memoria [research]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jan 11, 2019 17:29:09 GMT
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cue the semi-ptsd! But no, serious notes are below.

He knew that the last time he’d been here he was almost eaten alive by that gigantic Christmas Tree that his boyfriend now had with him, but… for reasons he could only keep to himself, he had to make the journey alone.

Well, not really, but he wanted to know just how much there was about this little one that he had with him. So he figured, why not go back to the very same place where he’d found the egg and see if there was like some kind of a chain of clues lying around that they’d missed while in the rush to get out of the place?

Shame I couldn’t contact Agent Striker, he thought idly to himself as he walked through the cave, the little Water-type out of her Pokéball and cradled in his left arm (as if there was anywhere else he could let the Phione ride, as his right arm was still out of commission), making all manner of weird, cooing noises.

“Hm? What is it?” he asked the Phione, looking down at the Water-type. Little thumbless limbs flailing at the direction of where he’d gone down the last time, he hoped that there was another route toward the beautiful underwater cave that they’d found previously—as there were some Boomburst-related shenanigans that had happened when they’d last passed through the area.

“Are you excited?” he continued quietly, and heard a positively trilling noise coming from the Phione, who let out another happy cry as the little tail-appendage-like…thing wound itself more around his left arm, afraid of being tossed out. “I… I’m quite nervous. What if I meet another one of that gigantic Abomasnow? I hope not… he mused as he picked his way through the area, accompanied by his Riolu, Vincent.

The little Fighting-type served as lookout while they traversed through an alternate route through the deeper reaches of Shoal Cave, and he hoped that he’d be able to find the little place where he’d encountered the little squishy egg.

Would there be answers, or even more questions waiting for him when he got there?

So, crux of it all: he’s here to see if there’s anything more he can find out about his little Phione, the facehugger of a Water-type that he’s got in his care.

First destination is the very same cave that he and ‘Agent Striker’ had found, where the egg had originally been ‘left’ alone without a ‘parent’ to take care of it.

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POSTED ON Feb 19, 2019 4:47:35 GMT
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[attr="class","ipad"]THE RETURN[break][break]
phione will always return to the place they are born... for this little one, the fable rings somewhat true. although they were hatched outside shoal cave, a connection must still exist between it and the place it was found. as alexei returns to the cold cave, the memories flood back. however, his riolu scout detects nothing as they venture deeper— only the ominous dripping of cavern water and lurching of shifting ice breach their ears in echoed wails.[break][break]

after much navigating, they finally return to the place they found phione. ahead, the ground disappears into a cavern coast. cold cave waters stretch deep into the darkness. the blue creature chirps with excitement, hopping out happily to circle the place it was left as an egg. as it cries happily, everything seems benign. nothing spectacular happens. nothing out of the ordinary.[break][break]

but it's false security speaking silence. something from deep within the cave replies. the cry is not necessarily threatening in sound. instead, it's in pain or scared. it's muffled, indicating that it's coming from deep within the cavern waters. the phione seems gravely concerned.[break][break]

what will do?


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POSTED ON Mar 11, 2019 15:09:18 GMT
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that was bombastic. kek

He was half-expecting something to come leaping out of the shadows—but Vincent hadn’t picked up on anything, and a soft yipping noise from the Riolu a few moments later alerted him that… there was nothing out of the ordinary in the area.

Thank the hell I brought Vince along… he thought as he then let out a yelping, gurgled noise of shock as the Phione then floated out of his hold and circled around the spot where she’d been originally found as a watery, squishy egg that he’d somewhat…unceremoniously taken away from here a few weeks ago.

“Zelle, p—please get back here,” he called to the Water-type as he watched her twirl and spin around the pedestal…and waited for something to happen.

For some weird reason, though, absolutely nothing happened.

“Wait, that’s… that’s it?” he said from out of nowhere, listening and watching as the Phione continued to spiral around the little place where she’d been left as an egg… that was, until he thought he heard something coming from much deeper in the cave.

Shaking his head, he then stuck his finger into his ear, wondering if he’d just heard it or not—but the Riolu and the Phione turned to face him as both Pokémon had picked up on the noise coming from the depths that stretched out…beyond where he’d taken the egg. He then watched as Zelle sailed over, trying to call his attention and pointing further out.

