Oscar vs. Skyler (H✩T)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Oscar vs. Skyler (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2021 1:12:50 GMT
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"Alright you mother FUCKER! I'm gonna rip you a new one and fill it with my FIST!

Oscar made a small fist pumping motion, chuckling as he brushed his hands together and rested them on his hips. "What, too much?"

Oscar shrugged as he stared down his best friend outside of Rocket, Captain Skyler herself. He and the captain had only fought once, and that was each other after a drunken debate over which kind of apple tastes the best. This being a pokemon battle, a highly regulated one at that, this brawl should be much tamer by comparison.

Oscar lifted his belt slightly, exposing the pokeballs that lined it. "How many are we fighting here? One on one or do we want this to get nuts?"

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Oscar vs. Skyler (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2021 17:37:53 GMT
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A look of utter befuddlement spreads across Captain Dross's face as she processes her best bud and awesome drinking partner Oscar's words. On instinct, her eyes slide down to peer at her clearly defined biceps and then, looking increasingly confused, at Oscar's own lean arms.

She bets, Skyler can't help but think then, that she probably can throw him over her shoulder like a sack of Pokebeans without too much trouble.

Then Oscar reveals his belt and the pokeballs attached to it and suddenly everything becomes startingly clear. "Oh shit, right. A pokemon battle. For a minute there I thought you wanted to fight me." She uses a finger to gesture to the two of them, lips curling into a smirk, teasing. 

The expression soons disappears into a thoughtful frown, however. "Wait, I have an idea."

Famous last words for these two.

Captain Dross's sea legs kick into action as the ocean churns mildly under the platform she's on. Salt water licks at her heels, as well as the three pokemon ahead of her. Each on their own platform.

"Whadya think?!" She shouts, trying to be heard over the waves. "Genius, right?!"

rotation battle battleship style!

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Oscar vs. Skyler (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2021 17:59:27 GMT
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Oscar stood clumsily upon his own raft, trying desperately to maintain his balance. This had been a very confusing turn of events, he wanted to just roll with Skyler's idea but now that he was experiencing it he would begin to have second thoughts. Oscar attempted to communicate while trying not to fall into the ocean.

"I just--how did you set this up? Where did you get these rafts? How did we get out here? I'm confused and kinda concerned."

Oscar's team didn't have nearly as much trouble. Each had their own raft and seemed ready to duke it out for oceanic supremacy. On the docket today we have Corporal the Octillery, Jabba the Swampert, and Slidr the Kingdra. Corporal was up front, and as the first in line to move he was set to kick some ass and sink some ships.

"Um--I'm having trouble here. Y-you go first I'll be ready in a sec."

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Oscar vs. Skyler (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2021 21:09:29 GMT
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Unlike Oscar, Skyler doesn't seem to have any problem whatsoever with the current situation. Even with the metal flask strapped to her leg making several rounds to her lips, whatever alcoholic substance is in it doesn't seem to be having effect on the sailor's overall balance.

"Don't worry about it, it's perfectly safe!" It really, really, really is not. Not even close. But Skyler waves the notion away, as if the makeshift rafts under them didn't look as if they would tear apart at any given second now. She just hopes the local lifeguards don't go look for their extra buoys anytime soon...

"Here, catch! It'll help!" The metal container catches the glare of the sun as it is hurtled through the air in Oscar's general direction. At the same time, Skyler (seizing her opponent's distraction) turns to Cloyster. 

"Icicle Spear!" 

The next oceanic breeze to mess with Skyler's golden curls is several degrees colder. Shards of ice materialize around the Cloyster before being hurtled forward to hit one of the rafters.

Time to sink some ships.

skyler distracted oscar with ALCOHOL (and possibly a concussion who knows)
cloyster used ICICLE SPEAR
rotation battle battleship style!

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Oscar vs. Skyler (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2021 23:54:22 GMT
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Skyler flung something Oscar's way, claiming that it would help. As the beast attempted to catch it however, he found himself nearly falling off the raft. The flask ended up slipping through his fingers, falling precariously into the ocean. He would have down the same if he didn't hurriedly bend down to reclaim a semblance of balance. Oscar scowled as he looked up, "You did that on-oh shit!"

The first attack was flung! Oscar quickly wobbled to a standing position as he tried to react, "Uh uh uh uh Rock Blast!." Corporal nodded as he began firing rocks from his circular snout into the oncoming icicles. Where did he get the rocks? Not sure, could be kidney stones. Those count right?

His sharpshooting proved very effective, and before long he was confident that he had hit every single projectile. Except--he started to tilt to the right. Corporal looked to his side and found that an icicle had slipped past and lodged itself into his raft, which was now sinking. Corporal looked up just in time to catch a glimpse of his smug assailant before sinking into the ocean. 

Oscar slammed his palm into his face, withdrawing corporal as a string of swears marched from his lips. "I can't believe you sunk my raft--I mean battleship. Um, how do we rotate?"

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Oscar vs. Skyler (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2021 13:10:28 GMT
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With a growing look of horror on her face, Captain Skyler Dross watches as her beloved flask sinks into the depths with a depressed 'blop' that seals its fate. In the end the distraction had worked perfectly, but - at what cost?

It does look as if Skyler is about to dive into the ocean to chase after her possession, but then Oscar's exclamation catches her attention.

So she dies a little on the inside instead.

The taste of victory is bittersweet when the first raft ship is sunk - and just like that, she's winning. However, not all of Corporal's kidney stones had hit water. A littany of curse words joins Oscar's when she looks down to see that her own raft is taking water. Not with the same speed as Corporal's, but - enough to have the sailor furrow her brows in concern.

"With this!" Following the exclamation, Skyler picks up what appears to be an oar. Oscar would find one on his raft. "I stol- borrowed these from several nearby fishing boats. Not like they'll need them for now, right? As for the pokemon, I have an idea."

As if on cue Cloyster uses Whirlpool to shift the currents between the two opposing teams. Rafts start being dragged into the center in ever tightening circles.

Skyler grins brilliantly, doing her best to keep her own raft from being consumed into the watery maelstrom picking up speed. 

"I'm a genius," she confidently proclaims.

WHIRLPOOL is now in effect, rotating the pokemon's rafters!

rotation battle battleship style!

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Oscar vs. Skyler (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2021 19:12:48 GMT
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Oscar looked to his side, and was quite surprised to indeed find an oar. "Well I'll be damned." He said flatly as he picked it up, using the rowing tool to keep himself balanced. However this still raised the question of how they were to rotate their pokemon efficiently, seeing as Oscar could not reach them even with the oar. Luckily Skyler had a solution.

A whirlpool was stirred, and soon both sides were rotating--constantly. Oscar held up his forehead with his hand, watching in disbelief at the chaos. "Well--I suppose this kinda counts as a rotation battle. I mean, they are rotating." Oscar decided not to question anything further, if he still wanted to win this he needed to start making some moves.

Oscar snapped his fingers, "Jabba, Mud Shot!" Jabba waited to be brought to the front before lifting his head and firing a geyser of mud toward Skyler and her pokemon. He would aim at a specific target but with the constant rotating he kinda just had to hope the attack hit something.

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Oscar vs. Skyler (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2021 17:16:49 GMT
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It so happens that the closest pokemon to Jabba's Mudshot is none other than Slowking. The Whirlpool's churning brings the psychic type close enough to be hit by the flying handful of mud, the speed of which is enough to knock Slowking's balance askew. After a few seconds of uncertain wobbling, the pokemon loses its battle against gravity and topples over into the water.

Deprived of the weight keeping it somewhat in one piece, the raft breaks to pieces and is quickly swallowed by the Whirlpool's hungry currents.

"Well, shit."

Their armadas are equal in strength - again. Skyler watches Slowking paddle away from the battle taking place, slumping against the beach with a huff and promptly falling asleep. 

Her own raft is slowly losing the battle against the whirlpool's rapids. Blinking in honest surprise, she increases her efforts to keep away from the swirling vortex, her arm muscles burning as she uses the oar to attempt to paddle away. 

"Melusine! Moonblast!" 

Despite the scorching hot sun that hangs in the sky, the Primarine aims a beam of silvery light at one of 's pokemon. 

