
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Gavin Merlino
october 28th
circhester, galar
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Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON May 22, 2021 7:40:07 GMT
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He arranges the meeting in the courtyard, deliberate: plenty of exits, open space, and greenery — nothing like the cold, threatening metal of his office.

When he approaches her, he does so slowly, clearing his throat.


Gavin sits down on one of the benches, leans his back against a carpet of ivy that snakes along the wall. Though he's run through what he wants to accomplish with this conversation many times over, he still struggles to start it.

In the end, he opts for blunt.

"Hate me all you like; my concern is for your survival. But I made the wrong call in handing you to Beckett."
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march 19th
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peggie vela
POSTED ON May 23, 2021 3:05:29 GMT
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[attr="class","sunshine"]It's just Plank's luck that the day before she intends to finally leave this shitty sub she gets summoned to meet with Gavin. When the order reaches her through the grapevine she almost decks the messenger.

She spends the whole day leading up to their meeting dreading the worst. Their last little get-together had hardly been planned, but the one before it that was hadn't ended without incident. While her face has mostly recovered from the beating she received, that pair of raised scars on her leg likely never will.

Knowing this, she stares in the mirror and wills herself not to flinch. Not to back down. No matter what. She runs fingers through her significantly shorter hair and comforts herself with the knowledge that at least that is no longer so significant a weakness for her.

All this gritting her teeth and building of determination makes it all the more infuriating when the first words she hears after entering the courtyard are . . . well, what does she even call them?

"Are ya fuckin' kiddin' me?"

A joke, yeah, that feels about right.

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Gavin Merlino
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
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Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON May 23, 2021 6:55:35 GMT
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Gavin breathes in, slow, and doesn't look away.


His gaze lingers on yellowing bruises caused by hands not his own. Her tone, her sharpness, assures him that their lessons hadn't stuck.

"If this were Kanto, you'd be dead. Take that tone with the wrong person, you will be."
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peggie vela
POSTED ON May 23, 2021 7:04:40 GMT
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[attr="class","sunshine"]It's baffling, the way Gavin barrels forward. She's at a comedy club and he's practicing his tight five. She's not fucking laughing.

"Well it's a damn good thing we're in Hoenn then, huh?" she shoots back, "It's a damn good thing I'm talkin' t' you then, huh?"

She can feel heat rushing to her face already, the tension building in her shoulders. In a moment of petulant inspiration she scans her eyes over the empty courtyard.

"Yep, I'm in the clear! No lackeys for ya t' sic on me!"

[newclass=.sunshine]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.sunshine b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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Gavin Merlino
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
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Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON May 23, 2021 7:23:31 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Resentment rises, and there's something cold in Gavin's eyes.

"Lackey? Beckett was my recruiter. My mentor."

He doesn't get up, but his fingers curl at his side.

"We're not in Kanto, but Beckett and I were. Had I covered for someone in Kanto, he'd have killed me slow. You're lucky I outrank him, now, unless you want to die."

He challenges her with narrowed eyes.
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peggie vela
POSTED ON May 23, 2021 7:32:54 GMT
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[attr="class","sunshine"]Whatever Gavin expects his words to do, they don't. The pointing out of "Beckett's" rank, his own rank, the second reminder that "were this Kanto you'd be dead". All they do is make her angrier. More spiteful.

"Ah, I'm startin' t' get it," she says, the angry, smug lilt to her voice betraying the direction she intends to take things.

"In Kanto I would have died. Theo," and she uses his first name intentionally, pulling on the memory of a conversation with a woman last week, "would have killed me slow. I really did luck out. You didn't even have the guts t' fuckin' beat me yourself!"

[newclass=.sunshine]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.sunshine b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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Gavin Merlino
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
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Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON May 23, 2021 7:41:23 GMT
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He stares at her, not rising to the anger in her tone.

"You're right. I should have handled it myself."

It wasn't Emma alone who felt he'd misstepped in handing Plank off to his mentor; Gavin believed the same. It doesn't make the bitterness fade.

"I thought perhaps he could get through to you where I had failed. See, my methods are softer than his. But my methods were ineffective, weren't they?" His tone sharpens. "You still thought you could get away with enabling a traitor."
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march 19th
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peggie vela DOLLARS
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peggie vela
POSTED ON May 23, 2021 7:50:29 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","sunshine"]"I enabled some dumb fuckin' girl who wanted to save a Porygon!" she shouts now, "It's one fuckin' pokemon out of how many Rocket trades a day!?"

The lines of tension running through Plank's body are clear, she can feel them and they stand out in her posture. The way the veins in her neck bulge, the way her shoulders resolutely refuse to move -- her fingers that lock into uncomfortable claws as they struggle to decide what to do with themselves.

"And yeah, ya should have handled it yourself!" she continues, "and while you're at it ya can drop the fuckin' caretaker routine after I've been beaten bloody!"

Anxiety wrestles with fury. Her eyes are sharp and her mouth a cold sneer, but her body is trembling. She runs a tongue over her lips and swallows hard. Then she's going again, hardly missing a beat.

"Does it make ya feel like some kinda hero?" she asks, jutting out her chin as she clenches her hands into fists at her sides, "Lettin' your mentor beat on this poor, stupid little girl t' teach her a lesson -- only t' swoop in at the last moment 'n' save her? T' try 'n' fix up her poor, broken, little face? T' patch up her leg after you've torn it open?"

"Ya think just because ya didn't let me bleed out on a cave floor or get my brains blown out by Mr. Beckett that I outta come kiss your fuckin shoes? Cause, oh, I could be dead instead?"

[newclass=.sunshine]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.sunshine b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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played by


Gavin Merlino
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
creatures of habit, carrion flowers, growing from repeated crimes.
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Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON May 23, 2021 9:02:57 GMT
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With voice raised, she reminds him not of himself but of his father. Anger builds, bubbling under the skin.

"Lower your voice," Gavin growls. "I am already listening."

He continues to, not interrupting further as she snaps and snarls. His gaze drops to her hands, to the tremble in her fingers. Beneath her bravado, she is afraid.

He waits until she is finished, and then he speaks.

"There are no heroes in Rocket, Vela. Nor am I a caretaker. I don't want your gratitude. I want your loyalty and your obedience because that is Rocket's price. Did you think you'd join up with an organization full of criminals and have a nice time?"

The bitterness has embedded itself deep, snakes around his walls much like the ivy behind him, choking out everything else that tries to take root.

"Ozaki saved 'that one Porygon', then went on to betray Rocket to the League."
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march 19th
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peggie vela DOLLARS
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peggie vela
POSTED ON May 23, 2021 9:11:59 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","sunshine"]She scoffs openly.

"I didn't expect t' have a 'nice time', Gavin, but I expected the inevitable assholes I'd run into t' own their shit," she says, not shouting now but hardly watching her volume, "Be my asshole boss, some shithead superior I have t' tread lightly around; or be some fuckin' caretaker who patches me up 'n' asks me if I can handle what's happenin' -- ya don't get t' be both."

"And if you're gonna have me smacked around do me the basic courtesy of doin' it yourself instead of watchin' in the corner like some sadistic voyeur."

There's a pause at the news about Ozaki, but only for a moment. She sucks her teeth and looks off to a corner.

"I don't see what the fuck that has t' do with me," she shoves her hands in her pockets, "She use the Porygon t' do it? Ya think I knew a single thing she was gettin' up to after the one mission we did together?"

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[newclass=.sunshine b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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Gavin Merlino
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
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Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON May 23, 2021 9:37:22 GMT
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She stops shouting outright; it's enough to placate, however temporary.

"You have my word that any further reprimand will come from me directly." But for all her words, Gavin does not understand her reservations. "But I would rather not reprimand you at all. You think I enjoyed watching him hurt you?"

He shakes his head, scoffs. Who did she think he was?

"It has everything to do with you. Had you told us of her crimes, it would've been Ozaki to be punished. You needn't have been hurt at all."
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march 19th
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peggie vela
POSTED ON May 23, 2021 21:57:38 GMT
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[attr="class","sunshine"]"What I think about whether or not ya 'enjoyed' it doesn't fuckin' matter, actually!" Plank replies, "Either way ya sat there 'n' watched while some stranger worked me over for reasons I didn't even fuckin' know when I was wakin' up from whatever drug you'd managed t' slip me!"

"Even now I'm only just learnin' that the reason I was gettin' worked over at all was because Ozaki did some traitor shit I didn't even know about!"

