spinny [H✩T]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Alexei Ivanov
spinny [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 16:17:45 GMT
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Spinning and rotating platforms—

“Oh no.”

He was up against the Champion himself, he who worshipped and hoarded canines worse than how he hoarded avians.

Looking at the Charizard, Gliscor and Salamence, he steeled his resolve.

“Shit. I know you’re all nervous.”

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spinny [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 16:26:25 GMT
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as nervous as the other side was, kyle was completely calm, if not excited for the match.

rotation battles were always confusing, and he's not surprised that such format was phased out from official battles and such unlike doubles and tag battles.

three dogs stand on his side of the field, waiting for orders.

"hey ivanov!" he calls from the other side of the field. "have fun!"

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
spinny [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 17:08:52 GMT
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“Yeah, you too,” he called from the other side, barely able to hide his nerves.

Obviously, the Charizard lets out a snort, who is first up on the spinning platform. Who knew if it was going to go right, or left, before the whistle went off signifying the start of the match.

“Ravana! Don’t be so reckless—” he started but well, the Charizard had decided to take the lead again anyway, headstrong as always as she opened the battle with a Flamethrower attack.

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spinny [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 17:23:23 GMT
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kyle hasn't even decided if he had his pokemon in the right order when the attack goes. that's what he gets for being indecisive, he supposed.

the granbull is the one that takes the flamethrower.

switching to another pokemon doesn't seem to be the right call, so kyle decides to let his granbull stay in the field. "thunder fang."

bounding its leg muscles, it leaps up and attempts to electrocute the charizard with fangs laced with electricity.

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
spinny [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 17:38:11 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Since it was the Charizard up front—of course Flying-types were weak to electricity—what he was not expecting was for the status to take hold so quickly!

Paralyzed on the platform, the Charizard let out an indignant roar, before Alexei sighed.

“Ravana, what did I tell you?!” he sighed as he smacked a palm to his forehead before dragging it down. Flying forward was too risky so—

The Charizard fought against the Paralysis to send out a Dragon Rage attack.

endeavor completed: sustain paralysis!

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spinny [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 17:42:56 GMT
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the granbull braces itself for the flames, expecting to get incinerated a second time, but was surprised that no harm was done to him. fairy-typing prevailed this time.

kyle decides to press further instead of switching out. "hidden power!"

from below, the granbull uses its only ranged move to glow white and release the energy towards the charizard. the move would feel like a strong surge of winds as it's infused with flying-type energy.

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
spinny [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 18:05:37 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

He only realized his mistake a split-second later.

“Ah, shit. Ravana, this is why you’re still so reckless!” he exclaimed as the Charizard’s face became “WTF” for a few moments before being what Snubbull’s typing was.

“You walked right into that, you jackass,” he muttered quietly as the Charizard let rip with another Flamethrower.

It was going to be difficult to move after this round, the Charizard was trembling and trying to shake off the paralysis as best as she could—and was failing.

Charizard is Paralyzed!

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spinny [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 18:09:48 GMT
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kyle notices the paralysis taking over the charizard. its effects were getting more noticeable, which opens up a window for an attack.

"go for another thunder fang."

the granbull waits for the moment when the effect of the paralysis was at its peak before leaping for the charizard. with its large maw open, it tries to chomp down once again with its thunder fang.

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
spinny [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 18:14:56 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

And chomp the Granbull did—the loud howling of the Charizard who was locked in the throes of paralysis unable to fight back made her crumple before a third blast of flames could be thrown at the pink canid.

What this meant was the platform rotated to the left, bringing out the Gliscor who was cackling instead.

Wasting no time, the Gliscor then used Poison Jab on the pink canine.

Charizard is taken down! Gliscor is rotated in, and used Poison Jab!

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spinny [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 18:18:44 GMT
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the flamethrowers wore the granbull down that the next super effective hit brings him to unconsciousness without much effort. kyle recalls the granbull and motions for his poochyena to take field.

"golf you're rotating in!"

the platform rotates so that the poochyena is pitted against the gliscor. energetic barks indicate that the dark-type doesn't seem to mind the difference in size between them.


parting his maw, the poochyena yawns and indulges the other pokemon to slumber.

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
spinny [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 18:25:23 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

If there was one thing he was at the very least aware of—

It was the fact that the man on the other side had an excessively-sized armada of Poochyena!

The Gliscor cackled in his victory for a few moments; however the Poochyena just—cheekily Yawning in his face—how rude!

If Pokémon doing emojis were possible, the Gliscor would definitely be the :ANGERY: face right now as he lashed out with an X-Scissor attack, not knowing what awaited him on the next turn…

Gliscor used X-Scissor!

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spinny [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 18:30:00 GMT
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the move gets the poochyena down for the count without much resistance. kyle prefers it that way so his pokemon won't need that much stitches in case they overwork themselves.

"looks like it's up to you now."

the platform rotates for the last time to bring the last pokemon in. with the yawn in place, kyle can safely assume that he has some time to work with.

"magnet rise."

electricity starts to lift the manectric up the ground, making it float.

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
spinny [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 18:52:38 GMT
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The good thing was that—the Poochyena was yeeted out the moment the attack landed, and just as the Gliscor was about to make another move he—

The floating Gliscor landed with a splat on the spinning platform before a loud snore shook the immediate vicinity!

“Scorpio, what the hell, this is no time to sleep!” he exclaimed; however it was useless—his Gliscor had fallen asleep.

Sighing, the platform then rotated one more time—and this time it was down to this.

Salamence versus Manectric.

“Gabe. Don’t be like those idiots, okay?” he said to the draconid, who bellowed before dropping a bunch of rocks on the other side of the arena—a Rock Slide attack!

Gliscor fell asleep and is unable to continue! Salamence rotated in and used Rock Slide!

endeavor completed: sustain sleep! (Gliscor)

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spinny [H✩T]
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2021 2:46:56 GMT
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the rock slide grounds the manectric for a bit, battering her with a barrage of rocks until she's on the ground. she perseveres though, and eventually gets out of it.

"it's time."

she lifts herself up and bolts towards the flying salamence with her anti-grav paws, charging at the salamence all while changing forms. the mega evolution is apparent with the change in appearance, but the glow doesn't stop.

a z-move was being executed, frost appearing all over until it materializes in one attack. the super-effective move hits the salamence.

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
spinny [H✩T]
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2021 3:16:01 GMT
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Okay, so at least the Rock Slide had momentarily grounded her—

But wait, what was this—?! What the hell was going on?!

Alexei, now more familiar with the glow of Mega Evolution, saw what was happening to the Manectric, however—

Wait a second what was that?!

The Salamence let out a surprised roar and attempted to catch with a point-blank Flamethrower, hoping to throw it off-course, however the overwhelming burst of electric energy crackling around the field was too much—and caused a white-out.

Once the explosion was clear—

“What was that?!” he exclaimed from the other side of the arena. “No, not the Mega Evolution—the other thing you did?!”

Salamence attempted to use Flamethrower but holy shit wtf is THAT?!

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