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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Feb 2, 2019 5:17:40 GMT
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[attr="class","freypost"]she'd extended her stay at her hostel in lilycove after accepting a mission posted by a civilian. and, of course, she'd largely decided to take it on in hopes that fernando silph would accept her offer and accompany her, and accept he did. 

still, after her mental exhaustion from their meeting only three days ago, she'd stolen away on the back of lyune for some peace and quiet. the open air, albeit freezing this time of year, allowed her to mull over her meeting with a clear mind.

she'd gone on a safari trip, stayed in a lodge overnight after a successful hunt, and had come back to lilycove just this morning. she'd been in her hostel long enough to grab her belongings (including her bow), drink a warm cup of tea, and head to the location in the mission dossier. 

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POSTED ON Feb 2, 2019 5:42:48 GMT
freya morningstar is truly that - a morningstar that brings good fortune and pain to those on the wrong end of the flail. it is her passion, the fire that comes from her conviction, that fernando aims to master. slateport and inaction is the tinder that will cause her to catch aflame. all he needs to do is use her as the scapegoat she is to play devil's advocate. is too much of a face from him to square off alone. it will be freya that corners him. as long as fernando can keep quiet then all will go well. her meeting with the others leave him at edge but he has no time to dwell on that. there are plans in motion and steps to execute.

the dragon tamer had mentioned a bow before. seeing it isn't surprising given her first impression but fernando is still caught by surprise. however, she is not alone in bringing a weapon. wherein she prefers a tool for direct combat, he fancies a tool for slaughter.

freya brings a bow.

fernando brings an army.

a pair of belts wrap around his waist, one slightly above his waist line and the other tucked into the loops on his pants. each belt can comfortably fit eight pokeballs but he's long had it tailored for more. he had joked about bombarding her with attacks during their meeting. on second glance, that joke wasn't too far from reality.

fernando's waiting for her, prompt, eager.

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POSTED ON Feb 3, 2019 0:31:12 GMT
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[attr="class","freypost"]the house has currently been deemed unlivable, given the infestation of the ghost-pokemon. the couple that had taken up residence only a month earlier had filed several reports regarding paranormal activity, and it wasn't until one of them had been attacked that they'd been relocated and the league called in to clean up the mess. 

moxie rests across her shoulders in her usual spot, yellow eyes unblinking at fernando as the pair approach him. the rattle at the end of her tail twines around the string of freya's bow, almost as if in warning. 

where fernando has two belts strung across his waist, freya has a quiver. it's compact, the arrows almost unnoticeable, which is sure to intrigue her partner. she'd wondered, after she'd retired from their meeting, if he'd pictured her with a wooden stick and some horsehair string.

she may be old fashioned, but she doesn't fancy losing. 

a chuckle is the first thing to break the silence between them. she gestures towards his belts and shakes her head with pursed lips, eyes shining. "i see what you mean now. once again, i admit i'm glad we're on the same side."

she winks, quoting his statement from the other day when she adds, "for now."

from her necklace, she withdraws a small ball and thumbs it. it grows in size before popping open and releasing her newly caught salandit. the lizard looks up at the two trainers and skulks away to a nearby patch of grass. she looks after it with amusement. 

"i caught this little one recently and thought it might do her some good to see how you operate."

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POSTED ON Feb 3, 2019 1:42:13 GMT
surely they could dispatch someone else. to send two councilmen? 's words come to mind and for once fernando agrees. this is overkill. either of them would work but this isn't about expending resources strategically. this is about the selfishness between two of the league's highest members. one wants to feed off the other and if it allows him to raise her properly, fernando's happy to oblige.

when freya enter his vision fernando greets her with a modest nod, eyes affixed on the bow that she noticeably carries. "i must be honest miss morningstar, i wasn't sure what to expect when you mentioned a bow. the sight of someone outright attacking pokemon seems baffling to me." he smirks. "much less against ghosts."

they've yet to enter the perimeter but the ghastly cackles of mischievous spirits radiate from their surroundings. "i hope you bought your holy arrows," he quips, plucking a pokeball from his belt. "something tells me we may need something more then newly caught pokemon and a few arrows."

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POSTED ON Feb 3, 2019 2:12:59 GMT
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[attr="class","freypost"]"people attack people and pokemon attack pokemon. where did arceus write that?" 

in most situations, she only draws her bow as a distraction to pokemon adversaries. and, if she chooses to engage, she has very specific maneuvers and devices she uses. she's not here to hunt, nevermind kill. she's as much a combatant as her pokemon are. 

she laughs at his remark, snickering as they approach. the mission files had used the term infestation so she has a feeling they're going to have their work cut out for them. the root of the problem is on the balcony garden on the second floor, where an infant peach tree sits waiting to be planted on the ground below. 

she clicks her tongue a couple of times and her salandit pokes her head out from the bushes. she scuttles over to the trainers, and then past them, tail flicking impatiently. her head cocks as several groans resound from within the house, but the obvious presence of the ghosts only seems to intrigue the tiny lizard. 