The hands in her pockets ball up into fists and her face tightens. Around the eyes. At the corners of her twisted mouth.

"Ya sat there 'n' watched while this guy beat my face in so bad I couldn't eat right for days. Rattled my brain so hard I couldn't turn my head too fast without blowin' chunks." One of her hands snakes up to grab at her hair, at its edges that sit damn near a foot higher than they used to, "Held me up by my fuckin' hair."

"I don't care whether ya enjoyed it. Ya ordered it 'n' watched it happen either way. And ya didn't fuckin' have to."

[newclass=.sunshine]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.sunshine b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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Gavin Merlino
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
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Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON May 24, 2021 5:45:07 GMT
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He continues to watch, to listen. His expression is cold, impassive.

"Didn't have to?" At last, he speaks, and there's flat disappointment in his tone. "You don't get it, do you? You were given a mission, and you failed. This is what happens when you fail."

He lifts a hand in silent warning not to interrupt him.

"I don't care that the client bought whatever shit you sold him. I care that you didn't come to me immediately when Ozaki compromised your task. Do you think failure only affects you?"

This is why we can't fail, Merlino.

Gavin thinks of shadows moving of their own accord; his jaw clenches.

"You weren't punished because Ozaki sold us out to the League. You were punished because you allowed her to compromise your task, then lied in your report. It's not even that Porygon are rare, valuable — what matters is loyalty, Vela. Obedience."
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march 19th
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peggie vela
POSTED ON May 24, 2021 6:08:55 GMT
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[attr="class","sunshine"]Plank's mouth twists just a little more. She scowls just a little harder. The response is . . . well it's what she ought to have expected. He doesn't get it or he doesn't care and either way it's exactly what she should have expected. Fine.

This isn't on him, it's on her. She got her hopes up on her own and she dashed them on her own.

"Fine," she replies. The word is flat and cold and betrays absolutely none of the twisting in her gut or the catch in her chest she's fighting or the way her eyes burn just a little bit.

"Mistakes mean beatin's? Fine. I deserve it for lettin' Ozaki fuck up my job? Fine. I extra deserve it for coverin' her ass? Fine. None of that is new for me," she runs through it bit by bit, the hand that was in her hair gesticulating now in front of her, "but you outta know that that mission was one stupid mistake and that not once anywhere else did I do my job any less than perfectly."

"I killed when I thought it was what ya wanted. Killed for the first time 'n' have sat through nightmares 'n' grief without once thinkin' of doin' anythin' but what ya ask the next time ya ask it," she doesn't know why she's saying it he's not going to get it and he doesn't care but she has to get it out of her system before she lets it die. She can't let it rot inside of her.

"Even after ya flipped shit and cut my leg open I was ready t' work my ass off not for Rocket but for you, because I thought . . . I don't even fuckin' know what I thought," she sucks in air through her nose, lets it out with enough force it's audible.

"Doesn't matter. I don't now," she returns her other hand to its pocket, "either way I guess ya got what ya wanted though. I'm not eager t' spend any more time gettin' my face re-arranged, so whether it's for you or Rocket or my own ass I'm in it for the long haul. Obedience 'n' loyalty 'n' whatever else you're askin' for."

[newclass=.sunshine]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.sunshine b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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Gavin Merlino
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
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Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON May 24, 2021 6:42:01 GMT
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"Afraid it doesn't matter how good you do."

This time, Gavin's tone is grim rather than bitter. This time, he pushes up his sleeves to reveal a multitude of scars. Not all of them from Rocket, but most.

"Rocket expects nothing less than perfection. You want to know why I asked your limits? Because if we work within them, we're all a little less likely to suffer for it. I wasn't a killer when I joined up. I was a bloody scientist, believe it or not. I've been through the nightmares. I've been through the same shit. You think Beckett was rough with you?" You can't force loyalty? I did it to him. "But he saved my damn life, because if I'd tried that shit with Blackwell he'd have cut my throat."

Nostrils flare as Gavin takes a deep breath and cuts off the tide of emotion. Losing control, volatility — it's unlike him. He doesn't notice the miasma that bleeds from the tips of his fingers. They're trembling with pent-up adrenaline.

"You got yourself into this mess; I'm trying to make sure you survive it."

And like any cycle, history and abuse repeat themselves.