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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Dec 29, 2021 11:33:30 GMT
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This is not the first time Skyler's pride proves to be her downfall, and it will not be the last. One second she's glowering down at Parker, vicious in her victory, and the next the world has narrowed down to blinding agony.

Pain explodes across her face as Parker rams her skull into it, and suddenly the captain's grip on the woman beneath her loses its strength. Some kind of pained, primal whine escapes her lips as she all but slumps down onto her opponent. Instinct alone shouts louder than the need to curl herself into a protective ball, and Skyler has been in too many fights not to heed it.

Groaning, she shoves away from Parker onto the floor, putting some distance between them.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Swallow the bile that's threatening to rise up her throat. Concentrate on the coppery tang that coats her tongue. Shit...

"Wouldn't you want to know, Pinkie." It's not quite a purr, not quite a growl. Defiant slivers of moonlight glare at Parker through the throbbing in Skyler's face. When she swipes the back of her hand over her mouth, the gauze turns a deep red. 

Fuck, she must be a mess.


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POSTED ON Dec 31, 2021 0:05:03 GMT
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whatever poor bastard she goes home to when the sun comes up ain't gonna know what hit her. she'd worry about a target on her back for leaving the marks she has on her, but there's something unspoken between the two of them. a mutual respect, communicated in growls and snarls and petal blossoms of pain on each other's skin. 

she sits up with a grimace and spits her own glob of blood. her pants are ripped and a fuckin' chunk of her is missing. fucking christ. 

with a groan, one arm wrapped around her stomach, she pushes herself up, weight balanced on her good leg. vertigo almost has her toppling over. but she blinks hard and finds her center. 

she harks a laugh. 

and the crowd around her is crowing at them to finish it, to stop their pussy-footing around and go for the throat. they want the climax that parker and skyler have been dangling in front of them this entire fight. but parker's a feminist, if nothing else, and flips them off as she shuffles towards skyler. 

she extends a hand, brow cocked. 

"i would," she says, "but i oughta buy ya a drink first."
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POSTED ON Jan 3, 2022 17:20:29 GMT
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A crown of vultures leans in, gorging on violence. Jeers and obscenities rain down onto the ring, but they fall on Skyler's deaf ears. She's far, far too used to this part.

No, something else has her attention.

Pain is an old friend that pulses in time with her heartbeat, flowering purple on sun-kissed skin. But even that takes a backseat to the sight of Parker's laughter. Skyler recognizes the defiance in her posturing, an ode to all the fucks not given. The most glorious fuck you to all who thought they'd use them for entertainment. 

This moment was theirs and theirs alone.

"Thought you'd never ask." Skyler grins, taking the hand extended to her and pulling herself up. Her balance fails her for a moment as nausea settles into her gut, but then fingers are sinking into Parker's shoulder and she's - mostly - upright. She's definitely not leaning on the other woman.

"Don't think the patrons are too happy with us right now." Or anyone else in the establishment, for that matter. Her voice is far too pleased about the fact, amusement flaring bright in a surface of silver. Eager for trouble.

"So, Pinkie." The way out of the ring is decidely less elegant than what she would've hoped, but that's what you get when you're suitably beaten up. No honor to be had here. Skyler wouldn't have it any other way.

 "You like tequila?"


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POSTED ON Jan 4, 2022 1:17:05 GMT
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skyler takes her hand, like she knew she would, and parker settles her heels in, leans her weight away from the woman to help drag her upright. the girl's built and muscle's fuckin' heavy. parker's imagination does a couple of complimentary things to skyler's figure, but she looks away from her. respects her too much now. 

gaze finds her way back to her regardless, but then she looks past her, slips her arm under her waist, and gives her ass a good smack in front of the booing men. "enjoy your fuckin' blue balls, boys. this one's mine." 

show officially over and with the excitement thoroughly disinterested in any man's advances, they leave the pair alone to the bar. 

parker lets up when skyler proves she can walk. and as soon as her liquor of choice comes out of her mouth, parker waggles two fingers at the barkeep. 

he brings them four instead. 

"bottoms up, sweetheart." she takes both of hers quickly and grimaces at the aftertaste. tequila is, in fact, not her liquor of choice. 

"so, you taken or do i actually have a fuckin' shot?"
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POSTED ON Jan 5, 2022 19:13:50 GMT
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Ask and ye shall receive. Trouble sneaks up on her in a mouth that looks too good twisted in a snarl and narrowed eyes that make her blood run hot. Should this have happened a year ago, Skyler would be pining the pink-haired girl to the wall, would be stealing a taste of tequila from her lips.

Instead she swings both tequila shots in quick sucession, lips parted in pleasure at the burn that spreads down her throat. Skyler has a penchant for things that aren't good for her, and Parker most likely falls into that category.

Not that the captain had ever let that stop her.

She leans into the bar, signals the barman, and four more shots replace the previous ones. Rum, this time. 

"You're hot, Pinkie." She allows her eyes to trace the edge of Parker's jawline, her lips, her eyes. Boldly unashamed. "But I happen to be a married woman." And if the steel in her voice is any indication, that'd be the end of that. "Feel free to fight me anytime though."

Skyler downs the first shot with little hesitation, barely allowing the liquid to touch her tongue. The second she takes time with, silver finding Parker's own in silent challenge as the last drop is licked from curled lips.

"Your choice next, Pinkie. Surprise me." 


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POSTED ON Jan 6, 2022 20:59:47 GMT
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hope's gathered and then dashed all at once, but parker doesn't glower like some of the men still around them. she bottoms up instead, grimacing at the taste as it goes down. it's rotgut shit, to boot, 'cause she doesn't know shit about tequila to order anything else. (and maybe, down the road, if someone showed her the nuances of it, she might get a deeper appreciation.)

but she doesn't have to, 'cause skyler goes and orders the one thing she does enjoy. what? she likes things a little sweet. 

"always the bridesmaid, never the bride," parker says sarcastically. she matches the captain with her own sort of fervor, though she's fairly certain this is the one fight she's going to lose against her. parker has a tolerance, but not one hardened by the sea. 

"keep the rum coming," she says and props her elbow on the bar. 

"so, a taken woman, out here lookin' to kick the shit out of some low-lives. i'n't that what your partner's for? professin' your love and 'talking' 'bout shit so you don't gotta do -" she waves one hand to the surrounding area, "this?"
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POSTED ON Jan 11, 2022 19:34:47 GMT
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The first shot barely has time to settle before Skyler's knocking it back. Like the fights and the bloodied knuckles and the baring of teeth, it offers her numbness and feeling both: a burn that lays waste to everything in its path. Some people drink to drown, to forget, to find relief in the robbing of senses.

Skyler drinks to feel, teetering on the edge of not quite enough and far too much. Seeking more, always more. 

"Loaded question there, Pinkie, innit?" For a moment it looks as if the captain won't answer. Her finger reaches forward to trace the edge of a shot glass, lazy-like. "You're assuming it's one or the other. 'S no reason why it can't be both." 

The rum disappears between her lips. Before long, two more shots replace it. 

"Besides," Skyler doesn't reach for the other drinks, not yet. Her focus is entirely on the woman next to her, mercury-bright. "Y' think words could replace - this?" She'd yet to find relief outside the rush of flesh under her knuckles, savagery given beautiful form.

"'S not the same." An eyebrow quirks up, followed by a lightning-quick, devilish curl of her lips. "But feel free t' profess your love t' me next time."


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POSTED ON Jan 17, 2022 7:57:07 GMT
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shit. she's throwing them back like it's fuckin' apple juice. parker's already fighting the bile trying to claw its way up her throat. she fancies sugar rims and egg white drinks, slow sips and slow burns, and the world not tottering on its axis. she likes to know which way is up. and hates how fucking vulnerable she is, peeled apart, layers burned away with chemical reactions.

"must be in some fucked up shit," she comments, turning in her bar seat and leaning her back against the bar, if only to steady herself. her eyes narrow and she reaches for the glass of water that has accompanied their next round. 

"nah," she says. "you's a catch, sweetheart, but a no's a no." she licks her lips, tilts her head. "but i better be the first ya come to when ya filin' divorce."

she deigns to risk another shot and grimaces. "but i'll beat the shit outta yas any time ya want." she holds another shot in her hands and looks down at it with a frown, raises it up to skyler as if to toast. 

"never h've i ever kissed a guy an' liked it."
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POSTED ON Feb 4, 2022 16:06:40 GMT
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"I'll try t'make some room for ye if that happens, Pinkie." Eyes twinkle with something that isn't quite a promise, laced in alcohol and a willingness to step over the line.

Neon lights play with the shadows cast by her features, lending her the halfway surreal appearance that draws people to establishments like this to fight loneliness with the dregs of poorly concocted lies and intoxicated fantasies.

Though she refuses to admit it to herself, Skyler's here for a similar reason. When the pillow grows cold and the nightmares draw near, she always finds her way to places like this. And to people like

"Tha's what a girl likes t'hear." She laughs with the same kind of the restraint applied to drinking. Which is so say, none at all. The short bark of laughter softens her edges, peeling back surface layers to glimpse at the defiant, wild thing that lies underneath.

"Tha' how ya charm all yer ladies?" One of the remaining shots makes its way to her lips, hiding the flash of a smirk. "They must fall at yer feet."

Parker's last statement is met with a quirked eyebrow, and though the captain holds the remaining shot in her hand, she doesn't drink it. Not yet. "That woulda been really bad news for my husband." And with a glorious disregard for her own limits, Skyler all but inhales the two remaining shots.

"Holy fuck."


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POSTED ON Feb 9, 2022 21:01:15 GMT
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marriage doesn't suit the blonde, parker decides. she's cold as the sea, wild and untamable. but there's that thing about it, a quote from fuck - the sea, once it casts its spell, holds on in its net of wonder forever. some naval explorer. it's a thing of beauty, but most beautiful things are untouchable. 

is she quieted, made mute, away from places like this? or do they call to her, a siren's song, even when she's away. 

parker snubs her nose and makes a face. "nah 's us'ally the tongue gets 'em weak in the knees," she says, swiping said tongue out to lick her lips. she winks. 

