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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jul 28, 2021 3:46:01 GMT
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It put him at ease to hear her words of affirmation.

It was one of his love languages after all.

Although he couldn't shake the thought that she was disappointed in him somewhere deep down. There was a work ethic to the both of them that seemed to be in the spirit of the working class; humble beginnings.

Sénon's beginnings were humble still.

His family lived on the wages of his working parents. Being 'rich' was something that sat in the background of his mind and was much less 'rich' twenty-something years ago.

It only ever came up when it was relevant and when it was in discussion with someone trustworthy.

In actuality the only times he lived it up like a rich kid was when he celebrated his birthdays with his uncle.

Having access to the money wasn't what he was worried about concerning Cait

He narrowed his eyes at her. "Do you know what the Game Corner is?"

-it was how the family business fit in with Cait's...

second biggest vice.

No wait, third biggest.

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POSTED ON Jul 28, 2021 5:50:28 GMT
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she leveled him with a look that conveyed absolute ignorance. her 'poker face', one she utilized on a semi-regular basis whenever she visited the gambling halls on a nearly bi-weekly basis. sénon was aware of her vices, including her desire to roll the dice, count a few cards and visit seedy locations aplenty.

"no idea."

cait feigned innocence, her eyes rounding just so - her lips developing that slight pout. of course, her fiancée had seen this face far too many times, the display likely comical at this point. 

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POSTED ON Aug 2, 2021 4:50:24 GMT
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The dubiousness of her words washed over him like a fart from the person next to you on an airplane, in flight.

Since he couldn't ask for another seat (on account of signing up to smell Cait's proverbial farts for the rest of their lives if he could help it) he leaned into the smell.

"Really?" He raised his voice with a straight face and comedic chops, squinting a hole into her peripherals. "You don't know what the Game Corner is?" He squinted at her so hard his eyes closed, waiting for a faltering in her pokerface

-for her to burst out in laughter.

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POSTED ON Aug 2, 2021 15:43:00 GMT
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instead of immediately bursting out into laughter, she grinned widely and moved forward to press a kiss against his mouth. her form trembled as she allowed her giggles to bubble forth once their lips parted, her delight at his antics provoking such a reaction.

'i love this man,' she thought, for what felt like the umpteenth time. 

it would be nigh impossible to love him any less regardless of his circumstances. he could be dirt poor and struggling to make ends meet - but she'd still adore him - cherish him - and take care of him on her high wages. 

"of course i know what it is, baby."

once she pulled away, a sly gleam entered her strange gaze; her expression similar to a conniving sneasel's. 

i visit one on a weekly basis," she said. "i take a trip with a little pocket money and head to mauville city for a few games. it's usually worth it - usually."

gambling was a terrible vice, but one she embraced openly. a far more genuine pout began to form, her brows furrowing slightly as she reconsidered her present condition.

i guess i'll have to hold off on the gambling for a while now."

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POSTED ON Aug 3, 2021 3:47:02 GMT
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After her kiss he hung his head and sighed; finally starting to feel some jubilation over sharing a secret he'd safe harbored for decades.

Although, "Well. . ." he wasn't quite done sharing yet.

"They might not let you back in, when a Game Corner opens across the street." He closed his eyes, remembering the talks with his uncle in Kanto in the weeks prior. "My Uncle wants me to find the right city in Hoenn to open our third location."

It was a big responsibility among others he'd been charged with taking on but with a child on the way he was beginning to understand he needed to start shaping the future he wanted to leave for his heirs.

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POSTED ON Aug 3, 2021 11:13:43 GMT
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"'not let me back in?'"

she scoffs and waves a dismissive hand, not entertaining the idea that she wouldn't be allowed entry. post-pregnancy - and whenever she had the time - she'd make a proper return.

'if it's not a game corner it's going to be someplace else.'

cait, having finished off her second kabob, acquired yet another while they were still fresh. 

it's nice to know that you can easily pay for a college fund down the road," she said, shrugging. "seeing as money is a non-issue."

their little ones would likely want for nothing, being surrounded by loving parents, protective pokemon and a wide open environment to explore. the only issue would involve socializing them with other human children once they were old enough, especially since cait had purposefully isolated herself from fortree's main populace.

i'm going to need to start telling people about - you know - my condition. especially my boss. i won't be available for missions, after all."  

