choi, chu-e

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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choi, chu-e
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2018 21:34:11 GMT
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namechu-e choi
agetwenty three
gayalso yes

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER FACTION team rocket

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER RANK grunt beast

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]FACE CLAIM keith from voltron

[attr="class","freiwanttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER




long long time ago in a small town in rural sinnoh, a baby was born who was the second child of a young couple. chu-e was that child and from his early life it wasn't clear that he would end up how he is now- bitter and cruel and manipulative. he was actually really sweet, back in those days, with a few little friends and a loving older sister and parents. isn't it nice how things like that get fucked up?[break][break]

what happened to him was when he was a teenager, and the older guy on his track team never went to jail for it, because small towns protect the reputations of kids like that don't they? but nah, chu-e was the one who suffered, the slut of the school, a liar who just wanted attention, jeered at to the point of running away. his only two friends in the world left behind, his sister and parents not even given an explanation, he just grabbed a few things and ran before he did something that would leave him in the ground.[break][break]

but big cities are cruel even to sad teenagers. there were no helping hands, just more cruel words and leers in dark alleyways. the only reason he even picked up a pokemon in the first place, a mangy alley cat glameow, was to protect himself from people who wanted to bite from him more than what they offered in return. overtime something in him broke, the weight of everything baring down on his mind until he was tired of being pushed around, and he was tired of being pathetic, and he was tired of being sad, and he was tired of people trying to prey on him. he might have been small and weak but anyone with the right kind of weapon and the right kind of crazy is dangerous. he wanted to be that kind of dangerous.[break][break]

a hand reached out, one evening, when he was knocking back something not good for him in the back of a shady bar. they gave him an offer he couldn't refuse: you scratch our back now and we'll scratch yours. the temptation of seeing that small town, the people who scoffed in his face and laughed and bullied, of everyone who hurt him, looking to him in fear was just too good to pass up. and getting more power, more fame, maybe even having them know his name ahead of time, of laying in bed thinking of what they did to him and knowing this was what they caused? well, hell, he was all for that.[break][break]

he just needed to go to kanto first, for some big operation, sell his soul to a shady organization and he was okay with that. getting out of the shit hole that was sinnoh would be good. so he did, and when kanto fell into ashes he was there in the front lines, not a big name leader but he helped pull the trigger, and he even came out of it a few pilfered pokemon richer before he was shipped off to hoenn a few years later. his hands had blood on them and he was fine with that, and something dark coiled in his stomach with excitement of doing it again, of getting closer to doing it where it mattered.[break][break]

chu-e knows what it's like to be burned by the world and he wants to burn it back. team rocket can help him do that and so he will remain loyal. just don't trust him personally, don't expect kindness, don't expect mercy. his smile is soft and practiced but it hides fangs and malicious intent.[break][break][break][break]

post-beast purchase edit to update the app a little, nothing above is touched except rank!

History is the same, except he was ruthless and known to be a brutal killer during who rose through the ranks quickly through mostly sheer malice. In the last push Rocket needed for full control, he sacrificed almost all of his pokemon to the cause. Before coming to Hoenn he took up the guise of a grunt for a short time till he could get his hands on a few more pokemon to bolster his strength again.


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