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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2020 19:09:05 GMT
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whenever sénon was absent for any amount of time, she would carefully and discreetly rearrange the interior of their abode to make him feel more welcome. she had begun with the closet, reordering her clothing and leaving him with an ample amount of room to hang his own. her dresser received similar treatment as well as her two-drawer night stand.

the spacious bathroom connected to her bedroom was shuffled around slightly, the woman special ordering the charcoal-bristled tooth-brush he had specifically requested. she had also noted the toiletries men kept on their bathroom counters, purchasing an electric razor, shaving came, men's deodorant, a comb, brush and whatever else he might require to perform his morning and nightly routines. cait had also stocked up on varied ingredients for their future meals, deciding to acquire a bit more meat than usual. 

"klefki," she chimed. 

the pokemon removed themselves from her closet's doorknob, having hung there for a lengthy period of time as she moved about.  she'd pluck a key from its ring, examining the item before stuffing it in her pocket. she had only just gotten it made, the order taking a bit longer than she'd like despite it coming in the form of only two silver keys. 

thank you."

it was genuinely exciting having someone to share her home with, especially since their new arrangement was making for a good one. despite her lingering fears, he remained enthused in her company. she had been especially relieved when they had had sex again and multiple times after, which meant his attraction remained steadfast. and presently, they were still working their way through the 'getting to know each other' phase.

he'd find that she kept a clean home, was a partial workaholic and enjoyed a compilation of entertainment that came in the form of board games, music, films and old television shows. she enjoyed animated works, consumed all genres of music but couldn't stand horror films. 

- - -

i already live in a cabin in the woods," she remarked once, her tone deadpanned to an almost comical degree. "you think i want to see a movie that's explicitly called 'the cabin in the woods'? you got me fucked up."

- - - 

she'd dress nicely in his presence, taking pleasure in attire that showcased her figure. cait had taken his previous requests to heart, her confidence having skyrocketed whenever his gaze lingered or he touched her. she'd flash him a giddy little smile, her eyes twinkling with pleasure. 

the young woman shied away from political conversation, appearing uninterested after having been forced to partake for a solid year in debate and navigating her way through such a tiresome scene. she appeared far more interested in what could be considered comparatively mundane; like the validity of a fictional character's actions. or how mustard yellow made for an exceedingly awful color - and that it served no actual purpose.


she was presently dressed in her more casual attire that consisted of jeans and a tank top, exiting her bedroom with the key in hand as she entered the living room. presumably, her man would be in there. it was only lunch, after all. 

i forgot to get you your key. it came in a little while ago."    

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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2020 4:24:57 GMT
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It was scary how well they got on, how simply things fell into place.

When he told her he wasn't going anywhere, he didn't mean he was going to move in. But something about how her need for his support and protection his need for her affection and attention; it took days for him to leave.

He'd showed up for a tour and seven days later he felt a pang of guilt going back 'home'. Even when he got there something felt off like it was missing something. So he gathered some things and withing twenty-four hours he was back. He had mixed feelings about spending so much time in a place where he had no ownership nor control.

It started so tense. Not inward tension between them but rather outwards tension at the rest of the world. Tension at the unknown; at everything beyond the boundaries of the cabin. He felt caged at first but the cage was so big and so removed from civilization that when she was near it felt like the cage wasn't to box to him in but to keep threats out.

He spent more time watching her, studying her. Mindful of space and oversharing he didn't follow her around like puppy but rather trained his eyes to her when in the same room and his ears to her when not, like an old dog in a new home. His time and focus building his subconscious awareness of her; how she moved, how she spoke, what she liked.

She always came to him when her comfort levels ran low and he to her when his stress ran high.

She most often got touchy in the night when he was trying sleep and he most often got primal in the morning when she was trying to start her day. Her laugh became a drug and if she went too long without a chuckle he'd impishly, antagonistically even, force one out of her. Even once going as far as to tickle her feet until she literally screamed between fits of laughter.

Every day they seemed to learn another thing about one another. Like just how much their interests and tastes overlapped.

"you think i want to see a movie that's explicitly called 'the cabin in the woods'? you got me fucked up." "Excuse me?" He laughed in challenge from their couch sprawling grinning stupid that she felt comfortable enough around him to be a little crass with her honesty. "'Cabin in the Woods' is a goddamn classic in film making. Its smart and its deconstructive." He wasn't much of a Horror buff until he learned Cait didn't like them. It was funny considering he'd felt the same about Horror at her age. It became something of a running gag between them.

