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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 15, 2021 1:01:23 GMT
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a strict summons comes for kazimir wynter. in light of the messages received by katherine, there is no fleeing from procedure. no escape from formalities— and yet, dahlia finds opportunity under the dust of bureaucracy. when kazimir arrives to league headquarters, he's swiftly escorted to a secluded office in the east wing.

there, dahlia awaits. her stoutland sits proudly by the door before slumping into a lazy heap of fur after his passage. she sits before a dark wooden desk. behind her, a bookshelf stands tall, filled with antiquated tomes and dull green and brown spines.

"mr. wynter, take your seat." dahlia directs him to an old wooden chair of little comfort: all rigid lines, save for fanciful tapered curves at the ends of its arms. like a teacher holding a student after last period, she is tense in language and stiff-lipped. "do you know why you've been called here today?"

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POSTED ON May 17, 2021 13:40:15 GMT
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when he got a call from the league to come to hq he was wondering if he was being recommended something. on paper he has more than enough badges but never "officially" gave any notion that he was going to continue the gym challenge to its natural conclusion that being going up against the elite four and taking on the champion. maybe an endorsement because of it at least however? it was probably something along those lines, if he was being rewarded with something else it would probably only happen after something big, which...he's been a part of, but he'd assume that since he's just a civilian nothing would really come of it. he's never applied for any sort of government work despite a question about why not from a friend or two.

his mood changed however when he soon stepped into the building and two men in suits quickly escorted him to a room where he was greeted with the one person he didn't think he'd ever get a one on one with, . this was not going to be good was it?

as she offered him a seat he took a glance at the small dingy chair next to him and silently gulped down the unease in his throat as he took her up on her offer and sat down. sure enough it did feel a bit too tight and was hugging his hips a bit too much and felt like something was cutting into him.

then she asked another question that got a blink of the eyes from kazimir.

did he know why he was here? not really but...he was a little hesitant to give the truth. so perhaps it was time to play it cool."um...is it because I've...helped during that whole tower thing with gym leader zac? lots of people were there but i'm pretty sure other gym leaders were there, heck i think the champ too. figured they tell ya enough about it already, and isn't it a bit late to follow up on it?" he answered, trying to let his body slump into a more relaxed state despite the chair not really being all that relaxing to sit in.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 22, 2021 5:42:34 GMT
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dahlia shakes her head and like a fox's tail, a golden curl loosens and swings. despite the other's decorations, this meeting, this moment is separate from all others: an isolated encounter that removes past and potential.

for now.

"i received a report that says you were involved in an attack on route 113's glass workshop. during this incident, you assisted unknown assailants." dahlia speaks cleanly with little flair, "is this true?"

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POSTED ON May 24, 2021 20:27:13 GMT
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he gulped when she revealed what his "offending" incident was. the attack on the glass workshop. there was no way she could know unless she was there, or rather if someone who was there told her. it couldn't be Zac, the guy was too trustworthy to blab about a secret like that, he trusted him too much. so he thought back, there were people he did and didn't recognize, one of them being and as gym leaders he's challenged before. they were likely as he assumed that gym leaders would tell the league anything and everything astounding that they came across. the identity of a superhero running around hoenn qualified as some good intel did it not?

still he had to play it safe, she probably knew his secret already but arceus damn it if he wasn't going to try and stall his way out of this.

"oh that? yeah i was actually leaving that route till i got word about it. i think i only managed to arrive when the dust was settling, so i helped a few folks that were injured. told them not to worry if i was a ranger or not, couldn't let people sit in pain y'know?"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 27, 2021 5:09:03 GMT
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"so, we can confirm that you were, indeed, on the route that day."

dahlia picks up a retractable pen, pushes its button with a crisp click before gliding its tip across a notepad. she does not look down at her paper.

"does helping a few folks include assisting them with their assault on the workshop?" the pen drops as her hands and forearms flatten against the desk. leaning forward, she says, "i'll let you unmask your side of the story. how does that sound?"

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POSTED ON May 30, 2021 20:42:10 GMT
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kazimir's fingers twitches as she speaks. she speaks nothing but the truth and he knows it. she might not know the finer details but she's close. not to mention that little quip at the end of her words, it tells him something that he fears. its not like he's secrets ever gotten out, but its usually been kept by people who just focus on their own business instead of his. looks like his and the league's were now intersecting and he was surrounded on all sides.

he wasn't seeing a way out, not unless he'd do one of two things, and right now one of them looked like diplomacy.

"well, yeah ok. i may have gotten into a scrape with some of the people there. strange things were going on. a large shadow or a bunch of them running around, i hear someone mentioned the whole building getting lifted off the ground too, heck i think someone said that our good friend mr. silph was pretty much leaking some kind of smoke. people even mention that pokkenger was around, imagine that. when i got there things were already gone to hell, i might have been a bit...hasty to help. i'll admit it." the truth should set him free, if he manages to tell it from two points of views at least.

[newclass=.pokkenger b]font-weight:bold;color:#44d4e4;[/newclass]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 8, 2021 4:42:36 GMT
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"so you admit you were reckless." dahlia fakes personable eye contact for scrutiny. the handsome blond before her does little to shake the commissioner from her air of business. "kazimir, i trust my elite four very much. saw the pokkenger in the thick of battle."

she pauses.

"she saw you." dahlia stands, her heels hitting the floor with punctuated clacks.

she walks over to the blond, one hand clasping the curve of the chair's headrest.

"how important is the secrecy of your identity?"

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POSTED ON Jun 9, 2021 13:50:51 GMT
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as she gets closer he feels more like he's a cornered rattata against a persian. oh she definitely knows knows about him, she's cutting right to the thick of the matter. her last sentence implies a threat, or close to one he's ever heard of. he ran through his options in his head but he was pretty sure no matter what he wouldn't be leaving this building alone without causing a ruckus if he wanted to keep his identity a secret. well when the commissioner of the league knows about it can it really be called a secret anymore?

"i...well...its...okay, okay. guess i'm in a corner here." he raised up his hands in defeat, there was no way he could get himself out of here. he wasn't that smart or lucky after all. "well since ya already know then yeah. i'm the hero that's been going around helping people. to fix my previous statement, i caught wind of something curious at the glass workshop and wanted to check it out. the second i got there things went to high hell, i mean it the building literally exploded as soon as i got into that place's backyard. after that things went downhill as i'm sure you already know." he leans back against the chair and looks at dhalia, a his face and gaze showing defeat but his body posture wasn't slacking. he'd still try and come out of this in good shape.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 14, 2021 4:33:22 GMT
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it's almost endearing. the defenseless is teeters close to childlike— but not immaturity. her heels are persian claws. they pierce needle thin against the floor as she walks around the chair.

"in other words, you came onto the scene with little contextual knowledge. acted impulsively." dahlia's lips come together sharply before she speaks again in multiple choice. "or perhaps, you thought it was a decisive action. a heroic launch into the unknown."

she brings her heels together with a single step.

"you're rough around the edges, kazimir." dahlia says. "but not without potential. what you did, frankly, was reckless. unacceptable. i could have you strung up."

she softens the cut of her voice.

"but we can make other arrangements. are you interested?"

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POSTED ON Jun 15, 2021 8:36:48 GMT
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kazimir blinked.

"are you offering...are you offering me a job?" from the way she was talking just a second ago he was fully ready to try an jump ouut of the nearest window at the first chance he could. he really thought he was going to be arrested right there on the spot. but no instead she was offering to help him in some shape or form. it was a blessing in disguise probably considering she was on the money about him being a little reckless yet she saw something in him that could be of use.

"alright. what do ya have in mind then miss commissioner?"

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POSTED ON Jun 21, 2021 3:25:58 GMT
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"depends on your perspective." dahlia says, shoes still pointed together. "i call it community service."

finally, she breaks from her stance. leaning over to her desk, she unsheathes the first slip of her notepad. below, an altered contract is unearthed.

"for a period of time, the pokkenger will act as a proxy of the aqua initiative." dahlia lifts herself onto the desk with her palms. with legs crossed, she sets the stack of papers on her lap. "use of his services, his image... community service."

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POSTED ON Jun 23, 2021 15:19:34 GMT
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it sounded like he was going to be under some kind of league arrest by the sound of it. doing their work for them while under their eyes and thumb. granted it was probably better than actual jail time, especially when she mentioned the aqua initiative. that bit was interesting because as it was stated in the local news, only certain people were recruited for that.

"uh, well i'm happy to help with the community as pokkenger, more than i already do, ain't that aqua thing meant for...well avatars? i've met a few pokemon but none of them really took an interest in me. ya really think your team aqua can really use my help?"

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the good commissioner
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 23:28:04 GMT
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"for avatars, yes. however, you would act as an auxiliary figure. i've tasked members of the initiative to look for promising trainers anyway."

she says, flipping through the leaves of her paperwork. they whisper as they billow up and down before settling underneath the weight of previous pages.

"if you agree to this opportunity, there is one stipulation you must know." dahlia's hand smooths out the top title page. "should you become an avatar, you must report to me— and be assigned as a member of the initiative. the choice is yours, pokkenger."

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POSTED ON Jul 7, 2021 22:59:19 GMT
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"oh. so i'm just the back up." saying it out loud didn't really change the fact that it just didn't sound as glamorous as being part of the team. granted he was part of it in some form so it was probably still the best he was going to get. that was until he got his hands on some avatar powers like she said and then he'd be a full fledged member. was that something he wanted though? he wasn't too sure. he was sure that he didn't want to get on her bad side anymore so this was probably the best offer he could get for just about anything. "alright. i'll work with ya miss commissioner. just call on me whenever ya need an extra hand then. in the meantime i'm gonna still help out 'round the region. heroes don't get to punch outta work y'know."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 8, 2021 8:44:39 GMT
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"don't belittle yourself like that, wynter." dahlia smacks the top of her papers. "you're the pokkenger! the people of hoenn love you! and trust me, bearing avatarship from some fantastical pokemon may be more of a curse than a blessing."

her eyes grow wide as her head shakes off the notion. more and more reports of hoennians attempting to earn favour from some mythical pokemon have been coming in. some record their efforts. others scam those equal parts naive and ambitious.

"feel free to continue your heroics." dahlia says. "however, do remember, you're a part of us now. understood?" she smiles. "you might very well be the next poster child of hoenn after councilman ."

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