chemical sweat [sd]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
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Guillermo Marceliño
chemical sweat [sd]
POSTED ON Feb 6, 2022 19:55:23 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
Memo makes sure the collar on his flannel jacket is artfully popped, and double checks that his (faux) platinum chain is purposefully askew, just as his first partner walks in. He is perusing the offering of champagne and chocolates and gazes up at the man from behind his black-tinted round glasses.

He does a doubletake, spectacles sliding down the edge of his broad nose, and pauses mid-pluck of a white rose, the thorns snipped off at their base. “I recognize you,” he says, smiling. “You’re from Fortree, right? The gym?” He spins the rose in his hand and offers it, flat on his palm and stem first, to , with a charming wink, meaning for it to be read all in good fun. 

fit | | my son is cringe

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
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Alexei Ivanov
chemical sweat [sd]
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2022 3:53:12 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Okay, so William had decided to be a complete little shithead and cause a racket.

Why, that basically meant he was going to run around in circles and make Alex’s life completely and utterly miserable!

The baa’ing noise, accompanied by the jingling crown perched on his fluffy wool, made for quite the sight as the man of the hour himself made his way through the venue.

And right then and there he chanced upon his ‘date’ for the evening—

“Hey, your shades are falling down your nose,” he remarked, pointedly ignoring the cute face of his Wooloo that was trying to catch his attention.

“Yeah, that would be me. I’m Alex,” he introduced himself. “And this shit disturber with me is one of my Wooloos, William. Don’t mind the crown.”

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
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Guillermo Marceliño
chemical sweat [sd]
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2022 2:29:22 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
Memo wasn’t bothered by the incessant running, baa-ing, or jingling. He just pressed his specs up the bridge of his nose and grinned. “My Zigzagoon does this too.” He made a spiral motion in the air with one finger. “The running and the crazy. I can relate.”

At least the little sheep was pretty cute and not purposefully aiming to blow peoples knees out with headbutt.

“‘One’ of your Wooloos? D’you have more?” He imagined surrounded by cute little sheep. It definitely wasn’t a bad look.

fit | | my son is cringe

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Alex / Lexy
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december 22
Mistralton, Unova
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Alexei Ivanov
chemical sweat [sd]
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2022 5:01:04 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Sometimes I wonder what would’ve happened if I brought my other Wooloo instead of Will here,” he mused, cackling at the gesture the other made.

Oh, it sucked to be the parent of many crazy Pokémon—come see the Toucannon Mafia™ if you want to find out more!

“Yeah, I have a couple more—however they’re back at Fortree. Someone’s gotta watch the kid—yep, this little shit disturber here is a dad. Adopted dad, though,” he added.

At the mention of ‘dad’, William looked up and gave the cutest ‘blep’ noise he could muster before skidding to a stop and sitting down on his ass.

“…he knows he’s going to get in trouble if he makes too much of a racket,” he continued in the other man’s direction in a stage whisper, unable to resist breaking into another fit of laughter.

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
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it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
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Guillermo Marceliño
chemical sweat [sd]
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2022 13:23:15 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
Memo listened very intently to Alex as he described what sounded like his life of Wooloo telenovelas. It was a genuine interest-- you didn’t dedicate your life to preserving Pokemon as a Ranger without liking Pokemon, even the crazy ones. The way spoke made it sound, he had a whole heap of nonsensical Pokemon he had to put up with. “I’ve just got the one,” he said. “One crazy one, I mean. The rest of them are… normal enough?”

“Oh, this one’s a dad?” Memo asked, taken aback. The Wooloo seemed so young! And strange! And made noises for no reason! That was like saying Memo was a dad. “Man, you really have your hands full." Then the Wooloo planted on his bum like a big dog and poked his tongue out and the two adult men devolved into giggles.

“I-- I don’t think I ever introduced myself. My name’s M-Memo,” he managed to squeak out between bits of laughter.

fit | | they're CUTE

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Alex / Lexy
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december 22
Mistralton, Unova
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Alexei Ivanov
chemical sweat [sd]
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2022 14:24:00 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Whether he likes it or not, yep, he’s a dad. Wait, lemme show you.”

He then moved closer, pulling out his phone and then scrolling through the gallery until he found the part of the camera roll where it was nothing but pictures of the Wooloo—just William and Smokey back then, until the little addition arrived sometime later.

“Here, here, look,” he gestured waving Memo over and pointing. In most of the stolen pictures there were two Wooloo, the one with the crown (obviously William) always being sassed by a shiny variant of the same species (this was Smokey).

Ear-pulling and eye rolling abound between the Wooloos were abundant for the first half of the album, and then the two became three—this one was much smaller than the other two and had an equally-cute ribbon perched on her head as well.

“This is their adopted kid… haven’t picked out a name for her yet, though. One of the local farms at Fortree sent her over because she was so small, the other Wooloo were being mean to her. Practically the runt of the entire herd…”

Oh boy, Memo.

Once Alexei got started on the story of these Wooloo, there was going to be no stopping him!

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
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Guillermo Marceliño
chemical sweat [sd]
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2022 15:11:01 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
In the blink of an eye had scooted close and whipped out his phone. Memo leaned in as well, shades shifting down the bridge of his broad nose. He caught a glimpse of the man’s camera roll and found it to be little more than a screen of white and matte black from his shiny Wooloo. He did as he was bid, looking closely and intently listening as Alex talked about his little adopted family, which he obviously adored.

“Aww, she’s so precious!” Memo said, genuine in his excitement. Why couldn’t his Pokemon be like that? “You must be so proud! Both of you!” It was extremely endearing to see someone so passionate about his Pokemon and the little world he’d built for them. It made him see Alex in a new light-- soft and warm and not just a terrifying figure of power as a Gym leader.

He opened his mouth to ask more questions-- where’d you get Smokey and William, why Wooloo, etc etc-- when the speed dating bell went ding. He was so engrossed in Alex’s pictures that he actually jumped a little in fright. “Wow, that went crazy fast. Time flies when you’re having fun. Since you have your phone out--” he pulled out his own-- “let me get your number. You can send me all the Wooloo pictures you want. I’d love to see the little one grow.”

fit | | smooth smooth

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
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Alexei Ivanov
chemical sweat [sd]
POSTED ON Feb 10, 2022 2:52:51 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Why did they have such a limited time to do this?!

He’d gotten so absorbed talking about the Wooloo shenanigans he’d clearly missed the buzzer noise going off, and he looked up with this slight little frown on his face.

“Oh, c’mon, I was just getting to the good part!” he wailed at nobody in particular—okay, maybe he was wailing at the buzzer for being such a killjoy…

William, on the other hand, just sat there looking like an absolute derp face, basking in all the glory. Ohh, he couldn’t wait to tell Smokey about all of this later when they got back!

“I’ll do you one better, actually.”

See, it always helped to have a nice stack of those calling cards for the Sanctuary with him, so he reached into another pocket and pulled out a calling card that had the details—and on the back side, his name and contact number.

“Absolutely cheesy, but here’s my calling card.”

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October 13
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chemical sweat [sd]
POSTED ON Feb 10, 2022 5:39:34 GMT
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Parfum Palace - Pokémon X & Y OST

A BELL DINGS, announcing the curtain call for round one. Immediately, a shuffling of chairs and flustered movement can be heard. Awkward goodbyes accompany the brisk steps of Pokémon partners as they cascade across the polished flooring.

Before you leave your table, perhaps you'd like to take a sweet treat?


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