"hrmm, is your turn. ain'ya play ne'e'r h've e'ver?" she narrows her eyes to try to focus on skyler's wavering visage. never have i ever is a game for those looking to get wasted, not for two gals already two fucking sheets to the wind.

she laughs at skyler's face after her latest shot. parker holds up another round, raises her glass, and then looks at her expectantly. 
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POSTED ON Feb 10, 2022 9:31:57 GMT
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"Y'r gonn’ be t' death o' me, Pinkie...' She breathes out, alcohol-laced words softly slurred from an increasingly numb tongue. The trouble, she thought, in finding someone like in a place like this was that neither knew when to – or were interested in – stopping.

And really, was there anything wrong with that - except for the morning after? Those regrets (and the inevitable hangover) are a few hours in the future, and current Sky is too drunk on the silent dare of Pinkie’s stare (and quite a bit of rum).

All too happy to hurtle through mistakes with a defiant sort of abandon.

Skyler finds a supportive friend in the countertop she’s somewhat leaning against and pats it distractedly as if saying ‘good boy.’

“Shit! Uhh…” Saliva pools in her mouth, but Skyler forces it down. Hell if she’d back down now. Shadows and shapes and the rhythmic bass melt into each other, an inconsequential backdrop to the expectant look pinning her down.

“Never hav I ever…” A pause, tongue running over her teeth as she chases after any kind of coherence. She leans slightly into ’s personal space like a wind-bent wave, holding on to the countertop for dear life. “Never hav I ever gotten off on violence.” Skyler downs the shot, refusing to break eye contact with the other woman. 

Is this how the game's meant to be played? Probably not. Did Skyler care? Not a whit.


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POSTED ON Mar 1, 2022 19:49:13 GMT
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parker hits her with the fuck me eyes, though she doesn't mean to. hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and parker's done testing those waters. 'cept maybe she's not, with the way skyler's looking at her. and it's all through a drunken haze now as she trips into the pit, as the rushed shots come catching up to her. 

she finds herself mimicking skyler's movements - grabbing the bar like a lifeline, for all that's worth. she puffs out her cheeks, feels like she's run five fucking miles, and then swallows the bile that threatens to rise in her throat. 

and then skyler hits her with an obvious duh and she's forced to drink another shot. but all she can do is blame herself for starting the damn game in the first place. 

"at this rate, 'e'll be keeeeeeled over 'n upsideown. fuhuck. mmmm. ne'er i e'er fucked a sea witch."
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POSTED ON Mar 14, 2022 15:49:48 GMT
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Skyler's familiar with the shape of features half consumed in shadows, with the invitation that slips into Parker's expression. She'd felt it first in the animalistic satisfaction of landing a punch, of pinning the other woman under the weight of her savagery and relishing in the struggle.

It's primal and raw and honest.

Violence begets violence, and Skyler basks in it in a way - especially as of late - that she knows Parker recognizes. 

An inelegant snort bursts out, amused, as Skyler half-heartedly reaches for another glass. She finally manages to hold onto it after the third try. 

"Can't say I 'ave. Tho... A witch? Yeah." The captain's briefly reminded of , of the rush of burning herself on self-made fire, fanning the flames 'till she's basking in the warmth of a raging inferno, wholly uncaring for the aftertaste of ashes on her tongue.

Yeah, she decides, definitely a witch. 

The edge of the glass presses into her split lip, now thankfully numb. "N'ver hav I ever-" She stops, swallows the bile that threatens to rise up. "Shit, I got' get back to m' boat."

An endeavor that seems increasingly unlikely.


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POSTED ON Apr 15, 2022 4:10:45 GMT
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now that they're up close and personal and the world is spinning and skyler's really the only damn beacon of light in front of her - blonde and muscular and beautiful and glowing like a lighthouse (still ain't gonna stop parker from crashing against rock and crag and tipping overboard, falling headfirst down the side and drowning - )

she pitches to the side, wooziness coming over her, bile backing up in her throat. it takes everything and i mean everything in her, god and heaven above, not to spew everything onto the dame's lap. she gives a colossal sigh instead, scrunches her face up real tight, and counts down the seconds until the waves stop battering her. 

"nnnnyous boat?" her tongue swells in her mouth and her brain says i wanna fuck her right now and her body says just close your eyes and slide right onto that welcoming floor, slick with beer and blood and who knows what else. 

"m'place," she starts and then gasps again. "place 's afew'uck.....doors down. c'mon, bl-hicc-blondie."
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POSTED ON Apr 20, 2022 5:25:50 GMT
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[attr="class","wildtitle"]A CUBONE HATCHES FROM THE EGG!


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[attr="class","wildtabox2"]STOMPING TANTRUM
[attr="class","wildtabox"]IRON HEAD
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]HYDRO CANNON


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