chloe vs. sam [H✩T]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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chloe vs. sam [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2021 22:56:00 GMT
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Signing himself up for all the different forms of battle was a tactic in and of itself. Just in case a situation called for it, Arceus forbid, Sam wanted to be ready for anything. Controlled environments like battle tournaments was a decent low-stress way to learn new twists and turns to battle.

That, and admittedly, he was beginning to get a kick out of this whole 'trainer' concept. He was starting to see why his mother enjoyed it so very much.

This time around, a double battle. The idea was that his Alolan Vulpix would serve as most of the damage dealing, while his Beldum distracted this opponents and became the center of attention. If he failed in his strategy, it wouldn't be the end of the world. Sam wasn't apathetic in all things-- but in the case of battle, he definitely wasn't about to pitch a fit if he lost.

Losing was the only way somebody could learn how to win. And being that he spent most of his time working, this tournament would teach him a great deal about how to win some battles.

And his Vulpix was raring to go. Beldum? Well, Sam could hardly tell what the metal contraption thought most of the time. But he seemed pleased to be crashing into things, at any rate.

Really he just hoped the damned thing would evolve soon...

Approaching the center, he overheard the referee going over the double battle rules. He turned toward his opponent and gave her a polite smile.

"Good luck." Sportsmanship? Maybe, but mostly, his mother raised him to have good manners. Male, female, young, old. Treat people like people and they'll likely treat you with the same respect. Most of the time.


♂ snow cloak / aurora veil, blizzard, disable, extrasensory, ice beam, grudge ⚬ clear body / take down
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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chloe vs. sam [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2021 16:52:48 GMT
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Her first battle of the tournament. She found this entire thing to be astounding, four years ago she watched people battle from a television screen and now she was in the same shoes of those she watched. It was strange, never did she imagine that she would partake.

A hand placed against her chest, closing her eyes she takes a deep breath; a moment to calm down tingling nerves. She nods as the referee goes over the rules: a simple double battle, that's all this was. "Thanks you too." Chloe smiles towards her opponent relieved since he seemed like a nice guy.

She tosses out two pokeball onto the field, a minun and plusle taking their positions on the arena. Eagerly waving towards Sams vulpix and beldum.

"I'll give you the first move"

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the ferryman
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chloe vs. sam [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2021 18:22:16 GMT
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People kept doing that, giving him first move. He thought perhaps people would make him at least flip a coin for it. But, apparently not. Instead of arguing her offer, he simply braced himself for the battle head. His usually stoic expression only changed slightly, and mostly in his eyes. It showed only one thing, determination.

"Extrasensory, take down!"

As the move names fell from his lips, the Alolan vulpix gave a small growl, fangs baring themselves as he concentrated. His eyes began to glow, focusing his extrasensory on the minun while the beldum dove with a take down toward the plusle.

If the extrasensory hit, hopefully it would cause the minun to flinch, and the vulpix could get in an attempt at a blizzard.


♂ snow cloak / aurora veil, blizzard, disable, extrasensory, ice beam, grudge ⚬ clear body / take down
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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chloe vs. sam [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2021 17:12:47 GMT
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Chloe observes Sam's two pokemon: beldum and alolan vulpix. Thankfully she didn't feel very threatened by either of them, but was worried that her minun and plusle would get tired if the battle is drawn out - their stamina lacked compared to her other pokemon. The extrasensory by the vulpix does land, and the flinch is successful rendering her plusle of attacking for one move.

"Minun, play nice!" minun claps it's hands together, preforming a cute dance in attempt to charm her opponents. Chloe's goal was to lower their attack, believing it would be the safest option.

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the ferryman
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chloe vs. sam [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2021 14:00:42 GMT
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As the attacks seemed to be successful on both ends, Sam furrowed his brows. It felt too easy. They were just using status moves, so far. Attack wouldn't affect his vulpix and the beldum wasn't meant to be anything more than a distraction to take most of the damage anyway. So far, it was looking to be in his favor?


"Keep at it beldum! Vulpix, ice beam while its distracted!"

The very same minun would be in danger of an ICE BEAM unless it pulled away or attempted to dodge, and while it was only a ten percent chance of inflicting a freeze, he could really use that ten percent chance. All the while, beldum just went in for another take-down on that every charming plusle, attack lowered or otherwise.


♂ snow cloak / aurora veil, blizzard, disable, extrasensory, ice beam, grudge ⚬ clear body / take down / attack -1
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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chloe vs. sam [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2021 11:41:36 GMT
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The minun is unprepared to dodge when the vulpix's icebeam comes shooting down at it. The attack is a direct hit, and her minun is sent flying a few feet away due to the impact. "wow, nice move" she comments to sam impressed with the speed of the attack.

However Chloe wasn't going to allow her pokemon to be attacked without doing anything about it, unfortunately her minun would be immobilized due to the attack freezing it for a few turns. For now it plusle would have to do the heavy lifting, "right plusle! use nuzzle!" Sparks generate from it's cheeks and the plusle rushes forward leaping onto Sam's vulpix to nuzzle it.

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the ferryman
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samuel carter
chloe vs. sam [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2021 19:42:26 GMT
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The fact that the minun was successfully frozen had Sam's shoulder's relaxing, but then that plusle went in for a nuzzle and of course, he was back to tensing.


Vuplix was going to give him an earful later.

"You're alright vulpix. Beldum!"

As that nuzzle was finished, and the vuplix was paralyzed, beldum came hurtling toward the plusle with yet another take down.


vulpix is paralyzed
beldum used take down on plusle


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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chloe vs. sam [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2021 22:05:32 GMT
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"Nice!" Chloe cheers as plusle succeeds in landing the nuzzle. The happiness doesn't last long, as the plsule cries out when the beldum slams it down with a take down. Chloe looks towards minun, tensing when she realizes that it was still frozen.