“What, you want… you want to go there?” he asked the Water-type, who kept on pointing into the inky blackness that stretched just beyond the horizon of the cave. “But… are you sure…” he continued, before the Riolu let out another yipping noise, before tugging at the leg of his jeans and trying to make him move towards the water’s edge.

“Vince? You too?” he said, a hint of exasperation in his voice as the small Riolu tried to push him towards the edge, before the Phione circled around him again and continued to point further out.

“Alright… alright, give me a moment,” he said, outnumbered pretty much two to one as he backed away and popped a Dive Ball to full size and tossed it forward, watching as his Lapras, Marius, hit the shallow water with a splashing noise.

The same shoving came from the Riolu, and he bent down to pick up the Fighting-type—only to wince a bit at the weight he was now holding. Helping the Riolu get on the Lapras’ back, he then scrambled on soon after—before the little Water-type sailed up and landed on Marius’ head, insistently pointing at the deeper end of the cave.

“Uhh… yeah, Marius, you heard her right… can you… please go out there? To where she’s pointing?

Wondering if his owner was bonkers, the Lapras then heard the Phione’s little sniffling cry, before being… wow, did the Phione just assert dominance by slapping its head appendage on the Lapras’ forehead?!

“Whoa, uh, Zelle, take it easy…” he said, trying to calm the Phione down as the Lapras then moved forward with a lurching gesture, the Riolu yipping as he hung on tight to the Lapras’ back as the odd traveling party now sailed out across the water.

Looking down at one side, Alexei noticed that the shallow light-blue color was giving way to something darker… he was right to navigate out with the Lapras, there was no way he’d be able to wade out this far!

- both Phione and Riolu urge him to go forward
- p much outnumbered, Alexei agrees and sends his Lapras out in the shallows of the 'beach'
- helps Riolu up and gets on the Lapras' back, while Phione sails around and lands on Lapras' head, before urging the dual-type to go forward
- and off they go into the deep darkness

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POSTED ON Jul 19, 2019 6:49:45 GMT
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[attr="class","ipad"]SPLASH MOUNTAIN[break][break]
as the party traverses deeper, the phione grows more concerned. the pokemon whimpers, tears up almost, as if inspired to tears by a movie's melancholy. at this distance, the crying drowns out all other sounds; it is clear that it is not just one being that is crying. it is many. the echoing makes it difficult to decipher how many are wailing this deep within the cave.[break][break]


the crying is loud enough that alexei and the party do not realize they are immediately before a dangerously steep waterfall. large stalactites threaten them above as the water surges downward into the cavern's dark watery belly.[break][break]


what will do?


roll two times along with an action to determine your success with overcoming the obstacle of the waterfall/stalactites![break][break]

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POSTED ON Jul 24, 2019 10:33:19 GMT
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The deeper they go, the more…concerned the Phione becomes.

Alexei can only guess what’s bothering the squishy little Water-type, but at some point, the passengers on the Lapras’ back begin to look up, look around—where the hell are the loud crying noises coming from?

And for that matter, why is it driving Zelle to cry along with them? Looking down at his Riolu, he points ahead, wondering—what’s causing it? “Vince, do you have an idea what’s causing this?” he asks the little Fighting-type, to which the Riolu shakes his head.

At the same time they go deeper into the cave, the crying, sniffling—it gets louder. Louder, louder, so much so it causes the Riolu, as well as the Lapras, to whine in discomfort. The Fighting-type covers his ears with his paws, while the Lapras shifts around uncomfortably, trying to keep on-track as he follows the current, sailing deeper into the cave.

It isn’t until even Alexei shoves his own fingers into his ears (as the crying noises grew to be too much) does he realize that the sounds are drowning out the even-louder rush of water. Marius panics, the violent undercurrent drawing him closer to where the cave—the cave?!—suddenly drops off into a sheer face.

The crying noises are reaching an unearthly-like quality, the wailing setting off the Phione as she reacts to it—but for the Lapras, Riolu, and their human companion, the undercurrent gets much stronger.

“Marius? What’s wrong?” he shouts over the din, as he suddenly feels the Lapras lurching underneath him, trying to fight off the strong undercurrent that’s intent on dragging them down to their doom. “What?!” he continues as the cries of the Lapras go mostly unnoticed, but the violent lurching of the water and the fight that the dual-type is putting up in resisting the waves catches his attention.

