the night parade, [wild|solo]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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the night parade, [wild|solo]
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2018 12:30:35 GMT
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The sun had receded beyond the horizon quite some time ago, and the shadows of the trees had expanded to consume the entirety of Route 121. A certain lightly-clad traveler had not stopped when the sky warned of the dwarf star's departure through an amethyst to gold gradient, and he did not hesitate to proceed through the resulting blanket of eigengrau. His sights were set on the infamous Mount Pyre, in spite of tall tales surrounding its activity in the night. Although the locals would advise against such a trip at such an hour, Sebastian was hopeful that the rumors were true. He anticipated the presence of unique pokemon wherever many witness supernatural phenomena.

As he came upon the light that emanated from the Safari, Sebastian sighed in relief. It was a sign that he was not much farther from his destination. He hiked further westbound before cutting south where a granite landing strip seemed to forbid travel into the waters that it disrupted. As waves rolled up against the unused dock, Sebastian loosed a beam of light from one of his pokeballs. Sona, the Golbat he had raised from an egg, erupted with wings flared out while resisting the urge to cry out. Sebastian had taught his pokemon to read the room before they went about announcing their presence. He grasped Sona's dainty looking legs and the Golbat carried him over the waters to the base of Mount Pyre. Sebastian would return her to her pokeball before taking in the cold, ominous air. For some reason he smiled warmly with his arms spread wide, as he stepped into the entrance of the cave.

"I've got a bad feeling~!"

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TAG WITH @shiv
the night parade, [wild|solo]
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 0:59:39 GMT
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what will you do?

male / telepathy[break]
psychic / foul play / instruct / taunt


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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the night parade, [wild|solo]
POSTED ON Dec 11, 2018 11:42:20 GMT
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An army of stone fixtures flooded the first floor of the mountain. The only thing more abundant than the memorial pieces was the eerie haze that seemed to consume the room and give off the impression that the rows of graves continued on indefinitely. Sebastian slipped his hands into the pockets of his trousers and sighed, causing a cloud to form from the temperature difference between the cold air and his warm breath. It was the kind of room that would have all the hairs on one's body stand on their ends, yet the red-haired trainer grinned like a child in a park.

"Ah?" He could now see two spheres piercing the mist with an unearthly glow, and Sebastian found himself walking towards it. The silhouette of whatever owned those spheres seemed to fill in as he got closer, until he was looking at what could have been a burly man. With only a few feet of separation, the being seemed to tilt its head. Sebastian replied by tilting his own head to the same time.

"Are you not afraid?"

"Ah." He would be lying if he said he weren't startled by the appearance of a voice in his head, but Sebastian did have a way of seeming indifferent to the impossible. Especially because the voice was a clue into what he was dealing with. The owner of that voice, and the shadow before him, must have been a psychic pokemon. Just as he came to the conclusion, the figure before him nodded, radiating with a white light as it used psychic to push away the fog between the two.

"What's a guy like you doing in a place like this?"

"This is my home." The oranguru huffed.

"Seriously? When so many people come here to mourn? That's kind of sad, man." Sebastian narrowed his eyes, as an idea popped into his head.

"I see," began the oranguru as the white glow faded from his body and it sat on the floor. "Well then, show me." The oranguru had already seen into the mind of the vagabond and witnessed his travels and the bonds he shared with his pokemon. But the idea that had popped into Sebastian's mind was a game, and the oranguru understood that he had to limit his telepathy if he wanted to enjoy the game. Sebastian reached into his bag for a deck of cards and proceeded with shuffling them as he sat himself down.

"If you think this is cool, then you can join my troupe and I'll show you a world that is much more interesting than this mountain!" He fanned out the deck of cards, face down, while holding them out to the pokemon. By now, a few small ghost pokemon had begun poking their heads out of the fog that remained in the surrounding area, curious about the calm human visitor. Sebastian smiled, as he loved attracting an audience.

"Pick one and get it memorized, but don't show me!"

The oranguru took a card in its hand, looking at it curiously as it memorized the features. Sebastian collapsed the remaining cards into a neat stack that was contained by his right hand. He held it up so that the face of the bottom card could be seen by the oranguru.

"Now put that on the bottom so that I cannot see it." The oranguru complied and Sebastian showed the card to the audience before tilting the deck down so that it was parallel to the ground. He gripped the sides of the deck with his middle finger and thumb and moved his free hand to remove one card at a time from the bottom of the deck while placing them face down on the floor in a neat stack.

"Tell me when I should stop!"


Sebastian's hand stopped, pulling one last card from the bottom of the deck. This time, he flipped it face up and placed it on the neat stack. Oranguru looked down at it in awe at the fact that it was his card. The other pokemon were not able to understand the trick and floated away, but the oranguru was trying to decipher the magic in his mind. As the psychic pokemon turned over in confusion, Sebastian pat him on the head while withdrawing a pokeball from his pocket.

"Like I said, come with me and I'll show you a world of magic!" Sebastian pressed the pokeball against the simian and let go of it as the red light consumed him. The ball dropped to the floor and began to rock.

→ sebastian uses confusion! 
→ it's super effective?

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
the night parade, [wild|solo]
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2018 0:37:01 GMT
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male / telepathy[break]
psychic / foul play / instruct / taunt


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