kyle vs jacob [H✩T]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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kyle vs jacob [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2021 3:58:26 GMT
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kyle's not a person who watches sports, so he doesn't know who the fuck jacob adler is. all he knows is that he needs a battle or something, and kyle's there to please.

"one v one, right?" he asks as he moves to his end of the battlefield.

he sends out his marowak in his side of the field. if he wants more, he supposed he can just release another one on his side of the field since it's no big deal.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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kyle vs jacob [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2021 4:13:48 GMT
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"Yep" was all that he returned as the big beef cake lugged himself over to his spot. He came to Hoenn for adventure but honestly everything he experienced so far was so fucking boring. So like everyone else logically did they challenged the champion of the region to a battle.

Jacob tossed out a pokeball releasing his gibble named gibby who had a penchant for being loud and obnoxious. "You ready?" he asked as gible hopped up and down ready to get this battle going.
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kyle vs jacob [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2021 4:26:45 GMT
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the only thing he's going to be getting is the opposite of an adventure cause this fight is going to be as boring for jacob as it is fun for kyle.

"we can start of with will-o-wisp," he tells his marowak.

the marowak spins the bone as the ends of it lit up on fire. ghostly embers float around the pokemon before charging straight at the gible. burns were a hundred percent certain when this hits, which was phase one of the suffering for this gible.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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kyle vs jacob [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2021 5:13:37 GMT
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"Dodge!" jacob ordered but gible was too entranced by the pretty ghost lights to move out of the way and suffered some burns on it's body. "Fuck" he muttered under his breath as now gible who was usually close combat oriented might not be able to hit as hard because of it.

Jacob gritted his teeth, the cigarette in his mouth just barely avoiding the guillotine of enamel as he barked his next orders at gible "Gible, dragon rush marowak!" he shouts as gible immediately barrels towards his opponent as his body is coated in a blue energy.
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kyle vs jacob [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2021 5:54:26 GMT
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the way he said 'dodge' like his pokemon wasn't instinctively going to do it affected kyle emotionally and mentally.

"fire spin."

when the gible runs towards the marowak, it uses its bone club it try and deflect the ball of dragon, only to be deflected a few steps back. he's thrown to the ground, standing up in time to get the move off before the gible can follow up.

an inferno of flames surround the gible, circling it in a vortex that continues to swirl around it.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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kyle vs jacob [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2021 6:04:24 GMT
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More fire was surrounding gible and causing damage to it, the walls of flame circled it endlessly it seemed. Going up wasn't an option so jacob went in the only other option gible had. "Dig" he orders as gible began to kick dirt around in the circle of flames and vanished beneath the dirt.

Where was he gonna strike? Of course the only angle from which gible could attack from. Gible rushed up from underneath marowak and tried to bite at the pokemon's foot with it's oversized mouth.
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kyle vs jacob [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2021 6:16:33 GMT
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the marowak would have continued its onslaught of fire spin, but the moment it goes underground, the marowak stops as well. the flames weren't surrounding anything at all, and kyle can see the mild annoyance building up on his pokemon.

"stomping tantrum."

when the gible comes up from the ground and grabs the marowak's foot, he sees the fire-type wince from the move from the ground. it only powers up the pent up aggression at the pokemon that he channels in his next move.

the marowak stomps his feet on the ground with great intensity. the earth shakes around them as the marowak continues to step on the gible. it was only a coincidence since it's the trigger for activating the move, but the marowak seemed to be putting it all on it.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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kyle vs jacob [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2021 5:04:13 GMT
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The stomping tantrum was rather effective due to where Gible was positioned and got a really good angle to just stomp him right in the face sending Gible right back into the hole it had made.

"Alright gible fire another dragon rush from below!" he orders but gible was too childish and went for it's own game plan instead. Gible dashed back out of the hole like a moron and used take-down instead not realizing the marowak was a ghost type and just phased right through the pokemon instead and crashed into the ground hurting itself. Jacob pinched the bridge of his nose and instead started to yell at gible "You fucking idiot! Don't just make your own decisions!"

