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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 4, 2018 3:15:36 GMT
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It was snowing outside again.

The dust of white sparkles fell in soft puffs. Chu-e had been watching it since he woke up a few hours ago, aching and wrapped from tip to top, in the Fortree hospital. Silly things. They didn't know they had someone who would be happy to raze the place sitting cozy and warm in one of their rooms.

Sweetness was sitting in his lap, curled up and purring softly as he stroked her absently. His injuries weren't bad; he would be able to leave later that evening. For now he just bides his time and waits. Had Arthur left? He hadn't seen him since waking up and after a point he couldn't remember much from up on the mountain.

He did remember one thing.... but he wouldn't dwell on that for now.


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POSTED ON Dec 4, 2018 3:46:30 GMT
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xxx for
after arthur had let out his swoobats to get help, the time afterwards was a bit of a blur. he doesn't recall how long they stayed in that cave, but he remembers flitting between being conscious and not so much. since his jacket was wrapped around chu-e, he recalls the long-sleeved shirt he was wearing becoming tinged with what felt like snow. he wonders if he had fallen asleep up there, and how lucky for him not to have died from the cold. would've been a terrible way to go after going through all that to save the other man.

he remembers being woken up in that cavern still, though, by two others who were much more prepared for the elements than either of them were. he remembers finding the strength to walk down the slope while chu-e had to be carried via sled. he remembers some other things like reuniting with his pokemon, and embracing the warmth of a blanket, and taking a nap...

by the time his eyes open again, he finds that chu-e is still resting, so he decides to step out for a while and complete the mission officially. he reports the abomasnow and for someone to check the cavern. maybe see if there are any other pokemon living in there since he asked excadrill to seal it. he takes the prize money and cuts it in half. as a rocket, he was allowed to keep some of the percentage of his hard work, but he decides use some from his half for the med bills and the rescuers. the rest goes to who knows what: resources, most likely. he also buys some food for good measure, mainly to stall. he knows that by now the other must've woken up, but he is not sure how to confront him. he does plan to, though. he does not want to disappear on him. that wouldn't work for either of them.

there are some small pastries and sweet juice bottles in the bag. he makes his way back where chu-e and his own pokemon were resting. they all need it (except for abra, when he thinks about it, who is probably just sleeping with duosion). he drags his feet to the room, knocking a few times before opening the door and stepping inside.

ah, he's awake. "hey," he pauses for a moment, awkward, before he raises his hand with the plastic bag, "i brought us something to eat, if you want any." he walks inside and takes note of sweetness, who at least seems to be doing much better now than earlier. he gently places the bag on the ground and hands him a sweet pastry still wrapped neatly.

he tries not to think too much about what had happened on the mountain.

notes: awkward boi

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POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 5:36:34 GMT
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Chu-e's fingers had wandered back up to brush his lips when he gets a knock on the door. He expected maybe a nurse with breakfast, she had poked in when he woke up to say she would be bringing it, but instead it's Arthur. He isn't sure how to really answer him. On the mountain his concussion had opened up some of those parts he liked to keep out of the light. Now he was desperate to lock them away again only he couldn't. Curiosity was getting the better of him.

His declaration on the mountain, after he thought about it further, had been sadly true. No one had ever kissed Chu-e like that before. Not something warm, something soft, something with promise in it. His kisses were always full of teeth that left lips bleeding and bruised. His kisses always led to beds or couches or bent over tables. His kisses always ended up with scratches down backs that stung to remind you for days after.

Arthur's kiss hadn't done any of those things. Arthur's kiss was an anomaly. Chu-e was wary of that. While the other was a Rocket, yes, he was also in some type of business. Chu-e hadn't bothered to look into the details of it, hadn't bothered to look into much at all honestly, but he knew how those types normally were. They would use you up and wring you dry to get ahead. They had tried with him before.

But none of them had kissed him like that.

So Chu-e left Arthur to wait there, in awkward silence that stretched too long, to punish the other for his own confusing feelings. He turned and tilted his head and took the offered pastry to give it a once-over.

"Is this apple?" Chu-e voice is rough since he hasn't used it in a bit. He clears his throat and unwraps the treat. He's pretty hungry. "Apples my favorite."

It's quiet as he takes a bite. Sweetness' ears twitch and the normal type gives a big yawn and sits up from her curl, tilts her head at Arthur before stretching to lay down again. Her tail flicks at the end but she doesn't hiss at the white-haired man. Progress.

"You kissed me." Because, well, the easiest way to get used to the water was to jump in headfirst.


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POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 12:04:34 GMT
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he supposes he deserves that look chu-e is giving him. it is only after they reach the village that arthur learns the extent of his companion's injuries: namely a concussion and a twisted ankle. he isn't familiar with either, but when he asks the doctor about it, the first has more side-effects than the latter, which probably explains why he was acting funky on the mountain. and he decided to take advantage of that too, fuck. he does not–well, he meant to do so...but he did not mean any harm in it. honest to goodness, he didn't. but such thoughts are useless now. his actions still have consequences and he decided then and there that he wasn't going to be a coward anymore, so he would have to see the rest through.

he nods once at the mention of apple. admittedly it was a guess and he had bought some other types in case he preferred something else. he makes a mental note to buy more apple-related pastries next time, if there would even be a next time. sweetness acknowledges his presence with a slightly annoyed look, but she tolerates him. honestly, if she didn't after saving her life, arthur would think that the pokemon had no heart.

the young man glances at chu-e when he speaks again, but it's about the thing that he currently dreads, and so his eyes quickly move away to a dead spot in the room. he is frozen, unable to move, but at the same time he feels a faint tremor in his fingers. "i did." he admits; his voice quiet. the first thought that enters his mind is because you asked for it, but that does not seem right. or rather, it does not seem like saying that would improve their situation any. he searches for words to say, yet his teeth are pressing on his tongue as he does so. his emotions are in a jumble and he wishes that this could've been easier. "you said in the ball that you did not like cowards, right? so i tried not to be." he mutters; his hands curling into fists. "but i...i really don't know what to feel. it haunts me, what happened on the mountain. it made me realise that i..." his voice trails off. he wouldn't call it love, no. this wasn't love...was it? he just feels...attached, he knows that much. he would genuinely mourn if he found chu-e dead up there. he could already feel his chest ache at the thought.

he falls silent. he does not even know what chu-e thought of the kiss, since the concussion could've meant that whatever he said up there could've been, well, a lie. he feels vulnerable and hates it, but his emotions betray him and he is unable to shake it away.

notes: hi i stole your template, also have an awkward, pained boyo
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POSTED ON Dec 6, 2018 2:09:07 GMT
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"You did." Chu-e repeats after him in agreement. He keeps nibbling on the pastry as he listens to Arthur. He concentrates on it as if he's not even listening. As he digests the other's words he leans back and places his treat down. He can't hide in it forever and he would like to focus all on this now.

"Come over here and sit down. I can't get up right now so you're safe." Is how he starts, leaning back on the bed and folding his hands over his lap. He didn't like how the other was standing there like a scolded dog with his tail between his legs, looking ready to bolt or like Chu-e might try and eat him.

"You shouldn't get attached to me." Is what he finally says next. The confidence in him when he says it is gone, more of something resigned and almost melancholy in his voice. "In this...." Rocket. He didn't want to say it out loud. "You would be a pretty bit that sits on a shelf. Shiny and expensive that someone takes down to show to their friends. Something valuable. I'm just a tool. When I break, and I will break, I'll be disposed of."

They led very different lives in Rocket. Arthur was business. He had a place in things, yes, but it didn't come with all the risk that Chu-e had. Plus he had money, something very valuable. Chu-e had been in the right place at the right time. His biggest asset was being willing to do anything for the cause. There were plenty of Grunts who weren't discovered yet who would do the same thing. But how many of them had what Arthur had?

But.... he was also making excuses for himself, wasn't he?. He could step out of this right now, say it meant nothing, say that even if it had that they were too different. Something tightened in Chu-e's chest at the thought. He would go on much the same as he had before and so would Arthur. Maybe they would both be a little more bitter for it, was all.

but Chu-e was so lonely.

"No one has ever...." It was difficult, letting himself feel, or explain, or just not be obstinate after so long of doing so. "I don't like cowards. You kiss like one, though. And.... and I liked it." Now it was Chu-e's turn to face away, to look out the window and pretend that his cheeks weren't heating up. He squeezes his eyes shut and crossed his arms to hug himself.


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POSTED ON Dec 6, 2018 8:00:23 GMT
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he is almost startled by chu-e's observation. at the moment, he feels like his mannerisms had gone back to when he was being scolded by his father. he would look down, he would fidget, and his stance was...well, non-existent. he does not mean to look like what he did up on the mountain was wrong, but his conflicting emotions betray him, and he finds himself unable to move immediately. still, he tries to loosen his posture, despite going against years of trained habit to do so. curiously, he had never thought of the other trying to hit him or anything. that never crossed his mind. it's really just...he doesn't know if he could move any closer. he doesn't know how the other feels about him.

but he purses his lip, because as much as the words made him feel frustrated by, well, everything, chu-e is right. he had known since the moment they met that they are of two opposite ends on the grunt spectrum, and even if his father's company does not have as big of an influence here compared to johto, losing him would hit rocket's resources by a noticeable amount. he isn't sure why he had developed feelings for him--such is one of the mysteries of this foolish brain that has betrayed him more than once. at the same time, chu-e's words are not as sharp as they normally are. no matter how much he denies it, arthur takes a small comfort that it had affected him deep down. maybe as much as him.

the last part hits him like a shitton of bricks, but it confirms his suspicion. it's seeing him like this that twists his guts, makes his chest burn. he places the plastic bag down and ventures a chance, sitting at the edge of the bed; their bodies almost as close as they were on the mountain. a small gap separates them, though. a thin line that marks them. arthur is facing the opposite direction of chu-e, and he doesn't notice the other's blush because he frankly looks worse off. he curls his fingers on his lap, trying to force himself to speak. but what words would be right? what can he say that would make this right?

"i can't be...i can't be as composed as i want to be--as you might want me to be--but at least i can be honest." he mutters; his insides feeling like they're being tied into knots. "i don't..." he lets out a shaky sigh, remembering the first time that he had developed an attachment to someone. this isn't the first time, definitely, but it is the first since he had moved to hoenn. he thought he had left all of that behind in johto along with his stupid, shameless self. he remembers a lot of promises and none of them kept on both ends. he remembers the absolute heartbreak of someone who just wanted to try everything, even the pain that love songs croon on about. how foolish he was. and he is. a little older, wiser? probably not, considering he had fallen into this trap once again. yet this time he is more determined to get this right. he wants to try. "it's selfish of me to say, but i am attached, and because of that...i don't want to lose you. hurts to see you broken, and even i don't understand why." the words finally tumble out of his mouth and he rubs his arm to avoid his fingernails digging into his skin. "and...i really liked that kiss too, even if you call it a coward's kiss." it looks like that's all he'll ever really be: a coward. it's why he couldn't fight for the position of heir. it's why he decided to just leave the company and align with rocket. these things had consequences, and he guised it with a mask of utility, but deep down he knows he's scared out of his wits. by now he imagines his cheeks must be scarlet. he can feel it burn, and if this is going to end in the worst possible way...

'up on the mountain, you said that you don't judge something until you try it twice, so..." he doesn't complete the sentence, but he is sure that chu-e understands what he is talking about. all there is after this if he is willing to try again, without the concussion this time. with both of them fully conscious of what they're doing. it's terrifying.

notes: hi, take the gay
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POSTED ON Dec 7, 2018 5:37:27 GMT
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It should take time for Chu-e to digest what Arthur is saying. He knows it's best to sit and think things through. It's always been more fun to look before he leaps but this time he hesitates. Just a moment, just enough for his breath to hitch. He hasn't felt so much at once since he was a teenager. Its too much and might spill over, leak from his face in fat drops. Water collects at the corners of his eyes but doesn't fall.

This is part of why he locks everything away. Mimi had always teased him for being a crybaby. Chu-e would cry over everything- the bug on tv looked sad, his favorite toy was in the wash, he couldn't hold both is parent's and his sister's hand at the same time, the dryer had eaten a sock so one was lonely and wouldn't have a pair. As a child and even into his teenage years, before the record scratches his brain and won't allow him to go further, he had always been emotional.

It was a change that was like forcing a round peg into a square hole. The other way wouldn't work, yes, but a round one would slide right inside. It wouldn't be right, wouldn't match, and that was where Chu-e was at. Now he had a pride he never seemed to need before and wouldn't allow the tears to fall. Maybe later.

Chu-e hesitated but habits are hard to break. So he fills his lungs with shaky air and he leaps.

Arthur is so close already, unprepared, teetering on his own edge much like Chu-e is. He grabs for his shirt to bunch his fists in and pull him back, closer, around so he can slot his lips against the others.

Chu-e's kiss is pushy and hard enough to make teeth clink. He doesn't have the finesse Arthur had on the mountain. His lip might be bleeding, on the inside, a little taste of iron to take off the edge. Chu-e's lips are chapped from the aftermath of the mountain and he is sloppy and rushed. He does not know how to kiss like a coward but he tries. It leaves much to be desired on his end.

But Arthur is still just as warm under him as he was before. Just as soft under his touch. His fingers and shoulders and body relaxes as he tries to push harder, deeper, his luck, and he finds himself wanting to mess up Arthur's hair. He wants to pulls his head back and kiss him breathless.

Chu-e is the one who forgets how to breath, though, and he has to pull away. Quick and gasping. His face is red as it comes back to him what he just did.

Sweetness flicks her tail, still curled up, watching as her trainer fumbles, the silent observer to a fledgling romance.

this is so fucking melodramatic and i love it lmao

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POSTED ON Dec 7, 2018 12:31:23 GMT
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the silence deafens. it covers the room in too many inches of invisible snow, so much that it feels suffocating. he hears his own heart pounding on the walls of his chest, unsure if anything he said was right, unsure of what would happen next. in the room with only the two of them (he forgets that sweetness is still on the other's lap), everything is laid bare without words. they have an opportunity to do so without being judged by the entire world.

and then things blur, they happen so fast. he is suddenly facing chu-e before he feels roughness on him, a texture and taste that reminds him of something that he is not proud of. but it has been a while since he has last done anything like this. it has been a while since someone else has shown hunger for him. he does not shy away; he reciprocates when he is given opportunity, pulling him closer with a free hand that makes its way to the other's neck like before. his thumb glides over his skin for a moment, but he finds himself out of breath–chu-e is the first to pull away, though, in a mess that leaves both of them scarlet. he finds his breathing a little ragged; that flurry of lips and teeth and tongue had lasted a lot longer than he had anticipated. his red-colored eyes watch the other carefully before he inches a little closer and takes a better look at the other's face, noting his features like it's the first time he has ever seen them. he has forgotten how it's like to be this close with someone, to let the barriers down for a moment as they share a moment in silence. 

he lets out a long, drawn out exhale. he lets his shoulders sink before closing his eyes and pulling chu-e into a gentler, longer kiss. both of his hands are on him, this time, not wanting to let him go. that's what he wants, right? arthur knows that he himself wants it. now that they're not in such a dangerous environment, he can actually focus on it, and loses himself he does. but he is eventually forced to part before running out of breath; his head hung because he knows that his face gives away all. nonetheless, he lets out a small laugh. he runs a hand to his cheek and feels the warmth radiating from it.
embarrassing, he thinks, yet he is somehow happy. is it too early to be happy? "i hope you are not toying with me." he mutters, looking at him now, "that...that would hurt." but he actually has a hint of an almost goofy smile on him. he didn't want this to end, yet he wonders if it would all come crashing down. this is not going to work out well, isn't it? or does he dare to hope that somehow, unlikely as it would be, he is able to get a hold of the beast?

notes: i love your writing it makes me want to cry. mine's poop.
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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 3:19:53 GMT
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Once when Chu-e was seven he had to get a tooth pulled. It had hurt for days, a deep ache, before his dentist had to pull it. He had been scared, he didn't like the dentist, and when the tooth was out it still hurt but in a different way. The quiet in the air between them makes his chest ache in much the same way. The bandage had been ripped off and with it came relief even if the skin was still tender and stung.

He allows himself to be kissed, to be drawn into something softer, and he tries again to make this right. To slot his mouth in a better angle, to nibble and not devour like he had tried previously. He leans himself against the other's chest with a one-armed balance, lifts his free hand to stroke Arthur's cheek with his thumb.

He drops his hand when they part, hides his face in the curve of Arthur's neck- and nips the skin there because he can. It's comfortable and warm in a way that reminds him how tired he still is from their adventure on the mountain. That he had only really woken up because the nurse had to check on him. His face is hot and he knows this is a stupid, stupid thing to do.

"I was thinking the same thing." Chu-e reaches up to toy with Arthur's collar, more so to have something to do with his hands than anything else. "I have my own leverages. People would wanna use them." Like a direct line to the other Beasts, the Under-bosses, to Silas himself. Grunts to toy around with. Other perks that come with power and fear. "Are you going to break my heart, Arthur?"

i feel that way about my own writing tho jdfajsdh

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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 15:44:13 GMT
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arthur lets out a small noise when he feels a little something on his shoulder; it sends a tiny jolt across his body that is unfortunately familiar, but he just wants to focus on this for now. just...this strange sense of calm, of attempting to sort things out. of actually not being met with hostility but with a longing, a possibility of hope. arthur remembers a time when he had filled himself up with alcohol and pleasure, knowing full well that nothing would come out of it except emptiness. he almost drowns until he himself gets tired of it. he got nothing out of being in so many beds. by the time that he had fully affiliated himself with rocket, he stopped entirely, except when the mission called for it.

he lets chu-e rest on him and he wonders if he could hear how fast his heart is pounding. he has every right to throw the question back at arthur, though, but more than anything he gets stuck at hearing his own name leave the other's lips. what a strange thing, to be so moved by his own name. he lets out a small chuckle, "so you do remember my name after all." he says with a soft laugh, nuzzling the beast with his cheek. it only lasts for a moment though as he tries to figure out how to answer the more serious note at hand. the obvious answer is no, of course he does not want to. if ever he does, it would be unintentional, but he has no idea how to make it convincing as he expects for the other to think it too good to be true. "do you know why i'm here in hoenn? he does not wait for the other to ask why, but instead continues as if reminiscing, "my father chose my brother over me. i was not fit to inherit the company, he told me, but it was not because i lacked the skills for it. he said instead that i lacked greed."

he closes his eyes at this point for a moment; he remembers his younger self confused by his words, only to fully grasp it much later on. and now he finds that memory resurfacing and he recognises its significance. "when i joined rocket, i never thought about getting to the top. i just wanted to find a niche that suited me. not the bottom rung, of course, but..." he grumbles a little before letting out a sigh, thinking that he is digressing. he puts one arm around chu-e and pulls him close. he does not want to let go. "the point is, i never thought about using you for anything. i just...i just thought about you." he finds it hard right now to be able to articulate what makes this fondness tick, but understands enough, he feels. he understands at the very least that this isn't just something that is going to pass, especially now that he has found himself entangled in his response and his attention.

there is another pause before he mumbles, "chu-e, please trust me when i say that i'd never want to break your heart, because i know all too well that doing so will also break mine."

notes: i feel this thread is going to end soon hhh
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POSTED ON Dec 10, 2018 2:58:27 GMT
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The warmth of him is nice. This room is cold. Chu-e will ask for another blanket when the nurse comes.. For now he noses closer, allows himself to be held. This moment will end soon, he can feel it, and he wants to savor it while he can.

"You're strange." Is what he finally answers. "You're not hungry for more like some others I know. You've talked to me long enough to get attached. Maybe your head isn't screwed on right."

Chu-e reluctantly sits up, pulls away, rests himself back into a sitting position on the bed and only winces a little at moving his sore foot so much. While he was the one who wanted to enjoy this while he could he is the one to ruin it, too. As is life.

