The Magic Within

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Magic Within
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2022 19:50:27 GMT
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Since the summer of 1998, peace has reigned in the United Kingdom. After the Battle of Hogwarts, Kingsley Shacklebolt was appointed to the position of Minister of Magic with the promise of sweeping reforms. Reformation did come with wide support from both the light and the dark.

Many Death Eaters were given opportunities for rehabilitation. Programs were put in place to allow prisoners to leave Azkaban and reintegrate into society. Probation requirements were strict for those who sought absolution for their crimes.

This ushered in a new age of acceptance and cooperation. Regardless of former allegiance, new alliances were made. Magical research flourished and there have been tremendous technological advancements made in the wizarding world. Opportunities abound for one and all across the United Kingdom.

It is to each of us to decide, though, what we will make of these opportunities and this hope.

So, to you, we ask: How you will embrace it? The Magic Within.