WHIRLPOOL is now in effect, rotating the pokemon's rafters!

rotation battle battleship style!

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Oscar vs. Skyler (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2021 23:53:18 GMT
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The whirlpool brought Jabba around just in time for the fake moon to be created. He was feeling rather smug about his victory, so when he looked up and saw said moon he would be unprepared for the blast that quickly followed. Yet Jabba was able to think quickly, setting up a Protect shield around himself to avoid any harm. Too bad he couldn't do the same for his raft.

The raft blew apart, sending the shielded swampert hurtling into the water. Quite humorously, the shield would cause him to float--allowing everyone to see his look of displeasure. Oscar sighed, withdrawing him while struggling to hold onto the oar. This was probably for the best, soon this fight could be over and they could get back to solid land.

Slidr was the only remaining on Oscar's side of the field, and he was--conflicted. He didn't understand why falling into the water meant his allies were unable to battle, they seemed more than capable despite the loss of their raft. He did not like these rules, they did not display his skillset well enough. Nevertheless he played along, waiting to be brought to the front before Sniping a well aimed Dragon Pulse toward his opposite on his opponent's side.

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Oscar vs. Skyler (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 19, 2021 19:22:59 GMT
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In the end it is all down to luck rather than skill. That, and the fact most of the platforms are already on the verge of being dismantled.

Regardless, Captain Dross crows out in victory, her sea legs working hard to keep her standing atop her own platform, which is in fact dangerously close to being sucked in by the vortex of water between her and Oscar. Under her feet, the rafter groans out in protest, starting to come undone little by little.

Melusine can do nothing against the pulse of energy that hits her rafter in a dramatic explotion that blows it to smithereens and launches the pokemon back to where Skyler is. Before the captain can think to ask about the water type's health, the Primarina huffs, nose up in the air like a diva as she swims back to where Slowking is. Clearly a sore loser.

When Captain Dross turns back to Oscar, her mouth is curled into an evil, triumphant smile. "Cloyster, Hydro Pump."

A powerful torrent of water heads for the last of Oscar's pokemon in an attempt to hit the ramshackle construction under it and assure victory.

WHIRLPOOL is now in effect, rotating the pokemon's rafters!
rotation battle battleship style!

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Oscar vs. Skyler (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2021 17:37:51 GMT
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The Hydro Pump hit right on the mark, destroying Slidr's raft and sending him into the ocean. Oscar let out a cry of remorse, nearly destroying his own raft as he fell to his knees. "God-damn battleship! Fuckin' shoulda done a sky battle." Oscar shrugged, shakily getting back to his feet using his oar as support.

"Aw well, good fight Skyler. Let's get back to the beach and grab a few dri--"

A Dragon Pulse burst out of the waves, demolishing Cloyster's raft. Oscar lurched forward in surprise, "What the hell was that?" The cloyster would be the first to know when it falls into the ocean, coming face to face with an extraordinarily pissed off Slidr. He didn't give a shit about what rules the trainers were using, he refused to let the battle end until either him or his opponent stopped moving.

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Oscar vs. Skyler (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2021 18:26:48 GMT
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While Oscar cries out in anguish, Skyler crows her victory. The platform beneath her groans in distress, parts of it starting to come undone from the central structure and floating away in ocean currents. Nothing plastic of course, Skyler would never condone that.

Her celebration is, however, interrupted when a Dragon Pulse hits Cloyster's already halfway destroyed platform, ripping it to shreds and sending the water-type falling into the ocean. "What the hell...?" Skyler peers down at where two pokemon figures appear to be locked in combat. 

"I think your Kingdra might have anger management issues, Oscar."

Under the undulating ocean waves, Cloyster is hella confused about what's going on. Its perpetually angry face momentarily turns into one of confusion at the angry red glare sent its way.

Then it shrugs. Or would have shrugged if it were capable of that. The sentiment is there regardless, reflected in the almost blasé way it sends an ICICLE SPEAR in the dragon's direction.

WHIRLPOOL is gone now!
Cloyster is very confused, but also doesn't really care and used ICICLE SPEAR.
rotation battle battleship style!