"A key?" He studied it carefully, like he'd never one before. It was heavier than a normal key and more old fashioned in its design. "What is this, like full 'Skeleton Key' I can unlock anything in the cabin with this?" He held it up to her heart like a dork, twisting the key. "Its not working Cai." Annoying her when he wasn't charming her seemed to keep her on her toes.

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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2020 5:08:01 GMT
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"it'll get you through the back door and the front," she said, simply. "
'fraid that's all the use you'll get out of it. if you want access to the storage building you'll need to get it from klefki."

cait struggled to keep a grin off her face, but she failed as the corners of her lips twitched upwards in reaction to the silent jest. 

but i think the key to my heart may just involve throwing the trash into the incinerator."

her voice took on a conspiratorial tone before she brushed past him, the girl turning on the television and flicking to the news and weather channel. the satellite internet and cable package she had purchased was surprisingly reliable - despite how entirely remote their present location was.

it's getting colder out," she said, noting the temperature as the middle-aged newscaster droned on about statistics related to the war. "make sure to wear a jacket."

he'd find that anything that couldn't be effectively recycled was placed in the incinerator that was a little ways down the path. his duties were kept light and were mostly voluntary when compared to hers; like cooking or cleaning up on a bi-weekly basis. she'd happily accept help when offered, but cait proved reliable at managing her home and hearth by her lonesome.

i don't want you getting a cold."  

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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2020 6:37:47 GMT
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It bothered him to think he was being taken care of, or that he wasn't carrying his own weight. He wouldn't be around always; Rangers had to go places, do things, stop pokémon, beat up poachers. It was involved work, but with war hanging over head there was less of it a daily basis.

Cait's home was basically his vacation spot but it frustrated him to feel like he was making more work for her. Fending for himself since he began his pokémon journey at eleven, he hadn't had anyone take care of him since his literal childhood.

So he did things. He washed dishes and cooked sometimes. More than anything else he cleaned up behind himself, reimbursed for supplies and food and kept his footprints small. He was mindful not cause more stress than he alleviated. It was usually someone other than the head chef who handled the trash but if she wanted him to do it, it was small concession to make.

It was cute the way she worried about him, even in regards to things like weather "Cinnabarians don't catch colds Cai." He pocketed the key, staring up at her from laying on his back on the couch.

With distance making the heart grow fonder and Sénon having a life outside of Cait he never stayed more than three days in a row. Some time after seventy-two hours he would leave to his apartment or to work or to train his pokémon. He tried to spare her the discomfort of sleeping alone so he was never gone two nights in a row.

"Speaking of colds, it feels like a good night for a scary movie. 'The Thing' is a personal favorite of mine." He hated how small her television screen was which was why he'd bought a bigger one only to be a bit lazy about going to pick it up. "I'm not watching it alone, am I?"

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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2020 10:55:38 GMT
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cait blinked, tilted back her head and released a quiet groan of exasperation. ever since he had discovered that she dissolved into an utter bitch when watching a horror movie, he'd taken with teasing her with his knowledge on the topic. the first time - and second time - they had watched a film she had clung onto him, burying her face into his side when the suspense ramped up. 

"can't we watch something - i dunno - less terrifying, baby?"

she made her way to the dvd and game storage cabinet, squinting at the contents on the shelves. 

how about something like 'a wonderful life' or maybe... 'gone with the wind'?"

her finger passed over a few titles.

oh! how about 'pulp fiction'? you like action - and darker bits - that'll fit right into your personal tastes."

she giggled and recited, by memory, one particular line from the movie. cait actually did quite a good job about it, adding a decent amount of fervor to her southern drawl as though she herself was acting out the scene.

old movies are my thing, ya know?

though he could easily raise the argument that 'the thing' had roughly a dozen years on her recommendation, the film having been produced in 1982; when she wasn't even a twinkle in her daddy's eyes. so she'd offer him a considering look, giving a little shrug followed by her consent.

fine - fine," she said, waving lazily in his general direction. "but you owe me a favor. i'll require some amount of 'comfort', ya know? so i can sleep a bit better tonight."

cait smirked at him, the look a tad wicked.    

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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2020 18:34:09 GMT
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"and you will know my name is THE LORD when i lay my vengeance upon thee!" The top half of his face was rolling his eyes but the bottom half was fighting off a smirk from being impressed. It turned him on for her to be so accurate in her impersonation. It was hard to put into words how alluring it was to discover the unique gaps in her knowledge likewise for her to pinpoint the unique gaps in his.

They bonded easily and it never felt forced or awkward.