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kyle vs jacob [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2021 19:20:13 GMT
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to see someone struggle in the same way as he does with his mightyena somehow gives him joy. there's a saying that goes something like 'misery loves company'. "i feel for you, dude," just seems to be the appropriate response.

as the gible phases through the marowak, the ghost-type readies its weapon as it anticipates the next command coming in soon. its stance shifts as it attempts to get the tantrum out of its system.

"shadow bone."

the marowak rushes for the gible, his bone club dragging across the sand. grains were sprayed when it swings it at the gible, hitting the small, round dragon-type upwards.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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kyle vs jacob [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2021 9:23:12 GMT
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The gible started to look more like a baseball with the different ways that Marowak was just beating the absolute shit out of it. He flew up into the air with the swing from shadow bone and landed squarely on it's face. Jacob winced from watching it happen live but gible seemed unbothered by this.

It had a serious penchant for taking hits, so it had that going for it so far but he could see the signs of gible beginning to get tired. "Gibby, focus." he orders as gible heard him out, that only really happened once in a blue moon. "Sandstorm gibby!" he orders as gibby gathered a ball of sand in it's hand and then lobbed it high into the air as it dissipated before a sandstorm whips up and fills the battle area.
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kyle vs jacob [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2021 18:17:02 GMT
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"let's try a fire spin again."

sand got all over them. kyle has to rub his eyes a bit to see what was happening, though his marowak doesn't seem to get phased by it despite the weather clearly effecting him. maybe it has something to do with his childhood as a ground-type, he doesn't know.

waving his bone like a staff, he conjures flames to go wrap around the gible again, making the space around him like his own personal bubble where he experienced a fire-type sandstorm or something.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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kyle vs jacob [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2021 2:40:44 GMT
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The fire spin looked like it hit gible, but where marowak thought he saw a gible it was just a mirage thanks to sand veil hiding it's body. Thank god, a breather. "Gible, Dragon rush him." he orders as gible had snuck up behind marowak and slammed into the fire ghost with it's body covered in draconic energy.

He however knew where exactly this battle was heading, and the outcome was not one he was ok with. "Gible, losing is not an option." he reminds his pokemon.
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dog boy
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kyle vs jacob [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2021 3:00:09 GMT
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the retaliation comes quick as the pokemon barrels its entire body at the marowak. for the first time, the marowak gets swept from its feet, unable to react fast enough to protect itself.

"one more time."

the marowak attempts to stand back to its feet, using the bone as support. it only takes one foot to be flat on the ground before the marowak makes its move.

smacking its shadow bone at the gible, it makes sure to swing it in a large enough arc to make sure that his weapon actually hit something solid.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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kyle vs jacob [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2021 3:51:09 GMT
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he finally managed to get a good hit in on the marowak but it seemed like it was very short lived as marowak quickly counter attacked against Gibby. The smack sent Gible flying outside of the sandstorm and he rolled a bit, his stubby little arms trying to lift himself up but they were shakey. Finally it gave way and gible passed out onto the floor as the sandstorm finally subsided a bit and the referee blew his whistle and called the battle in Kyle's favor.

jacob sucked on his teeth in annoyance "Come back gibby." he says as he recalls the pokemon into it's pokeball. It was obvious that the pokemon not being disciplined enough was the reason for this battle flopping. "Congratulations Mr. Champion, good luck with the rest of your battles." he tells him as he walked off, thinking about how every word he wrote was disingenuous.
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dog boy
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kyle vs jacob [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2021 7:07:22 GMT
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"good luck too," he says as he tries to catch him before he turned.

kyle waves goodbye when he sees jacob leave him. there's nothing else to be said since it was pretty obvious that there's no need to chase after his opponent.

he recalls the marowak back to its ball, shrugs, and then takes out his phone to catch the next battle. he'd make a trip to the pokemon center, but it would be awkward to walk to the same direction as the person that left when they already said their goodbyes.


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