sink or swim [mission]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jan 28, 2021 19:52:28 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]The last time Plank was on the sea (the true sea, not the sliver held within Hoenn's borders but the vast expanses of blue that split region from region) she was too young to take it in. Barely more than a toddler. Now, though, she's able to stare out across the surface and lose herself to the sight of it.

Still, she wishes she was in The Vagabond. Even if the little boat would never survive on these more hectic open waters. It would be a bit like drifting through these foreign waters in a slice of home.

As it stands it's impossible for her to escape the discomfort of her situation. Riding in a less modest ship much more like the one her father used to have, on a mission for Team Rocket with a man of import -- a mission a good deal more complex and important than ferrying a couple Porygon around the coast of Slateport.

She can't help feeling out of her depth as she peers over the edge of the deck into the turbulent waters. But . . . no, she was asked to do this. She has to be capable. She has to.

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POSTED ON Jan 29, 2021 7:25:42 GMT
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The ship creaks beneath his feet, a salt-scented breeze tickling exposed skin and tugging at his hair. On occasion, Gavin reaches up to tuck away stray blond strands in vain. Amber eyes are fixed on the horizon, the last vestiges of sunlight dying upon a glittering expanse of deep blue. Below the boat, the shadow of a Dhelmise lurks.

From the cargo hold comes a low moan; Gavin turns from the view, eyes narrowing with displeasure.

"Quiet them, would you?"

Though masked as a simple request, the order is a test — how would handle the noisy Pokémon? How well would she take orders? Gavin's ever-watchful gaze lingers on her, and he would follow if she descended into the hold.
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POSTED ON Jan 29, 2021 7:37:55 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]Plank's broken from her intermittent reverie and reticence by the voice of the man accompanying her on the mission today. The same man who allowed her entry into Team Rocket, and so someone she's fairly certain has some kind of pull within the organization itself.

It's for this reason that his request makes her . . . uneasy. For a second Plank doesn't move to act on it. Technically it's an order, but if the Slowpoke quiet themselves she doesn't need to do anything, right?

But of course they don't. A second after she's frozen up on the spot another few groans come muffled through the floor. Fuck.

"Uh, yeah, on it, I've got it." She says. The way she subconsciously pulls her sleeves over her hands and chews on her lip before walking towards the cargo hold leaves her looking less than convincing.

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POSTED ON Jan 29, 2021 7:48:21 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
There is a tense breadth of silence where she does not move, and Gavin does not speak. His gaze burns with an intensity that brooks no argument, but he does not repeat the order.

He only waits, expectant.

Slowpoke wail over the steady rhythm of the sea, and moves at last toward the cargo hold. Nothing is missed — from fingers pulling at her sleeves to teeth worrying at her lip, Gavin files away her tells in the cabinet of his mind.

He is a tall man with lean, hard muscle, but his steps are light in his pursuit of her.

The cargo hold is damp and dim, with various crates of supplies shoved to the side to make room for their illicit cargo. Slowpoke are crammed uncomfortably into a space barely fit enough to hold them all, and a few Slowbro rise like living mountains amidst their smaller kin.

As the pair of Rockets descend into their space, their melancholy song continues.
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peggie vela DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Jan 29, 2021 7:57:28 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]This sight isn't unfamiliar to Plank. The sound isn't unfamiliar. Maybe a little different, maybe she hasn't listened to a horde of Slowpoke miserably moaning in a hold, but the emotion behind it. The pathetic display. It's old hat.

It's too familiar. Descending into the hold her mind twists and her stomach goes with it. She's standing on a different deck on a different night with a different man looming behind her and for a moment she's certain -- positive -- she's going to throw up.

She doesn't do anything. Just stares over the pokemon, fists balled up at her sides and face draining of color. Her breath comes in fits and starts, but not noisily. She sucks air quietly like her panic is meant to be a secret. Poorly kept secret, that.

"Just, uh, one second, I got this, I just need . . ." She responds pre-emptively to scolding she knows is coming, she knows. A hand reaches slowly and anxiously to her side, her pokeballs piled in a hip pouch. She's killing time. She doesn't know what she's going to do with them yet.

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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POSTED ON Jan 29, 2021 8:04:56 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Breath sharp enough to be abnormal but soft enough to be almost unheard; she's panicking, though he does not know why. His guesses are fleeting and quickly dismissed in favour of focus.

Contrary to what expects, Gavin does not scold — not with his words. It is his stare that is relentless, never leaving her, never allowing her to draw a proper breath under its scrutiny.

What do you need? But he does not ask.

He waits, a spider spinning its web.
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peggie vela DOLLARS
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sink or swim [mission]
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2021 8:12:12 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]Muscle memory opens up the pouch at Plank's waist, rifles through the thing for a pokeball with distinct wear. One of two pokeballs with no glossy coating. They're old, weathered homes for aged, experienced pokemon. In a flash of white light her Chatot is fluttering in the air.

For a moment he settles on her shoulder simply confused. He makes some indistinct noises at her, bites at her hair. He can tell she's anxious but doesn't know what to do. Then the Slowpoke groan.

"Ah, shut up ya fuckin' louts!" Jack shouts, voice deep and gruff. Plank visibly winces at his side. Not just at his rough words but the HYPER VOICE he laces them with. The demand echoes off the walls and is painfully projected across the mass of pink prisoners.

A few high pitched moans from the Slowpoke are overrun by Plank's own shrill voice.

"Enough'a that!" she practically shrieks before suddenly speaking softer, "None'a that, we're not doin' that, don't do that."

Plank is all but whispering the command by the time she's done giving it. One of her hands absentmindedly scratches at the bird's feathers as her head leans in to bonk against Jack's. A silent apology to the Chatot who thought he was just doing his job and got yelled at for it.

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[newclass=.spiral b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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the Harbinger
october 28th
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I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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sink or swim [mission]
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2021 8:44:54 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Gavin leans against the wall beside the stair, expression impassive as sends out a Chatot to settle on her shoulder.

He doesn't intervene — not even when he's nearly deafened by the hyper voice that rattles through the hold, assaulting his eardrums and rattling their living cargo. Wails and moans grow louder as the discomfort of the Pokémon transitions to distress. Plank, too, seems distressed, hushing the bird on her shoulder with a voice that softens more with each syllable.

She does not know what she's doing.

He had suspected as much the moment she'd hesitated, tripped over her words and tugged at her sleeves. She had not asked for help. A red flag. Was it fear of repercussion, or pride that kept her silent?

Pushing off from the wall, Gavin steps forward. His voice rings clear over the din.

"The next Pokémon that makes a noise will have their tail lopped off and fed to the Sharpedo." For a moment, it seems as if the threat of violence alone is enough. Then the ship groans, and a Slowpoke on the edge of the flock lets out a quiet 'Pooooke'.

Damn it. From his pocket, Gavin pulls out a knife.
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march 19th
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rocket grunt
what's wrong? does nobody here love you? do you feel alone? need somebody to hold you?
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peggie vela DOLLARS
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peggie vela
sink or swim [mission]
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2021 8:51:53 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]Threading her fingers through Jack's feathers and listening to him chatter quietly into her forehead is surprisingly soothing to Plank. The apology to him soon becomes a centering exercise for her. Her head begins clearing up, though only in time to be rattled by the voice of the recruiter behind her.

"Wait, no, I g-got this just --" she's cut off by the Slowpoke and by the sight of her partner pulling out his knife.

"Just fuckin' stop!" she shouts, knowing she's out of line even before the words leave her mouth but not willing to watch this, "I've got this just let me fuckin' -- Agh!"

Even if he's shocked by her outburst she doubts it'll be enough to stop him. It'll just mean she's a failure with a big mouth. So time for her brain to think of something, anything, just . . . She digs the heels of her palms into her eyes before suddenly dropping her arms to her sides.

"Jack! SING!" she orders. A moment later the Chatot's voice is twittering through a sweet birdsong mingled with dulcet tones of some random singer from a radio program years ago.

The mix filters through the hold much more sweetly than the HYPER VOICE had. The Slowpoke and Slowbro go quiet as their senses are dulled.

Immediately after, Plank makes a beeline for the door back out to the deck. Still too bold by half, she seems unbothered if the recruiter is in the way of her destination or not.

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
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I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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sink or swim [mission]
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2021 4:57:38 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
The silence that falls after birdsong is a dangerous one, threaded with the threat of the man who now blocks the hold's only exit. His solid frame is a wall which will not be allowed to pass.

"Just who do you think you are?"

Gavin does not yell. His anger is a cold thing — not of fire, but of ice. He speaks only loud enough to be heard over the crash of waves against the hull and the groan of distressed wood. Should Plank try to interrupt, he will raise his free hand — the other maintaining a firm grip on the knife — for silence. Should she persist, he would speak over her, maintaining his soft volume.

"Disrespect is ill-tolerated in Rocket. I will not warn you again." His blade gleams in the moonlight that filters down the steps. "Had you such a simple solution to the problem, I would expect its immediate execution. Understood?"

He does not move from the doorway.
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what's wrong? does nobody here love you? do you feel alone? need somebody to hold you?
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peggie vela DOLLARS
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peggie vela
sink or swim [mission]
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2021 5:06:54 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]She doesn't want to be down here anymore. She doesn't want to be down here anymore. She doesn't want to be down here anymore.

When the recruiter starts talking she doesn't immediately acknowledge him. Her body twists right and left. She tries to duck under an arm that slams down like an iron bar to block her exit. Already the momentary calm she'd captured is slipping when she looks up at him.

Hers is not the face of someone who's learned her lesson. Who's even properly listened. Her eyes are wide and her teeth are obviously clenched behind her tightly pressed lips. Somehow she manages to avoid outright defiance when she speaks. Maybe the time it takes to wrench her mouth open is enough to let her think better of what she really wants to say.

"Okay, I got it, let me out," it's not the request it should be but it's not as coarse a demand as her earlier words, "I just, I just need time t' think sometimes. Sorry, shouldn't have yelled but just . . . I did it, lesson learned, let me through."

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the Harbinger
october 28th
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I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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sink or swim [mission]
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2021 7:49:09 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Try as she might to dip and duck around him, will find no way through. She does not cow from him as others might; he had suspected this might be the case, but a cold disappointment settles over his expression nevertheless.

These are the ones who often need the harder lessons.

"No," says Gavin, simply.

A quick flick of his wrist folds the blade back into itself, and he pockets the knife.

"Had you learned, you would address me with respect." It's not about titles, for Gavin — not sir, or boss, or Mr. Merlino. It's her tone that he minds, the barely repressed notes of anger. She wears frustration like face paint. "If you need time, you ask for it. False confidence will win you no favours with me."
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peggie vela DOLLARS
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peggie vela
sink or swim [mission]
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2021 7:56:24 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]Her hands clench and unclench at her sides. Tight fists to splayed fingers and back again. Every time they close her nails dig into her palms and every time they dig a little harder. Fuck she doesn't want to fucking be here anymore.

"Understood," she tries again, the heat in her voice replaced by ice, "Now may I please go t' the deck?"

Jack bites worriedly at her ear, but she ignores him. Instead she stares up at the older man, face finally properly schooled into a mask of cold neutrality. She does her best to force all her tension into the set of her jaw and her still working hands.

It's hard. She desperately wants to scream and scratch her way past the man. Memories and stimuli foreign to this ship but familiar to this situation keep shoving at the corners of her mind and it's making her whole body itch and old, invisible wounds ache.

"I would really like t' go t' the deck if you'll allow it."

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the Harbinger
october 28th
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I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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sink or swim [mission]
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2021 8:13:20 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
It is not good enough, but it is a start. This is a process to be refined through experience; she would test him, he thinks, and he would lay down the lines she should not cross.

He does not mock her strained attempts.
He steps aside.

Just as before, he follows wherever she goes. He will not allow her to be alone with her thoughts. Rocket is a delicate dance of self-control, a dance whose steps were ever-changing. She will need to be controlled under any circumstance.

The League could shatter her like glass.

Land is visible on distant horizon, Galar's silhouette coming into view.
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what's wrong? does nobody here love you? do you feel alone? need somebody to hold you?
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peggie vela DOLLARS
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peggie vela
sink or swim [mission]
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2021 8:23:49 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]She cares little and less for her shadow as she slips onto the deck. All she cares about is the sudden burst of fresh air, the cry of Wingull above, the feel of a mist from the ocean spray cooling her too-hot face. It takes her out of where she was and where she was going and back down to Earth.

It is impossible to keep from releasing the loud, shuddery sigh she does. She almost tears up with relief.

"Blow him right back into Motostoke town!" Jack cries from her shoulder and she can't help the bubble of awkward laughter that pulls its way up from her stomach.

"Aye Jack, Galar's not far," she sighs, scratching the feathers of his face before singing back softly, "Give me some time t' blow the man down!"

"Now's not the time for a shanty though, bud, we only just got some peace 'n' quiet thanks t' you."

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[newclass=.spiral b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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