She folded on her counter-offer to watch old sappy movies that gave the warm fuzzies, somewhere deep down he wagered she wanted to be afraid and clinging to him during a horror film. 'The Thing' was set in Antarctica which just made it easier to feel like you need a warm body next to you. It was only scary the first time after that it was a beautiful ride of suspense and tension.

"I thought you'd see it my way. Besides that, I'm curious about your thoughts about the psychological break down of a tight-knit group of people besieged by an otherworldly creature they cant reason with." Of course he was just beating a dead horse since she'd agreed to watch it with him. "Not knowing whose who, or who to trust." but he couldn't help it. He loved watching the nuances of her face as he persuaded her, or failed at persuading her "It's like 'Twelve Angry Men' but with an alien that wants to be inside you."

He pulled her down into his arms, "Speaking of..." he nuzzled her neck with his nose to tease her. "What 'comforts' did you have in mind?" He spoke evenly, but was unbuttoning her jeans.

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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2020 18:59:31 GMT
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"something involvin' that pretty mouth of yours."

he succeeded in undoing the button which secured the waist of her jeans, but as his fingers pinched the tip of the zipper she'd bat them away. as enjoyable as it'd be to get frisky on the couch, she'd rather not take another trip to the shower to get freshened up again. 

'but, arceus above, is he real tempting.' 

it'd be likely that most would consider them in-lust as opposed to be in-love. but she found that it was quickly becoming a combination of both, the stirring of feeling accompanied by the stirring of loins. it made for a fun experience, the pair melding just right. it was a shame they hadn't met earlier - preferably before the war.

'just take what you can get, girl. better late than never.' 

i'm not about to make a mess of both myself and the couch," she said. "not when it's - what -  only eleven? shit, it's not even in the pm yet."

cait remained in his lap despite her words, enjoying the position. it granted her full access to that hair of his - and she didn't bother hiding her obsession with his mane. she loved everything about it; from it's length to its texture to its remarkable shade. she'd run her fingers through it at every opportunity, her touch bordering on worshipful as she'd toy with it. 

i was wondering," she began, her tone becoming increasingly tentative as she examined a strand of red. "you okay? i mean... you were assigned to lilycove. we lost some of our own down there. including one of our former champions.

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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2020 20:44:16 GMT
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Of course that was what she wanted. He was good at it after all and not at all bashful at showing her. At this point it was probably more his fault that she wanted it. Receding his hands to less risque places he smugly tucked one hand behind his head as he leaned back. "Then I guess I'll be skipping dinner; works up my appetite." She let out such interesting sounds and he enjoyed learning exactly how to get her to make them.

Centering on less fun topics of conversation it seemed she wanted to know about Lilycove or at least how he was holding up following the aftermath. The league had endorsed him, whatever that meant. He was cited as a driving and deciding factor in the eradication of the Ultra Beasts the league listed as "Buzzwole".

He hadn't done it alone, no one could have. He had good people backing him up and if not backing him up they simply did the same as he was doing without either knowing the other would do it. The reason the league praised him specifically was likely five-pronged.

First, he was the first to notice their arrival in the field thanks to Ninju ( ) and did what he could to warn others; the former champion included.

Second, he alone had attacked and engaged all three 'Buzzwole' in the field.

Third and Fourth, once the Buzz were injured and fleeing battle to ambush and consume other league fighters in order to replenish their strength and heal, Sénon had the chance to let them go (and become someone else's problem).

Not only did he not let the two of them get away, he was the first to run them down, not knowing if anyone else would do the same. Luckily for him the others at his back threw their strength in with his and so his efforts to stop them, actually stopped them.

Lastly, in the case of the two Buzzwole confirmed dead, Sénon's pokémon ( ,  ,  ) distracted one long enough for other League forces to take it down while the other was killed by Ranton ( ) directly.

The one that killed their champion attacked Sénon before anyone else, knocking himself and Hiei ( ) out the skies and separating him from the rest of his group. The group that included Alexander Stone. The others tried to flee from it rather than hold their ground and it devoured every Salamence of the group, not including his own.

He told Cait all of it from his perspective and the blanks the league reports filled in. He was fine more or less.

He wasn't waking up screaming in the night and he shed no tears for the fallen, he didn't know them personally. He only quietly carried the burdens of what he'd seen and what he'd fought against. He couldn't bring himself to admit he dedicated himself to victory over survival, that in essence he didn't try the way she asked him to.

