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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Nov 7, 2020 3:18:34 GMT
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[ mission

it was easy work. 


but easy. 

and the promised reward guaranteed cash that would heavily line her purse - allowing the woman to spend more freely in the days to come. cait had signed up on a whim, pulled a few strings and was given leave to have someone serve as her partner for guard duty. it was likely a poor decision, but she had extended the invitation to her crimson-haired boyfriend; swearing to herself she wouldn't be preoccupied with her beau on-duty.

'and i'm sure he won't mind an easy job.'

he'd accepted and they were set to meet at the banks entrance during the early morning hours, the surrounding area sparsely populated in the aftermath of the war. for criminals, post-evacuation was an ideal time to act. people could no longer attend to their homes nor their businesses, which meant their properties were at risk of being looted in their absence.

the pair were hired with the explicit purpose of keeping an eye out and deterring would-be criminals. and cait could only hope their combined presence near and around the building would be enough, the kommo-o that presently accompanied her remaining attentive as they lingered outside of the bank's doors. 

"he should be coming around soon," cait said, filling the silence with her statement.

her dragon merely released a low and guttural hum in response. 

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Thirty One
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POSTED ON Nov 7, 2020 15:43:20 GMT
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There was a thud on the roof of the building and the sound of a deftly roar.

A salamence spread its wings and marked the building it landed on as off limits to criminals. "Criminals" being anyone and everyone its trainer told him to attack. Well fed well rested and day after day becoming more and more well trained, Hiei took his job as watchdog quite serious as Sénon disembarked his back and used the roof access to climb down to ground level, a blue bundle under his arms.

Careful how he held the bundle he descended from the roof one-handed down the ladder.

Entering the building he'd wrap one arm around Cait's waist with a kiss to her cheek. Mindful to keep the wriggling blue bundle away from her. "Looks like you've got everything under control here." It felt like he hadn't seen her in days.

The rotation of shacking up for three nights and then doing his own thing for just under two nights was thrown off by a "complication" in Rustboro at his mother's lab.

She called in a panic yesterday morning and he'd had to come right away, he'd almost had to take off without giving his favorite gardener his morning wood; almost.

Thus, the bundle.

"I left Hiei on the roof to scowl at passers-by. So this should be little more than a bank visit for us."

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POSTED ON Nov 7, 2020 18:13:08 GMT
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she happily greeted the man, accepting the kiss and responding with a quick peck upon his own lips. though her interest quickly shifted toward the bundle, a bubble of excitement causing her to immediately fixate on the wriggling creature.

"is that a baby?"

it was likely not an infant or child in the human sense; but cait treated a pokemon babe with the same amount of tenderness and affection she'd grant a human child, especially when it came to their respective upbringings. she resisted that natural urge to take hold of whatever was wrapped up in sénon's arms, noting its size and its movement as she eyed it with open curiosity. 

is that why you were in a hurry to leave yesterday?"

after being stirred by the sound of him taking a call, he had been all over her in the immediate aftermath. cait was left feeling sleepy and pleasantly sore, blearily blinking at his backside as he hurriedly dressed and subsequently rushed out of her room and the cabin. she didn't ponder too seriously over it, assuming that he had a mission or a personal emergency to tend to. 

let me see."

her kommo-o remained a presence behind her, though her nostrils flared slightly as she took in the combined scent of her mistress's crimson-haired mate and the tiny beast he carried. 

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POSTED ON Nov 7, 2020 19:51:13 GMT
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Had he not told her where he was going yesterday? It wasn't surprising considering how out of it he was.

He remembered his cell phone cutting through his sleep like a chainsaw through a dead old tree. He barely came to enough to answer. He could just barely remember being frustrated at his mother for being able to employ the solutions he gave her for the problem in the lab. He'd said just "use ice" and she didn't know what he meant by that.

He'd groaned at her like a teenager that wanted to sleep in because it was Saturday and she yelled in that voice that made him feel like he was back in the fourth grade and had missed the school bus again.

From there it got hazy but his instincts and inputs to his senses filled in the blanks.

He'd gotten himself tangled with Cait for fifteen minutes; tilling for fourteen and sowing for one. He could have sworn he'd told her where he going and why but it must have just come out as mumbled and grumbles and he put on half his clothes and barely made it out the door stumbling and bumping into things. He remembered Cait looking properly thrashed and smiling about it as she went back to sleep.

He'd barely woken up at all by the time he'd gotten to Rustboro where a little surprise was waiting on him.

He'd missed the chance for it to imprint on him as a parent and that honor went to his mother instead who was sliding it meat and pastries from under an electronically locked titanium lab door.

Luckily he'd had Dose () and Jūken () with him who were small enough to fit in the lab and strong enough to overpower the terrible tot. Yet, in the end really only one thing scared the restored baby into a fearful obedience. ()

Even now the tyrunt was duct-taped and hog-tied and too young to be annoyed by it, despite wriggling hard to free himself. "Don't get too close Cai. He's not to be trusted for socializing yet."

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● notes: i had to rewrite this post after losing the first 2/3rds, i am sadgry

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POSTED ON Nov 7, 2020 20:38:05 GMT
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"poor baby," she crooned.

she immediately sympathized with the infant, noting its outrage as it wriggled within the man's strong grasp. it wasn't difficult for her to discern the breed, especially since she possessed one of her very own. but if her limited knowledge was to be relied upon, she surmised it was a male.

'and a shiny at that.' 

shiny fossils were exceedingly rare, the chance to come across one infinitely small. so sénon had come into the possession of a rarely seen before creature, the pokemon likely to be an absolute handful in the coming days and months. 

good luck with this one, sénon," she chirped.

there was a hint of amusement in her tone of voice, the woman following his advice and keeping her hands to herself. she was aware of just how terrible this particular child could be, it's potential for destruction great due to its rate of growth and the strength of its bite. 

where'd you get him? and how old is he? my tyrunt's a few months old and she's much bigger than this little one. did he hatch recently?"

she hadn't mentioned possessing one - but it was only because she had been gifted her own tiny female from a locally-ran lab a few weeks ago; the pokemon was promptly surrendered to her dragon's care after she realized her size and her needs.

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POSTED ON Nov 7, 2020 20:46:17 GMT
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There was a heavy League presence here. Sidonie was on look-out as the job went down, dragging along with one senior Rocket. Communication had been cut abruptly at the two League members scouting the bank. There was radio silence on all ends, the only talking from the two obviously close individuals.

She decided to follow and see if there was anything to be gained from them. Unaware of their actual rank, she slipped along the shadows she was so accustomed to to trail them. For once, she was not here to make enemies - even if they would easily make one of her. No, she was here to silently observe and maintain the line of communication.

With her earpiece silent, Sidonie was quite bored. She let her eyes fall on both League folk, lazily waiting to see if anything would happen. They would talk and talk and talk... Where was her partner? They were obviously not here.

given permission to join ;D
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POSTED ON Nov 7, 2020 20:47:57 GMT
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Turning the de-fossilized pokémon around he presented its tiny blue butt to Cait so that she might pet its wagging tail. Sénon holding his hand before its snout so that it would keep learning scent association.

It reminded him of a tododile how its muscles to open its jaws were weaker compared to the ones it used to bite down. Though in the tyrunt's case the difference wasn't nearly as big. Given the blue color palettes on both and similar body structures he wagered there was probably an evolutionary link between the two pokémon.

"Mal and I stopped a theft at a League dig site months back." It had been one of his first jobs as a ranger. All things considered it had gone seriously well. "I should give him a call, haven't seen him in a while now that I think about it." , the first friend he'd made in Hoenn he'd been so wrapped up in League work and then the war effort, and then Cait that he hadn't had time to catch up with the guy.

"Anyway when the job was done and the stolen fossils were recovered I asked for a fossil with a prominent jaw bone and they happened to have one and actually gave it to me." He remembered asking on a whim. The head paleontologist reasoned that without him they would have never recovered any of the missing specimens so letting him have one to his liking was the least she could do.

Restoring fossils being his mother's life's work he meant to take it to her but sat on it until after the all the Lilycove madness died down. "It took the lab a week but eventually this little guy was the yield."

Prodding at its thigh to annoy he smiled like a father holding his fussy son. "Size-wise he's only about two weeks old I'd say but he wasn't restored until early yesterday morning before I got that call." He pat its butt to calm it down some. "He's gonna trouble, I'm gonna make sure of it."

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● notes: sidonie gonna get caught,
paying so much attention to security

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POSTED ON Nov 7, 2020 21:27:38 GMT
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"i don't doubt that for a moment."

after having witnessed his salamence's transition from unyielding beast to obedient companion, she very quickly realized that sénon possessed the competency and skill required of a trainer. cait considered this particular skill to be attractive in the man, his consistency and ambition drawing her ever closer to him.

enjoy him while he's small."

she'd tentatively ran her hand down the pokemon's tail, her smile growing increasingly fond. though her attention snapped back onto sénon, her verdant gaze seeking his own.

so - "

perhaps inviting sénon had been a mistake on her part, for her attention remained upon him. she left her kommo-o to manage on her own, the dragoness peering about curiously as the pair talked. that narrowed gaze caught on something for a moment, before she shifted it elsewhere. 

- what are your plans after we're finished here?"

she'd slyly lean against his side that lacked the wriggling runt, a hopeful gleam in her eye.

maybe you could come over? i missed you."  

- @sidonie
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POSTED ON Nov 7, 2020 22:57:36 GMT
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They spoke of nothing interesting. Nothing that she could use for Rocket. Not even for herself. The names of the people were fleeting, if they even addressed each other by their names, and nagging. She squints slightly as the Kommo-o glances her way, but ultimately the Pokemon does not see her. She considers this a victory.

And she takes what she can get.

The pair of humans and their brood do not notice her, and she is unwilling to risk it. Here to do a precise thing, be on look-out... not trail League folk. She pivots on the spot, going back to the designated meeting place. There is still radio silence. She chalks it up to the other Rocket doing their job.

The words of 'dig site' and 'robbery' linger in her mind, however. What unlucky Rockets had been there, attempting to rob an archeology site? Perhaps she should ask around, but finds she cares little. The two humans continue on in their bliss.

/ sid gives up and goes back to her hidey-hole
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POSTED ON Nov 8, 2020 1:20:50 GMT
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"I'm going wherever you're going.." Even as he spoke and killed time with Cait, he didn't forget why he was here.

He scanned over the heads and into the faces of everyone in the bank every few minutes. He wasn't looking for anything in particular, he didn't respond to anything in particular. He only saved the moments that stood out to be processed later. For the most part everything seemed to be proper order.

There was a man with a bad cough. He didn't look sickly per sé, but his cough didn't seem to be a nervous tell either. He was tall and lean with graying hair, horn-rimmed glasses and a tweed jacket. He looked like a professor really he made a deposit and left quickly enough.

There was another man younger who seemed to keep looking at the corners of ceiling of the building. Was he looking for security cameras or just too anti-social to get his glaces at eye level? After talking to a teller he was directing to the sitting area where one of the bank's consultants ushered him to a conference room. Likely opening a bank account or asking for a loan.

There was also a woman. Apathetic looking. She was darkly dressed and a bit stylish nothing abnormal in her behavior or mannerisms outside of the fact that he'd caught her looking in his direction. Given there was nothing but a wall in his direction it must have meant she was looking at him. It was only for a moment and was probably nothing more than a passing gaze.

It would have been suspicious if not for the public displays of affection between himself and Cait and the fact that he was holding a tied up rare pokémon. With those circumstances he would have been looking too.

Whatever given the seemingly normal people inside the bank there was nothing to worry about, until there was something to worry about.

He leaned in to speak lowly in his partner's ear, his hand on the small of her back. "I'm gonna circle the building, maybe take the tape off this one."

● tags: @sidonie
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POSTED ON Nov 8, 2020 2:00:01 GMT
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She does not glance back. Does not give away the fact she was waiting on someone to clue her in. The earpiece and the static attributed to it is silent still. Does this spark irritation? Somewhat. She is quick to discard it. Sidonie sits in the bank, crossing her long legs over themselves. To anyone else, she is waiting normally.

She is, in a sense, but it would not be normal to the League folk. They do not see her approach previously; subterfuge is perhaps one of her essential skills. Be in the crowd, not noticed... All works out. It's too crowded in the bank to talk into her piece, so she waits. Forever, it seemed like. Sidonie has previous engagements. She does not expect to be here longer.

The two security guards do nothing else. She notes the red haired man lean into the frizzy greenette's ear. Their words escape her own ear. It is probably important, but her partner could handle themselves.

given permission to catch up ;D

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POSTED ON Nov 8, 2020 13:25:02 GMT
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she snaps back into focus, her expression settling into a neutral one as he speaks into her ear. the young woman would allow him to take his leave without protest and with the simple request that he be careful, muttering quietly to her kommo-o once he slipped from sight.

"anything, girl?"

the dragon-type released a low and almost non-committal rumble, the pokemon appearing to gauged her surroundings. whomever occupied the bank presently granted them a large enough berth, likely focusing on attending to their respective accounts. no one in particular stood out - nor did it look like anyone was intent on robbing the establishment in the midday hours.

'focus,' she thought, reprimanding herself. 'focus.'

cait kept a careful eye on the bank's interior, making sure her presence was known. she was one of fortree's 'golden children', after all. she'd come up from nothing and ascended into the spotlight, which meant her face was known.

'let's hope that's enough of a deterrent.'  

she walked the spacious interior, making her rounds with her dragon-type at her right flank.

- @sidonie
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POSTED ON Nov 8, 2020 15:52:20 GMT
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There is little else to be done here. Sidonie does not need to do anything else in the bank so she opts to grab a paper. It is not a busy day, and therefore it appears normal to everyone involved. Except for the Rocket slowly making their way - hopefully anyway - to the prize. She, however, sits down on a nearby bench.

Taking silent joy in reporting to their superiors how this operation seems to have failed, Sidonie flips through the news. It is all about the recent wars. She keeps one ear craned for any talk around her, but otherwise she considers this job done. Without the other letting her know what to do, she is on proverbial downtime.

Neutral eyes lift past the newspaper to glance around once before dropping back. Sid takes note of the dragons' presence, finding that it would be unwise to start anything here.

catching up (again) so you guys can end it quicker ;D
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POSTED ON Nov 8, 2020 22:06:03 GMT
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It was nice that Cait respected his boundaries. Not hounding after him when she couldn't stand another moment alone. in fact it seemed that she'd had just enough on her hands that she hadn't needed for him until coincidence had delivered him back to her presence.

Some thing in the twinkle in her eyes flashed him back to their last moment together and how only partly conscious they found a congress in each others embrace that was nothing short of rapturous.

As he circled the building, including climbing the side access to check on Hiei he slowly put together a tease of a text to his woman.

"How are your hips?"

In his fugue state of half sleep half alarmed some sliver of his thought processing remembering he'd been less gentle than normal.

Running his hand along the side of the Salamence it stirred as if expecting them to take off. "Just give it little longer and we can go." He slapped its side like he was beating an old tire.

As interested in the little bundle as Sénon himself was the Salamence stayed his post, ready to take off as soon as possible.

Leaning over the roof's edge in a partial kneel the replacement guards arrived to take their places and Sénon waved them down, directing them inside to relieve Cait of her post. Snapping his fingers twice he gestured for the dragon to land in the front of the bank. "I take it back, its time to go now."

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POSTED ON Nov 9, 2020 0:58:33 GMT
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her phone hummed within the pocket of her jeans, the woman fishing it out and opening it to the picture of her and her beau taking a selfie. it had been during one of their recent dates, their clothing a touch more refined to better suit the high class environment of a popular restaurant. they'd perched themselves on one of the balconies, their faces split into wide grins as they sported glasses of wine. thus far it was one of her favorite photos, made all the better when the overlay of his text message popped up.

'nothing a little massage won't fix,' she replied, grinning.

her kommo-o nudged her, indicating that she was being approached. attempting to return to appearing entirely professional, she spoke to her replacement; the person requesting a briefing of how her shift went. cait responded that nothing was amiss, the bank reassuringly peaceful in the midday hours. 

good job, kommo-o," she said.

the pokemon released a croon prior to being returned to her pokeball, cait hurrying outside to meet both senon and his salamence counterpart.

"let's get a move on. money's being deposited straight into our accounts and i'm ready to spend it."  

- @sidonie
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