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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Alexei Ivanov
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POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 15:55:17 GMT
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Mission details here




thankfully it was just a shopping trip that this mini-mission cut into. Not an actual date.

Although he’d wanted to attend the party that was going to be held a few days from now, he was pulled in for guard duty. Which kind of sucked, since he’d already made plans with a certain someone to go shopping today for something nice to wear for the event itself. But he knew that the call of the League was to be heeded; no matter the circumstances.

Since he was literally one of the newest rookies on the block, he’d be paired up with someone who had more experience when it came to handling something even as mundane as guard duty. Of course, he hadn’t exactly told anyone—well, anyone except his doctor, of course—about his little condition (and truth be told he rather preferred to keep it on the down-low as much as possible, as he didn’t want to be seen as a liability).

That aside, he was waiting some distance outside Lilycove, as the meeting place was there—and the excavation site wasn’t too far away.

Thankfully he had two very capable companions; and they were more than willing to rip into anything if they dared attack or harass him. Could he blame his Pokémon, they were just that overprotective? Either way, he looked around and wondered, where was his companion? Had he gone to the wrong meeting place? Was he too late, or too early for the mission at hand?

He hoped that they didn’t have to haul in so many hooligans after this was over…

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POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 16:06:26 GMT
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ah fuck, he was late for the mission. he had ran into a bit of a complication before getting to the designated meeting spot, but he soon arrives a little out of breath. hikaru is on his shoulder as usual and greets the other man before his trainer even gets to. still, he manages to sputter out an apology. "sorry, sorry...ran into something, literally." he composes himself and takes a better look at his partner for today. he seems to be a capable man, and he trusts that he is a trainer who knows what he's doing. if not, well, at the very least he can support him with his own pokemon. what were the terms of this mission again? "guard duty, was it?" he asks, partially to himself and also to the stranger. "oh, i'm senri, by the way. nice to be working with you." his hand is outstretched for a hand shake; typical polite gesture.

they were quite a ways from lilycove, and truth to be told, senri is excited to see some fossil pokemon. he has never trained sinnoh's own native fossils, cranidos and shieldon, but he has definitely faced them in battle before. roark, the oreburgh gym leader, is one such user, but there are a number of other trainers who have picked up these two spunky rock types. he wonders if he can get his hands on a fossil of his own to train, but he recalls that they're here to guard the said artefacts, not be gifted one. oh well.

notes: cram cram cram cram
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POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 16:21:15 GMT
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“Yep, guard duty on the most part. They said whoever’s coming out our way prefers to strike when there’s next to nobody guarding the place… no wonder the archeologists were worried when they sent the request, he hummed lightly, stretching his arms high above his head. He’d seen his companion coming from some ways off; and he took an educated guess that even they were called away from other plans as well.

Honestly, what was with the League? Were they doing this on purpose? He didn’t know.

Either way, he saw an Electric-type riding on the other man’s shoulder, and it looked plenty excited. Hopefully it would be enough energy to get them through whatever they were going to face…

“Oh! Sorry. You can call me Alex,” he shared a few moments later, shaking Senri’s hand a few moments later. “Don’t worry, I haven’t been waiting too long… although I was supposed to meet up with someone today and pick out some clothes. I take you were busy too before you came out here? he mused.

While he knew some of the details—during the decoration process there were some fossils discovered in the site and that had to be blocked off, there was always the possibility of less-than-savory individuals coming in and taking the finds for themselves to sell on the black market. Which of course, wasn’t good at all.

Looking around, he wondered if they’d be able to round up some of the rumored gang members. They better be afraid of my companions… they’re scary enough as it is when they’re angered… and they don’t like being angered in the first place! He thought to himself, humming idly for a few moments.

“Should we split up and go around the area, or stick together?” he inquired a few moments later.