He then spots the crashing foam, before noticing the ceiling has huge stalactites hanging off them—how far up were they, would he be able to risk another crazy maneuver? The more the Lapras tries to fight off the waves, the harder it becomes to stay on the back of the dual-type, and they’re swept along—until he remembers something at those last few seconds.


“Gabe! Kyouya!” he shouts as he reaches into his sling and flings out two more Pokéballs, watching as a Salamence and a Braviary burst out from the red beams of light. “Gabe! Get Vince!” he shouts, and with much difficulty, he lifts up the protesting Riolu and literally shoves him on the Salamence’s back. At the same time, the Braiary lets out a loud shriek when he spots the drop, before veering in as close as he can towards Alexei.

“WHOA!” he yells as he tries to make a jump onto the Braviary’s back, attempting to recall the Lapras before they hit the sheer drop. The Phione is also sent airborne at the moment the red beam of light swallows up the dual-type, before he tries to make a desperate grab for the Phione with his left hand as well.

Are they going to make it?!

- the wailing gets louder
- it gets to the point all other passengers have to cover their ears because it's so freaking LOUD
- Lapras notices the undercurrent and tries to fight it off be swimming backwards away from the sheer face
- holy shit we're all FUCKED
- split-second of panic, out comes Salamence and Braviary
- tries to shove Riolu on the Salamence's back
- Alexei attempts to get onto the Braviary's back, recalling the Lapras and making a grab for the Phione as they careen dangerously close to the sheer fucking drop
- cue ominous music

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]·
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POSTED ON Oct 12, 2019 3:57:05 GMT
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alexei's research thread


[attr="class","ihead"]PLUNGING INTO THE DARK
despite alexei's valiant efforts, the gym leader faces catastrophe. within the murky darkness of their plummet, his lapras is successfully recalled. his flying pokemon are summoned, but within the dark, it is difficult to discern any direction.[break][break]


the rough roar of the rushing water and the chorus of cries from below disorients everyone. although riolu is able to cling onto salamence's sturdy back, the braviary, phione and alexei, himself, find themselves hitting the still, cold water.[break][break]

the water rushes up the nostrils. burns the lungs cold. as alexei resurfaces, he spots many eyes in the darkness. they blink, wide-eyed, swaying left and right. TAIL GLOWS illuminate a limited space in this pit. before alexei, a group of around five to six phione cry and huddle together on an elevated plateau of rock.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]A REFILL

alexei's phione seems to recognize the fledglings' scent... but before recognition settles in the watery conscience, the group of phione begin to wail. the deep water begins to surge away, funneling into a current that threatens to consume anything caught in the water.[break][break]


it almost sounds like a vacuum, whatever it is that is drawing the water back. it's violent. strong. alexei and his submerged pokemon feel as if their limbs may be torn out of their joints before they get sucked away.[break][break]

what will you do?[break][break][break]


roll one time along with your post.[break][break]

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POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 17:59:49 GMT
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what manner of unholy death...

At least half the party had managed to make it out of disaster. The Salamence let out a roar of alarm, which made the Riolu wince as he covered his ears with his paws.

The rest of the travelling party had disappeared underneath the roaring water, and the Salamence could only do so much but to fly up above the treacherous waves, even if the Riolu on his back was literally screaming all manner of anger at him to try and pull out the other two? Three? That had fallen into the swirling water beneath.

The impact, on the other hand, jars Alexei as he hits the water hard, sending shockwaves of pain through him. The panic begins to set in as he tries to swim toward the surface, literally shoving the Phione, who looks so at home underwater, up toward the surface. He can only hold his breath for so long, before he realizes who else had fallen along with him—Kyouya!

Letting out a watery scream, he tries to recall the Braviary, before suddenly realizing he needed to breathe, get the water out of his lungs—fumbling around for one of the Pokéballs in his sling, he attempts to recall the other before he too, drowns, before making a break for the surface.

The moment the Phione breaks through the water, the Riolu begins to scream at it, pointing at the gathering of others like her—would the Water-type listen to the angry screaming of a Riolu? To the outrageous cries of a Salamence, as he tries to vainly scoop Alexei as he tries to break through the water, before the current swirls around and tries to sweep them away!


