cast iron

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 11, 2022 3:06:29 GMT
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Sol doesn't falter to his grab, rather, she used it as an opportunity to pull him closer, her face just as red as his. 
"Ah so your political agenda isn't going through, so you have every right to KILL innocent people," she snapped back inbetween his slew of garbage takes.  When he continued, her face only continues to contort into one of pure fury. what a fucking selfish prick of a man. 

When he breaks free of her grip, she takes a step back, head shaking furiously. 

...until he mentioned her so-called silver spoon.

Again, she rammed her body into the bars, though, this time, her hands only clawed at pure air.

"SILVER SPOON?? I've been in the fucking trenches for the past two years. I've seen my comrades die beside me, my friends. You don't even know me, much less whatever the fuck your talking about."

Pulling away, she gave him one last glare before spitting at the ground, the taste of metal thick on her tongue. But that's what she gets for biting down on her tongue. "You have no fucking idea what you're talking about."
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 11, 2022 3:24:00 GMT
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he looks away from that comment, teeth bared as he stares down the concrete. his look is... conflicted, with clear difficulty flickering.

"i-" didn't kill anyone, he wants to say. but he doesn't. "-i'm just doing what i have to in order to survive."

then she's back again, a supernova of anger and passion. his anger settles, transforming into venom.

"we've all lost people," he spat, not approaching the cage this time. "get the fuck over it. chances are? they deserved it."

but they they really? maybe her losses, like his own, were all because of the hubris of someone else.



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 11, 2022 3:59:43 GMT
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"that isn't an excuse."

She despised rocket. An organization filled with ignorant gangsters and low lives who never understand the implication of their actions. She didn't care if they were hurt, or if they came from shitty backgrounds-- that wasn't, and never would be, an excuse to do what they've done.

When he spoke again, anger fired up inside his stomach, licking the inside of his stomach, thrice as strong than before. She kicked at the bars, a growl crawling up his throat.

"OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR AND SAY THAT AGAIN!" Hurt bled out her voice, mixed deep into the flood of emotions the raged inside her system. They didn't deserve to die. They didn't deserve anything that happened to them.

Hair covered her face like a curtain and heavy, ragged breaths blew out her cracked lips.

"Fuck you and fuck rocket... Im glad you're so fucking depressed-- you deserve every bit of that shitty life you have."
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 11, 2022 21:49:35 GMT
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"so the dog still has some fight left in her then." wisely, he keeps his distance, eyes flicking to the iron bars as they ring and vibrate from her king. the pain in her voice was clear, and avery felt a trickle of regret bleed into him.

he staunches that wound as she continues speaking.

"yeah, yeah. same shit i've heard from your kind my entire life. well, how does it feel? to watch those you love die and you can do nothing about it?" his lips pull up and back into that condescending smile. "to know that the the reapers scythe is over your head now. don't worry too much — you'll see your friends soon enough."

he leans against the lip of the desk, arms crossing as he stares back at her.

"i'll listen to your last words though. it's more than your people have offered."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 11, 2022 22:12:11 GMT
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She hated him.

She hated him.

She hated him.

"Your people, my people," her voice echoed back, mockery clear in it's inflections, "grow the fuck up, for Arceus sake. I haven't done shit to you, they havent done shit to you. The only person who's dragging your sorry ass down is yourself. You say they deserved it?"

An image of her friends flashed across her mind. They were smiling, laughing together, as the weight of the world piled on their shoulders.

"Most of my friends came from families that couldn't afford food, much less a college education. They worked their asses off just to get by, only for rocket to come in and throw them into combat. If it wasn't for this," she held her arms high, eyes still intensely glaring back at him, "they'd be at home with their families, preparing dinner, or doing other dumb shit." She took a deep breath."Regular, good, hardworking men and women-- those are the people your fucking over with this shit. Those are the people you're killing. And you say I'm the dog."
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 11, 2022 23:33:27 GMT
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"THEN JUST GIVE UP." he yells, stepping forward. "just fucking give up and leave. how hard is that?" he takes another step, shoulders squared and eyes filled with hellfire.

"casualties are inevitable in war, and don't just pretend it's just us justifying it. entire city blocks have been bombed out by the league — blocks of innocent people. you know, the word you're throwing in my face?" he can still smell the corpses and taste the ash. feel the shiver up his spine at the realization of not who anymore, but what he was looking at.

"i recognize that rocket is an evil in this world, but it's a necessary one. you need one to beat one."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 12, 2022 4:11:35 GMT
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Loud, solid footsteps flew to the bars, and her hands immediately grip them.

"Give up? GIVE UP?? And let some random group of greedy shitheads gain control of everything? I'd rather die, and I'm sure as hell anyone with a half-decent heart would as well."

Not with still out there, she thought, she couldn't just let Rocket size control without a fight.

"Necessary evils don't fucking exist, so don't even try to use that one as an excuse. You're just a murderer, plain and simple."
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 12, 2022 4:20:59 GMT
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"all that fighting, and where has it gotten you? your friends?" he holds out his arms as if he was displaying something. "what was the point of it all?"

he snorts, nose twitching as he grinds his teeth in anger.

"you keep calling me a killer but, I'm sure out of the two of us here, only one has actually taken lives." he leans forward, words dropping to a mocking whisper.

"and it ain't me."


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cast iron
POSTED ON May 16, 2022 14:50:21 GMT
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Where has it gotten them? What a shitty fucking take.

Nose scrunched up, she approached the bars again, her fingers wrapping around them with incrementally increasing strength.

"Don't act all innocent," She returned the slap of mockery he had given her, smiling the entire time. "You're a fucking part of this, too. Their blood is on your hands-- mothers, sisters, friends, grandparents. It's your support that helped kill them, so don't fucking pretend to be all innocent. "

It was only a matter of time til he pulled the trigger on her head, too.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 17, 2022 1:54:56 GMT
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"do you think that's going to bother me?" he says back, doing his best not to show the fact that it does bother him. how many times has this conversation taken place around kanto? did someone have this very same one when it came to—

avery shakes it off.

"i don't pretend to be innocent," grey eyes narrow into thin slits, "but i sure as won't let you think you're the hero."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 17, 2022 4:28:31 GMT
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She hoped it did.

Every fiber in her body prayed that this conversation would come back to bite him, infesting his brain with doubts that make second-guessing himself inevitable.

"I really don't care what you think of me."

Hero, villain -- neither of those words meant much when said by a rocket. It was just noise. Static.

Pushing herself off the bars, Soleil circled back towards the corner of the cell, her legs growing tired of standing. With a thud, she fell back on her ass and allowed the surrounding blocks of cement to blanket her.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 18, 2022 5:33:58 GMT
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he stands there for a minute or so afterward staring into her dark cell. she doesn't sir, or turn to face him. the heat of her words left his face flushed, but that too would die down.

then he was left with his own thoughts. they settled onto him like a weighted blanket; his chest feeling a pressure that he hadn't only minutes before.

beneath the dim light he catches the outline of her frame, and despite how thin she'd looked compared to her arrival here, she didn't look weak. she never looked weak.

he shakes the idle notions and returns to his seat eager to relax and forget about the entire conversation.

if only it was that easy.

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