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]
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POSTED ON Dec 6, 2018 12:55:59 GMT
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senri isn't sure if they're actually dealing with rockets or just some run of the mill thieves. with all of the commotion about the warring factions (though, it has been a while since the slateport invasion. things have died down just a little), he sometimes forgets that not everyone is a part of one, especially because all trainers are technically registered as "league" when entering hoenn. surely that outnumbers the enemy greatly, but they are still a force to be reckoned with. he does not want to die on their hand.

well he digresses. he lets the other man shake his hand and he offers a smile. "nice to meet you, alex." he seems nice enough, but not very interested in the mission. or rather, he's clearly hinting that he was pulled out of something he found a higher priority and is grumbling a bit about it. well, so long as he pulled his own weight, he would be fine. he wonders why he was picking out clothes, though. maybe for a girl? "i wasn't terribly busy, and i do need the money, so i took this mission of my own accord." he responds. he decides to leave out the part where in a rush to meet up with him he accidentally bumped into another person and got caught between a rock and a hard place. the person, for some reason, was in a terrible mood and did not want to let him go so easily. they had to battle before senri got up here. he used hana (florges) for an easy sweep, and thankfully the challenge was, well, not challenging at all.

he thought he was going to get socked for a moment there though. thankfully hikaru was still on his shoulder and threatened the guy with a nasty electric attack. again, he digresses. "perhaps it would be better to stick together for now. we don't know what we're fighting against and we don't have any means to communicate with each other. do you have a flying type though that can easily scout the whole area?" he unfortunately does not have one, which he makes a mental note to find soon. he thinks of starly first, but that reminds him a little too uncomfortably close to his old staraptor.

notes: cram cram cram cram
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Alexei Ivanov
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POSTED ON Dec 10, 2018 14:42:08 GMT
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feel free to introduce the bandits in your next post!

“I actually do, now that you mention it,” he mentioned, fumbling around in his pocket before pulling out one of the two shrunken-down marbles and popping it to full size. A beam of red light then transformed into one of his two companions, a Braviary. Letting out a surprised squawking noise at the sudden change of environs, he then pat the eagle and ruffled the feathers atop its head.

“Sorry to wake you up, but… can you take a look around this area here for us? If you see anything, come back right away, he said, giving it an affectionate pat on the beak and watching as the Flying-type spread its wings and took off, leaving a few feathers behind.

“He’s been shedding for a few days now, ugh, I don’t know why that is,” he said to Senri as he bent over to pick up the fallen feathers. “Anyway, at the first sign of trouble he’ll come rocketing right back here and let us know. He’s a smart one,” he added, squinting up at the speck that now hovered high above them, doing a few circling flights around the perimeter.

“How many do you think we’ll capture,” he asked his companion a few moments later. While he did have one more Pokémon in reserve, he preferred not to let this one out unless the situation was rather dire. “Hope this patrol goes well… it’d be a mess if we had to haul people in.”

Hopefully, he’d be proven wrong. But there was something nagging him in the back of his mind—whenever he’d say that, something always happened not too long afterward…

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]
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POSTED ON Dec 13, 2018 14:00:23 GMT
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ah, lucky for them! senri wondered what kind of flying type the other man had, so when he let out a large, striking bird, the trainer was coloured impressed. he was actually unfamiliar with it and had to pull out his pokedex in order to identify the unknown pokemon, to which he learned that it was native to the same region as the cubchoo from the safari. ah, he should really brush up on his knowledge of unovan pokemon. this braviary looks powerful too; he feels like he would face one in battle eventually. he watches the majestic avian take flight after given the orders. a pokemon like that...well, senri wouldn't mind having that kind of flying type on his team. he makes a mental note to do some more research later.

"it might just be molting season, though i admit i'm not familiar with braviaries to know what their shedding cycle is like." he says with a small, sheepish grin. he also nods at alex's assurance. the bird pokemon does seem like he knows what he is doing, so he doesn't have much worries about that. now there's just the matter of them on the ground. "i have a feeling we'll be encountering someone today." senri muses aloud, "if ever, i have my minun as a first line of defence. his thunder wave should incapacitate any target that is human sized or smaller." he also has hana for misty terrain if they need some cover. there's also the new ice types that he caught from the safari. he hasn't used them very often, but they all seem like good pokemon, so they would listen to him if he needed them. "well, if we do find some poachers, we'll work together and nab 'em." he said with a confident look.

