archaeological avalanche, [gg]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 19, 2018 12:36:07 GMT
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Route 124 looked nothing like the swimming oasis that many frequented to enter Lilycove City. It was now some freakish middle ground of winter wonderland and summer archipelago as unnatural frost had been introduced to the region for the sake of the upcoming festivities. However, due to some unforeseen circumstances, the conversion had temporarily ceased so abruptly that there was a visible divide in the natural state of the islands and the desired outcome. Stilll, snow glossed some of the islands and even continued into small extensions of ice in the water that were clearly for show and would not offer reliable support for anything much larger than a joltic.

A tall construction fence created further discontinuity in the scenery, securing a section of one of the larger land masses for excavation work. Sebastian and his ironically named mamoswine, Tiny, approached the site to discuss the details of his task with the foreman. They were excavating what appeared to be remnants of ancient pokemon and were concerned about the Poachyenas. Of course, Sebastian had already read the briefing prior to accepting the job. He just still found it hard to believe that there was a group of ne'er-do-wells who were causing serious trouble under the less serious moniker of "Poachyenas." Then again, he supposed, Team Rocket didn't sound so threatening when the group had initially formed.

With a sigh, the performer took his position just outside the entrance of the fence with his arms folded behind his head. They were in for a long day, and he almost hoped these so-called "Poachyenas" struck. Tiny, on the other hand, planted himself on the ground. He seemed to be setting up to snooze but was actually sniffing the air every now and then for any disturbances.

→ bas and his mamoswine stand guard

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Laurence Anderson
archaeological avalanche, [gg]
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2018 13:48:46 GMT
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let's go.

It was a few days before the Winter Ball was to be held, and already he could feel the exasperation among those who were going to attend. While he would’ve been content with just working the entire day, his presence—along with all the other Rangers—was requested by the higher-ups.

And he couldn’t say no to that.

But of course, before he could go looking for a proper suit to wear to the ball, he’d been called in for a last-minute request put out by the League—some archeologists had found an excavation site while setting up for the formal… performance… whatever they were planning to do, and needed people to guard the place. Since he himself was curious as to what the hell they’d found, he’d agreed to go along with someone else on the assignment.

Thankfully, he had a good-enough team that could handle whatever came barreling their way; at least he was confident about that part. Once he’d gotten the location coordinates, he’d inputted them into his own PokéGear and made his way out to Route 124—and wasn’t surprised to see that the place had been seemingly halted in mid-decoration; and amidst the holiday decorations there was someone with a gigantic… he had to blink a few moments just to be sure he wasn’t seeing things.

“Whoa, that’s huge,” he remarked to himself, sizing up what his PokéGear told him was a Mamoswine before catching sight of someone who’d leaned against one of the fences surrounding the perimeter. For once, he was the one who was late.


“Sorry, took a bit,” he began in apology as he approached the other. “Had some last-minute deliveries to send out. But I’m here, for the fossil protection thing. Shall we get patrolling now?”

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POSTED ON Dec 30, 2018 4:53:53 GMT
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A stranger's voice would finally interrupt Sebastian's musings over the name of the pokemon poaching delinquents that they were to be on guard for. But not before he had resolved to only address them as the pokemon poaching delinquents, should the group actually make an appearance that day. The stranger seemed to give off an apology for being tardy, but the red-haired trainer never cared for such formalities. In fact, he thought apologies were a waste of time and breath because they did nothing to remedy the inconvenience of the grievance.

"Oh, I just assumed I had gotten here early," he responded in a bit of an absent-minded tone. His eyes had been scanning the surrounding area and noticed that there wasn't much around to hide visitors from aerial surveillance. Upon this realization, Sebastian would release Sona from her pokeball and instruct the golbat to circle the area for anything out of the ordinary. His attention would return to Laurence, though it may have been clear by that point that introductions were another formality that Sebastian didn't care for.

"Do you have any pokemon that can fly? Maybe we should take turns having them keep a perimeter so that they don't get too tired. There's not much on these bits of land to interfere with a birdseye view."

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POSTED ON Jan 1, 2019 15:31:14 GMT
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time to have Zeis patrol. Nami's not gonna get anywhere.

“I have two, but I think he’s much faster,” he began, plucking one of his five Pokéballs and tossing it forward, watching as his Scyther emerged from the beam of red light.

“Zeis, don’t let yourself be seen,” he said once the ninja bug turned around and looked at him with a confused expression on his face. “See anything unusual or out of the ordinary, get back here right away. Whatever you do, don’t let yourself be seen. That’s an order, he said in the Scyther’s direction, nodding its head before zipping off with a burst of speed to circle around the area.

“Can’t really recommend my Swablu, she’s an airhead... so Scyther it is,” he said as he waited for the dual-type to return. Knowing full well that it would take a while, he then gazed around and waited for the Scyther to return to their location.

What about you? Got a Flying-type who can scout in the opposite direction,” he asked his companion quietly. He knew that Zeis loved flying out in large, open spaces—but his own size was a potential problem if he was spotted. Luckily they were stupid fast, though.

Scyther is now out on patrol! Nothing unusual spotted yet.

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archaeological avalanche, [gg]
POSTED ON Jan 3, 2019 3:03:53 GMT
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As the scyther emerged from the burst of red light, Sebastian took notice to its striking silhouette. The mantis pokemon's frame appeared to be built for feats of grace and agility, and he noticed that it moved faster than his golbat. He was not the type to compare pokemon, nor did he let it take away from his perception of his Sona's talents, but he couldn't say he didn't admire it.

"There's a spotlight for every pokemon, and I'm sure that swablu will get its chance." He gave a loud whistle that stirred the mamoswine from its rest. It paced itself towards the two humans, towering over the red-haired performer with what must have been a smile in its eyes. Sebastian buried his hand in Tiny's tuft, giving the mamoswine a friendly scratch.

"Sona's all I have as far as flyers go. Golbats aren't as fast as scythers, but she's a great detector. Anyways, I figured those two are enough. It's not like we want to go hunt these so-called poachyenas, we just want to be ready to intercept them if they come too close."

He paused, arching a brow.

"Unless, of course, you do want to hunt them."

Sebastian's lips bent with zeal at the thought of getting the drop on the poachers. He loved the idea of a good surprise.

→ We finna poach the poachers!?

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Laurence Anderson
archaeological avalanche, [gg]
POSTED ON Jan 4, 2019 17:34:13 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar



rolls a 20 on a stealth check?

The mantis Pokémon zips through the area, keeping to the shadows and any obstacles as much as it can manage—he had one order and he was going to stick to it. As the Scyther continued to stick to the shadows, it overheard the sound of voices—not the same voices as the two humans he’d spotted when he emerged from the dark confines of his Pokéball.

Inching closer, the Scyther could hear the sounds of an argument. Deciding that it wasn’t worth giving away his position, the mantis Pokémon then flew back as quietly as he could manage in the opposite direction, back to where he knew the two humans were waiting.

Over where Laurence stood waiting with the other, he heard the sound of buzzing, and looked up. The Scyther had returned, and pointed in the direction he’d come from, emphasizing that there was something in the distance.

“What?” he asked the Scyther, who then continued to point insistently in the direction he’d come from. Along with moving his other appendage, the mantis Pokémon then flew off, which prompted Laurence to look at the other man. “I think your idea would prove to be a good one,” he said quietly, tilting his head in the direction where his Scyther had gone off to.

“Shall we catch them by surprise?”

Scyther has spotted something and returns to the two! Points out a small group of Poachyenas not too far way.

Laurence makes the suggestion of surprising them as per Sebastian's idea.

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archaeological avalanche, [gg]
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2019 5:24:31 GMT
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the poachyenas do not notice your approach, perhaps, due to how busy they are with their thievery. already, several extracted fossils are carelessly thrown into a lumpy sack. a camerupt continually billows hot air from its volcanic humps. the snow nearby is melted; an ominous sign for those weak to flames.[break][break]

"can't wait to sell these ugly things to tasteless trainers," the man says, "or turn them into fuel. whichever nets the most cash."[break][break]

the lady cackles with a snort. "probs the fuel. you've heard about the weird shit they're doing at mossdeep."[break][break]

their conversation continues without them perceiving you. what do you do?





  • feel free to take control of the gang members and their pokemon or tag me if you're stuck/want a reaction post instead.
  • hover over the pokemon to see their movesets (but you don't need to strictly use those if you don't want)!
  • feel free to battle them or find other ways to creatively wrap this up - let me know if you have any questions! enjoy!!

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archaeological avalanche, [gg]
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2019 3:47:05 GMT
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The blue bat returns a few moments behind the bladed bug, and her gestures confirm the same findings. She lowers herself to the ground, crawling around with the elbow of its wings acting as the front feet and its strange stubs acting as a rear. It seemed to feign barking or growling before lifting itself off the ground, kicking around with the same stubby legs. Sebastian watched the whole time, nodding as if he understood the pokemon's strange dance.

"She's saying there's one fighting type and three dogs," he concluded confidently before returning Tiny to his pokeball. The mamoswine's approach would be too obvious, but Sebastian anticipated utilizing him once they were done capitalizing on the element of surprise. He looked to Laurence and responded with a nod.

"Yeah, let's catch them by surprise." He snapped his fingers, letting Sona know to follow after Scyther so that it was not approaching alone. Sebastian himself started behind the two flying pokemon, expecting Laurence to also proceed.

