space rocks [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Mar 12, 2021 19:16:05 GMT
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there had been reports that there was some kind of cool pokemon that appeared around meteor falls during the megalopolan invasion back then. priam wasn't around, but he couldn't get rumors out of his head. he figures he just need a space rock and then something cool will happen.

bringing someone with the same interest along was there so it wouldn't be as boring as it should've been had he been alone.

"ya ready to head in to get space rocks?" he turns to ask chryssa.

before them was a chasm with a steep pathway. there is steady footing for them to climb down on, though the ways are narrow and the fall is deep should they lose balance. they have the convenience of having pokemon to help them should it happen, at the very least.

it was part of the ravaged landscape that resulted from the excavation done by the megalopolans, as well as the battle between them and the people of hoenn. shining a light at the bottom doesn't seem to give them a clear view of what awaited them unfortunately.

"scientists already got their own space above ground. i doubt they got this place claimed too."

that was where they come in and claim their own rocks.

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space rocks [m]
POSTED ON Mar 17, 2021 1:35:46 GMT
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When she wasn't performing daring boat chases or climbing up mountains with Priam, they were crawling through chasms in search of space rocks. Maybe that was why Chryssa enjoyed hanging out with him so much-- he kept things exciting. She'd never gotten an invitation from Priam to just get fast food or hang out on street corners smoking cigarettes. Speaking of which--

"Want to go to McNumel's after this?"

She gripped the hilt of her cane with both hands as she felt her way down through the darkness, tapping carefully to find ridges in the rock for her to wedge the tip in. She lowered herself each time, seeming to have little difficulty traversing the steep slope.

Going down wasn't a problem. Going back up, however, might require some assistance. 

"I could really go for a Volcano Burger," Chryssa continued, looking for space rocks. She shone her flashlight around, pointing it at random pebbles on the ground "How do we spot these things, by the way? I assume they'll have a mysterious aura... or perhaps an otherworldly luster!" She relished the idea.

But she didn't know much about Meteor Falls or its history, and astronomy wasn't exactly her subject either. "I yield to your treasure-hunting expertise," she declared, using the beam of her flashlight to annoy a slumbering Geodude instead. 

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POSTED ON Mar 20, 2021 4:24:59 GMT
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although his attention is on not slipping up and falling into the ravine, his excitement still manages to manifest with the way he holds the conversation.

"oh, hell yeah!" he answers to the invitation for fast food afterwards. "that reminds me that they got a jolly meal thing right now where you get a sinnoh legend toy! i want a dialga one!"

his choice may have been influenced by a previous encounter with the said legendary in his dreams, though he's unaware of his tendency to gravitate towards it at the moment.

regardless, he tells himself to not think much about the follow-up date in a fast food restaurant and to focus on scaling down to the bottom of the chasm.

"to be honest, i dunno either." he gives a light chuckle before continuing. "but- but! they're supposed to look different than the rocks around them! i think they'll have little holes or something like that." that's how meteorites were illustrated on cartoons and textbooks after all.

eventually, the bottom shows itself from their spot. he releases his shiinotic to further illuminate the area, though he still cannot figure out what's waiting for them at the bottom. "finally!" priam exclaims.

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POSTED ON Sept 9, 2021 12:52:13 GMT
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“We’ll know it when we see it,” Chryssa said to Priam. There was a strange, sudden confidence to her words. “Because unlike all other rocks, this rock will have a story.”

She decided to demonstrate. She scooped up an ordinary rock, hefting it in her palm. “This one, for example,” she said. “It saw something it shouldn’t have—maybe two forbidden lovers!— who met below Meteor Falls in secret. They had been betrothed to lords from distant lands,” she continued, warming to her improvised tale, “But deals writ in paper cannot seal the heart, and so these two defied the words of their kin.”

Chryssa tossed the rock into the air, catching it again neatly. “They met night after night before this rock, doing all sorts of things. Sexual things,” she added in case that hadn’t been clear, “Until their families caught them in the act. As if that wasn’t embarrassing enough, they laid a curse upon the pair—one by day, the other by night. Connected by place, but never by sight. Evermore, evermore.

The girl’s voice lowered, touching each syllable with reverence.

“But did the rock do anything? No.” Abruptly, Chryssa dropped the plain stone, letting it roll away beyond the reach of Shiinotic’s light. “No,  it didn’t. It certainly didn’t travel through space and survive the upper atmosphere. Our search continues, brave Priam!”

The sixteen-year-old flounced on deeper into the cave system, pressing on towards the distant sounds of running water. “It’s your turn next!” she called cheerfully behind her. 

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POSTED ON Sept 12, 2021 17:02:01 GMT
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priam was but a teenager still going through puberty. he quickly gets uncomfortable with chryssa's story, seizing up and getting fidgety, though the awkwardness in him leaves the moment she continues to the second part.

he quickly looks around, taking the biggest one (that he can lift) as his rock for meteorite show and tell. it's a size of a small boulder that priam has to lift with both of his arms.

while he aimed to flex, it barely get more than a foot above the ground.

"well, this rock is from a big, prestigious family from space!" he starts, struggling to keep it up for the duration of his story. "but he's a nuisance so his rock family got him exiled. from his little rock family on an asteroid belt, he got booted and was sent to a solo adventure."

he heaves a breathe before dropping the large piece of 'meteorite' back to the ground.

"he then got kidnapped by this planet's forces and was condemned to an eternity of being alone." he wipes the space dust from the rock from his palms to his shirt while he studies the rock he just lifted. "wait, is this even a meteorite? my story wouldn't make sense if it's not!"

on closer inspection, it wasn't. he follows after chryssa after being held back by the rock.

"have you thought that meteors are just wishing stars? maybe that's why the lewd couple used meteor falls as their meetup place!"

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space rocks [m]
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2021 13:21:31 GMT
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If the Lewd Couple of Meteor Falls wasn’t already a local legend, Chryssa resolved to make it one.

“And what do you wish for, Mr. Priam?”

Her eyes glinted, reflecting Shiinotic’s light. Bathed in the green phosphorescence of the walking mushroom, she seemed like a predator who’d strayed beneath a street lamp.

Chryssa sat down on the boulder Priam had been mightily almost-hefting, crossing her legs. “If what you said about this rock is true, it’s not much of a wishing star, is it? Its fate was unfortunate, to say the least.” She tilted her head to the side, contemplating. “Unless a wish can only be gained from someone else’s loss. That, she said, tone quieter, “May be closer to the truth.”

But she didn’t hang out with Priam to have talks about death and destiny and imminent destruction— she hung out with him to find epic treasure, solve mysteries, and defeat storybook villains.

“Find me another wishing stone!” the girl decreed, deciding that lacking an evil queen to overthrow, she would take it on herself. “Honestly, if something’s really from space, wouldn’t your Arcanine or something be able to smell it?”

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POSTED ON Sept 19, 2021 21:11:51 GMT
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"lately? world domination! supreme leader priam conrad sounds dope."

he tries to think more wishes, but nothing comes to mind. there was no future in rocket, or so he tells himself, so making up the vaguest ones made sense to him.

at chryssa's suggestion, he takes out his arcanine's pokeball, and subsequently, the pokemon inside of it. just as when he was about to order his arcanine to look for space rocks, opening his mouth in the process, he turns to chryssa.

"do rocks in space smell different than earth rocks?" he asks.

he picks up two rocks from the ground. one was smaller, with idents and tiny craters all over it, and another twice its size. its surface was smooth, like one weathered by the waterfalls of the setting of their stories.

"they don't smell different," priam observes as he takes a whiff of both. "wanna try?" he asks, handing her both rocks.

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space rocks [m]
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2021 3:26:51 GMT
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Chryssa sniffed the rocks. Their scent was was indistinguishable from the rest of the smells around them in Meteor Falls—water, earth, and the forbidden trysts of cave-dwelling lovers.

"They smell exceedingly normal," she declared, pulling back, "And there's a bug on that one. You should probably put it back." The tiny Paras clinging to the back side of one of the stones clicked its mandibles at her unhappily.

"You would think it'd smell like space," Chryssa said, breaking from Priam to spin around in Shiinotic's light. Her dress flared as she twirled like a second, less luminous mushroom. "But in actuality, I was told... long ago..." She'd just googled it on her phone, "...that meteorites smell like sulfur. When they're freshly fallen, anyway."

The chances of random meteorites striking single place more than once seemed unlikely, but then again, they said once you were hit by lightning it exponentially increased your chances of getting hit a second time. The world was filled with strange, impossible odds.

Some people called it coincidence. Chryssa called it destiny.

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space rocks [m]
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2021 3:54:37 GMT
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upon the mention of the bug, priam instinctively juggles the rock with his hands and comedically fumbles with it for a bit before dropping it to the ground.

"so this is what sulfur smells like after a bajillion years..."

priam doesn't actually smell anything distinct from the rock and takes chryssa's word for it.

he crouches back to the ground to inspect the rock he dropped, beckoning his shiinotic closer to bring a light source with him. he looks for the paras, but it seems like the impact to the ground has spooked it away already.

"what's the expiry date for freshly fallen meteorites anyways?" he asks. "maybe they're luckier if they're still fresh! you ever believe in luck?"

luck is the only resource priam wants from these space rocks. people wished when will-o-wisps from outside the atmosphere crash to the earth, so it's only natural that priam personally thinks that their value comes from superstitions.

he pokes the rock with his finger a bit more to see any more bugs crawl out, if any.



it's a long life full of long nights