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POSTED ON Aug 3, 2021 17:34:00 GMT
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He shook his head slightly to clarify, "No, what I'm saying is. . ." He cleared his throat.

"That place in Mauville isn't a Game Corner, we take branding pretty seriously and we've never had a location in Hoenn." In reality, he was probably overthinking things. "-but we're opening one and when we do that little pool-hall in Mauville might not like Mrs. Game," He emphasized the name to remind her she was very soon wasn't going to be seen as just herself anymore.

The moment it was known she was with child she would become, in no small part, an extension of himself. "-in their establishment once their business starts to tank." People who didn't like him would extend that 'not liking', to her. He'd hate to be the reason she couldn't go back to her favorite private places again.

More likely though, gambling was something that would fall to the wayside when the kid arrived.

Then again, if he was still running around all tactical-stealth and red-hooded fucking up Rocket's money once he became a father...

Cait would probably keep her hobbies too.

He ignored the segue to any Silph related conversations although his response did find a correlation through the notion that money would be a "non-issue" for their offspring; "Is giving a child everything they want, or need, really the right thing to do?"

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POSTED ON Aug 6, 2021 9:10:53 GMT
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a pleased look settled over her features, combined with the excited gleam that entered her gaze once she realized that becoming 'mrs. game' was an inevitably. cait genuinely looked forward to taking his name, excited by the future that involved her becoming his wife. she was positively giddy in the aftermath of them becoming fiancées, but their marriage was something she was beyond excited for. 

'i guess there would be consequences to that,' she thought.

cait initially nodded her head to his warning, but decided to concern herself with that unfortunate tidbit once the next year over.

"we're paying for their college," she insisted, utterly steadfast. "
it's expensive. and i want to encourage them to pursue education."

education was considered important when it came to her family's personal values. they didn't allow their children to leave to pursue an early career in becoming trainers, much preferring they adopt a more peaceful livelihood. 

and no one has to know i'm mrs. game anyway. you kept your secret for this long, baby. what's really stopping you from - i don't know - pulling the strings behind the scene?

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POSTED ON Aug 7, 2021 20:59:42 GMT
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She had good points about the education and college fund. He demonstrated intelligence beyond his age from a young age. He wasn't as smart as his mother but he was as tenacious.

After he saw that, he decided he wanted to be a pokémon trainer. But, at age 8 he was still too dumb to live out on his own.

He propelled through his home schooling until he was two years ahead of his coursework; mama's single condition before he could leave to become a trainer. Academically he was ready for the coursework of a 14-year old at the end of age 11.

If she was a genius, Sénon was probably smart enough to skip high school.

When he left home she trusted him just enough to not die and come home if he couldn't hack it out in the 'wilds'. She still threw a few fits and pouts at his father when Sénon didn't come home.

He understood the Alfric standard of education.

He was only allowed to circumvent his own family's equivalent because he proved his intelligence sufficient enough to pursue a life's passion that he found while still quite young.

"I agree. The benefit of free education is something the world should have, I'm damn sure giving it to my kids if I can." He could.

The notions of himself staying in the shadows concerning Game Corner, was a more nuanced issue. So now was a good time for a fitting deflection.

"Are you planning on not, taking my last name?" He sprinkled his tone with a playful bit of challenge.

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POSTED ON Aug 9, 2021 19:08:31 GMT
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her expression flattened the moment he questioned her, the woman's brows arching as she inclined her head lightly and squinted at the man. her expression accurately  reflected his earlier one, which conveyed a fairly obvious 'are you serious' look.

"of course i'm taking your name," she stated, plainly. "
i'd have to be a stupid not to."

a little smirk formed at the corner of her lip.

cait game," she drawled, her smirk transforming into a grin. "mrs. game. lady game. mistress game."

the woman dreamed of being a wife and a mother down the road. nowadays such a vision was considered archaic and terribly 'old-fashioned' - but it was what she wanted. and a small yet meaningful portion of that dream involved taking her husband or wife's surname; and wearing it with an almost haughty pride.


only now did she realize what he meant.


cait clicked her tongue. her shoulders sagging slightly.

i get it now."

i guess hiding their identities would prove difficult considering how eager she was to utilize her future husband's family name. 


she bit into her kabob and gave a shrug. 

