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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 12, 2021 7:20:24 GMT
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Having seen the Tree itself suddenly appear in place of the spire and the grand rising whirlpool that had marked the centre of Sootopolis, Isolde had had a keen interest in exploring the place. It had to have something to do with that strange phenomenon that had rend the city asunder, considering it had appeared as the city rearranged itself back to 'normalcy'.[break][break]

She'd known that Sootopolis was under Rocket occupation, and that included this new fantasy-like massive tree, which seemed to have mostly been off-limit without Rocket permission. Not that it had stopped her from trying to sneak in, she was a curious young woman and her curiosity had always severely outweighed her own sense of self preservation. She'd been rooting around where there was less security, interested to explore and find something unique in the area, taking samples where she could of the tree itself whilst keeping an eye out for any unique curio.[break][break]

Her Buneary and Vulpix had been keeping an eye out on sentry duty without her Bewear—the massive bear pokémon a little too large and would likely stand out, herself—while she'd found an interesting little hollow to explore, armed with a flashlight. Little did she know, she wasn't quite as sneaky as she thought she was.


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Violet Fairbanks
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POSTED ON Aug 12, 2021 9:47:52 GMT
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“I will handle this,” she told the other grunt that she shared guard duty with that night. They had noticed someone trying to sneak in and she thought that she’d caught a head of familiar pink hair as the intruder passed her by. They had not exactly known one another for long, but that girl did have a rather outstanding appearance, so it had been difficult for Violet to not commit her to memory. And this one was apparently a citizen of Sootopolis too, if she recalled correctly, so they wouldn’t exactly have to forcefully apprehend her. Probably just someone not fully content with the new rule. But someone that potentially could be convinced to like it after all.

Nodding to her partner, she thus set off behind the stranger. Fortunately, she was not exactly wearing a uniform herself, just an ensemble of teal skirt and shirt with a white jacket against the cold. Hence, as she followed the other into the follow, she would not stand out too much. Plus, she sent Dreepy ahead, the little infiltrator moving through walls to suddenly appear right in front of that woman with a grin in an attempt to scare her, while from behind Violet, slightly illuminated by her Delphox’ mystical fire, would approach the Pokemon standing guard.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 13, 2021 2:14:32 GMT
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Isolde had been altogether focused on obtaining samples of the tree, her pokémon failing to notice the Dreepy given it had passed them by through solid wood. She'd mostly been grabbing outer bark and foliage, looking for anything particularly interesting. By the time either of her own pokémon had spotted the Dreepy's trainer itself, Isolde had suddenly yelped, "oh bloody--," falling on her butt as her Vulpix and Buneary had ran back to their trainer, frightened by the ominous glow of the Delphox's mystical flames.[break][break]

After a brief moment of reorientating herself, and wrapping her pokémon up with her arms to keep them safe, knowing she'd probably have been caught and in trouble—closing her eyes as she sheltered her friends—she'd opened one eye up, to see if her fears were true. Yet... she'd recognised the face, a person who'd helped her escape during the attack on Sootopolis. Izzy breathed a sigh of relief before giving a nervous wave, "fancy seeing you here?" she'd asked—though she wondered what Violet was doing here, hopefully she wasn't one of the people Isolde should be trying to hide from during her time trespassing.


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Violet Fairbanks
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POSTED ON Aug 13, 2021 16:50:47 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar
Well, Dreepy was not given the infiltrator ability for no reason. It was quite good at sneaking around, especially coupled with its small frame. Plus, it really liked pranking humans and other Pokemon wherever it could. Thus, seeing the girl fall butt first o to the floor like this was requited with a draconian grin.

Violet herself could barely suppress one of her own. But she somehow managed, showing only a light smile to the other. Though it would probably take more than that to assuage the other’s worries. “Well, I would not call this place fancy, to be honest,” she noted while gesturing her Delphox to stay behind. Then, she stepped forward, extending her hand.

“Though let me answer your unspoken question first. The people who took over here have given me certain permissions to move about the Isle. You were not the first or only guys I helped here after all.” This time, she added a small, conspiratory smirk. It was technically true, the best kind of true. “I am not going to call for the guards or anything don’t worry. “
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 13, 2021 22:16:15 GMT
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Her concerns had overall been assuaged by the smile on Violet's face and her soft tone of voice,[break][break]

"I... well, huh, that's a relief. Well if that's the case..." Izzy had pondered, "I suppose even if you're not going to report me, I probably shouldn't overstay my welcome?" She'd posited, overall, she couldn't quite place her finger on things, just who was Violet anyway? It was a surprise overall that she'd reached out to her back during the attack and helped Izzy, what more she's being nice enough to keep her out of trouble when as far as Isolde could tell, they just barely met the conditions to be acquaintances.[break][break]

"Alright, it's bugging me a little, this place is extraordinary but, I gotta ask, why are you helping me like this? Last time we met you said it was because I was 'pretty' but I'd wager to guess that compliment wasn't exactly wholehearted considering I looked like a half-drowned Rattata back then." Isolde was confident in her own charm and looks, she was as close to a 'princess' in modern times back in Galar, even with her tomboy tendencies, she still had put her own grooming and upkeep as one of her top priorities. Even if she didn't like to judge a book by its cover anymore, there was always a major confidence boost knowing you looked great—she simply couldn't figure out Violet, considering her first impression of Isolde had overall been a disaster in more than one sense, at least, in Izzy's own opinion.


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Violet Fairbanks
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POSTED ON Aug 14, 2021 10:46:27 GMT
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Now, that particular phrasing made her laugh, briefly. Then, she whistled, causing her shiny Rattata to come out of the bushes and deftly and swiftly use the tree’s bark to hop onto her shoulder. “Well, as you can see, I am not exactly one to hate Rattatas,” she noted before laughing again. Meanwhile, Dreepy was drifting off, investigating the area and looking for other Pokemon that might potentially be in the area.

Though, admittedly, the girl had a bit of a point. And she was smart enough to be wary still. But that was good. Violet had a much easier time respecting someone like this, even if she still planned on at least partially fooling them, anyway. So, she briefly sighed before reaching up and scratching the little Rattata under its chin. “To be fair, I did come to help before seeing you up close, that is true. I honestly do not even know why, the situation was just escalating more and more, so I was looking for something that I could do, I guess.” She added a shrug, for that was perfectly true. Certainly ‘something she could do’ could have also applied to kicking this girl to her death while she was struggling. Why she had chosen to help instead, especially after joining Rocket? That was something she had not figured out herself, either.

“Though I must content the insinuation that I did so half-heartedly. Even soaked like that, you were still pretty. These eyes alone are fascinating, if I may say so. I am trying very hard not to stare into them.” She chuckled at that – and at the notion that she was kind of flirting with this girl, given that the last one she did that with had been your stereotypical blonde, blue-eyed athlete. “Plus,” she started, raising a finger as if starting a bit of a lecture, “You have to admit that I am not actually doing all that much. As long as we are not caught together, not reporting you costs me nothing but might earn me pleasant company, as you seem to be. And helping you back then was not that much of a detour, at least from a purely rational point of view. If that makes you feel any better, at least.” Another chuckle, still smiling, she did not show any signs that she did not mean what she was saying here.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 15, 2021 23:44:15 GMT
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"Well, huh, that's fair I guess," she'd commented jokingly with a more relaxed laugh. She couldn't quite get a read on Violet, she seemed nice enough, "I still don't get why all this happened... well, I can hazard a guess why Rocket's got a hold on Sootopolis with how everyone seems sympathetic to them, but, the thing with the spire, and now this big tree?" Isolde had slowly started going on a tangent, catching herself when she realised she was and stopping at the self-posited question. While she'd conversed with Violet, Izzy's own pokémon, the Buneary and the Vulpix had wandered to follow the Dreepy.[break][break]

Ultimately, Izzy hadn't expected the compliment—furthermore, regardless of preparation, considering she'd usually only gotten strange stares when it came to her eyes—her ears and cheeks flushing red as she scrunched her face up in embarrassment, recoiling a little from the unexpected attack at her very soul, "... th-thanks, you're uh, pretty too," she'd mumbled in response, she wasn't exactly good with this sort of thing when she wasn't on the attack. Such a thing likely easy to tell when she'd gotten even redder, mortified and hoping Violet hadn't actually heard that last part. Though as Violet brought things back to an easier point, Isolde had caught her breath and calmed her nerves down, "I suppose it couldn't hurt? I'm dying to know what this big ol' thing's about," she'd said with a sincere smile.[break][break]

It was at this time that a nearby rustling had caught the attention of her pokémon.