Instead he offered up a secret truth. "It was easier to do what I had to, knowing everyone I cared about was somewhere else." He rubbed at the stubble on his chin. "I sent a prayer to you, once I knew the Buzzwole were coming and I knew I couldn't run from them."

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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2020 21:18:38 GMT
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he was okay - which was all she could really ask for. but she still worried, a faint sting coming to her eyes at the realization of an uncertain future. but she shoved such thoughts aside with a great force, clearing her mind and instead focusing on his warmth and the spiciness which edged his natural scent. the feel of his solid body that was warm and his voice that was deep and sweet. 

sénon made the days easier, having successfully burrowed his way into her mind and heart. 

you're okay," she said. "your pokemon are okay. you came back to me. and that's all that matters."

she suddenly thought of stormy - the woman whom she adored like a sister - and thought of the men she had lost. on how easily cait could suffer through a similar fate; weeping over a man who permanently fell from her embrace. she wanted to keep him safe, whole, healthy, happy -

"to be honest, i almost wish you didn't have to fight. but i know you can't help it - and neither can i."

the woman pressed her lips against his - and he'd find she tasted faintly of cinnamon. she possessed the softness and slight weight of a woman, her body receptive to his own. 

i'm real happy you gave me a chance."

cait cuddled closer to the man  with a light giggle, a smile upon her lips as she felt a pleasing flutter that originated from her belly.

i want this to work. and i just... have a real good feeling about this.

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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2020 23:18:36 GMT
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There was something in the way she spoke her feelings that made him not want to be anywhere else.

She was so forthcoming with her thoughts and feelings he never had to guess what she was thinking or how she felt. He trusted her enough that he didn't have to doubt she was being truthful with her words or what she was thinking. He also believed in her enough to not have to feel she would wake up one day and feel differently in lieu of nothing he'd said or done.

She was young and beautiful and well established; it was naive of her to think she could trust him so soon just because things were going well. He was getting older, only just now finding his passions; it was naive of him to think she wouldn't just change her mind when someone "better" walked past.

They were both being naive in they way the payed it forward unto one another but naivety wasn't the same as unworthiness.

The way she curled up against him, kissed him, not just wanted but needed him. There was always a hint of permanence in those things coming from her. He never articulated what he felt about their future as she did. He only tried to show it in his actions.

He dropped his cool 'facade' when she said she was glad he gave her a chance. As if she was the one who was worse off before they came together. He remembered how lost he felt before this thing with her. Torn between revenge and moving on. He had his runts and the bigger pokémon to tend to and that purpose kept him alive just the same as cooking but it was Cait who filled the void in his existence.

It wasn't until he'd walked out on her that he realized what he would be walking away from.

How could he ever put that into words for her? He was old enough to know what love was and what it felt like. He was also old enough to know what happened when you let emotions take the wheel and drive your life. She might have been the demi-god but it was him who felt superhuman every time she took a chance and told him what this thing between them meant to her.

His eyes softened tasting the cinnamon flavor she left on his lips. There was something important he needed her to know. "I like you." It was stupid the way he wasn't allowed to say what he really felt. Understatements were the best he could do. "I like us."

"Its been a long time since I trusted anyone, but I trust you." If he couldn't say the thing that was swirling in his conscious, waiting until it so obvious he no longer needed to say it, there was something just as sweet he could offer her; "You can trust me Cait." and every fiber of his being knew it to be true when he said it.

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POSTED ON Nov 4, 2020 2:05:25 GMT
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he gifted her with a rare sort of validation, one typically reserved for people with a long-standing history. or titles which would lend them some form of credibility. for example, you tended to trust your father or the person you recognized as your council lead. there were, perhaps, quite a few who trusted her. she was an avatar; a political figure; a woman who was in good standing with the league overall. 

yet her trust had been given to a chosen few. and she had fearfully laid herself bare in the hopes that sénon would perceive her in such a light. cait desired credibility, after all, to start their relationship on the right foot. if it was just sex - just passion that would inevitably burn itself out - she'd not have bothered with such things. she'd have made sure that everything remained idealistic on the surface layer, painting a prettied picture for them both that wouldn't last. 

but this one was different. and so she presented him with her flaws, granted him the full opportunity to take flight if he didn't fully consent to the idea of trying to forge a bond.

it's hard to trust people nowadays," she remarked, appearing contemplative.

cait painted him a less than pretty picture for themselves.

you could be a liar, for example. someone who only wants my body and doesn't care about much else. who's looking for a bit of fun - with a girl who's attention-starved, lonely and desperate.

she grinned impishly.