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POSTED ON Aug 11, 2021 16:24:12 GMT
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As much as he lacked for wanting to see Cait deflated, it did feel good to have something to pump her back up with.

Innuendos notwithstanding.

"You won't miss it." That evil grin began to spread across his face. The one he made when he knew he'd blown her mind, and surpassed her expectations.

-like during their body-compatibility tests.

Once Cait had swallowed her morsel he took the bare kabob and put it between his teeth horizontally. He needed both hands to pick up Cait, bridal-style.

"DoitTsu." With a nod the Kadabra evoked its telekinetic muscle floating off ground in a meditative position and rotating in a circle before trusting his arms outward, pushing the three lifeforms through space.

From the remote route they'd taken to the heart of Goldenrod City.

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POSTED ON Aug 24, 2021 7:11:47 GMT
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the city was beautiful - presenting itself as an expertly crafted concrete jungle occupied by humans and pokemon alike. she was slightly dizzy in the aftermath of the transport, but her fiancée held her delicate frame securely in his arms. cait shut her eyes and rested her head against his shoulder whilst breathing deeply, inwardly anchoring herself before she sought to stand on her own two feet. 

"where are we?"

the inquiry was followed by her adjusting her straw hat, the sun kept from her eyes as she peered around at the occupied streets. the unfamiliarity of it caused her to reach out for sénon's hand, her small paw gingerly squeezing his own. 

'i don't want to lose him in this crowd,' she thought. 

i've never been here before. at least i don't think i have."

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POSTED ON Nov 23, 2021 3:35:24 GMT
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The city was warm despite the soft breeze.

The air was fresh and there wasn't a single piece of liter on the streets. Eat shit Slateport.

There was a marriage between nature and infrastructure that was reminiscent of Fortree but made with metals and alloys rather than wood and vine.

"Goldenrod City" he spoke with clenched teeth.

It always reminded him of El Dorado.

Carrying his lady bridal style he came down a busy street to the downtown area rife with nightlife.

Entering a doorway marked with two golden columns the doping sounds slot machines and cheers would probably snatch Cait from his arms.

Sitting her down once they crossed the threshold he threw away the skewer still in his mouth.

"This building in particular is the Goldenrod Game Corner." The financial prize of the Gioco family.

The financial pride of the Gioco family was the original location in Celadon, now filled with frivolous-spending rockets and disillusioned-spending Kantonians.

Which explained the family's raw nerve when it came to Kanto.

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POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 18:51:16 GMT
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her beloved had erred in releasing her, the woman's mind completely preoccupied the moment her feet touched the ground. as though his words carried no actual weight, she almost immediately vanished the moment his gaze had shifted - her dainty form slipped into the crowd. 

- - - 

once he managed to catch sight of her again roughly a few minutes later, he'd discover she was seated in front of slot machine. perched somewhat uncomfortably as she hunched over the glowing device, she'd pull at the lever and impatiently await the results. her eyes were rounded and utterly dazed, a strange and overwhelming intensity present within her gaze.

the machine erupted in a minor glow, a meager jackpot earned in exchange for her efforts. it made for a small return - but enough to cause a pleasurable rush of dopamine to hit as a handful of coins clattered into sight.


she raised her arms in victory and spun in her seat with a chortle, her smile almost painfully wide before she realized that she had been found. cait sobered immediately, discreetly tucking her earnings away within her purse. 

"i mean 'yay, i suppose'," she murmured, sounding unenthused. 

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POSTED ON Jan 2, 2022 2:30:54 GMT
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She moved with a confidence that suggested she owned the place, she kinda did now.

A gambler, right at home. In that way at least, he'd chosen a woman just like him.

He would have never guessed when he looked at her that first time; on the hills outside of Mauville. How could he have known what she would come to mean to him.

Leaning against an adjacent machine he grabbed the shoulder of a passing waitress and whispered in her ear.

She returned not long after with a cup of coins and a cup of juice. He made Cait drink her fill before turning the coins over to her.

"Goldenrod City." he said it again watching the flashing lights reflect from the greened eyes that gave him so much love and peace. "Are you sure you don't want to move here?" Picking up Tsukuyomi as if he were an abra again, Sénon played up his own paternal charm.

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