free labor [m][aa]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Kenjiro Yamada
free labor [m][aa]
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2021 14:56:23 GMT
Kenjiro Yamada Avatar

Rarely did he find himself so far inland, to be honest. He would normally be hanging around the coastal cities, but well—

Boredom did get to one sometimes.

He had no idea how he ended up all the way at Littleroot, doing farm work helping around other people who needed extra pairs of hands.

Well, it was better than just doing absolutely nothing and lounging round.

Better getting a farmer’s tan hanging around and doing menial work to keep himself busy—busy spying on the local populace.

a bonfire later after the farmwork's all done

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April 29
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Megan Whitmore
free labor [m][aa]
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2021 21:26:32 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar

Farming work was something she found herself doing surprisingly often, given that she was on a Pokemon journey. But it was a rather popular kind of day labouring, so someone that travelled a lot and could use both some pay and a place to stay. Plus, it was easy. Especially when she had her Lucario with her for the heavy lifting.

Though she didn’t really get much of a farmer’s tan herself, she did enjoy the fresh air work much more than retail, that much was for sure. Plus, she wasn’t alone on this shift. There was a twiggly boy, too, though they had not talked much. Probably time to change that as she and Luca passed him. “Yo, everything alright on your end?”


+ farmers tan



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he / him / his
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Celadon, Kanto
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Kenjiro Yamada
free labor [m][aa]
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2021 22:22:09 GMT
Kenjiro Yamada Avatar

Just as he had picked up a mid-sized pumpkin to move over to where the others were hauling pumpkins out of the fields to clear the land for the next crop, he looked up at the sound of the voice that had addressed him.

“Well, as long as this isn’t going to end up in those… pumpkin spice drinks that everyone’s so obsessed over then I’m fine,” he replied.

What was it with the color orange around this time of the year, too?

a bonfire later after the farmwork's all done

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April 29
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Megan Whitmore
free labor [m][aa]
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2021 20:51:45 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar

“Nah, the season for pumpkin spice’s up I guess. Once November starts it’s Christmas all the way, everywhere,” she replied with the wary wisdom of a retail worker. Fortunately, her journey helped her decouple from that endless cycle of holiday seasons. Then again, there was no true escape from those unless one went exclusively to the wilderness for a good while.
However, that was not a path she really should go down in that moment, so she abandoned it. “There isn’t really a lot of farmwork to be done regarding Christmas though, so I think we should be safe from that, too.”


+ pumkin spice



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he / him / his
february 11
Celadon, Kanto
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TAG WITH @jiro
Kenjiro Yamada
free labor [m][aa]
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2021 14:18:56 GMT
Kenjiro Yamada Avatar

“As long as it doesn’t involve herding animals in the snow then I’m good,” he nodded.

Not that it snowed in Hoenn, anyway. It sort of did, back home, but it wasn’t the same. Celadon was more—urbanized, if one could call it that.

“Did you hear, there’s going to be a bonfire later after everyone’s done with the farm work,” he gestured, tilting his head in the direction of where there was a big pile of wood being hauled over.

“Something about celebrating the season’s bounty, and all that.”

Because warming up by the fire was always a good way to unwind after a day’s work, right?

a bonfire later after the farmwork's all done

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April 29
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Megan Whitmore
free labor [m][aa]
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2021 17:45:38 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar

“Herding in the snow isn’t that bad. As long as you got a horse Pokemon to ride, that is. If you don’t have to drudge through it yourself, snow ceases to be an issue.” Well, there was also the cold. But that they did get in Hoenn regardless. She rather had cold and snow, not just cold and no snow.
Then again, most people would not be able to relate. Then again, most people had never worked in the soot and ash of a volcano. That was almost like having snow without having snow. Though the notion of a bonfire was good in and of itself. “Yes, yes, there are a lot of celebrations. Makes work during this season the best, really. These kinds of events are way better than just going home after you are done, really.”


+ horse riding



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he / him / his
february 11
Celadon, Kanto
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TAG WITH @jiro
Kenjiro Yamada
free labor [m][aa]
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2021 18:32:56 GMT
Kenjiro Yamada Avatar

“Well, I can’t wait for the bonfire later,” he gestured as he tilted his head towards where the piles of wood were being assembled for later.

There were other things that needed to be done, and one of that included plucking apricorns to be deshelled to make a nutty sort of pie later.

Pies, made with apricorns?

Weren’t those apricorns used to make those weird Pokéballs in Johto? Either way, the inside of the apricorns were considered to be wasted as they only apparently used the ‘shells’ to make the weird Pokéballs…

“I’m going to pluck some apricorns and berries for the pies they’ll be making—what else needs to be done out here?”

a bonfire later after the farmwork's all done

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April 29
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lime2
Megan Whitmore
free labor [m][aa]
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2021 20:59:27 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar

Ah, yes, apricorns. Those were oddly en vogue lately. She hadn’t heard anyone talking about them for literal years, but recently they kept up a lot more. Odd, really, since they only were good for making Pokeballs. But, eh, all she did was shrug and carry on. “I guess there is some hay-stacking left to do, just to prep for the night. There could be frost tonight after all.” Plus, it was easy work. Simple and just a little bit taxing. It was just an inconvenience for others, which was why she was being paid to do it instead of them.
Plus, it was better than plucking apricorns. “But other than that, we should be done soon. Then it’s bonfire time, as soon as the others finish preparing that.” The light was already waning after all, so it would soon be time for that.


+ ooc notes



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