"I wouldn't be sitting here with you if you were greedy. Of all the sins that one is my least favorite. Greed makes you do some of the most reprehensible things out there." He hummed, gave a wry little grin. "That's laughable, coming from me. I've done terrible things. But even a monster has it's own morals. I think it's cute you have them, too."

"I don't think I would mind if you visited again. Or saw me again. Or...." Reaching over to grab his bag, the nurses had been kind enough to place his things where he could reach, Chu-e dug around until he pulled out a dinosaur of a cell phone. He passed it over to Arthur to take. "That hunk of junk still texts. It's the only personal one I have." All of his burner phones were hidden away. If Arthur bothered to take a look, he would find that there were no contacts in this phone. Just a few poor quality pictures of Chu-e's pokemon.

"I feel like I should be doing something more poignant after you just spilled your guts to me. I'm not good at this, Arthur. I might never be good at any of this. There are bits of me inside that broke a long time ago and grew back wrong. All jagged and warped. Do you really want that?" Somewhere in his little speech, Chu-e had fisted the blankets tightly.

maybe end this one in the next post or so? c:

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POSTED ON Dec 11, 2018 0:12:07 GMT
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"that's a possibility." arthur notes with a small laugh; his mind on loop on how nice this is. he misses intimate moments like this, and he quietly hopes that it'll last just a little longer. just a little, because he knows that it's not going to last forever. how paradoxical though that he does not know how much more would satisfy him. perhaps he never will be, and he will always long for the other's presence. maybe that's not a bad thing.

and the moment ends–seeing him on the bed reminds him that he is still injured and that he should rest. arthur should be leaving soon, but he listens and absorbs what chu-e has to say. it's the most progress they've had on their relationship and it warms his chest. he ends up blushing a little being called "cute" so casually. but yes, he can understand what greed does to people. he's seen it, over and over again. the business world is run by greed, after all. one cannot just settle with what one has. it's always more, more, more. otherwise, you are a failure. he has gotten the short end of that stick a few years ago.

he is a little confused at first when chu-e reaches for his bag until he brings out a phone that makes him cover his mouth for a moment. he hadn't seen that kind of model in years. frankly, he thought that they have already died out, but it turns out there are some that are still working well enough to serve their purpose. there is little to see in the phone except for blurry pictures that arthur does not recognise. were these his old pokemon? he pulls out his own device, which is not the newest model out there but looks fancy enough for others to easily tell what he can afford. he is still holding both phones when chu-e speaks again, and his heart catches on his throat when he hears his name. he places the phones beside him for a moment before he gently holds one of chu-e's hands. "i...i would like to try. i figured that it's not going to be easy if i pursued this. honestly," he shows a smile, "i thought you would've told me to fuck off. we both have a lot to learn, but at least...we can do it together, if you want to?"

he lets go and returns to the phones, making sure that the contacts are registered in both devices. to test it, he sends a text. when the old, old phone reacts with a small buzz, he closes it and hands it back to chu-e. "i should go so that you can rest. we'll see what happens in the near future, hm?" he stands up and leaves the other pastries near his bed in case he wants more. he does a small wave before he turns to the door. the sound of it closing echoes in the room.

the text reads: next time we meet, i'm giving you a new phone. you deserve more pictures.

notes: sounds good! look at these boyos go :v exit post!
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POSTED ON Dec 11, 2018 6:50:29 GMT
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With a soft hum, Chu-e allows Arthur to take his hand. Even that much is different, showing what walks of like they have both come from; Arthur's hand has a softness to it while Chu-e's is rough from the harsh things he's lived through. It's just another stark reminder of their stations, of what could happen.

"I don't know why I haven't told you to 'fuck off' either. I was ready to kill you that day in Slateport." He means that literally. He trusts Arthur to know that much. "I'm glad I didn't. But you're right. My eyes feel like they're weighted down and this is... a lot. I need to think about things."

He takes his old phone, tucks it away; he can read that text when Arthur is gone.

"Next time you see me I want to be treated like your Princess, White Knight. I want this. Don't make me regret any of this, okay?" He gives a small wave, sits back, sighs when Arthur is gone and stares back out the window.

It was snowing outside again.

// end thread!!

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP