Salvation Army [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Salvation Army [M]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2021 22:22:42 GMT
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It's that time of year once again! Those with plenty have heard the calling of the needy, and their stone hearts finally crack under the weight of festive generosity. Those with plenty being of course Team Rocket, with the needy being common street criminals and agents of chaos.

Oscar was tasked with supplying some extra fire power to Slateport's underworld, most likely to keep the League busy while their securing of Sootopolis moved forward. Oscar was more than happy to get his hands dirty, it had been a while since he got to do field work and he was itching to do something outside of an office. His first thought was to approach , who directed him to a contact of hers known as . Oscar reached out, and the two would soon have a rendezvous scheduled within Slateport's old warehouse district.

Oscar expected very little as he strolled between the abandoned husks of warehouses, juggling a pokeball between his hands in case of unexpected trouble. In his head he imagined that they would discreetly transport a case full of weaponry to a Rocket associate in the night market and it would be as simple as that. However, when he reached the meeting point he would find something rather--unexpected.

There was a woman, no doubt his contact, and next to her was a delibird of all things. Its tail sack was stuffed to the brim, and the jolly bird had it thrown over its back as if it were full of air. The gears in Oscar's brain stalled for a moment, the absurdity of what he saw temporarily debilitating him. He quickly regained his senses, approaching the woman and her bird acquaintance. 

"Remi I presume. Oscar Clayton, a pleasure to meet you. Um--where, dare I ask, is the cargo?"
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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
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kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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Remi Cassel
Salvation Army [M]
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2021 15:34:10 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
It was certainly strange, having her name in the mouths of higher ups. The likes of , , , and even knew her by first-name basis. They sent her on errands, redirected grunts to her aid should the need arise.

And now?

Lulu had sent her a beast.

The thought leaves her with a dangerous grin. When he eventually approaches her, the woman is crossed-armed and looming over the small shape of a red and white Delibird. The sack strewn across its shoulder is full, but surprisingly discreet, loaded with guns and essentials. Hand-wrapped and topped with a bow.

'Tis the season, right?

Remi glances up, lowering her arms and raising her brow at Oscar's greeting.

"Right in front of you."

The woman steps aside to reveal the Delibird in its joyous entirety. The bird puffs out its chest and salutes, readjusting the bag over its shoulder.

"What, you've never had a delivery by Deli-mail? Get with the times, boomer."
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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Salvation Army [M]
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2021 21:06:43 GMT
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Oscar's first instinct was to clap back at Remi's comment, but as he looked between her and the saluting penguin he couldn't help but admit she was right. Oscar's was more of a Peliper Express Delivery man, but he understood the appeal of using Deliberd's natural courier talents to deliver packages. This should be easier than originally thought.

Oscar shrugged, lifting his hands up with his shoulders as an act of exaggerated resignation. "Well fuck then, let's get going." Oscar put himself on the other side of the Deliberd, who adjusted its sack before moving forward. Despite its jolly appearance, it was clear that this bird was all business. This was a very serious job, and it was prepared to overcome any obstacles that would impede their journey. 

Despite its readiness to serve, it would have no need to protect itself. That was what Oscar and Remi were there for. Oscar cracked his neck as their journey toward the drop point began, sending several echoing snapping sounds across the silent gloom of the warehouse district. He figured that this would be awhile, so he might as well find out what made Ms. Remi so notirous.

"Sooo--how's the organization been treating you so far?"

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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
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169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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Remi Cassel
Salvation Army [M]
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2021 17:15:52 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
"'Tis the season, man. We want to blend in, and everyone loves Delibirds during the holidays."

Sure, maybe she was being a bit silly and making a shitty joke. But as long as their buyers got their shit, she could laugh all she wanted at her stupid holiday theme.

"Good man."

She winks, amused by his release of control. They hit the road, and fortunately it is a short trip. They very easily blend in, given the time of day and the mail-man credentials she carries and hands out to Oscar. Their fake identification for working at their local Delibird Delivery mail drop was convincing enough.

Chances are no one would bat an eye anyway.

What they really had to watch out for was aggressive wild Pokemon or hurly burly idiots looking to make a quick buck on selling the next fancy Applin phone online. Some people just couldn't stay jolly for the holiday.

"Your head of intel's a handsy bastard, but it hasn't been too bad."

She smirks again as their feet hit the metal floor of the warehouse. Their walk here is short and sweet, and with a few more turns and a secret discreet back door entrance, they'd make it to their highly illegal arms deal.
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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Salvation Army [M]
POSTED ON Feb 5, 2022 23:12:03 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Handsy? Killian? Oscar made a mental note to not inquire further, the less he knew about Decker's lifestyle the better. Not that Oscar would have time to provide follow up questions, their brief journey would soon be at an end. Oscar entered the warehouse alongside Remi, keeping a wary eye on their surroundings. Oscar never did trust these city gangs, they tended to make poor decisions whenever their greed got the better of them.

Their customers were nearby, four thugs with a fifth well-kept man sitting in a folding chair within their center. As the duo entered, the sitting man would smile. "You must be our friends with the gifts, glad you can make it. Mind if we take a look?" The delibird happily stepped forward, but Oscar put his hand out to stop it. The sly beast matched the leader's smile, "Sure thing friend, just gotta see some payment first."

The man's smile widened, though it most likely was not from amusement. He raised his hand, and one of his bodyguards pulled out a large duffle bag. He aimed the top toward the duo and opened it, revealing a bag full of Poke. Oscar nodded, and put his arm down. The delibird moved forward, and Oscar stayed close behind just in case they tried anything wacky.

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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
169 height
169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
543 posts
Remi Cassel DOLLARS
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Remi Cassel
Salvation Army [M]
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2022 22:19:20 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
Remi allows Oscar to take the lead. He is the senior in the situation and she has no qualms about keeping her mouth shut and her head down so long as she got paid. Her attention spans calmly to the duffel bag full of cash, and then to the Delibird that waddles forward.

Once it reaches the other side, the men open up the pouch and examine the merchandise. After a moment or two of deliberation, they seem to come to an agreement and meet their gaze again. For dramatic effect, they keep a handle on the duffel bag a moment longer than necessary before zipping it up and tossing it across. Remi fetches it, slings it over her shoulder, and glances to Oscar.

"Everything peachy, boys?"
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