stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
decidueye's watch
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2021 22:10:16 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","sbody"] [attr="class","iheaddd"] DECIDUEYE'S WATCH [attr="class","aname2"] a single decidueye stands guard over a small garden plot [attr="class","ipad"] [attr="class","ihead"]HISTORY [break][break] Stormy Silph [break][break] Remi Cassel [break][break] Ophelia Reyes [break][break] Spencer Hale [break][break][break] [attr="class","ihead"]CHANGE-LOG & EFFECTS [break][break] decidueye's overgrow is active: harvest time reduced by 50% [break][break] JUNE 02: planted three custap berries[break] JUNE 16: stormy harvested three custap berries[break] JUNE 17: planted two custap berries and one rowap berry[break] JULY 1: stormy harvested two custap berries[break] JULY 4: planted two custap berries[break] JULY 15: stormy harvested one rowap berry[break] JULY 18: stormy harvested two custap berries[break] JULY 18: emma planted three custap berries[break] AUGUST 5: emma harvested three custap berries[break] AUGUST 10: avery planted three custap berries[break] AUGUST 27: avery harvested three custap berries[break] NOVEMBER 4: stormy planted three micle berries[break] NOVEMBER 18: stormy harvested three micle berries[break] NOVEMBER 21: stormy planted one grepa berry[break] NOVEMBER 21: emma planted two micle berries[break] DECEMBER 8: stormy harvested one grepa berry[break] DECEMBER 8: emma harvested two micle berries[break] DECEMBER 8: avery planted three micle berries[break] DECEMBER 27: avery harvested three micle berries[break] DECEMBER 27: stormy planted two salac berries and one rowap berry[break] JANUARY 27: stormy harvested two salac berries and one rowap berry[break] FEBRUARY 11: stormy planted two passho berries and one salac berry[break] MARCH 10: stormy harvested one salac berry[break] APRIL 7: stormy harvested two passho berries and one salac berry[break] APRIL 12: stormy planted one salac berry and two passho berries[break] MAY 10: stormy harvested one salac berry and planted one salac berry[break] JUNE 9: stormy harvested one salac berry and two passho berries[break] JUNE 9: stormy planted two salac berries and one passho berry[break] JULY 7: stormy harvested two salac berries[break] JULY 11: stormy planted one salac berry and one passho berry[break] AUGUST 04: stormy harvested one passho berry[break] AUGUST 08: stormy harvested one salac berry[break] AUGUST 20: stormy's passho berry tree was destroyed[break] AUGUST 30: stormy planted three salac berries[break] SEPTEMBER 28: emma harvested three salac berries[break] OCTOBER 2: stormy planted three salac berries[break] OCTOBER 30: emma harvested three salac berries[break] NOVEMBER 7: stormy planted three salac berries[break] DECEMBER 5: stormy harvested three salac berries[break] DECEMBER 30: stormy planted three salac berries[break] JANUARY 27: stormy harvested three salac berries[break] FEBRUARY 2: avery planted three salac berries[break] MARCH 31: stormy harvested three salac berries[break] MARCH 31: stormy planted one passho berry + two salac berries[break] JUNE 25: stormy harvested one passho berry + two salac berries[break] JUNE 25: stormy planted one passho berry + two salac berries[break] SEPTEMBER 16: stormy harvested one passho berry + two salac berries[break] SEPTEMBER 16: stormy planted three micle berries[break] OCTOBER 24: remi harvests three micle berries[break] NOVEMBER 2: stormy plants three micle berries[break] NOVEMBER 21: remi harvests three micle berries[break] NOVEMBER 21: stormy plants three salac berries[break] DECEMBER 24: remi plants three salac berries[break] JANUARY 23: stormy harvests three salac berries[break] JANUARY 23: stormy plants three salac berries [break][break][break] [attr="class","ihead"]INVENTORY [break][break] 10 custap berries - 10 redeemed[break] 2 rowap berries - 1 redeemed[break] 8 micle berries - 8 redeemed[break] 1 grepa berry - 1 redeemed[break] 34 salac berries - 21 unused[break] 7 passho berries - 5 unused, 2 used [break][break][break] [attr="class","ihead"]THE GARDEN PLOT [break][break] [break][break][break] [googlefont=Montserrat][googlefont=Roboto Condensed]