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Oscar vs. Skyler (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2021 22:08:45 GMT
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The nonchalance in the cloyster's attack sent Slidr into a frenzy. It dared to mock him? To dismiss him so easily? The audacity was simply infuriating! Slidr whipped his tail, sanding a small whirlpool toward the incoming projectiles.

The whirlpool began to grow, slowly becoming a rather large underwater Twister. The Twister ate the spears, crushing them within its twisting core. Slidr charged around the twister, intending to attack the cloyster and send it toward the same fate.

However, he greatly underestimated the power of the twister's suction. His tail was pulled within, and after a brief struggle he too was pulled into the twister. Slidr was spun around and around, crushed ice slashing against him as he was scrambled like an egg. Eventually he was spun upward, shooting out of the water like a majestic dolphin.

Oscar watched as his defiant pokemon came hurdling toward him, realizing quickly that if he didn't do something he would be hit directly. Oscar hastily grabbed Slidr's pokeball, withdrawing him just as he would have hit. Oscar sighed with relief, quite glad that he didn't have to be forced into a cold swim. It was then that his raft decided to give way, falling apart and sending Oscar straight into the water.

He clamored for a piece of the raft's corpse, clinging to it like a wet cat. He shivered, his teeth clicking together as he spoke to Skyler. 

"I'm r-r-ready to go b-b-b-back now."

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Oscar vs. Skyler (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2021 11:03:42 GMT
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For a sliver of a second, a look of concern crosses the Cloyster's pearl-like face. Ice is crushed into tiny shards and sent spiraling into the ever growing vortex, which never bodes well for a pokemon who's partly Ice type. SHELL SMASHing in preparation for the inevitable attack that would follow, it blinks in astonishment (and amusement) when the infuriated Kingdra is caught in its own attack, sucked into the Twister and spat out - out of view.

... Well, that was fast.

Back on the surface, Skyler witnesses a Kingdra being hurtled into the air, disappearing into a pokeball just before its collision course with 's "ship" would sink it. In the end, however, the hastily built raft unravels to little pieces beneath Oscar's feet. Skyler winces slightly at the splash, using her oar to navigate over to where her friend is bobbing along the surface.

"Need a lift?" Grinning down at her friend, a hand would reach out to pull Oscar out of the water and onto her own platform. "Think I owe you a couple of drinks at the very least." It was never a couple of drinks with the two of them.

Fortunately, they aren't all that far from shore. Unfortunately, a group of lifeguards seems to have noticed some of their equipment missing. They gather at the water's edge, and though most of their words are lost on Skyler, the accusatory tones are enough to tell her that they'd have to make a run for it.

As soon as possible.

"Shit! Okay, Oscar - hold on tightly." Recalling her pokemon, Captain Dross sends out her Gyarados and pulls Oscar along with her as she straddles the sea serpent's head, right behind its crest. The sound of pokemon being released into the water behind them only adds to her urgency.

"We're goin' fast."

Giving their pursuers middle-finger, Skyler commands the Gyarados to get them the hell away from there.

CLOYSTER is very confused, but pleased
rotation battle battleship style!

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Oscar vs. Skyler (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 2:46:53 GMT
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Oscar smiled warmly as he accepted Skyler's assistance. As he pulled himself onto her raft, he half expected the poor thing to buckle under their weight. Luckily it held, which briefly gave Oscar the impression that she made her raft more sturdy on purpose. Pfft, what a legend.

As they made their way to shore, Oscar was looking forward to some drinks. "And a towel." He added, pushing his drenched hair out of his eyes. Their post-game party would have to be put on a brief hold however, as the beach's lifeguards seemed eager to get their hands on the two troublemakers. Oscar groaned, "Give a fucker a whistle and they think they own the damn beach!"

Oscar was ready for another brawl, but he wouldn't get the chance. Skyler pulled him onto her gyarados and they would soon be making their getaway. As Skyler gave her gesture, Oscar would do the same. It was the least those assholes deserved for ruining their good time. The nerve.

Oscar hung on for dear life as they rocketed across the ocean. He chuckled nervously, "The speed I can handle, but if it starts flying I might throw up."

He needed to get his hands on one of these.

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