She struggles to think of what to do next, "Plusle, nasty plot!" Chloe's plusle still a little out of it due to the beldum's attack does manage to comply with her trainers order. Shaking its head to try and regain senses, plusle begins to brew up sinister thoughts, raising its special attack for future use.

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the ferryman
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samuel carter
chloe vs. sam [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2021 13:22:50 GMT
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That nasty plot was going to get the better of them all if they weren't careful. Plusless and minuns were just as dangerous as every other electric type. Small, but packing a very powerful punch.

"Careful! Beldum don't let up, vulpix try and get in a blizzard."

With minimal effort, beldum headed straight into the plusle for yet another TAKE DOWN, the recoil damage was beginning to get to the magnetic wonder, causing him to turn and twist with a metallic whine.

Vulpix muster all the energy she could to summon the energy for a BLIZZARD, trying to hit both of the mouse pokémon with one move.


vulpix is paralyzed
1-25 no attack
26-100 uses blizzard
beldum used take down on plusle


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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chloe vs. sam [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2021 9:03:59 GMT
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She feels a little comforted to see that Sam and his pokemon were getting more defensive after the use of nasty plot. "Nice" Chloe praises swiftly, tensing when hearing the command for blizzard. "use quick attack to dodge!"

The plusle's escape attempt ends in failure, cut off by the beldums impactful take down it couldn't get up in time to escape from the vulpix's blizzard, her minun also ending up caught inside the snow storm.

"Copy cat!" Chloe issues the order to her minun, the electric-type mimics the beldums take down. It's charge was pretty slow due to the blizzard but it still charged towards Sam's beldum with all of its effort.

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the ferryman
october fourteenth
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samuel carter
chloe vs. sam [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2021 0:39:54 GMT
samuel carter Avatar
While it's a repetitive process, Sam's prepared for the repetition so long as it pays off.

"Don't give up! Keep at it! Vulpix, hang in there!"

Sam encouraged his team while watching the way the two worked.

Vulpix tried yet again for another blizzard, all while attempting to work through the electricity that was coursing through his body at high voltages(paralyzed).

Beldum continued the assault on the small mice(take down), hopefully working one into unconsciousness before the recoil damage became too much.


vulpix is paralyzed
1-25 no attack
26-100 uses blizzard
beldum used take down on plusle


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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chloe vs. sam [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 21:31:59 GMT
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Chloe's hand presses against her chin. Sam's pokemon were inflicting some heavy damage, even though her pokemon were still standing it's clear that they won't be able to take any more of those hits. Eyes glance between the beldum when it lands another headbutt, causing her plusle to take heavy damage once again.

Her best bet was to take out the beldum, it also looked to be getting tired from using take down continuously. Plusle is hit once more with a blizzard, the small electric-type struggling badly to stand. Chloe predicted that the next move would take it out.

Now, Minun! Swift!" With the shout, Minun leaps up into the air blasting fourth a powerful ray towards Sam's beldum.

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played by


the ferryman
october fourteenth
lavender town, kanto
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samuel carter
chloe vs. sam [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2021 17:32:27 GMT
samuel carter Avatar
[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon vulpix-alola"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon beldum"]

That hit to the beldum was the last of its endurance. The small mechanical churning and the way it suddenly hit the ground was show enough that the beldum had fainted.

"Finish it, vulpix!"

Summoning yet another blizzard, the vulpix let the cold and harsh winds of winter rush toward the two small mouse pokémon. Even as the swift hit him, he continued to summon the attack. Or so he tried through his paralyzed state. His hope was to end the battle here, and now.
beldum has fainted
vulpix is paralyzed
1-25 no attack
26-100 uses blizzard
[newclass=.sambam] [/newclass][newclass=.sambam b] color: #d49736; [/newclass][newclass=.sambam i] color: #d49736; [/newclass][newclass=.sambam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: solid 1px #d49736; [/newclass][newclass=.sambam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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chloe vs. sam [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2021 19:26:08 GMT
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Chloe's face brightens with the success of taking down Sam's beldum. However the happiness is short lived, softly gasping when the mans vulpix conjures up another blizzard: what looked to be the most powerful one compared to all the others. "get away from it quickly!"

She orders both her plusle and minun, but both of them end up getting caught up in the storm. The brutal cold of the blizzard draining the remainder of their energy and both of them stumble onto the arena's floor, unconscious.

A whistle blown sharply into the air to signify the end.

Chloe sighs softly, it was frustrating but she accepted the loss. Pulling out their pokeball's "thanks for working so hard you two." She states softly, returning them. Looking at Sam afterwards with a small smile.

"Good battle"

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played by


the ferryman
october fourteenth
lavender town, kanto
team rocket
alone with all my illusions
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samuel carter
chloe vs. sam [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2021 16:43:14 GMT
samuel carter Avatar
While his beldum had fainted, his vulpix is remaining strong, and the victory. As a sort of show of his gratitude to his vulpix, he makes his way into the middle of the arena to give the vulpix a decent amount of pets, taking the paralyzed pokémon and distributing a paralyze heal to him.

Once healed, he returns the canine to his capsule for some much earned rest.

The words from his opponent have Sam smiling as he stands, walking over to her and holding out his hand. He'd won, but she'd made it a challenge.

"A very good battle. Best of luck on the rest of your battles today."

If she was even participating. Sam simply assumed she was. Who wasn't?
[newclass=.sambam] [/newclass][newclass=.sambam b] color: #d49736; [/newclass][newclass=.sambam i] color: #d49736; [/newclass][newclass=.sambam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: solid 1px #d49736; [/newclass][newclass=.sambam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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