- welp that's half the party underwater
- Riolu practically screaming at the Salamence to try and get the rest of their party out of the water
- meanwhile underwater Alexei tries to recall his Braviary
- if that succeeds, he tries to go for the surface
- practically shoves the Phione up and through the surface
- Riolu now screaming at the Phione to calm the other little things DOWN
- here comes the current
- cue even more ominous music

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POSTED ON Oct 27, 2019 21:44:33 GMT
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alexei's research thread


[attr="class","ihead"]PIPE UP
as the current draws alexei deep, he manages just barely to withdraw his braviary, kyouya, into the safety of their ball. the water here shows no remorse or mercy to its passengers. an icy indifference.[break][break]


briefly, alexei's head breaches the surface. he gasps for breath, his salamence diving to scoop his trainer to safety; however, the water pulls the gym leader back into its violent pull.[break][break]

the phione attempts to calm the others down, but to little avail. their reunion is hampered by the drama of the water. [break][break]

bubbles batter his face as the cries of phione and his riolu are muffled. alexei finds himself being sucked towards the end of this chamber. within the stream, he sees a red pipe drawing in gallons. the pipe is connected to something, and that something stands on another plateau of rock. it's hard to discern aside from its sturdy shape. [break][break]


for a moment, as alexei breaches the surface again for the sharpest of breaths, he believes he can see its body, its frame. but he has no idea what this pokemon is. if it is a pokemon, even.[break][break]

alexei is about to be sucked into the pipe.[break][break]

what will you do?


roll one time along with your post.[break][break]

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POSTED ON Oct 28, 2019 16:33:08 GMT
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He hungered for air in that moment, coughing as he began to spew out the water he’d nearly swallowed as he managed to recall the passed-out Braviary back into the safety of his containment unit. The Salemence lets out a shriek and dips down, trying to grab him, but the current’s too strong and he gets sucked under again.

At the sight of this, the Riolu lets out another distressed shriek at the Salamence, urging the other to try and grab their human companion again when he resurfaces. Meanwhile, the Phione tries to wail back, a desperate attempt to restore order, but the way the water’s behaving is too strong—the sound drowns out the crying noise.

The Riolu, for lack of a better thing to do, yips as loudly as he can, urging the Salamence downward close enough to try and grab Alexei once more as he resurfaces for another breath of water—but the current’s too strong, what the absolute fuck is going on here?!

The sight of a red—wait, wait a second, red?!—pipe catches his eye. The water’s heading in that direction, he doesn’t know what the hell it is, but the current is obviously coming from there. In the precious seconds he gained once his head breaks through the water, he hopes, he drastically hopes—

“Gabriel!” he screams, his working left arm trying to reach for the Salamence. The red pipe looms much closer—way too close—and he sights something… is that a face?

He doesn’t know what he’s doing at this point. He’s not sure if it’s a Pokémon, but with his right hand flopping uselessly in the sling, he hopes that what he’s about to do next would work and stop the suction from drawing him in further.

Furiously groping for the zipper in his jacket, his left hand makes a desperate grab for the Salamence’s body, while his right throws something red and white—he doesn’t realize he’s thrown an empty Pokéball—at whatever the thing with the face is, he doesn’t know, is it going to work?

Or is he going to meet his end here?


• Braviary’s safe! For now.
• Very angery Riolu is now yelling at the Salamence to try and grab Alexei when he comes back up for air in a fight to escape the current
• Underwater, Alexei notices… something red? How did that get there?! How did something unnatural appear here?!
• The Phione’s trying her best to restore order but what is order, the suctioning noise of the water is too strong and it drowns her cries out, an attempt to placate the other Phione
• Riolu is very very VERY angery now, shrieking at the Salamence to TRY THE HELL HARDER
• The second time Alexei surfaces, he tries to make a grab for the Salamence, who’s already risking flying so low down to save him
• For a split-second he sees that there’s a face attached to the red ‘pipes’ thing…
• And he does the unthinkable: he actually retrieves a Pokéball and TRIES to capture the dang thing, is it even a Pokémon?!
Alexei nyet

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POSTED ON Dec 25, 2019 0:01:13 GMT
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alexei's research thread


[attr="class","ihead"]WHO DARES
alexei manages to toss the pokeball toward the creature just before his body is sucked underwater. as the pokeball soars, his pokemon watch in anticipation- and confusion. was their trainer attempting to catch this creature, this machine?[break][break]


however, the clever maneuver reaps rewards. the hunched goliath is siphoned by the red beam, and the pokeball clatters on the elevated cavern ground. as it disappears, the water's turbulence slows. the vacuuming pipes are no more. alexei's salamence is able to retrieve him from the water.[break][break]

the respite does not last long. without even so much of a shake, the pokeball bursts open. the pokemon's staunch limbs land with a ferocious thud. anger seems to burn in the behemoth's eyes, but one can't be too sure whether it is because it can feel emotion, or the stern yellow markings sharpening its piercing gaze.[break][break][break]


alexei hears a resoundingly deep voice in his head. the pokemon's mouth does not move. with a snarl, the creature asks him:[break][break][break]


one of the creature's arms snakes its way toward alexei and opens with a promise- or a threat.[break][break]

what will you do?


what will you do? regardless of your actions, roll once.[break][break]

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POSTED ON Jan 1, 2020 17:40:57 GMT
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Thankfully, thankfully, the insane maneuver that he’d pulled off worked—even for a fraction of a second. As the strong undertow calmed, Gabriel let out another roar, and flying down dangerously close to the water, was finally able to get Alexei out of the water and onto his back.

The Riolu was all kinds of nervous, yipping worriedly in his direction as the lone human in the strange surroundings gasped for air, dripping wet and soaked to the bone. His Phione had floated off, finally able to join the wailing little ones, finally able to restore peace and calm.

But of course… that was just one part of it.

The insane maneuver he’d pulled off quickly wrecked itself apart, before Alexei (and all others present) witnessed the red… thing… burst out of the pipes. It looked… either mad, or angry, or displeased, or just every single emotion that wasn’t happiness.

And for once in his life, he was scared. Scared of the pipe that was now facing him down. Yikes.

While the Riolu and the Salamence don’t hear the voice, Alexei does, and for a few moments he has to hold his left hand to his forehead, because ow, the voice spoke in such harsh volumes it brought on the onset of a migraine! He had to speak fast—and speak the truth, or else. He didn’t know what else was going to happen, honestly.

“You… you were scaring them,” he began, pointing with his left hand towards where the other Phione were crowded, being hushed by Zelle—his own. He noticed that the tail-like appendage on Zelle’s forehead was now… glowing? What the hell was she doing?

“I don’t know how they ended up here, but you were… I don’t know what you were doing to the water, but, it upset them. They’re crying. I don’t know why, either, but that’s why I came here. To see if there would be more of… of her,” he continued, pointing to his own Phione, now in the middle of trying to calm the other upset Phione down. “You were scaring them, and they were crying. I think… I think they wanted you to stop doing that to the water… so they could play in it,” he went on.

At this point he was just guessing what had happened to the other group of Phione who had ended up there.

But he knew that they were still in an uproar about the water being disturbed.

“I—I’m sorry if I tried to catch you. But—it was the only way I could think of, to… to calm them down.”

He wanted to add on to the sentence, but decided not to. Who knows what the hell else the dang thing would tell him?!


• Who knew trying to catch the thing worked?! Well, it actually did for a bit!
• Alexei’s finally safe! The Riolu has calmed down, and the Salamence flies upward again with precious human cargo. OOF
• Zelle has gone off to try and calm the other Phione down. Good luck to her. Uses Tail Glow to entertain the other Phione nearby while Alexei is recovering from almost drowning
• Alexei is surprised that the maneuver worked, only now he’s either going to die or get away with a slap on the back from the thing that tried to kill him
• So he explains himself as best as he could
• Is it going to work? Nobody knows!

