn't very fond of but could understand what it meant. so it steeled itself for the incoming attack.
sure enough feeling the eel slam into its body and send jolts of electricity throughout it was tough, but the charizard took this time to grab onto the elecktross and hold it in his hands as he stared it down. flames began to lap at the inside of his mouth as he opened his maw wide and a flamethrower shot out as it let out a bellowing roar.[break][break]

[attr="class","notes"]notes: charizard is hit![break]
charizard grabs elecktross![break]
charizard uses flamethrower!


template by kay

[newclass=.kcontain]width:350px;height:auto;border:solid 1px #1a1a1a;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Dec 10, 2020 2:39:13 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
kyle can only be impressed with how much beating from super effective attacks the charizard can take. it reminds him of silas' pokemon, though his own were as scrappy as they can get as well.

he takes notes of the flames charging within the charizard's mouth. whether the fire-type hasn't been in the red yet or it gets its boosts from a different source, kyle is only relieved that the blaze ability isn't activated.

"giga drain."

as the charizard breathes fire to the eelektross, the electric-type would attempt to latch its rows of teeth o to the charizard's neck, sapping away at its health while throwing off the trajectory of the fire away from him.

the trainer relies on residual sparks that still coat his pokemon from the earlier move to torment the flying-type. the giga drain was just to keep this war of attrition to last longer.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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POSTED ON Dec 21, 2020 18:02:49 GMT
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The elite four's pokemon is still quick, quicker than kazimir gave it credit for as it snakes its way towards his charizard and manages to bite down on its neck causing the dragon to unleash its flames in a different direction than it meant to. "shake it off with protect!" kazimir shouted as he watched with wide eyes underneath his mask while his pokemon was thrashing around. [break][break]
a small yellow bubble appears on the charizard's stomach as it expands outward into a full on protective shield with the hope that it would pry the elecktross off of the fire dragon before it could steal more of its energy. even the charizard itself was busy trying to grab it and wring its neck the best it could with its thin arms and powerful claws.[break][break]

[attr="class","notes"]notes: charizard uses protect!


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP