This is Not the Mandatory Beach Thread You Are Looking For

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Brynnhildr Erling
This is Not the Mandatory Beach Thread You Are Looking For
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 21:19:01 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

When one imagines the stereotypical beach scenes in movies or series, they see the warm summer sun, beautifully reflected upon the waves as the giant body of water calmly rippled across the sand. Leaving watery stains that disappeared almost immediately upon its soft earthen host. Pale skins craving for a tan of their own, or tanned, athletic bodies demanding all attention as they moved across the beach in slow motion for whatever reason.

One never imagined the reality of things; a spec of light among the sea of grey clouds looming above the water, waves all but inviting you to stroll along its surf, the wind kicking up sand-- sand that fit perfectly everywhere you didn't want it to be. The cold turning rosy skin into several shades of blue. And rain. Lots and lots of rain. Yet here she was, simpleton and do-gooder of the hour, because they wanted seafood. Sorry, Mr. Krabs, you'll be going in the bucket together with the half dozen other Shellie Shells and Prudence Prawns she'd found earlier. She found bitter solace on the fact that at least her haul was good… "You know, I regret having passed on the chance to participate in that luncheon now." she'd mutter, flicking one of her shells to a nearby Wingull that was eyeing her hungrily.

~ Thread: Growth (for Megan)
~ Rosy skin

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Megan Whitmore
This is Not the Mandatory Beach Thread You Are Looking For
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 21:38:20 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar

Yeah, this definitely wasn’t good for tans, rosy skins or the like. But it was the perfect time to put on a good old yellow raincoat, stuffy boots and stomp through the wet snow. This was most definitely not her first rodeo in this regard. Her Empoleon, certainly cut out for the weather, was waddling ahead and picking up sealife here and there to put into the basket that Meg was carrying on her bag. It probably looked silly, but with that huge thing she could collect quite a lot of it and did not always have to keep her hands out of her pockets, meaning things were less chilly overall. In total, she felt pretty decent about all this, whistling a tune as she continued onwards.
At their quicker pace, they soon overcame another person seemingly doing similar things, who was flicking shells at Wingulls. And she recognized that butt and voice from a previous engagement. “You can always make your own luncheon on the move too, you know? Though your architectural work probably did not teach you how to make a fire and cook on a rainy day, I guess,” she joked in passing, seemingly just taking this all in casual stride.


+ rosy skin



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Brynnhildr Erling
This is Not the Mandatory Beach Thread You Are Looking For
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2021 0:24:29 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

"Why yes, I always love my sandwiches soaked and full of sand--- maybe even stolen before the first bite by one of these damned Wingull-!" Brynnhildr would counter, sacrificing one of her prawns to the needy Wingull, who's friends had come to realise pestering the woman meant free food. The Unovan herself only realised too late that she'd been had by the fickle sea-birds moments after its friends arrived.


So far for her story of redemption, especially now she had company-- familiar company at that. She'd end up flicking a shell at Megan as well, her payment for the cheekiness she displayed. "I can make a fire just fine, mind you!" She actually sounded shocked… whether she effectively was, or was just pretending to be was yet to be seen. "Just a time and place for everything… and unlike those little shits I don't feel much for a feast in the rain just yet." She didn't need to defend her actions like this, but it had almost become a habit by now, and equally habitually, she was fairly sure Megan too would find a cheeky, well-found counter to it. "What brings you here, though? Catching shellfish for the gathering in Rustboro as well?"

~ Feast

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Megan Whitmore
This is Not the Mandatory Beach Thread You Are Looking For
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2021 18:04:55 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar

“Well, everyone can make a fire, I guess. Just got to be the right kind of fire,” she shot back immediately. After all, anyone with a lighter could set something ablaze. The trick was to make a proper one even under adverse circumstances like these. I.e. in the rain, as was the case here. But then again, the Unovan had probably not gotten that yet, so she was not going to try and explain this anymore.
Instead, she focused on more work-related matters, briefly plucking the shell thrown at her from the air and putting it back into the basket on her back. “Yep, working this shift too. Any little bit helps in the end, right?” Then again, that woman looked like she was fairly wealthy, so she probably could not relate. Oh well, could not be helped. “Though I guess you could just go and combine these things. Just bring down a Wingull, roast it and make that a sandwich. Maybe add some Apricorn and you got yourself a hearty meal, one the Wingulls won’t touch and send a message to them that you are not to be messed with. Peak efficiency, if you ask me.”
Though, naturally, she was seeding a little trick into all this. After all, Apricorns were used to make Pokeballs, not sandwiches. Time to see if the other knew that.


+ apricorn



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Brynnhildr Erling
This is Not the Mandatory Beach Thread You Are Looking For
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2021 20:54:16 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

"Oh, if only you knew what fires I could light…" she'd smirk, teasing ever so suggestively as she bent over to pick up and chuck a few more stranded clams into her bucket. Suddenly her bucket seemed awfully small compared to the basket on her bag. Yet again, she came unprepared… at least she'd be cooking the meal herself to compensate.

"Apricorn? Only if I wish to break my teeth on those things- and I don't." Of course she knew what apricorns were used for. And although they were commonly used for the making of specific pokéballs, they could also be processed into drinks for pokémon. "Apricots, however… now that would be more fitting for a sandwich." she nodded softly, entertaining the idea once she'd get back to town. For now however, more sea-based critters had to be gathered. And a few specific ones too for this particular dish she had in mind. "Say, you by any chance don't have any razor clams among your haul, do you? Need a few for this dish I have in mind…" she muttered the latter as she peered at unruly bits in the sand now the rain was coming down less hard.

~ Apricorn

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Megan Whitmore
This is Not the Mandatory Beach Thread You Are Looking For
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2021 21:14:09 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar

“With a lighter you can light just about any of them.” Ironically, this time what the other said went straight over her head. To the point where it barely registered with her, and instead she continued on along undeterred. Plus, the other proved that she knew about apricorns. Guess that meant this was a full moon night, where weird things happened. But one look at the other’s basket revealed that even though she might have grown a little, she still had not fully grasped the job in its entirety.
Which also came down to her selection of clams. Apparently, she had not picked up any razor clams yet, even though there were quite a few of those. “Sure, I got all kinds of clams. But you of all people should know that nothing in life is for free, of course. You gotta trade me something good you collected. What’s that clam worth to you?” Megan laughed saying that, feeling rather sassy about all this. Plus, it was rare that she knew someone ‘good’ enough to actually get to talk like this to them. Without the other party just leaving, of course. Though technically that could still happen. Yet, this woman seemed to seek approval from her, so that was unlikely.


+ full moon



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Brynnhildr Erling
This is Not the Mandatory Beach Thread You Are Looking For
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2021 21:30:19 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

"What's that clam worth to me?" In the back of her mind a small voice was pleading for her to keep things proper, yet the Unovan couldn't help but chuckle at the ambiguous meaning it held to her. Prim and proper, but also sometimes the gutter. "Quite a lot, actually," she pondered for a bit, actually stopping her ongoing staring at the sand to tilt her head, fingers softly tapping her chin. She'd move to get near the young woman, a playful smile perched upon her face as she mulled it over once more. "How about you tell me what you'd like for them in return? I need at least a dozen… or some help finding at least that many. For a share in those spoils, I'm more than willing to pay any price, whatever said price may be."

Although she'd come rather close, after speaking those words she leant back a little, then presented her bucket to the brunette, a multitude of prawns and shellfish floating about in the small bottom of water. "I got more over there if you'd like! Bell's keeping watch over the rest of our catch." she gestured off in the distance, where the Galarian Ponyta could be seen hiding from the rain, two saddlebags on each side of its body.

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Megan Whitmore
This is Not the Mandatory Beach Thread You Are Looking For
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2021 20:37:29 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar

“Any price, eh? Your mouth better not make any promises your…” she just let the sentence run on, just to make sure that she was responding in kind there. It was fun to tease this woman for some reason. Maybe it was just how she behaved herself, or maybe it was something about her looks – but even Meg could not help but bully her at least a little. Though usually she tried her best to keep it down to not be too mean. Yet, when the other decided to play into her hand like this, she just could not help it.

Though she honestly didn’t know what to do with this offer. “Eh, I get paid more by bulk than by specifics, so I guess just giving me two for one will be more than enough. I guess I could trade one for one, but you want it baaaad, so that’s just economics for ya.” She wagged her finger lightly, with a grin on her face. Technically, by doing this she was running a system just like the one that had given her so much grief in retail. Was it therefore hypocritical to abuse this strong demand? Probably. But it just kind of felt good to be on the winning side of this, for once.


+ ooc notes



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September 17th
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Brynnhildr Erling
This is Not the Mandatory Beach Thread You Are Looking For
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2022 15:35:13 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
Well, if she hadn't known any better she'd walked straight into that one… and alas, she apparently did not know any better. Played by words and the keen mind of the younger female, to boot! She was growing out of it at a rather dastardly fast rate, leaving her to believe that corporate demise too wasn't all too far off if she continued like this. "I just… gaaaah…" Brynnhildr groaned softly, pinching the bridge of her nose, the rain crashing down so badly that doing so felt like she was pinching her nose closed for an incoming dive.

"Fine, your win. You do drive a hard bargain, Megan, but I am rather desperate for those clams," Wording, Brynn, wording. Momentarily side-tracked by her choice of words, Brynn sighed, then pointed at the brunette. "But yes, I'll keep the promises my mouth makes, no need to worry about that. So, what will it be? Two for one? Want to make it three before we seal the deal?" she quirked her eyebrow, amused yet wondering whether she'd actually drive the bargain home entirely or not. Maybe she was just digging her own grave. But regardless, she'd start making her way back to her ponyta to get one of the bags, knowing her little partner didn't want to bother braving the rain.
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Megan Whitmore
This is Not the Mandatory Beach Thread You Are Looking For
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2022 18:33:14 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar

“Well, in your desperation, I will gladly give you the clams you desire,” she responded, snorting briefly, very much capitalizing on that, too. Megan honestly did not want to bully that woman in this moment. It just came so….naturally. Probably because it was easy. At the very least though, the woman did not seem to mind too much, which probably meant that it was all okay. And as long as this was all in good fun, no one got hurt, right?
Plus, she was, as always, a generous victor. “Two will be enough.” Though, admittedly, it was probably still twice as expensive as otherwise. But she was being paid by the item without too much care about what it was, so this was fine. Megan looked around briefly, seeking some kind of overhead they could go to in order to do that. They would get too soaked out here, otherwise. “Anyway, let’s head over towards the buildings. As much as I would love to seal the deal with you right now out here in the open, a less public – and less wet – place would probably be better, don’t you agree?”
Another snort, because of course. She really should go a little bit easier on her from now on. Starting right about in a few minutes, for sure. But for now, they went off to do some clam business.


+ ooc notes



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This is Not the Mandatory Beach Thread You Are Looking For
POSTED ON Feb 3, 2022 2:17:49 GMT
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