Just Add Sugar! (C)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Just Add Sugar! (C)
POSTED ON Mar 20, 2021 7:46:54 GMT
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The wind carries the sweet fragrance of sweets. People gather in the park rushing about as they set up for the small fundraiser. There’s a number of tables set out: each having a variety of delicacies on display along with price markers and labels, each well handwritten. Everyone is in high spirits, welcoming the beautiful season of spring. Team Rocket’s announcement wasn’t something they worried about, as they still firmly believed in the protection of the league.
All the money that would be made today will be going towards the league and the movement to reconstruct and rebuild slateport. Chloe had volunteered to help out at the bake off, she wasn’t an excellent baker but she was capable enough to bake some simple brownies! Even if they didn’t look or taste the best. She set it on a nearby table, taking time to make sure that the display was nice and pretty.
Once she was satisfied with the way it looked, she stepped back and grinned. “Hope everyone likes them!” She spoke loudly enough for other volunteers to hear her. She turned her head only to spot out a few cameras in the distance. “Wow! I wonder if they plan on broadcasting this.” She once again spoke out loudly. She didn’t really care for television, but she did want to be on tv. Afterall there was a chance that her parents from Unova could see her!




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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
who are we
to fight the alchemy?
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
Just Add Sugar! (C)
POSTED ON Mar 20, 2021 19:47:13 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]okay, it’s extremely tacky or ridiculous or whatever to bring bakery bought cupcakes to a bake sale. that much she knows, understands, recognizes. except, she burned the four damn batches she attempted to make and this was her only viable option.

hopefully no one notices..?

a discolored golurk trails behind her, boxes of cupcakes stacked in its arms. the table has to be somewhere around here right? or is she going the wrong way? too many tables and too many people have her running in circles. isn’t that the same crepe station she passed half an hour ago? who the hell lets her out of the house anymore... honestly, this is worse than the store bought cupcakes.

finally, a voice catches her attention and she spins on her heel. the golurk behind her has to sidestep the blonde to avoid near collision, rumbling out its displeasure at the sudden stop almost immediately.

”ooh,” she chimes, weaving through until she finds a face to match the voice. ”those look great! quick question, actually! do you happen to know where i can set up with these cupcakes?” aka please help, she’s so utterly lost right now...

her attention shifts between the woman and the cameras she speaks of, head tilting at the thought. ”you think they’d broadcast this?” god, she hopes not...


[newclass=.illie] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illie b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Just Add Sugar! (C)
POSTED ON Mar 21, 2021 9:33:11 GMT
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Most people have finished setting up for the fundraiser but there had been a few others that were a little behind schedule. Chloe smiled contently, watching as people started conversations and laughed pleasantly. She had been so absorbed in her people-watching that she didn’t even notice that someone had approached her. “Thanks!” Chloe beamed, she greeted Illeana with a friendly smile. Her eyes widening when she saw that Illeana’s golurk had been carrying quite the load. “Wow you made so much! Hmm that table should work nicely.” she pointed out the nearby vacant table with her finger.
Her eyes brightened at Illeana’s comment, seemed like they both were hoping for it to happen. “I’m not sure, but if they do I hope my parents watch. I’ve always wanted to yell Hi mom! On national television.” Chloe laughed at her own comment finding it unlikely that they would broadcast it nationwide. She walked towards the Golurk, "Such a pretty Golurk, I love your colors!” Chloe smiled widely, beginning to take some of the pokemons cupcake boxes and setting them down on the table.
A small dedenne scampered along the ground, curiously looking up at Illeana and her Golurk. The pokemon would then quickly approach Illeana not hesitating to climb ontop of the womans shoulders. Chloe laughed lightly as she watched Dedenee do so, hoping that Illeana wouldn’t mind. “I’m sorry about her, that’s Twix. She’s very eager to approach strangers.” Chloe blinked realizing that she introduced her pokemon before herself. “Oh, and I’m Chloe! Nice to meet you!” She grinned.




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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
who are we
to fight the alchemy?
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,162 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
Just Add Sugar! (C)
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2021 3:05:47 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]"of course!" the blonde is quick to return the smile, even if it turns a bit sheepish within moments. maybe she had gone overboard with the cupcakes... oops? it's fine, she'll bring any leftovers home and enjoy the decadent diet of desserts forever. it's not like her sweet tooth wouldn't be in heaven, anyway. "thank you, you're a lifesaver!" she giggles and the golurk rumbles before shuffling toward the table, following the guide of chloe's keen eye and her pointed finger.

illeana returns her attention back to her new found friend while the golurk gets started on the cupcake boxes. "i bet they would," she hums at the thought before smiling a little wider. "especially if you're gonna give a nice shoutout to your mom on television!" her parents, however, will not be seeing her make an appearance. they've heard seen enough articles about her to ignore her media presence. besides, it's better to not drag the reyes name through the mud any more than she already has. that last trip home sure was a rough one...

deus rumbles once more, this time a friendly greeting paired with the waving of a clay hand. more emotion than the automaton has shown in what feels like forever. after everything that has happened, it's been hard to get deus to emerge from the walls it has created around itself. maybe that's why her smile turns fond, almost reminiscent of a distant memory. "thank you! this is deus," she murmurs and the golurk waves a little harder, an energetic introduction on its part. with both women helping the automaton, boxes of cupcakes are spread out and arranged in no time. thank god, there was so many and definitely not enough hands with just her and deus.

"oh," the feeling of a small rodent scampering up her body catches her off guard. "you're so cute." a hand reaches up to gently rub at the puffy cheeks of chloe's dedenne. precious and friendly, the best of both worlds. her golurk lets out a soft noise, another greeting, and finishes fixing the cupcakes while illeana's eyes drift from the dedenne to chloe. "no worries, she's adorable!" she waves off the apology with a light laugh. really, twix can stay as long as she'd like. the blonde is quick to extend a hand with a bright, "i'm illeana. it's a pleasure to meet you, chloe!"

and once introductions were out of the way, she'd take a moment to glance around the rest of the bake sale. "do you usually volunteer for bake sales?" is that rude to ask? uncertainty prompts her to keep talking. "i'll be honest... this might be my first one."


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Just Add Sugar! (C)
POSTED ON Mar 27, 2021 13:25:34 GMT
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Chloe’s cheeks reddened a little at Illeana’s small compliment, she quickly waved a hand bashfully. “It’s no problem! Anything to help~” she spoke happily, with a wide grin. Chloe never really had a chance to speak with anybody, she was a little busy trying to set things up for the bake sale but she was glad to speak with Illeana! Her first impression of the blonde was that she was very sweet and dedicated.
She was slightly surprised to hear Illeana’s response, even though Chloe had hoped that the bake sale would be broadcasted, she was self conscious and felt that she looked like a complete mess, she also said that she wanted to be on national tv a little bit earlier but if it was really true.. Chloe started to feel slightly baffled at the thought of how many people would be watching. “Y-Yeah! Hopefully..” Chloe said now a little uncertain, she rubbed at her hair. Thankful that Illeana brought up a different subject. She smiled cheerfully looking at the golurk.
Chloe waved back eagerly at Deus. “What a great name~” she remarked, glancing back at twix as she began to squeal in delight from Illeana’s gentle touch. Chloe was relieved to see that the two were getting along. Twix’s whiskers twitched happily at her compliment and licked the woman’s ear giving it a small tickle.
Chloe’s smile widened, giving Illeana’s hand a firm shake. She shook her head at the question, a little happy to know that she was in the same boat as Illeana “This is also my first one, looks like we're in this together!” Just as she finished the statement, people already drifted to different tables curious about the delicacies. Chloe felt small nerves beginning to creep up, but she was reassured that she had Illeana by her side, this couldn’t be too difficult right?! A glance towards her, “Don’t worry Illeana, we can get through this together!




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