Tinker Tanker [S]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April 2
Rt 103, Hoenn
Equipment Technician
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I'm not the kind that uses pencil or rule
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Bo Locke
Tinker Tanker [S]
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2021 2:53:49 GMT
Bo Locke Avatar


Keeping busy was a sure fire way to avoid addressing so many of those pesky feelings that Bo didn’t really want to feel. So when she had a few days off from her normal lab work, she couldn’t help but look into places that could use some help. She caught wind that the Ever Grande City Lab needed someone to come do some maintenance while they searched for a permanent replacement for a former employee. On an old friend’s (or, rather, an old employer’s) recommendation, the lab accepted Bo for the job.

”Goodmornin’,” she greeted the woman stationed at the front. ”I’m here to do some maintenance. Do you happen to know where they need me?” The pair went back and forth for some time -- checking her name and information, verifying where she should be, and setting her up with what she needed to get around the building -- before Bo was escorted to the lab she was supposed to work in.

With a quick thanks to her escort, Bo set down her tools and took in the machinery in front of her. The room, the equipment, the feeling - everything was all so different than what she was used to now. Her usual work was not always in the most… ideal circumstances but she got the job done and got paid. She released Barr from his poke ball and gave him a small nod before prepping him for the process. No matter how neatly she tried to organize her tools on the little magnetic pokemon, he always came out looking like Frankenstein's Magnemite.

"A'right, Barr, you ready to get to work?" To Bo, having the floating pokemon in arm's reach was much easier than using a tool belt or digging through a bag.

tldr >> Bo's getting set up to work on some equipment
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