"it's a good thing you brought your army on this mission, then," she says wryly. then she trots up to the door and tests the handle. 

in a single fluid motion, she tugs her bow from her back, strings it, and taps the side of her quiver. lights bloom under her fingertips and a thin metal rod slides out. she looks over her shoulder, braided hair swinging, and says, "close your eyes."

the shaft of the air clicks as she pulls it from the quiver as it elongates and locks into place. she nocks it, kicks open the door, and releases. several ghastly shapes turn towards the noise and although her heart skips a beat, freya throws her arm up in front of her face. 

there's a pop and a flash of light envelops the room as the arrowhead detonates. 

several of those ghostly forms in the air--a haunter, two gastly, and three shuppets--all drift, eyes wide. 

"they'll be stunned another minute or two," she says as she neatly makes her way into the room. 

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POSTED ON Feb 3, 2019 3:05:45 GMT
"i see." an empty comment that requires no further follow up. without a witty equip or any real curiousity in the matter, fernando allows the point to die.

the ghost reside inside and fernando can hear himself groan inwardly. close combat is fine but to do so within someone else's house becomes disturbingly difficult. accomplishing the objective and doing it without harming the building is two separate, conflicting goals and therefore a more tedious task then it should be.

freya makes the calls to close his eyes and for a moment fernando considers disobeying her. he wants to see her in action. at least until she kicks the door in. whatever she's about to fire into the house will undoubtedly be blinding, or so he surmises. he turns his head away and the FLASH does minimal damage to his vision, bleeding through his eye lids but far from hindering.

this is where they depart. he can only assume she means to run toward the peach tree, their primary objective. his target lies elsewhere - the ghosts that he had mentioned. so, when she runs on in, he follows her until she makes for the stairs. the loose pokeball in his hand is lobbed onto the floor and he unattachs a different one, immediately calling out to the tyrunt that materializes.


the prolonged guttural cry is enough to cause various items to tremble. fernando's goal is to clear the house and drive the ghosts outside. once there, making short work of them should be simple.

the first pokemon released is none other then his bronzong, a staple among his opening moves. without so much as a command, the pokemon starts to channel an IMPRISON. removing any of the ghost's innate ability to EXPLODE is crucial to making it out of this incident unharmed.

just because he's let out two pokemon doesn't mean he's done. while freya may partake in the battle with a weapon and serve as a combatant, fernando doesn't. his weapon is his army and his only job is to release his pokemon where opportune. 

right now, that means letting out several more. it's simply a matter or unclipping each one and scrambling to grab one as soon as the previous one leaves his hand.

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POSTED ON Feb 3, 2019 5:00:18 GMT
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[attr="class","freypost"]her salandit had been tempted to disobey orders as well. freya had anticipated as much, but she doesn't make light of it when she notices that her partner is following dutifully behind her. it probably helps that moxie has swung her head back around, eyes narrowed at their newest teammate in a challenge. 

she takes stock of the dazed pokemon in the room and starts for the stairs, looking behind her to check and see if her human partner is following. only, much to her surprise, he's not. 

she hears the booming roar of a dragon down the hallway--a tyrunt, she realizes after a heartbeat. the ghostly forms that had just begun to shiver back into more solid forms suddenly scatter; a couple of them dart down the hallways, into hiding spots and away from the intruders. others glide out the door and into the waning sunlight. 

her salandit moves to follow them, but freya corrects her with a decisive sound in the back of her throat. she turns, taking the stairs as quickly as she can. 

the hallways are decrepit. floorboards creak underfoot; a snagged nail on the old carpet nearly trips her. she takes care going down the hallway, making sure to toe open each door she passes. 

one of them houses two banette that push past her, puppet bodies barring her from the last door in the hallway. frey slides out another arrow, nocks it, and raises her arms. "on my signal." 

her salandit shivers, tail lashing. freya's eyes half-narrow and she's just about to let another distraction arrow fly when she sees red gathering in the corner of her vision. she looks down sharply and then slams herself down into the ground, hands clamping hard around the salandit's mouth. 

the gathered flamethrower sputters as the salandit writhes. smoke curls out from her mouth and she finally spasms away from freya, nasty hacking coughs wracking her small body. "this is someone's house!" she hisses and then grunts as she's bowled over by one of the ghost's bulky forms. 

moxie springs from around her neck and constricts around one of the banette's, pinning it to the ground while she strikes with elongated fangs. freya's salandit stares hatefully at her trainer and puffs out some embers. 