"i could be crazy and created a story to get your sympathy. i could be a wicked witch in disguise, drawing you in for some nefarious purpose involving making you my personal slave.

the woman snorted at the mental imagine, shaking her head lightly to the side.

"i trust you, silly. i'll try not to do anything that breaks your trust - and i'm sure you'll do the same," she said, verbally forging their terms. "and if anything happens, we'll talk about it. like the grown ass adults we are. deal?"

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POSTED ON Nov 4, 2020 2:36:14 GMT
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It was more disarming him with every statement she made.

She acknowledged that she trusted him and phrased it in a way that suggested it wasn't a recent development. He couldn't fight off the smile that came when she painted the hypothetical pictures of the terrible people they could be and the horrible ways they could be misleading one another.

She understood the dangers but waded the waters anyway, just as he did. They were on the same page and it was weight off his shoulders for them both to have acknowledged it.

He held up his pinkie to her bringing his face close enough to hers to kiss, so that she could see into his eyes. "I swear it." He wiggled the smallest of his digits so that she knew to lock it with her own.

Resting back on the couch again his hands explored her body somewhere between lustful and loving.

One stopped on her lower midriff and the other up her shirt, on her heart. Before long a smirk came to his face and teasing her came to mind. "So what are you going to name my daughter." He didn't look her in her eyes, so that she couldn't see his. He did listen for changes in her tone and her breathing and of course, his fingers gauged the quickening of her heartbeat.

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POSTED ON Nov 4, 2020 2:55:19 GMT
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he'd find that she'd stiffen with surprise, her heart quickening and her face betraying the woman's astonishment. 

daugh - what?"

she stumbled over her own words, the inquiry coming entirely out of left field. cait leaned back to give him a speculative look, her brows furrowing as she huffed and gave a little pout.

"i have an implant, asshole," she said, flicking him lightly on the nose. "i don't imagine your swimmers are particularly special, so i doubt they'll bypass that 99% security check."

the young woman hid it well enough, but she was pleased that he didn't mind mentioning children; even jokingly.

'he is getting at that age, i guess. he's twenty-seven going on twenty-eight. i imagine he'd want a kid or two sometime down the line before he gets too old.'

cait pondered over what their progeny would look like if they settled down in that way, her gaze sharpening as she fixated on his features. seeing as their skin tones sharply contrasted, seeing as she was black, she foresaw a high chance of light-skinned children who may or may not have his hair color and her mane's texture. she wondered if they'd inherit her freckles and his height; such an image proving ideal. 

"and i'd pray for a boy first and a girl second. i haven't really thought up names, to be honest."

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POSTED ON Nov 4, 2020 3:13:13 GMT
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He laughed hearty and from deep in his chest when she called him 'asshole'. It was nice to see the spice in her. "Ohhhh, implant." He tried with all his might stiffen his face for what came next. "Thats why there's no bump." He caressed her torso right over the place where here womb was. "I've been pretending to wear those Trojans for weeks now."

He almost had to bite his lip to keep the ruse going, she know he was full of shit, but it was still funny as hell to him. "Whats that about my swimmers not being special. Are you implying some lack of virility on my part?"

Not that he wanted to get her all baby-crazy, but it was fun to see where her head was regarding that potential future. If nothing changed between them it would be a reality before they knew it. "Also, what does it matter if a boy or girl comes first." He bit down gently on his inner cheek to keep his pokerface strong. "There's gonna be five of each anyway."

If implying one kid got him a flick on the nose, this was going to get him punched in the face.

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POSTED ON Nov 4, 2020 3:26:35 GMT
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she guffawed, unable to contain herself after the strings of genuinely good jests. 

"oh my gods, senon!"

she was an absolute mess of giggles, very nearly collapsing from his lap as her face flushed and her glossy lips curled lightly to reveal teeth. 

"you're so stupid sometimes."

she'd pepper his face with kisses in-between her chuckles, her form trembling with poorly contained laughter. 

"'five of each' my ass. i'm stopping at three - maybe four, if i feel up to it."

happy that the conversation had transitioned from a serious topic to an amusing one, she'd reach for the remote and flick through the channels. as usual, there wasn't much worth watching; which was a shame. 

'i should start training now anyway. it's almost twelve. but first - '

"i'm heading out to practice for a few hours. my boss is coming down in a few days and i wanted to challenge him to a battle - a serious one. i don't want him to think i'm slacking, you know?"

cait stood and gave a stretch, turning to peer down at sénon afterwards.

"i'm going to grab a granola bar and some trail mix for lunch. did you want me to make you something before i go?"    

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing