Nothing but Overalls [GYM]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
263 height
263 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
618 posts
Billi Marsh DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @billi
Billi Marsh
Nothing but Overalls [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2021 0:50:33 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar

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[newclass=".punkiwof"]width: 500px; padding-bottom: 38px; margin: auto;[/newclass]

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[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]


Looking for a cure

for a callous heart



Razzberry zapped to Billi’s side, spinning with joy as it announced the next challenger that managed to weave their way in! “Wow!” Billi smiled the Rotom zipped back into his phone and looked at them. It was friendly, and Billi was dressed in ….well overalls and his wide brimmed hat made from the soft fibres from a pollen puff. With his body facing the challenger, and his colony hard at work, he thought to himself about how he should bring up the challenge.[break][break]

”naw” he said out loud to himself in a dismissive shrug, “I’m Billi! Nice to meet you!” He held out his hand for a shake, though it was his left, meaning it was an improper one, but his other hand was covered by the bandages. “I’m guessing you’re here for my badge?”

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki

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played by


November 12
Silph co coder.
158 height
158 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
375 posts
part of
Yui Fujin Silph
Nothing but Overalls [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2021 9:19:25 GMT
Yui Fujin Silph Avatar



I'm bored! Be entertaining won't you?








Yui sat in the car as her driver was taking her to the new Petalburg gym. She was determined to start challenging gyms, Fernando did put the idea in her head unintentionally, by facing trials that would push her growth. She knew her strength in battle was knowing info on the Pokémon before hand, however she was horrid at changing tactics on the fly to suit the situation. What better challenge was there for her to grow and adapt than challenging the gyms? jokes on anyone who answered, there wasn't! She didn't know very much about this gym leader, they were still new to this she believed since she only recently learned about them. Was a limo really that necessary? she sighed in the car, of course fernando had to show his wealth every chance he got. [break][break]

When she got down from the car, Billi would see a small girl in a long pink dress with little feather tufts covering her ears as decorations from her flying Pokémon. She looked around, not really having ever been to petal burg before, the soft grass beneath her feet made her toes feel nice. This area was really well taken care of huh? She looked over to Billi, he was a tall strong man who was wearing nothing but overalls. She looked at his hand, noting that it was the "improper hand" but Yui wasn't as uptight as fern was. She did appreciate that he just demanded the most out of everyone but she didn't have time for such things. She extended her small hand to him and shook it, "Hello. I'm Yui Fujin, it's nice to meet you too Billi Marsh." she said freezing up a bit as she got nervous around new people. However a chaotic little gremlin was hiding underneath the surface of that young face.  "Yes I am. What happen to your hand?" she said curiously as she looked at the bandages that adorned it.







Male // Adaptibility // Tri-Attack, Lock on, Hyper-Beam, Magic Coat, Zap cannon, Agility
Porygon-Z// Porygon-z did x[break]



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played by


August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
263 height
263 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
618 posts
Billi Marsh DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @billi
Billi Marsh
Nothing but Overalls [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2021 5:59:07 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar
[googlefont=Open Sans Condensed:300,700]

[newclass=".punkiwof"]width: 500px; padding-bottom: 38px; margin: auto;[/newclass]

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[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]Pick Ur Pokemon

A handshake was a great way to be professional and Billi needed that at this time! After all, being a gym leader had a certain level of respect and professionalism! Being asked about his hand...was uncomfortable but he knew he could be asked, “Oh I injured it a while ago and it’s still healing! Sometimes it needs more support so bandaging it up helps it be stable,” he paused taking in his own words.[break][break]

“So my battle is a bit different. You get to pick the pokemon you’ll be challenging! It has to match the same stage as the ones you’re using!” he educated the girl who seemed...awkward? Whatever! Billi had enough friendly energy for an army and he could do this type of thing all day.
[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki

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played by


November 12
Silph co coder.
158 height
158 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
375 posts
part of
Yui Fujin Silph
Nothing but Overalls [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2021 8:56:17 GMT
Yui Fujin Silph Avatar



I'm bored! Be entertaining won't you?








"Oh. I see, well I hope it feels better soon." she said trying to wish him the best in his road to recovery. Was this a game? She got to chose who she was fighting? Maybe there's a clue or a trick to this gym that the challengers at to pick.. Hmmm. She got wayyy too ahead of herself right at the very beginning, the little gremlin thought that this was going to surely be a breeze. "Alright I pick a lake and all three of your Pokémon are magickarp." she said as she waited for him to lead her to a lake and used magickarps. From an outsider's perspective someone would have thought she was joking but the driver handling her knew that she was being dead serious.

[break][break]He approached the girl and spoke to her "Miss Fujin, I'm sure that is again-" Before Yui looked right at the driver and cut him off "He didn't state that in any of the rules he just said though, he said I could pick three Pokémon for him to use as long as it matched the stage." as a confused look appeared across her face, he driver gave her a certain look and Yui coughed. "Fine. I'm going to assume there's a limit like he said, may I see all of the Pokémon involved?" The driver sighed a bit as the Gremlin at least greed to cooperate






Male // Adaptibility // Tri-Attack, Lock on, Hyper-Beam, Magic Coat, Zap cannon, Agility
Porygon-Z// Porygon-z did x[break]



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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
263 height
263 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
618 posts
Billi Marsh DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @billi
Billi Marsh
Nothing but Overalls [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 9, 2021 2:00:58 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar
[googlefont=Open Sans Condensed:300,700]

[newclass=".punkiwof"]width: 500px; padding-bottom: 38px; margin: auto;[/newclass]

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[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]Pick Ur Pokemon

A hearty laugh forced out of Billi’s chest as he nodded, waving to the driver. “No not quite! It’s limited to the gym! I kinda don’t own all the pokemon in the lake unfortunately. And if I didn’t I'd have a lot of dewpider, wimpod and other aquatic bugs!” he corrected the girl and allowed a whistle to exit his lips like the wind threw a cracked window. “Any of these pokemon,” [break][break]

The army of bug pokemon poked up their heads, maybe hissing and crackling.. “They're really friendly I promise!” he laughed as Razzberry, the rotom pulled up beside him, “Of course I have some alternative pokemon, if you do desire a battle of that magnitude. But, they mainly are just my companions.” rotom bezzurped while the corviknight flew overhead. “Additionally. The Corviknight can’t be battled. He really doesn’t enjoy battling, and has ptsd, so I fear he’d just attack you if he was put in that situation,”

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki

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played by


November 12
Silph co coder.
158 height
158 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
375 posts
part of
Yui Fujin Silph
Nothing but Overalls [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2021 11:53:23 GMT
Yui Fujin Silph Avatar



I'm bored! Be entertaining won't you?








Yui had looked around as he whistled, why the hell was he- Yui then stumbled a bit as an army of Pokémon ran over to Billi. A bunch of different Pokémon hung around a majority of them bug types but a few bug like Pokémon as well. She looked around amazed, holy..."Uhh-" she said before realizing that trying to formulate a strategy would be little to impossible with all these mons. She took a deep breath and looked around trying to take her time, she could choose the Pokémon who would be obviously weaker than hers because that would be extremely cheap. This challenge was meant to make her grow like Fernando had told her to do, she looked away from the baby Pokémon. She also looked away from the corviknight since she didn't want to subject the poor creature to that kind of torture due to it's past. She let out a large sigh "I see. This is rather difficult, there's such a wide variety.." she said "But I pick. Araquanid, Shuckle and uhhhh...frosmoth." she said just choosing them at random at this point, she had faith in her Pokémon's strategies and tactics instead of what their opponents can do.  "Is that alright with you? I want it to be a fair fight." she said doubting her choices for a bit.




FOR @pharaohleap



Male // Adaptibility // Tri-Attack, Lock on, Hyper-Beam, Magic Coat, Zap cannon, Agility
Porygon-Z// Porygon-z did x[break]



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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
263 height
263 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
618 posts
Billi Marsh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @billi
Billi Marsh
Nothing but Overalls [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2021 6:01:25 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar
[googlefont=Open Sans Condensed:300,700]

[newclass=".punkiwof"]width: 500px; padding-bottom: 38px; margin: auto;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkiwofmainbg"]background: #212121;[/newclass]

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[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]Pick Ur Pokemon

Poor girl, she just dug herself a grave as the araquanid walked forward, it’s sheer size proving to be menacing, but the smile inviting, “If that is what you want! And everything is only as fair as you make it. Don’t forget to let yourself have fun, and you’ll never win if you don’t think creatively,” he commented as he the trio moved forward, which was a DOOMSDAY scenario for the girl, because she just started a game of endurance.[break][break]

“Okay so when you select your pokemon we can begin and then maybe have some snacks!” he laughed as the shuckle, araquanid and frosmoth stood/floated next to one another. Though...the shuckle seemed to be playing dirty, a twinkle in it’s eyes began to warp the area into a TRICK ROOM. [break][break]

(rules: you may use all level moves from the species. However everything else is still limited! Remember! Have fun!)

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki

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November 12
Silph co coder.
158 height
158 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
375 posts
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Yui Fujin Silph
Nothing but Overalls [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 12, 2021 6:08:22 GMT
Yui Fujin Silph Avatar



Dont tell fern, ok? uwu








Think creatively huh? Yui had always been a creative thinker, it was part of her job as a coding monkey (as she called it) to come up with new types of code that could do unique things, push the boundaries of computers and their limits. That should be able to translate to Pokémon battles....right? Well despite her age the girl was still rather inexperienced with battles, a bookworm who's an encyclopedia of Pokémon with little to no experience in actual battles. She could literally hear stormy laughing at her right now, she scratched her head in annoyance with this whole thing. Training was not going to be easy was it? This shuckle was already having a great fucking time already using trick room to make any super fast pokemon extremely slow. She sighed out loud "I don't think that was a good idea for an opening move." she said moving backwards as she made room for the battle area outside. "Power trick, a move that makes shuckle's incredible defense into an incredible attack. Correct?" she said raising a finger into the air. "But that leave you wide open to taking a lot of damage for his lowered defense." as she quoted from her cyclopedic knowledge. "So! Chatot! you're up!" she said tossing out her pokeball as it shouted it's name out-loud "I'm also going to be using my swablu and my porygonz." she said casually as she then put her arm outwards "Chatot! lets use this to our advantage! Use taunt! Then follow up with a chatter!" she said as she plugged her ears with her fingers as Chatot began to shout indiscriminately at the shuckle as taunt went into effect, she then followed up with it's signature move chatter as Chatot began to sqwuak in a voice similar to Yui's "STIMKYYYY"




FOR @pharaohleap



Male // Adaptibility // Tri-Attack, Lock on, Hyper-Beam, Magic Coat, Zap cannon, Agility
Porygon-Z// Porygon-z did x[break]



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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
263 height
263 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
618 posts
Billi Marsh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @billi
Billi Marsh
Nothing but Overalls [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 12, 2021 20:36:45 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar
[googlefont=Open Sans Condensed:300,700]

[newclass=".punkiwof"]width: 500px; padding-bottom: 38px; margin: auto;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkiwofmainbg"]background: #212121;[/newclass]

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[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]Pick Ur Pokemon

Taking a deep breath Billi listened as the girl exclaimed what power trick did, but that wasn’t part of his concern! Sure the taunt was loud but Billi knew what that did too. But...that DAMN chattering bird, off set the Shuckle, making him winch in pain, just as the frosmoth moved up high, slowly releasing a MIST coating the gym in a thick mist. It was wet, and prevented any skill checks a pokemon may have had.[break][break]

“You’re gonna to have to try harder than that when you can’t see the battle ahead of you,” Billi grinned as he wandered through the mist, dragging his feet along the familiar soil around the battlefield. “Stone edge,” the shuckle quickly slammed the ground sending a large pillar of rock up towards the chatot, well hoping it was towards it, honestly it just randomly stomped rocks everywhere.

Then out of nowhere, the mist split, as the Araquanid appeared with the blade of LIQUIDATION slashed down at the porygon then quickly hiding behind the rocks to be made by the shuckle to shield itself.

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki

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November 12
Silph co coder.
158 height
158 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
375 posts
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Yui Fujin Silph
Nothing but Overalls [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 6:09:32 GMT
Yui Fujin Silph Avatar



Dont tell fern, ok? uwu








The mist and liquidation combination really annoyed her, a cheap tactic is still a useful tactic in her opinion. Porygon and chatot both took those hits directly as the pokemon flew back from the attacks, it was her fault for not reacting in time so she gritted her teeth and freaked out a bit mentally. Watching her pokemon get hit was actually really frustrating but she had to remain calm like fernando reminded her. So Frostmoth is working to cover his other Araquanid? Could her team do something like that? She looked over at her options with what her Pokémon could possibly do. "Ok guys Lets do this! All three of you to positions. C1 D 1 E1" she said as her Pokémon fell back to in front of her, she raised her Pokémon to respond to chess quadrants with D1 being the space in front of her. Her pokemons gathered together. Swablu on C, porygon on D and Chatot on E, she then began to issue her commands. "Chatot! Swablu! use round!" she said as swablu began the attack and chatot began to use his voice to mimic Swablu's cry. Normally this attack was not very strong on it's own, but when more than one Pokémon used it, It's power would raise dramatically. In addition to that, even if the mist was incredibly thick sound based attacks wouldn't be affected by the mist. "Porygonz if one of them shows up use lock on it!" she said as she bided her time, however the Queen of chess hurt a little knowing that porygon might have to take another hit from araquanid again.







Male // Adaptibility // Tri-Attack, Lock on, Hyper-Beam, Magic Coat, Zap cannon, Agility
Porygon-Z swablu and chatot retreat to Yui's voice.// Swablu and chatot use Round, Porygon waits to use lock-on if araquanid comes close again.[break]



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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
263 height
263 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
618 posts
Billi Marsh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @billi
Billi Marsh
Nothing but Overalls [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2021 6:21:15 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar
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[newclass=".punkiwof"]width: 500px; padding-bottom: 38px; margin: auto;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".punkiwofcredit a"]font-size: inherit; font-family: inherit; color: #A68585; font-weight: bold;[/newclass]

[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]Pick Ur Pokemon

Time had gone short, and the group disappeared in the mist again, as the enemy side prepped it’s defenses. Billi himself moved along the edge of the ring, and then piped up, “Oh I heard lockon makes it easier! So does that mean once he see’s what’s goin on out there, he can always do a snap shot….?” Billi mentioned.[break][break]

“But you know….” he appeared behind the girl from the mist, poking her shoulder, as the BugBuzz from the frosmoth above went in to leave the mist in place. Then the mist split as the shuckle shot Gastro Acid at the porygon, trying to nullify it’s ability, though thanks to the lock on, the Araquanid moved to stand in front of the shuckle activating it’s mirror coat.

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki

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November 12
Silph co coder.
158 height
158 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
375 posts
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Yui Fujin Silph
Nothing but Overalls [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 9:20:33 GMT
Yui Fujin Silph Avatar



Dont tell fern, ok? uwu








Swablu and chatot's round's hit their target right on the mark proving to cause quite a bit of damage since both Pokémon used the move together. Team work was going to be the key to this match's win and his Pokémon were an example of that, they were working together flawlessly to cover one another and Yui's wasn't fully using all three of them together. Time to shift gears! Time to get flexible! Yui did jump a bit when Billi appeared behind her, throwing her off and despite him not naming any moves aloud his Pokémon knew how to work together without his guidance. She quickly had to regain her composure though since her pokemon were in the middle of fighting. She didn't take her eyes off the battle field, when the mist parted and Shuckle fired it's gastro acid at porygon. She knew he was trying to stop porygon's ability and luckily he knew the perfect move to stop that. "Porygon! Use magic coat! Then fire hyper beam after!" she said quickly as the acid bounced off of porygon and aimed straight back for Shuckle who was shielded by the araquanid, however the creature began to then use mirror coat and yui needed to react to this. Luckily this is exactly why she had chatot, if a move was going to harm her team she was going to use it right back on someone else! "E1! mimic araq and shield d1!" she said as chatot glowed and mimic the same properties of Araquanid. The hyper beam bounced off of Araqnuanid back towards chatot who then reflected the attack once more back at it's original target. After that event sorted itself out she then gave swablu an objective"C1 Fly into the air above the mist and use sing! we need to get rid of the frosmoth's mist! If it attacks back use peck on it!" she said remembering her training mission with Fernando where a frosmoth had been causing the team to become blinded by a blizzard







Male // Adaptibility // Tri-Attack, Lock on, Hyper-Beam, Magic Coat, Zap cannon, Agility
Porygon-Z used magic coat to reflect gastro acid then fired hyper beam// Chatot used mimic on araquanid to learn magic coat and then used magic coat to reflect the reflected hyper beam (a doozey!). Yui then told Swablu to fly high into the mist and use sing.[break]



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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
263 height
263 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
618 posts
Billi Marsh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @billi
Billi Marsh
Nothing but Overalls [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2021 5:20:42 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar
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[newclass=".punkiwofcredit a"]font-size: inherit; font-family: inherit; color: #A68585; font-weight: bold;[/newclass]

[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]Pick Ur Pokemon

Yui was a smart girl and Billi seemed to catch it quickly. Naturally the girls efforts seemed to work as the damage from round proved hinderous to the team, but regardless. As the hyperbeam and the damage was reflected and reflected back, Araquanid quickly used his large arms to slap it away with the crystalline boulders it pulled from the ground as if it was an earth bender. The wide guard worked for now.[break][break]

The problem became when it was prevented from moving, in order to protect the slow, almost non-moving shuckle. Up above the frosmoth encountered peaking of the painful variety. It’s cry was loud and majestic, like a queen in the fresh snow. But much like Marie Antoinette she refused to be just let the commoner’s do as they wished.[break][break]

The blizzard raged on from it’s wings at point blank range, spreading over the battlefield like a plague. “FROOOOO” it quickly moved to coat everything in ice, providing the shuckle a chance to THROW ROCKS trying to pelt the chatot’s voice and silence it.

