sam's plotter

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the ferryman
october fourteenth
lavender town, kanto
team rocket
alone with all my illusions
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samuel carter
sam's plotter
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2021 21:19:57 GMT
samuel carter Avatar

samuel james carter

twenty-seven + male + mt. pyre sexton + prescott hellhound

+ eats the same breakfast every morning; oatmeal and coffee.

+ has been dating for a year now

+ now works for his sister as a sort of uh assassin for hire

+ not happy about the barrier because now he can’t go see his mother in kanto.

+ got some connections through the HST but ended up getting distracted by aforementioned boyfriend and hasn’t kept connections alive.

+ tends to have tunnel vision between work and boyfriend.

+ ocd with various things, keeps things organized and well kept at mt. pyre.

+ will for sure run somebody off of his mountain if he finds they are disrespecting the graves there.

+ has a legion few psychic types that serve as teleportation escorts around mt. pyre for those who don’t want to huff it.

+ ghost and dark type pokémon of his can be found roaming around mt. pyre. they are easily indicated as being his because of the galaxy scarfs they wear somewhere on their person which halso hold a tag with contact information so that whoever finds the pokémon can contact sam immediately.
(please feel free to include these pokémon in your mt. pyre posts so long as you’ve dm’d me first! i don’t bite, i just like to be included if the pokémon are going to be referenced)

secretary for mt. pyre + gravediggers / keepers on the mountain + mt. pyre connections + people who knew him from kanto days + prescott connections + hst battle fans + i really don’t have much else + thanks for playing