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POSTED ON Aug 17, 2021 3:19:38 GMT
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[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD ABOMASNOW APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] SNOW WARNING
[attr="class","wildtabox"]RAZOR LEAF
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]POWDER SNOW
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD CLEFFA APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] MAGIC GUARD
[attr="class","wildtabox"]SWEET KISS
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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Violet Fairbanks
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POSTED ON Aug 17, 2021 20:28:41 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar
.”Oh, don’t worry, I know,” she replied, accentuating it by a flick of the ponytail as well. Naturally, she was referring to the girl’s declaration of prettiness. After all, that one had recoiled from the compliment – but not in a bad way. Rather, it was the cute way, showing a certain vulnerability that Vio could not help but pounce at. It was not something she did often – the easiest marks were those that went after her and being pursued was simply easier – but she didn’t mind. This was actually kind of nice, for a change.

After all, she had been like that, too. In the very beginning, after just having run away from home. She’d very quickly learned not to be. Though that probably was not the only similarity. “Though I guess my prettiness is more traditional. Still, the whole almost albino look does often catch the other kind of attention, too. Though it does distract people from asking about my own eyes.” Another chuckle. It had been quite a while since someone had last inquired about her scar. She wasn’t quite sure if that was due to people being distracted, or people just being considerate. Though she had a number of explanations for every type of situation, just in case. It could be a neat little conversation starter too, after all.

However, they were soon interrupted by a new sight – namely Dreepy returning from the brushes, driving a Cleffa before it which already looked quite a bit banged up. Just after they came into their field of vision, the little one bit it, causing it to trip and fall, so Violet quickly threw a ball on it. “Seems like Dreepy is here to bail you out but – “ she did not get to finish that, since Dreepy just continued on, towards them, seemingly in more of a hurry now. It was presumably being followed by the other two Pokemon as well.

And by a big, roaring Abomasnow that seemingly was hunting the whole lot of them. “Okay, that is unexpected.”
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POSTED ON Aug 17, 2021 22:40:23 GMT
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Having calmed down a little, she'd responded a little more how she was used to, rather than the flustered, embarrassed mess she was whenever anybody brought up her own eyes, "I dunno, personally I reckon it adds to it, nothing cuter than a mysterious girl with a scar like that, keeps things interesting, you know?" She'd laughed coyly, half-flirt, half-just having fun teasing, much closer to her own comfort zone—the past week or so... she'd been anywhere but in her own comfort zone, and just being able to talk to someone without worry had done immensely on helping her cool her nerves.[break][break]

As the Abomasnow had come bursting out to ruin the moment, Isolde had taken in that her pokémon—as well as Violet's own Dreepy—were in danger, without hesitation she'd tossed out a pair of poké balls, "Maple, Honey, Hammer Arm and Brutal Swing, please!" she'd called out, a pair of pink bundles of fluff emerging from the tossed balls. The Bewear and Stufful pair had swung at the Abomasnow in tandem, their combined strength enough to hold it back for the smaller pokémon to make it to safety, "good job you two!" she'd encouraged, tossing a free poké ball at the Abomasnow hoping to capture it and quell the rampaging pokémon before it made any more of a scene than it already had and attract some unwanted attention.


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Curiosity [Duo Wild]
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2021 1:23:23 GMT
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[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD SHIFTRY APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] EARLY BIRD
[attr="class","wildtabox"]RAZOR LEAF
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]LEAF TORNADO
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD RALTS APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] TRACE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]MAGICAL LEAF
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]FUTURE SIGHT
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?


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September 7
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Violet Fairbanks
Curiosity [Duo Wild]
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2021 12:06:28 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar
Unlike a lot of trainers, this girl evidently had absolutely zero issue sending out multiple Pokemon at once. For some reason, a lot of them, especially in situations with wild Pokemon, tended to treat them like genuine Pokemon battles – where only sending out ‘mons equivalent to what was attacking was simply the norm. Yet, there was always the option to just call forth everything you had and body those things that might threaten you.

Vio could respect this in a person. Though, admittedly, she kept to three herself for thee time being. Mostly because she did not like having to keep track of more than those. The Delphox was still close-by, providing light without actively setting this place on fire. And while her current partner took care of the Abomasnow, she instead looked around. Her Ranger training told her that noise like this usually roused other Pokemon, too. And she was not going to let them get blindsided.
There actually were two of them, too. Violet nodded to the side of a Shiftry sneaking up on her acquaintance towards the returning Dreepy – which understood and swiftly used Astonish to make that dark type flinch, stop it from attacking the other.

In the meantime, her Rattata was wrestling with a little Ralts, Crunching down on it and causing the Psyichic type to squeal in pain. Vio threw a ball at that one. “Oh, trust me. I could keep things interesting for you for a long time, even without these guys coming at us from all directions.”
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Curiosity [Duo Wild]
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2021 6:58:04 GMT
Deleted Avatar








In Izzy's regard, whilst she most certainly didn't consider herself much of a trainer, she'd learnt the know-how, having it ingrained in her at a young age by her father—and Maple and Honey, the mother-child Bewear and Stufful had been her closest pokémon companions alongside her Buneary, though more importantly had been with the young woman since she was a child, at least, Maple had been. She'd grown a deep bond with her Bewear, and their mutual trust had extended to the Stufful before long. Nonetheless, ultimately Isolde was confident in her kinship with the two pink-panda pokémon.[break][break]

As if to prove that kinship a point, while Isolde had been caught off guard by the sudden Shiftry surprise, with the time given to her by Violet's pokémon astonishing it, she'd managed to carry on with confidence "Let's keep up the tempo, you two, just a Strength should be fine," she'd hollered, taking full advantage of the Shiftry's countered ambush to weaken it—the Bewear and Stufful surprisingly fast in unison, slamming full force into the tengu-esque pokémon, barely a second passing before she'd tossed another ball, almost as if she'd had some practice with the act of squeezing the poké ball between the two fluffy pokémon.[break][break]

Though ultimately, any sort of slick ace-like aesthetic Isolde had managed to garner through her accuracy had been shattered with her inability to take what she was usually dishing out, "I-" she'd nearly choked out, stammering and admitting defeat, "A-alright, it's a lot more different being on the receiving end of that, holy shit." She'd laughed, her ears a little red with a tinge of embarrassment. If nothing else, she'd felt honesty was the best policy, usually speaking. By then her own other pokémon had made it back to her, curling up around behind her legs to hide from immediate danger.


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POSTED ON Aug 28, 2021 8:30:04 GMT
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[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD IVYSAUR APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] OVERGROW
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]SLEEP POWDER
[attr="class","wildtabox"]SWEET SCENT
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD LUDICOLO APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] RAIN DISH
[attr="class","wildtabox"]MEGA DRAIN
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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Violet Fairbanks
Curiosity [Duo Wild]
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2021 17:56:09 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar
“Guess that means it is my duty then to help you get better with that,” she replied, deeply enjoying that particular topic. And, naturally, her help in improving the other’s skills in this regard was going to be exposure. Lots of exposure.
Though it was rather interesting for he to just say something like that out loud. Most people would have just thought and internalised it. Yet, the woman simply came out with it. That kind of forwardness was rare, but it was also very good. Honesty was quite valuable. Which probably did not mean all that much, coming from her of all people.

Though that had other implications too. “Does that mean that you rarely have people hitting on you at all? “ She was actually rather surprised by that. Yes, the girl had noted that she usually seemed to be considered odd because of her eyes. Were people really that shallow? She stemmed her arms into her sides. “That just won’t do. You are pretty and have a cute character. You definitely deserve a lot more teasing and pat...pampo? Pamperi....” she did not get to finish that, wobbling instead briefly before drifting off into a brief sleep.
However, the Ivysaur responsible for this did not stop there, instead lashing out with its vines to drag her into the brush and away, past a dozing Ludicolo which stirred angrily when a sleeping woman bumped into it.