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki

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played by


November 12
Silph co coder.
158 height
158 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
375 posts
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Yui Fujin Silph
Nothing but Overalls [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2021 10:17:48 GMT
Yui Fujin Silph Avatar



Dont tell fern, ok? uwu








The hyper beam had bounced between the two pokemon, her chatot was able to bounce it back successfully causing this hyper beam to be able to do a MAJOR amount of damage. However that quickly backfired on them all since wide guard refelected the beam away from the fight and caused a rather large explosion away from the battle field from the sheer power of it being amplified from mirror coat. UGH! it was using blizzard! how freaking annoying! She worried as to what she could do now, Porygonz had to take a turn to rest from hyper beam but araquanid and shuckle could still attack. The stone edge managed to make contact with chatot and slapped it making it fly backwards and land on the floor. Although beat up though chatot barely manages to hold on "Chatty!" she called out to the creature "Use roost! Rest up and then use feather dance when you can on shuckle!"" She said as some of his feathers came off of him and began to float around him to heal him from the roost. [break][break]

The trick room began to fizzle out as the effect of the moves had now ended and Yui saw this as a chance to make her move as her pokemon were naturally faster. Shuckle was an extremely slow pokemon and yui was going to take advantage of that. The blizzard raged on and descended on her pokemon, injuring all three but! Swablu's sing was succesful and frostmoth began to slowly fall asleep causing the mist and blizzard to stop. "Alright swablu! Quick Use moon blast on frostmoth!"  Swablu began to glow pink as the energy from above formed into an orb that was hurdling towards Frosmoth. It was around this time as well that Chatot began to control those same feathers and sent them flying at araquanid and shuckle, with it's feather dance the aim being to land it on shuckle. Her goal was to force Billi to make a decision, either stop shuckle's attack from being lowered OR defend Frostmoth from being attacked in it's sleep. Her porygon was staying there resting up as using hyper beam was a streneous move.







Male // Adaptibility // Tri-Attack, Lock on, Hyper-Beam, Magic Coat, Zap cannon, Agility
Porygon-Z is resting after using hyper beam [break] Chatot used roost! Then feather dance on shuckle[break] Swablu's sing landed on frostmoth and is now aiming a moon blast on frosmoth. [break]



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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
263 height
263 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
618 posts
Billi Marsh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @billi
Billi Marsh
Nothing but Overalls [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2021 2:11:01 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar
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[newclass=".punkiwof"]width: 500px; padding-bottom: 38px; margin: auto;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".punkiwofcredit a"]font-size: inherit; font-family: inherit; color: #A68585; font-weight: bold;[/newclass]

[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]Pick Ur Pokemon

The battle of the blondes, seemed to prove that being a dumb blonde didn’t exist. Each side took blows, and risks, but it was clear that the gym leader was at the advantage due to the spider being able to coordinate on it’s own, a speciality of bug pokemon, so Billi liked to think. The aqua ring that moved around the spider gave it a level of confidence that it knew that getting hurt would be removed quickly.[break][break]

“Oh wow! Smart girl, but…..that choice isn’t mine to make,” he stepped back, “To be honest my pokemon battle on their own, i'm not really a good battler, but throw me into chaos and I’ll figure out something,” he nodded giving a thumbs up before the mist split like the red sea, and the shuckle was covered in feathers, poking it, and preventing it from moving.[break][break]

Frosmoth fell from grace, asleep, and Nayru quickly had to decide which to leave and which to keep. Then Billi walked around the edge of the ring, “WAKE UP” he clapped his hands, and strained his voice, spooking the frosmoth awake. “Gotta think outside the box.” then in a split second the large spider Lunged with intent to take out the Chatot it wanted to land and slam into the ground, giving off the aura of an apex predator that it was. As frosmoth awoke, it remained dazed, and shuckle used withdraw, hiding inside its shell.

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki