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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Mar 25, 2021 16:11:27 GMT
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"the exit! we're free!"

priam's voice echoes within the walls of the ruins until one can hear it suddenly go faint. the voice trails off to a drop just ahead of where they're going before cracks appear underneath the floors of the corridor they were walking on.


priam's voice is interrupted by the sound of laser releasing a pokemon from a pokeball. a sigilyph appears for a second time, slowing their fall with a timely shift in gravity.

"how do you even escape when this kinds of things happen?!" he tells oscar as they are freefalling.

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POSTED ON Mar 30, 2021 1:06:38 GMT
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As soon as Priam shot forward through the door, Oscar tensed. He reached out to catch him, but the damn boy was too fast. "Fuck Priam, wait!" Too late, the trap was sprung. Oscar watched helplessly as Priam once again fell through the floor, causing a ripple effect that spread to the hall. Oscar rolled his eyes, "These assholes had one trick didn't they."

Oscar thought quickly, throwing out a pokeball to let loose Baron the flygon. The bug-eyed dragon had little time to react before the floor fell from under him and Oscar, forcing him into action. He quickly got his wings flapping, sliding under Oscar to catch him before his master could fall too far. The impact stole the air out of Oscar's lungs, but he was just glad to not be a smear on the ground.

Baron flew downward, dodging debris as he went deeper into the darkness. Oscar soon recovered, steering Baron toward Priam and his sigilyph. A the two went further into the dark, Oscar would respond to Priam's inquiry with restrained exhaustion, "Well, it's easier when you look before you run into a room."

Oscar's eyes shot open when he came to a startling realization. "Holy shit, Malum!" Oscar looked up, and thankfully found his cunning Malamar unharmed. He floated between falling rocks with great ease, plus carried Priam's Shiinotic in his main tentacles. The shiinotic was still smiling, so it was hard to tell his perspective on the events currently occurring.

They reached the bottom eventually, falling a great deal deeper that Oscar anticipated. As the rocks finished falling, Oscar looked up to see that the broken hall above provided very little light. Besides the faint glow of lost torches and the bioluminescence from Malum and Shiinotic, the new room they found themselves in was completely black. Or at least it seemed to be at first.

Once Oscar's eyes adjusted, he found realize that a faint light was shining in the distance. Oscar pointed to it, "Look, something is shining way over there. Judging by how far it is, this room must be fucking massive." Oscar got off Baron and began walking toward the light, "Best see what it is, we can fly back up af-

Oscar stopped. Something moved in the shadows. It was coming toward them.
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POSTED ON Mar 30, 2021 4:02:15 GMT
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mega blastoise

has attacked!





male - lightning rod[break]
flash cannon / water pulse / protect[break]shell smash / g-max cannonade

IT IS WATER, NOT STONE, that collides into cavern walls. The water is strong enough to punch holes into rock; presumably, it is strong enough to break bone and shear muscle. A mega Blastoise, quite enlarged from whatever has sparked its evolution, marches out from the cave's depths to put a stop to your escape.[break][break]



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POSTED ON Mar 31, 2021 17:17:52 GMT
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"big blasty!" priam exclaims when he sees it.

he takes the shiinotic away from oscar's pokemon and squeezes on it, which only strengthens the amount of light that the shiinotic is able to illuminate. with more light, it's much easier to see how it towers over them, clearly being more than double the size of a normal blastoise.

"can we still fly up?" priam inquires as he backs away from the giant pokemon. "i feel like we'd just get shot down if we do."

he swallows. he's been in a similar predicament before, though he had different pokemon with him that time-- pokemon that he can reliably ask to defend him. his sigilyph isn't going to be doing anything, though he supposed he can send his shiinotic to fight for their life since it is a grass-type.

"what do you wanna do?" he asks, before flicking a finger towards the sigilyph. a light screen pairs up with reflect to give themselves a buffer before they act more conspicuously to attract the attention of the blastoise.

it notices them when priam started talking too much.

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POSTED ON Mar 31, 2021 22:24:12 GMT
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As the Shiinotic's light grew, a clearer vision of the blastoise came forth. This titan was old. Probably the oldest pokemon Oscar had ever seen. Its blue skin had turned gray, cracked and chapped by the lack of moisture. Its shell was covered in cracks, and the numerous cannons it adorned had rusted. And its eyes, pearly white--was it blind?

Yet despite its age, this thing had lost none of its power. Drawn in by Priam's chatter, the mighty turtle turned to aim its cannons toward the Rocket duo. Oscar twitched, "I'm not convinced there's much we can do." All of its cannons fired, sending a cascade of pressurized destruction toward the two. Oscar reacted quickly, pulling out a Beast Ball.

When he opened it, a large mass of wires burst forth. The wires untangled themselves, revealing the ultra beast Xurkitree in all of its glory. Xurkitree grabbed Oscar and Priam by the waists, using its Magnet Rise to pull them out of range of the oncoming water blast. Barona and Malum did not have the luxury of a convenient exit, but the Shiinotic's barriers helped dampen the blast enough to buy them some time. Baron grabbed Malum and flew them behind cover, which is where they lay as the water surged overhead.

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POSTED ON Apr 2, 2021 6:39:40 GMT
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priam keeps his eyes fixated at the blastoise even as oscar's xurkitree pulls them out of the way. the grip he has on his shiinotic loosens as both of his hands hoist the shiinotic up by its waist.


he lobs the grass-type towards the blastoise, and as soon as the pokemon leaves his grasps, a cloud of spores starts to scatter from around it. unfortunately, it wasn't close enough to get to the giant blastoise and required assistance, which priam was quick to provide with his other pokemon.

"you!" he points to his sigilyph. "whirlwind!"

a gust of wind blows from the direction behind them towards the blastoise, bringing along the spores towards its face (while also simultaneously getting the shiinotic closer to it).

"hell yeah! it's gonna fall asleep now! woo! we're so great!"

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POSTED ON Apr 7, 2021 22:00:50 GMT
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As Priam took action, Oscar looked to his hiding minions. He snapped his fingers toward them, indicating that the Xurkitree should fly over to their position. As the water titan's attack died down, Xurkitree would make a U-Turn (a literal one not the move) and curve his way toward where Baron and Malum were hunkering down. 

As they passed overhead, Oscar pulled out their balls and returned them. They wouldn't need their help any longer, not with Shiinotic putting it to sleep. The beast huffed as spores sprang into its nostrils, turning back and forth as it tried to find their source. The creature heaved, its heavy breaths causing vibrations around the cavern. It began to stumble, its steps causing tremors as it swayed back and forth.

Finally it fell, landing on its bottom in a reclining position. Its milky eyes blinked rapidly, before slowly closing. The next sound it would make was a heavy snore, the beast was sound asleep. Oscar chuckled, "Well that was easier than anticipated." Oscar tapped on Xurkitree's tendrils, indicating that it should put them down. It did so, and Oscar began to gingerly walk toward the slumbering turtle.

"This thing looks fuckin' ancient, how has it survived for so long?"

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POSTED ON Apr 11, 2021 17:51:32 GMT
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"okay, hear me out on this..."

priam follows oscar from behind, his hands being held out like he's going to preemptively explain something, which he will.

"what if the actual treasure of this ruins is a fountain of eternal life, and this blastoise actually found it and is now experiencing its full effects." priam stops by the blastoise's feet. "but it also makes you giga big. that's why the blastoise is down here! it can't climb up!"

priam takes out a pokeball like he wasn't coming up with a backstory for a pokemon they just saw before turning to oscar.

"i'm throwing a pokeball at it. do you want it?" he asks.

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POSTED ON Apr 20, 2021 1:53:01 GMT
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Oscar took a look at the blastoise as Priam gave his theory. Oscar was skeptical, but then again it made as much sense as a giant ancient blastoise living underground. When Priam expressed interest in catching it, Oscar shrugged. 

"Knock yourself out, damn thing looks like it's a week away from falling to pieces." Would having a living fossil be cool? Sure absolutely. Would taking care of it be a pain in the ass? Almost certainly. Oscar was rich but he was pretty sure there wasn't enough money in the world to keep this thing living outside of this temple.

Oscar walked forward, whistling for Xurkitree too follow. The spindly alien floated near its master, its head glowing with electricity. Oscar looked around the room, much more illuminated now thanks to the Xurkitree's help. He was pretty sure there wasn't a fountain of youth, but some running water nearby did make Oscar curious.

Oscar motioned toward the underground stream, "Priam come this way, I wanna look at this before we go." Oscar marched forward, hopeful to find something useful to take home with him.

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POSTED ON Apr 24, 2021 17:06:36 GMT
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"one week is enough for me!" he chimes back optimistically.

he lobs the pokeball at the ancient blastoise and attempts to catch it in the most futuristic way the living fossil has probably experienced. as soon as the ordeal was done, he goes to follow the rocket beast.

his words promised something to priam-- that there would be something cooler at the end of it than an old pokemon. it's just as he had assumed it to be, except maybe it's actual treasure.

"is it ancient artifacts? magical weapons?" priam guesses as he jogs back to oscar's side. "did you find cursed relics that imbue the finder with powerful abilities at a cost?"

ambitious as his guesses were, part of him knew they weren't likely to happen.

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POSTED ON Apr 29, 2021 20:37:49 GMT
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As Priam caught up to Oscar, the young rocket would find him staring into the running water. It was deeper than it looked, just enough to act as a water fountain for that blastoise. The water seemed to be coming from a far wall, but that wasn't nearly as interesting as what lay within the water itself. Oscar turned to Priam, answering his inquiries with a flat tone. "Rocks."

Not just any rocks though, a shit ton of very pretty rocks. A dazzling amount of colors glowing faintly beneath the rippling water. Oscar sighed, "Not as fucking good as any of your ideas but whatever it'll do." He dropped his backpack, opening it quickly to pull out two black sacks with pull ties. He opened the sacks as wide as he could, before snapping his fingers at the Xurkitree. Oscar pointed to the river, but the Xurkitree already predicted what he was to do and had gotten started. 

With each tendril, the lanky alien would scoop up rocks and shovel them into the sacks. While it worked, Oscar got a closer look at the water. As he stared into it, he remembered something Priam said earlier about a fountain of youth. It couldn't possibly be the reason this blastoise had lived this long--but still the curiosity killed him. Oscar leaned forward, taking a deep sip from the water. As the water slid down his throat, it left behind a dreadful taste. Oscar gagged, holding his neck while coughing harshly. He made a noise of disgust before pulling a flask off his belt. He filled the flask with water and handed it to Priam, "Pretty sure all it did was expose me to fucking deadly microbes but hell just in case take a swig."

When the sacks were full, Oscar pulled the ties to seal them up. He handed one sack of rocks to Priam before throwing the other over his shoulder, "Hopefully we find buyers for these. If we're lucky one of these rocks should have some actual value." Oscar snapped his fingers, cueing the Xurkitree to wrap its tendrils around the two explorers. As the Xurkitree floated upward, Oscar gave Priam a small smile. 

"Next time let's try something easier. Like fossil hunting or some shit."

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POSTED ON Apr 30, 2021 0:20:50 GMT
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!