"Sona's a bit physical, but she'll disorient them with supersonic once I give the signal. We can have our aerials hit from above and pincer them with simultaneous strikes from below."

→ Sebastian tryna hit it from every angle

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Laurence Anderson
archaeological avalanche, [gg]
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2019 16:24:41 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar




He watched as the Golbat mimicked sneaking just behind his Scyther, before making the same gestures and flying off to lead the charge. “Seems that they’re really distracted,” he said quietly, following after his Scyther and plucking another Pokéball out, preparing to send its occupant forward once they were close enough.

“On your signal,” he nodded, waiting for the other to catch the voices that were in the middle of arguing off-guard. Oh, how he wanted to drop in and catch them by surprise as well, but he figured that their Pokémon could do that first.

Turning around for a few moments, he then sent out his Metang before fully dropping the ball on the arguing pair that were trying to make up their minds on whether or not they wanted to sell off what they’d found or burning it—which was a bad idea in itself altogether.

Once his Metang had emerged from its Pokéball, he then held up his fingers in a silent motion, before pointing to where his Scyther was waiting to strike. “Ro. Follow Zeis and hold the arguing couple over there with your Psychic once we give the signal to attack,” he added quietly in the dual-type’s direction, looking over at his companion and waiting to attack!

Scyther follows Golbat and waits for the signal.

Metang is ready to hold the rguing Poachyenas if necessary, Laurence is waiting for Sebastian's signal to surprise the arguing gang members!

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archaeological avalanche, [gg]
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2019 12:38:28 GMT
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If it were up to Sebastian, the threat would have met with a violent earthquake. However, this approach held little regard for the protection of the fossils in the area. In the interest of science, the red-haired trainer released his mamoswine for a more concentrated approach. The tremendous tuft entered the scene and attempted to read the room before acting.

"Set your stage and blow right through them, Tiny." Sebastian pointed at the group and grinned. Although he was sure the metallic psychic was empathetic enough to understand the implications of his instructions, he worked in the visual cue just to be certain.

With a nod and a gruff huff, the mamoswine began by calling forth a cumulonimbus just large enough to drop hail upon all of the targets. The twin tusk pokemon's massive form was glazed in a white aura as its body dripped with Ancient Power, and it used this power in conjunction with its Snow Cloak to elegantly charge through the unsuspecting crew.

As the first part of the performance proceeded, Sebastian reached an arm in Sona's direction and rolled the associated hand as if he were some conductor. The blue bat then dove down, circling the scene to pick up speed in anticipation of its trainer's next command. The performer restrained himself, choosing to see what Laurence's next move would be.

→ tiny is stampeding through the poachyenas

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Laurence Anderson
archaeological avalanche, [gg]
POSTED ON Feb 1, 2019 17:27:56 GMT
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He…wasn’t prepared at all to see what his companion had in mind.

Sure, we agreed on a surprise, but… well, to be fair this is also a surprise attack, he thought as the two arguing Poachyenas were caught off-guard by the sudden appearance of a Mamoswine, throwing them helter-skelter and in a disorganized panic.

“Ro, go! Use your Telekinesis and stop them from moving!” he began, watching as the Metang swept in, waving both its fists at the two indignantly-screaming ‘thieves’, but not before one of them had managed to toss out a Camerupt where it landed on the ground with a loud thud.

“Rock Slide!” the female called out at her Pokémon, and the Camerupt had no issue causing a sudden avalanche of boulders to come crashing every which way. With the Metang occupied, he knew he couldn’t have Ro break its hold on the two—and deciding that it had to end that way, so be it.

“You leave me no choice, then,” he muttered, pulling out a certain Pokéball and tossing it forward. As his Marshtomp emerged from the beam of red light, he pointed forward. “Block it with a Rock Slide of your own, Sui! And then, Hydro Pump that Camerupt right afterward!”

At the same time, the Scyther dashed forward, ready to attack. “Zeis, be on the ready. Stand guard… just in case the other one drops a surprise, he said to the other dual-type, and while he was impatient for a battle, agreed to watch the fight unfolding.

“Ro, keep your hold on them!” he called out to the Metang; which the other would easily achieve. Back at the battlefield, the Camerupt’s Rock Slide was met with one of equal force from the Marshtomp, canceling the attack out. No sooner had the boulders settled, a sudden rocket of water erupted from the second dual-type’s maw; aimed right at the Camerupt and hoping for a direct knockout strike in one go.

Or was that too ambitious?

Metang uses Telekinesis on the two Poachyenas to hold them in mid-air and stop them from escaping!

Female Poachyena drops a Camerupt on the field, uses Rock Slide around the area. Lars counters this with a Marshtomp and blocks with a Rock Slide of his own, negating the attack.

Marshtomp then uses Hydro Pump on the Camerupt! Scyther is on standby mode, awaiting further orders.

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archaeological avalanche, [gg]
POSTED ON Feb 11, 2019 12:31:28 GMT
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The battle began to heat up, but Sebastian seemed to be the furthest thing from concerned as he observed the coordination efforts of his co-stars. Even a skirmish was still a performance to the red-haired thespian. Though they were robbed of their freedom to move, the Poachyenas still appeared to have some fight in them as they ordered their volcanic ungulate to mobilize. Sebastian took a moment to perform some swift mathematics.

His eyes rested on the Poachyenas, then upon the camerupt, and finally on Laurence's marshtomp before his expression suggested that he had arrived at a conclusion. Sebastian gave off a soft whistle followed by a much stronger whistle. The first called the golbat back into the fray, and Sona blurred through the air as she circled the hostiles while leaking a black haze.

The second, louder whistle beckoned the mamoswine. The huge hog came charging back into the scene, though it was not wrapped in ancient power as it was before. This time it stopped short, just a few yards from the enemies. It gathered a deep breath and then huffed that breath back into the air to call down another concentrated downpour of hail, though the clashing of terrain and the haze may have distracted the delinquents from the change in weather.

The stage was set, and a final whistle would cause the mamoswine to inhale once more. This time exhaling would yield a blustering blizzard that buried the group of outlaws up to their necks in snow, and the moisture from the haze as well as the drop in temperature from the hail would render them partially frozen. Sebastian raised a hand and Tiny ceased his attack.

"Camerupt should come out fine from this," Sebastian began while tilting his head. "But if you lot don't yield then I can't guarantee we'll get you out before the frostbite sets in."

He smiled.

→ a series of unfortunate events threatens the poachyenas with hypothermia

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archaeological avalanche, [gg]
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2019 15:30:49 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar



that was a surprise! Never make a Mamoswine angry that's for sure.

Thankfully, the Rock Slide and the Hydro Pump that followed served to weaken the Camerupt. Over where the Metang was holding both its fists up in the air (the better to hold the two yelling Poachyenas still) he could hear the sounds of arguing.

“You idiot! Why didn’t you know we were being followed?!”

“How the hell was I supposed to know?”

“You’re useless!”

This snippet of interaction caused Lars’ eyebrows to go up in slight incredulity at the two that were now fighting among each other, surprised at having been caught off-guard. Of course, he wasn’t expecting the Golbat to come swooping back in and spitting out a cloudy Haze, before a loud crashing noise announced the return of the Mamoswine.

The Hail was alright, that was fine. Although he came dressed a little thinly for the occasion. What really caught him off-guard was the sudden Blizzard that followed, burying the two thieves both up to their necks.

Now that was the icing on the cake.

“Ro, keep your hold on them,” he said to the Metang, while the Scyther grumbled, hiding behind his companion’s tall form due to the pelting Hail. A few moments later, he then squinted over at the Camerupt, which his Marshtomp was now staring down.

“You heard him. I don’t have control over what he can do to you, you know. But I can definitely put both of you under arrest for stealing these fossils,” he continued, returning his attention to the two thieves.

“Now, are you both going to come quietly, or not?”

Scyther is useless lol just watches the carnage

Metang still holding the two Poachyenas aloft with Telekinesis and isn't going to let them go anytime soon

Lars would want a Tyrunt for his fossil reward, please!

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archaeological avalanche, [gg]
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2019 13:51:13 GMT
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There were no more tricks available, and the two thieves clearly acknowledged their defeat. Still, they refused any form of cooperation. No questions would be answered, and no information on their activities would be divulged to their captors.

At least this did not matter much. Since the duo had been briefly monitoring the activities of their captives prior to the scuffle, it was somewhat easy to guess that the only concern was the rope that extruded from the snow beside the buried bandits. Sebastian clicked his teeth, and Tiny took this rope into his mouth. He used one of his massive hooves to keep the mound stable as he yanked the strand out to reveal the sack that had been loaded with numerous fossils already.

Reinforcements soon arrived to apprehend the criminals. Among them was a researcher grateful enough that the two had managed to keep so many of the stolen stolen fossils in tact that he allowed them to select any that appealed to them as a keepsake. Of course, they would only be able to collect on this offer when the scientists finished researching the stones.

→ Sebastian chooses the Sail Fossil, for an Amaura

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POSTED ON Feb 20, 2019 3:52:47 GMT
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[attr="class","reward"]mission complete!
you receive the following: 5 infamy, 5 heart scales[break]
receives a tyrunt; @max receives an amaura!