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POSTED ON Feb 24, 2020 3:21:26 GMT
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alexei's research thread


[attr="class","ihead"]PROVIDENTIAL PLUMBING
as the odd, mechanical creature listens, it does not seem to consider alexei's reasoning as adequate. this steam behemoth wears its emotions on its sleeve; it does not hide the contempt it holds for the gym leader before it. the hose-like arm remains pointed at alexei. inside, it's hollow. [break][break]


alexei would be able to hear the terrible rumblings of water surging from within the mechanical make of this pokemon. as the water begins to surge from through the tube, a strained honking breaks the drama. the arm seems clogged. instead, a pitiful stream of water squirts onto alexei's face like a baby water pokemon's WATER GUN.[break][break]


the volcanion tries again- but to no avail. a weak stream drips from the open arm like the end of some sewage pipe. the volcanion roars angrily, and the group of phione cry, huddling together in fear.[break][break]

in the process of the pokemon's refueling, some build-up or obstacle has dislodged and coincidentally clogged its tube. a miracle, perhaps. absolutely providential, but the world often works in coincidences.[break][break][break]


what will you do?


what will you do? will you attempt to unclog the volcanion's arm?[break]regardless of your actions, ROLL ONCE.[break][break]

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POSTED ON Apr 26, 2020 21:18:43 GMT
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brace yourself!

The Salamence refused to let him down, considering that they were now staring right in a… what the actual fuck was this thing?!

Panicking, Alexei wondered if his PokéGear had any information about the massive entity in front of him. While it having Phione’s data was somewhat of a fluke, well, this was going to be something else entirely. He was…therefore not surprised to see that his PokéGear had returned no data on the hulking beast in front of him—before hearing the same voice rumbling inside his head.

Gah, that’s going to take some getting used to… he thought with an internal flinch as he continued to gaze down the Volcanion (not that he knew what it was) before looking over at his Riolu, wondering if there was still a murderous aura in the air around them.

The Salamence had not missed the attempt of the hulking gargantuan Pokémon trying to blast the human on his back, but the Riolu gave him a slight pat on the arm that was still in the cast.

“What is it?” he asked the Riolu softly, wondering if he was actually going to die here, right now, alone, without anyone else to see this madness except his Pokémon. “You think he’s not going to hurt me?”

The Riolu, in turn, then stood up atop the Salamence’s head as best as he could manage and attempted to stare down the Volcanion—the better to get a read on the beast’s aura. After a while, though, the Fighting-type then turned back to face him and shake his head.

“Are you sure?” he confirmed, looking at the rather large… protrusion that was now leaking like someone’s garden hose.

“I trust you to keep your word, then,” he said in his best, calm manner in the Volcanion’s direction, before gesturing the Salamence to fly him closer to the clogged “pipe”. This was… looking more and more dangerous. Yikes. But then again, what was he going to lose?

Bracing himself, he then angled his body so that his left arm would be the one to go inside said pipe, reaching through the darkness… hoping he wasn’t going to brush against something slimy. It was… rather damp, of course, but that was to be expected.

“What’s stuck in here?” he continued, his arm already reaching up to his shoulder the further it went, before it felt… something slippery? Wet? He wasn’t sure. How was he going to get this out?! “Damn it, why are you stuck…” he grunted, his fingers trying to purchase a hold on the foreign object inside the beast’s cannon-like arm.


• Of course his Riolu is concerned, are you going to trust the hulking thing?
• Thankfully the other Phione are distracted. For now. For freaking now.
• Riolu tries to get a read on Volcanion, but eventually turns to his companion and confirms that the coast is clear
• With immense trepidation, Alexei maneuvers closer (while still on the Salamence) and angles his left arm to stick inside the clogged…pipe…to try and grab whatever’s stuck in there.
• Who knows what’s in there. Dun dun DA

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TAG WITH @shiv
memoria [research]
POSTED ON May 26, 2020 0:11:22 GMT
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alexei's research thread


[attr="class","ihead"]A LEAD-PIPE CINCH
WHEN ALEXEI REACHES IN, it is a tight fit. the piping curves and constricts around his arm, but his fingers continue to grasp further into the unknown. finally, he feels something. something soft, frayed and wet. as he grabs it, a hard edge cuts into his hand. warm blood flows from his palm as he pulls out what appears to be a bundle of feathers and a shard of glass. [break][break]

"HM? OH. THIS FEELS MUCH BETTER." says the creature.

as alexei examines whatever has clogged the pokemon's plumbing, the creature roars triumphantly. it slams its arms together, and water sprays from its metal pores. quickly, they are replaced by hot steam. everything's in check. the pokemon exhales a note of satisfaction— and it appears to grin with its thick crown of teeth.[break][break][break]


in alexei's hand, he holds 11 feathers. their vanes are clumped and soggy, but surely, drying them will bring them back to pristine shape. thankfully, the rachis are intact. they are green in hue and their tips look like they've been dipped in amethyst. alexei finds what has cut him: a shard of glass. possibly garbage, but it mirrors alexei's reflection...[break][break]

upon casting one, the feather disappears and summons a sudden updraft of air. cavern rocks soar upward before falling like dice.[break][break]


behind him, the phione stay huddled. the creature before him scoffs and turns to leave.[break][break][break]

what will you do?


what will you do?[break]
no roll necessary this round; please hover over the items for descriptions.[break][break]

, repost in the research thread after you have posted!

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Alex / Lexy
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
memoria [research]
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2020 20:02:42 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar



he has some questions, ehe

His arm was wedged into a space that was getting tighter and tighter the further he went in—was this a good idea? The Riolu who was giving him this worried look was doing a serious concern. As he felt his fingers brush against something soggy, he tried to pull it out.

Unfortunately as well, this meant that his fingers had also grabbed something pretty solid—and sharp.

“Yeouch!” he cried out, scrambling as his fingers clung onto the softer thing he was pulling out, slithering his arm as quickly as he could. The softness was hopefully keeping whatever that sharp thing was from cutting too deep into his hand as he pulled the things out.

Once his arm was free from the weird Pokémon’s arm-cannon, he had to squint at it before drying them out, blood notwithstanding. A blast of water drenched him again, but he pays this no mind—only when the surge of steam erupting from the other openings in the strange red Pokémon’s body made him stop and look up. The soaked sensation dried him out almost instantly, and he said a silent ‘thank you’ in his mind before hearing the same loud, rumbling voice in his mind again, saying something about ‘garbage’ and how it didn’t need such things.

The feathers were really interesting though, blood-soaked state aside. Shit, shit, shit! Must dry this out! He thought in a panic as he straightened them out. Counting eleven in all, he held one up and saw that there was a green shade for most of the feather’s body—although the tip looked like it was soaked in some vibrant purple hue.

Almost similar to his eyes, but not quite so. He could only ponder how these had gotten stuck inside the Pokémon’s pipe. Never mind the fact his left hand was bleeding now, he caught sight of his reflection in it. Was it just a random piece of glass? It looked so… it looked shaped in a specific? Manner? He wasn’t sure.

The feathers, though… he continued to ponder as he managed to pat one dry and raise it tentatively into the air. a strong gust of air blew throughout the cavern, and he noticed that some scattered rocks had been sent flying—no, levitating, or something—before clattering back to the ground.

To his surprise, the feather he’d raised had vanished. Wait, what?!

Where was the Phione in all this? Still attempting to play with the other Phione with Tail Glow! Floating around the group of babies, Zelle knew it was her mission to calm the panicked ones down, still clumped together and trembling in sheer terror.

Alexei, on the other hand—had something on his mind.

“W—wait! Wait,” he began, making sure to bow down again just in case he earned the ire of the strange Pokémon in front of him. “Where—how, and where did you get these? When did this get stuck in… in your pipe? he inquired.

Would he get an answer? He didn’t know, but he could certainly try to ask and see if it would give him an answer to his questions!

• Pulls out the damp clump of feathers, and the shard of glass digs into his left hand
• Oh, ouch. Yeouch, yeouch, yeouch this is gonna suck. Blood! For the Blood god!
• Gets drenched with the sudden blast of water from the Volcanion before getting dried by the exhalation of steam. Nice. Free dry-cleaning
• The feathers are still damp, so he tried to straighten them out.
• Also notices the mirror. Is his imagination playing tricks on him? Is it shaped a certain way? he sees his reflection before returning his attention to the green and purple feathers
• Chooses the least-ruffled one and raises it to see what happens
• Sudden gust of wind shakes the area, watches rocks float before clattering back to the ground
• But the feather is gone! Oh no
• Checks on Zelle. The Phione is currently busy entertaining the other young ones with Tail Glow
• Alexei turns to the Volcanion, tries to inquire where these had come from???

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]