notes: sorry this took a while alksdhadls
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POSTED ON Dec 15, 2018 22:54:11 GMT
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/ @senri

the ground suddenly quakes. from the groaning innards of the earth, an excadrill bursts from the ground, casting rocks and dirt from its whirlwind leap like hail. from the tunnel excavated by the excadrill's large claws, the poachyenas emerge. already, they're on the offensive. and they see you with their greedy eyes.[break][break]

one feminine gang member (#4) cries out to the rest of her comrades, directing a sharp finger toward the trainers. "don't let them get in the way of my hoard. i've already got one— and i'm not leavin' until i get a few more!"[break][break]

the gang members leap at offensive, casting at least a pokémon each out.[break][break][break]







  • feel free to take control of the gang members and their pokemon or tag me if you're stuck/want a reaction post instead.
  • hover over the pokemon to see their movesets (but you don't need to strictly use those if you don't want)!
  • feel free to battle them or find other ways to creatively wrap this up - let me know if you have any questions! enjoy!!

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Alexei Ivanov
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POSTED ON Dec 20, 2018 11:31:18 GMT
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battle notes below, and shit just got real

He’d spoken too soon.

Cursing himself mentally, he then heard a loud screech from somewhere above as the Braviary quickly whipped up a Tailwind to boost the team’s speed, coming down low for a surprise attack at the emergence of an Excadrill—again, another familiar face to Alexei because they were native to his home region of Unova—before they finally emerged.

All four of them, the Poachyenas.

“Oh, shit,” was all he could hiss softly, before seeing that one of the four already had something in her hands. Knowing that if this one got away there would be hell to pay, he reached into his jacket pocket and quickly calling his Salamence forward, roaring loudly at the three Mightyena that were now snarling at them, hackles raised and fur standing on end.

“I’ll cut off the one who has the fossil! We can’t let them get away with it! Kyouya, help Senri as much as you can! he said in the avian’s direction, who let out a squawk of confirmation before he scrambled astride the Salamence’s back and urged the draconid in the air. “After her, the one with the fossil!” he said, hanging on for dear life as the dual-type then rocketed forward, breathing out a threatening stream of Flamethrower around the area; an attempt to form a wall of flames to corral the gang members and prevent them from escaping.

At the same time, one of the Mightyena charged forward, fangs bared wide in an attempt to take a Crunch out of the Salamence’s wing…

Back where the Braviary hovered close to Senri, the avian prepared to charge into battle by way of a Hone Claws, scraping them together threateningly and eyeing down the Mightyena that had Howled in an attempt to raise its own Attack before leaping forward in a similar Crunch maneuver.

Braviary whips up a Tailwind, granting a speed boost to Senri's team as well as itself and the Salamence!

Salemence's Intimidate triggers upon emergence, lowering the attack of the 3 Mightyenas and 1 Excadrill!

Alexei goes after the Poachyena member (#4) with the fossil, facing down the Mightyena charging in tis direction that had used Crunch! Member #3's Mightyena uses Howl to raise its attack before charging forward with a Crunch attack as Braviary prepares to attack by using Hone Claws.

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POSTED ON Dec 24, 2018 15:46:58 GMT
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aw fuck. he had expected one, not four.

alex shares the same sentiments, at the very least, and springs into action. he feels the rush of tailwind behind him and his braviary coming down to meet the other pokemon that he does not recognise. multiple pokemon come out at once––the mightyena he knows, and he reaches for a poke ball to call out his florges. he is shocked speechless when his companion pulls out a salamence, though, making him wonder if he got paired up with a really powerful trainer. well, at least they are on the same side! he nods once at alex's instruction, watching him climb on top of the dragon's back for a moment before quickly trying to calculate what to do next. three against two, huh? not very fair.

"hana, moonblast that one trying to bite on the wing! hikaru, snake in for a spark!" he glances at the braviary and tries to make an educated guess, "kyouya, right? okay, stop that mightyena cold!" senri's pokemon spring into action, with florges quickly gathering a powerful burst of pink energy to launch expertly at the stray black wolf. it hits the dark type square on the back, making it yowl in pain as it stops short of touching salamence's wing. because the fairy type is super effective, it knocks out the mightyena in one hit. for hikaru, on the other hand, he uses quick attack first and builds up electricity from his cheeks as he dodges the first instance the other mightyena tries to bite him––he then slides under and puts as much power into his stubby feet to slam a SPARK on the underside. the tailwind earlier is definitely helping their pokemon right now.

excadrill doesn't take this lying down, though, making his claws glow for a METAL CLAW at florges. "hana, spin that mole!!" the florges nods once and twirls her body, summoning a shower of petals (PETAL DANCE) that ultimately blows the ground type back to its side of the playing field. hikaru, meanwhile, uses THUNDER WAVE to immobilise the mightyena he's fighting for good measure.


- florges uses MOONBLAST to strike the mightyena chasing salamence down!
- minun uses SPARK to hit one of the mightyenas!
- senri asks braviary to fight the other mightyena!
- florges blows away excadrill with PETAL DANCE to avoid METAL CLAW
- minun uses THUNDER WAVE to immobilise his opponent mightyena!
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POSTED ON Dec 25, 2018 14:27:04 GMT
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shit got real!

Seeing as his companion had flown ahead to deal with the other humans that were here to cause trouble, the Braviary turned at the sound of his nickname, before tucking his wings in and suddenly changing direction—ltierally flying as low and as close to the ground as possible in order to slam into the Mightyena that was about to head its way with Crunch—by countering it right in the face with a Brave Bird assault.

While the avian knew it was rather reckless, not to mention it did hurt quite a bit because of the recoil, the way that the Dark-type had been forced back had startled the canid, changing tack as its owner had yelled for said Mightyena to try and counter it with a Take Down attack. The Braviary was ready for this, however—with the Tailwind offering them a boost in speed, the Flying-type easily banked sharply upward before diving down with a Crush Claw attack to the Dark-type’s face.

Knowing that he could fight the best despite not having instructions to guide him, the Braviary turned around sharply in mid-air before closing the distance with an Aerial Ace, meeting the Mightyena’s Assurance and knocking it off-balance. Once he’d flown off, the avian turned around again and grabbed the Mightyena, taking it up into the air via a Sky Drop—never mind if the canid began Howling out of shock and fear at being taken so high—dropping the Mightyena right down on top of the Trapinch that the other had sent out—which was a big mistake in itself.

The small, overlarge-headed antlion let out a yelp as the Mightyena literally dropped down atop its form, letting out a squeal as the other was squished by the Dark-type’s bulky form. A frustrated shout came from the male gang member, angrily recalling the Mightyena and shouting orders at the Trapinch to use Earth Power, sending spikes of earth up from the ground—maybe that wasn’t a good idea…

Over where Alexei was astride the Salamence, a surprise Moonblast attack came from behind it, watching as the Dark-type was blasted—and letting out another roar, followed up right after with a Flamethrower as the Dark-type was in the middle of recovering. “Careful, Gabe! Dragon Claw once it gets too close!” he urged the draconid, watching as a Take Down attempt came charging forward at the Salamence yet again—only to be met with a face of sharp claws as the draconid bucked up and lashed out with its Dragon Claw attack, his companion hanging on for dear life.

“Wh—whoa, Gabe, careful when you do that, and Flamethrower it back for good measure!” he cried out, grabbing onto the Salamence’s shoulders as he felt another heat haze coming from the draconid’s direction as a Flamethrower followed up the previous attack, flames bathing the Dark-type as the Salamence turned up the power and continued with another Flamethrower application, before a sudden burst of red light forced the Mightyena back—and in its place, a Sandslash.

Which was a bad idea in itself since the Fire-type attack didn’t affect the other as much. An Earthquake shook the area, but Alexei had to bite down a grin—what the hell? Was this woman dumb on her feet? Biting down on his lip so she couldn’t see the smirk on his face, he then pointed at the Sandslash, before urging it forward again with another Dragon Claw to the Ground-type’s face.

Braviary's battle:

- charges forward at Mightyena with Brave Bird, never mind if it's pretty dangerous to do it
- Mightyena #3 attempts to lash out with a Take Down attack, instead gets a faceful of Brav's Crush Claw
- Mightyena #3 then counters with Assurance; met in the middle with Braviary's Aerial Ace attack. Both attacks bounce off each other before Brav grabs this Mightyena with a Sky drop and flies up into the air
- and then just drops the Mightyena once he's flown high enough right on top of the gang member's Trapinch, squashing the thing. Oof.
- Mightyena recalled, Trapinch now using Earth Power... on an airborne target. Really?

Salamence + Alexei's battle:

- after Moonblast attack, Salamence follows up with Flamethrower at the Mightyena #4 attacking it, forcing it back
- Mightyena #4 also charges forward with Take Down, gets countered right in the face with a Dragon Claw attack
- Mightyena #4 driven back, Salamence lashes out with a continuous stream of Flamethrower, driving it back and forcing out Sandslash
- Sandslash uses Earthquake... nice job, ya shmuck! before Salamence closes the distance and lashes out with another close-range Dragon Claw

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]
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POSTED ON Jan 2, 2019 12:46:16 GMT
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well, at least senri doesn't have to worry about the big birb, he can take care of himself just fine. with the mightyenas down, senri commands hana to use PSYCHIC first to at least immobilise the excadrill long enough for hikaru to deliver a powerful SPARK. he knows that steel types are resistant to psychic, so his pokemon act fast, and they are able to get the job done. hikaru delivers a THUNDER WAVE to further immobilise his chosen target while senri brings out kuri to use VINE WHIP on one of the poachers. senri isn't much for violence, but as soon as that one dark-clad woman is pulled close, he gives her a punch to the gut, knocking her out. one down, three to go.

suddenly, an earthquake. both he and his pokemon lose their footing for a while before the sandslash gets socked with DRAGON CLAW. he then notices that there's a trapinch trying out EARTH POWER, so he commands hana to knock a good MOONBLAST at the small pokemon. it's out in a matter of seconds; the difference in power too great. that poacher is knocked down by kuri's TAKE DOWN before he could pull out his third pokemon. two more.

the other guy, seeing his comrades getting beaten soundly, attempts to make a run for it, but hikaru catches up to him with an easy QUICK ATTACK, slamming into him from behind and shocking him for good measure, though of course not enough to kill him. one more--

she then pulls out a fucking aerodactyl to chase alex. senri curses as the sandslash manages to dodge the salamence's attack, but shifts their attention to the young man while the fossil pokemon tails the other. three against one? hardly a fair fight, but this isn't much about fairness right now. "okay, here we go. hikaru, swift!" the little electric type summons multiple stars to hurl at the ground type, which it easily blocks with its claws. that's okay, it's distracted--"kuri, leech seed!" the chespin sends out small seeds from its horns, with some hitting the ground before sprouting into vines and trapping sandslash. they then begin to drain the pokemon of its energy, which forces the poacher to call the pokemon back.

"surrender, you're outnumbered." senri says; his face very much serious. the poacher relents and kuri ties her up, but aerodactyl is still in the skies...

notes: im still heckin late

- basically senri is able to take down three poachers on the ground, but poacher #4 sends out her last pokemon, aerodactyl, to chase after alex while senri deals with sandshrew on the ground.
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POSTED ON Jan 3, 2019 17:01:08 GMT
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4 out of 4 secured! Shame he can't confiscate the Aerodactyl, that's evidence right there.

He didn’t know just how much trouble he was in, at least until he heard a primordial roar headed his way. Turning around in time to see that there was something flying his way, he blinked once, twice—before almost coming to a dead stop in mid-air. So this one wants to do it the hard way, huh, he thought, his brows crossing together.

Back over where Senri was, the Braviary let out a warning cry, suddenly flapping its wings and taking off. Thanks to the Tailwind from earlier, they were able to mostly mop up the Poachyenas on the ground—but this left the one, the very same one Alexei was chasing down—as the last moving target.

A second instance of Tailwind ripped through the area, this time boosting both Flying-type’s speed, before the avian shot off to help the draconid, screeching all the while and preparing to attack by Honing its Claws. At the same time this was happening, the Salamence’s lone rider let out a surprised yell, before pointing at the damned thing.

“Gabe! No, we can’t attack it from a distance, we have to get close! Get ready with a—“ he blurted out before a sudden Rock Slide came barreling their way!

“Change of plans, Protect yourself!” he screeched, watching as the Salamence quickly conjured up a protective barrier around them as the Rock Slide avalanche poured down around them. He knew that this wouldn’t work if he was attacked so quickly—but what the Aerodactly wasn’t counting on was the fact that there was a Braviary that had snuck up behind it and had launched itself forward in a surprise Aerial Ace movement!

Another primordial shriek from the Aero cued him off, and once the rocks had stopped tumbling, he then urged the Salamence forward, instructing Gabriel to use Dragon Claw while the other was preoccupied with fending off the avian. The Braviary saw that his companion was approaching, and blocked the incoming Sky Drop with its own Sky Drop, canceling the other attack out as fast as it could manage.

Deciding to be a bit reckless, it then tucked its wings in and came forward in a charging Brave Bird maneuver—right at the same time it unleashed a Rock Slide on the Braviary! Knowing that this was a sacrifice he was willing to take, the avian soared through the falling boulders, slamming it right into the waiting Salamence’s Dragon Claw attack; with Alexei hanging on for dear life as the Aerodactyl let out another cry.

“Finish it, but don’t kill it!” he shouted as the Salamence roared—and decided to unleash Flamethrower anyway despite the type disadvantage. The heat haze was terrible, but he still hung on tight—before another Dragon Claw effectively knocked the Aerodactly down and out of the sky, coming to a crash-landing at the final Poachyena member’s feet.

“You’d do well to stop right there, miss,” he said as he alighted from the draconid, who was ready to roar at her. “Turn the fossil over, and nobody gets hurt. You’re outnumbered,” he said quietly, holding his hand out for the item that she was about to make a break with.

Braviary whips up a second Tailwind and Hone Claws to join the fight up above!

Salamence moves in with a Flamethrower but instead resorts to Protect as Aerodactyl lashes out with a Rock Slide.

Braviary then comes in with a surprise Aerial Ace attack, shoving the Aerodactyl forward into Salamence's waiting Dragon Claw attack.

Two Sky Drop attacks (from Aero and Brav) collide, before the Braviary backs away and charges forward with a Brave Bird attack, despite Aero releasing another Rock Slide to swat it down.

Leaves the Salamence enough room to catch it in a Dragon Claw, before following up with a Flamethrower as a surprise attack. One last Dragon Claw swats Aero down and out of the sky for good!

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POSTED ON Jan 6, 2019 15:04:59 GMT
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thank arceus she relents. the other poachers were either knocked out or tied up, so now all that was left to do wi to call the cops or something like that. what fossil is even in her hands, anyway? oh well, it would be up to alex to figure that out, he supposes. salamence and braviary proved mighty useful, and it makes the trainer glad that he had been paired with a veteran instead of a greenhorn. who knows what might've happened if his partner had chickened out...

senri makes sure that their hands are bound and that the enemy pokemon are gathered closely so that they could monitor them. he heaves a sigh, a number of thoughts running through his head. they don't look that old, honestly. he wonders where they had gotten their pokemon, particularly the aerodactyl.

"cliche of me to say, but we make a good team. your pokemon are really well-trained!" maybe they could have a battle next time under much better, casual circumstances? he misses having regular, fun competitions. the uprising of kanto really changed the way the world worked...

anyway, enough of that. now it's just turning these guys in and getting the reward.

notes: o k d o n e
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POSTED ON Jan 12, 2019 6:37:36 GMT
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[attr="class","reward"]mission complete!
you receive the following: 5 infamy[break]
senri receives a cranidos / alexei receives an aerodactyl.