"next time then," she says reproachfully and returns the lizard, replacing her with aeris. with the well-trained dragonair at her side, and moxie having taken the other banette by surprise, the small team makes quick work of the two ghosts. they scuttle out a nearby window when they've had enough, and the trio watch them go. 

freya kneels down, extending an arm so moxie can slither back to her resting place. 

the last door reveals their prize. freya steps into the room, eyes on the peach tree swaying on the balcony. broken glass crunches under her boots. 

how did it get dark so fast?

she blinks, realizing her mistake when the door behind her slams powerfully shut. several dozen eyes glare down at her; ghostly forms slowly detach from the wall and float towards her, claws and paws outstretched.  

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POSTED ON Feb 3, 2019 23:08:50 GMT
the ghosts are numerous and overwhelming. they do not take turn. freya and her pokemon are living, warm bodies, the perfect meal for the haunters and gengars that descend upon them. they have no qualms with using their superior numbers against her. it's not a fair battle. no, this is a feast. those that take too long will find themselves reserved to the scraps. most start to phase into the room from the walls and ceiling but a particular gengar materializes from the floor beneath them, manifesting from freya's shadow as it looks to catch them by surprise and leave them ASTONISHED.

what happens next is instantaneous and invisible. the displacement of movement from another is felt - two small, lithe creatures, but indiscernible to the naked eye. only when their SHADOW PUNCH lands does the pokemon break from their CAMOUFLAGE as their COLOR CHANGE reverts to a murky purple. the gengar slinks back, pushed away, left dazed as it stumbles back midair. the kecleons land on the ceiling, the suction pads on their fingers allowing them to hang upside down as their CAMOUFLAGE sets in and they resume with blending in with the scenery. it's a bit easier to discern them now that she knows they're there. the ghost too, make note to address this issue but compared to the other pokemon in the room, dealing with what they can't see prove more difficult. it's easier to attack the dragonair instead.


downstairs, a mimikyu is the next to be summoned. it's COPYCAT of bronzong's IMPRISON is enough to further lock down the ghost from slithering around with SHADOW SNEAK or landing a surprise blow with a FEINT ATTACK. however, fernando has to verbally command the pokemon to refrain from TAUNTING the ghosts, a move it's used to performing on summon. in this instance, their goal is to cause as little collateral damage as possible so forcing the pokemon to attack is something he actively tries to avoid.

"ROAR again. drive them all outside."

this time the tyrunt howls, running through the first floor clamoring loud enough to INTIMIDATE the pokemon into fleeing. the bronzong is unfazed, holding it's position as the two purple circle etchings on its body start to glow. like most of fernando's core team, its purpose has always been singular. for now, it waits, anticipating what's to come as it peers into the outcome of the FUTURE SIGHT.

having the ghost congregate outside is the plan but keeping them there is something else. once the foundation of his formation is laid down inside, fernando returns outside, tossing another pokeball as he sets up his conduit. the wobbuffet that's let out, like the rest of his core team, lets out it's signature move: SAFEGUARD. so long as the wobbuffet stands, the rest of the ghosts will be bound to a small area around it, chained by SHADOW TAG that binds them to the psychic pokemon.

the stage is set and fernando doesn't spare the second floor a glance. he's confident that freya can handle herself. and, even if she can't, he's long set two of his most trusted aides to keep her safe.

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POSTED ON Feb 7, 2019 20:30:33 GMT
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[attr="class","freypost"]years of training kick in. aeris coils around her protectively, fangs bared. freya crouches down and shields herself as the dragoness roars and lets out a powerful THUNDER WAVE. the approaching forms are stricken by the static ripple and freya takes the few precious seconds provided to her to take stock of just how many there are. 

her count of several dozen hadn't been inaccurate. she runs the numbers in her head, knows that aeris can take down several of them discreetly by herself, and that if it comes down to it, moxie can hold her own as well. aeris is watching her, waiting for hand signals, and they come quickly.

she's holding up fingers as she strings her bow, calling orders while configuring the formation of her arrows. her mechanical quiver whirs as she yanks out four arrows in succession; two of them are knocked while the other two dangle through pinched fingers. she draws the bowstring and it twangs. another brilliant FLASH of light burns in the room. 

aeris strikes the nearest two haunter as their forms are revealed. moxie has loosened her grip around freya's neck, though she knows from the way her weight has shifted that the ekans has provided cover to her back side. so she knocks another arrow and takes aim. silver-tipped arrowheads pierce the body of a gengar. its screeching is an indignant cry of pain and it clambers towards her, bright eyes seething with rage. 

another arrow flies, catching a huge purple paw before it can scrape against the exposed peach tree. 

gastly and haunter make up a bulk of the forces that surround them. with one gengar dispatched, she turns her attention to the other. it stands before the peach tree, flanked by two trevenant. 

"we're not here to harm it," she warns as she readies another arrow. a crackle to her left signifies a THUNDERBOLT from aeris. four more ghost-types fall. intimidated with the ease that the others have been felled, the attacking forces waver. the gengar, however, is nonplussed, and hisses under its breath. 

aeris coils in front of freya and snarls back, tail flicking. freya drops another pokeball from her necklace and aithne emerges, blinking as she registers the situation. she drops to a crouched position immediately and squares off. "give them something to be afraid of."

the dragon takes two strides and flattens her scales, maw opening to expose glittering teeth. a guttural NOBLE ROAR makes the opposing team flinch. freya's hands drop down to her quiver, hesitating. i can't risk starting a fire in here.

"aeris, the tree. aithne, moxie, and i can handle this." the dragonair doesn't seem to agree, but she moves immediately, aithne at her side. the hakamo-o crashes into one of the trevenants; when the gengar leaps out of the way to avoid being dragged into the tussle, aeris WRAPS her slender body around the potted sprout and clears the balcony; her wings outstretch and she glides onto the grass below beside fernando. 

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POSTED ON Feb 7, 2019 22:46:54 GMT
the kecleon keeps their position on the ceiling, watching, waiting. the THUNDER WAVE passes underneath them and their patience is rewarded, their inaction keeping them safe from the inevitable friendly fire. it is the light from her arrow that ends up being unavoidable. neither pokmon are wary of the arrow's potential and find themselves blinded. the light eats away at the room's darkness, if only temporarily, and reveals them. when the light dies down, when it fades to black, they too will revert to their natural CAMOUFLAGE.


once the ghost have congregated into a set area, dispatching them becomes quite easy. fernando has several options but he opts for the most decisive one. another set of pokeballs come out and it's none other then the ice types of his core team: abomasnow and glalie. the wobbuffet cries out in horror, standing its ground, ignoring the ghost's attack, more afraid of what's to come.

"absolute zero."

it's a technique he's long practiced. every nook and cranny of shoal cave shows the handiwork of his craft, covered in ice, frozen past the point of no return. @reagan had been the first to witness it in action. freya would be the second.

the trio of pokemon move to take up their positions in a triangular formation. their opponents are ignored - the perimeter is crucial to their success and taking a few attacks mean little in the grand scheme of things. the glalie and mimikyu are the most mobile and take up their spots on the farther ends.

when both pokemon end up cornering the ghost, they take turns flashing a bright aqua color. it's a warning of what's to come, a precursor to their channeled power. the temperature lowers and the SNOW WARNING that comes from the abomasnow's presence helps set the stage. a loud creak sounds and the area between the three pokemon becomes solid ice.

the ghost - frozen.

wobbuffet - encased as well.

there's no discrimination, everything caught inside the combined SHEER COLD is rendered useless, defenseless. even the mimikyu is caught in the transition, half frozen as ice starts to manifest on the cloth of its DISGUISE.

without a proper setup, one that requires the temperature to be set as close to freezing as possible, the attack is controlled, curbed. however, in this instance, it's enough. fernando spectates the physical form of the ghosts that are trapped, ensnared until he chooses to thaw them out. how magnificent.

"all clear." the remark is more of a self righteous pat on the back then a response to the dragonair next to him. he peers up to the second floor, curious. maybe he should check on her.

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POSTED ON Feb 8, 2019 17:09:41 GMT
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[attr="class","freypost"]moxie is the one who notices the kecleon that cling to the ceiling. her soft warning hisses distract freya for a few precious seconds, but her worries are the ghost-types in the room. the kecleon may be able to do damage, but at least she won't have to fear for her or her pokemons' very souls if they're touched by them. 

so she opts to ignore them, brandishing several more arrows to keep the gengar at bay. the other has slunk back into the shadows, melded into the floorboards to tend to its wounds, and three precise shots to the still-standing one's limbs send it packing as well. 

aithne fights hand in hand with the last trevenant and with freya's cover, they manage to fell the tree together. as it crashes to the ground, bark chipping where it falls into the glass, freya surveys the room.

shadows move against the walls and moan as they slowly float out into the waning daylight. she steps onto the balcony, snatching arrows as she goes. aithne clambers onto the balcony rail and clears it swiftly, landing with a heavy thud onto the ground below. freya whistles and follows shortly after, falling gracefully into aeris' waiting form after the dragon had heard her call. 

she steps neatly off of the dragoness' back and thumbs some of the leaves of the sapling peach tree. before her lay a glittering expanse of ice. "what of the collateral damage?" she asks, looking at the encased wobbuffet. 

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POSTED ON Feb 10, 2019 5:20:43 GMT
"nothing a trip to the pokemon center can't fix."

fernando aims wobbuffet's pokeball toward the frozen pokemon and it returns in a zap of light. the other ghosts aren't as fortunate. the the victor the spoils and fernando's already assessing which ghosts he wants to thaw out and keep for himself.

"the house is undamaged and the ice will melt with time. i'll be sure to clean it up before we go. or have someone else come out and do it."

the rest of his pokemon eventually come out and join them. kecleon, d!kecleon, bronzong, tyrunt, bronzong, glalie, abomasnow, mimikyu. most of them are turned with the exception of the kecleon twins, near invisible as the dusk turns to night. he's satisfied with the results and more importantly the vast amount of ghost pokemon that lie before them.

"fancy yourself any of these? i'll capture whatever you don't want."

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POSTED ON Feb 11, 2019 16:22:27 GMT
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[attr="class","freypost"]the wobbuffet's expression chills her to the bone, especially considering fernando's nonchalant answer. she opts not to say more on the matter, though her continuous mental assessment of the councilman is blemished by this new encounter. 

while he takes his time looking at the ghost-types, she turns her attention to the peach tree. they said it was important it was planted. aeris joins her as she scours the grounds, looking for the plot of land mentioned in the dossier. she finds it, albeit covered in a thick sheet of ice. 

lyune is tapped from his ball. the humongous dragon causes some of the ice to crack under his 500 pound body. freya takes a step back, pointing to the area where she can just make out the hole in the ground and a small stone plaque. 

a jet of flames arches from the beast's maw. the ice thaws quickly; a circular expanse of wet ground is left. because of the heat, a couple of fernando's encased ghosts thaw as well and skitter into the treeline. she pays them no mind.

"thank you," she says before returning the salamence. she squats down and brushes some mud off of the plaque, heart lurching. 

i n  m e m o r y  o f  g r e g o r 
2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 9

"aeris." the dragoness fetches the sapling at her command and freya gingerly removes it from its pot, places it in the ground, and gently packs dirt around it. when she's sure that it's secure, she stands, rubs its leaves once, and then steps back to fernando. 

she clasps dirt-covered hands behind her back and raises her chin. "the honedge," she answers finally. 

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POSTED ON Feb 12, 2019 9:42:54 GMT
fernando doesn't voice his concern with freya's endeavors. not even when she inadvertently lets some of the ghosts escape. no, a few stragglers won't matter. not in the grand scheme of things.

while freya concerns herself with the tree, fernando is scrambling to catch the ghosts that are surrounded by the same species. in the event that freya wants one of them, he'll pick the runt of the liter and let her sort it out from there. it'll be an accomplishment to see how distinct her version of the ghost type pokemon will be compared to those gifted to the league. what better then to test out the morningstar regiment then a first hand demonstration.

he'll have to keep a note of that.

when she calls for the honedge, fernando hesitates. it's the one he wants as well and he's only lucked upon two. sure, that's enough to go around but he knows better. there's value in numbers and two is always better then one.


an underhanded toss lobs the ball toward her. it makes up one of many. all of them line the few empty spots on his belt. he only intends to keep the honedge. the rest will be re-purposed for the league. someone else will come to collect them, the same people who will undoubtly defrost what's left of his sculpture.

"that was quick."

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POSTED ON Feb 16, 2019 17:45:10 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar
[attr="class","freypost"]she catches the honedge's ball with ease. she doesn't respond to fernando's comment, doesn't feel the need to. she's shaken by the plaque on the ground. the ghosts had all been here to protect it, but why? this wasn't in the job description.

fernando is  fine with leaving this mess behind for some low level grunts to take care of it. but she eyes the sapling, its drooping leaves, frail frame. she doesn't trust anyone else not to damage it, to treat it with as much care as she might. 

so she releases her salandit yet again and murmurs soft instructions to the both of them. when fernando takes what he wants, she turns. "i'll leave the other ghosts frozen for capture, but i'm going to clean this area up myself. i'll write the report while my pokemon do the work.

"by the way, your assistant informed me about this upcoming weekend. i look forward to your visit to the estate."

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