cast iron

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 10, 2022 20:08:14 GMT
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descending the cold, damp stone stairwell gave avery plenty of time to think. he dwells to days before he joined the conflict; before he'd thrown his life into a chaos that would last for many years to come. before he knew it, avery found himself standing in front of a metallic door, opening it to head inside.

"here to take over," he says to the tired looking man seated in a nearby chair. the man, older than he by a few years easily, simply grunts in confirmation and pushes himself to his feet. he walks past without so much as another word. satisfied by the silence, avery simply crosses the distance lazily and takes his seat.

making himself comfortable, he tosses a cursory glance to the figure in the cell. they shift slightly, but he says nothing. the most important rule of this job? don't engage.

and he would follow it to the letter.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 10, 2022 20:51:22 GMT
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It'd been days since she last saw the light of day, longer since she's seen much more. 

Their faces were still etched in her brain, like tattoos reminding her of the bad decisions that led to worse consequences.

A low growl escaped her lips as that damn familiar voice echoed off the wall. It was him again. This meant two things: it was officially 5 hours since the last shift and 1 hour til meal time. 

It was the best indication of time Rocket would offer. 

"Hey shits for brain, mind giving me the time?"

It was a low ball move, but maybe he's humanity would give in.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 10, 2022 21:34:55 GMT
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this wasn't the first time she'd attempted to speak to him, nor would it probably be the last. avery sighs and lifts his feet up to cross them over the table, fingering in his pockets for his phone.

"time for you to shut the hell up, i imagine. or did you need something to fill that trap of yours?" he yells back, flipping one of his social media apps. the first image he saw was a thirst trap, and of course, he gives it the proper double tap.

he knew he shouldn't engage but, arceus it was amusing. who knew life with rocket could be so good?

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 10, 2022 22:33:53 GMT
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His answer earned a proper eye roll.

Of course.

"All bark, but no bite," she cackled. It was a bold move, but her pride wouldn't allow herself to just take it and not dish something.

Sighing, she leaned back into the cement wall.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 10, 2022 23:02:11 GMT
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against his better judgement something flares inside of him. annoyance, irritation, and even the desire to crush what little spirits this woman had left.

he stands, nearly jetting himself out of his seat, and moves to the door of the cage. what he saw was held a certain symbolism; a growlithe waiting to be euthanized.

"says the mutt locked in a cage," avery spat, a condescending smirk tugging at one side of his mouth. "beg me properly and i might even feed you a snack."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 10, 2022 23:17:49 GMT
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A pair of dull, yet firery eyes lifted back up to the figure, and she smirk at it's obvious spat of emotions.


"Is that how you talk to a woman? No wonder you're so fucking lonely." She sneered, lifting up her nose, all high and mighty. "I'd rather die than accept anything from you."
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 10, 2022 23:21:15 GMT
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"woman?" his eyebrow raises, chin pointed in superiority. "dirty, matted, and used. what man would want you?"

he reaches into his other pocket for a bag of unopened jerky. it was bacon flavored and bought just tonight. he cracks it open and tosses a piece into his mouth.

"you might just get your wish then."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 11, 2022 0:10:05 GMT
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"A man who can't get shit otherwise."

Another cackle. Another swallow of emotions.

Bringing her right knee to her chest, she lightly banged her head against the wall, over and over, eyes slowly closing.

"Anything's better than hearing your voice."
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 11, 2022 0:15:15 GMT
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"not the brightest, are you?" his tone is low and dangerous, forehead leaning against the bars to peer between them down the bridge of his nose. "how's that bravado and ego fairing for you? i'm sure even eating would be difficult, with all that shit you're spewing."

as if he were teasing a malnourished dog he tosses one of the large pieces of bacon towards her, letting it land just a foot or so in-front of her.

"go on. have a bite."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 11, 2022 0:27:07 GMT
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"Been going fine. Except the company-- that's been shit."

Her eye briefly fell down to the crumb of jerky, but only for a second, before turning back to his, more intense than before.

"Having fun on your power trip? Can't imagine you get to feel this powerful often."
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 11, 2022 0:49:56 GMT
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"you're not wrong there. at least lift up your shirt, give me something worth while to look at it." he mindlessly bites off another piece of jerky, lips coiling into a serpentine smirk.

"that's what life's about isn't it? takin' what you get?" he stares at the dirty, disheveled woman. he admires, for a single moment, her tenacity and will. in the end it would mean nothing, but here, have your token respect.

"i'm sure you'd do worse if the positions were swapped. you league dogs have had your boots on our necks all this time. tell me, mutt, how's it feel to be the one kicked into the dirt?"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 11, 2022 1:20:49 GMT
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For once, Soleli doesn't answer. He allowed the spears of spite to collect at her chest, unbothered by its effects. The collection of mattes in her hair was much more annoying, anyways.

That is, until he brought up the league.

"Are you serious," she barked out a short, bitter laugh. "Damn right I would, because you're fucking parasites. Terrorists who decided to destroy Kanto for everything it's worth. For what? Monetary gain? Power?"

The amount of people who've had to suffer due to their selfish choices... She could never forget their faces, their pain. It was a burden she chose to carry, as the idea of forgetting was worse than never caring in the first place.

"Kick me down all you want. You fuckers will pay for the damage you've done."
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 11, 2022 1:36:19 GMT
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it's his turn to sneer now. lips part to reveal canines, fledgling as they may be, but sharp enough to cut a wounded dog.

"you've sat upon your throne for long enough, don't you think? looked down on us peasants like royalty. turns out when you shake the hive long enough, something is going to come out and sting you."

had he not suffered enough? his family? his sister? he was done begging for the scraps that would fall to the floor. he was done putting up with it.

sol might've been innocent, but she was just as involved in this as he was. fighting to keep a status quo that had been nothing but destructive.

if her death meant someone else could be spared, well, so be it.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 11, 2022 1:48:14 GMT
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That hit a nerve.

With a sudden surge of energy, the woman launched to her feet and rammed straight into the bars of cell. If the man failed to react fast enough, she'd grab at his shirt, pulling him close enough so that their faces were merely inches apart.

"Royalty? Peasants? Fuck off with that shit." Her eyes burned with vexation as she glowered at him. "All we ever did was protect the people of this region from opportunists like you. Kick the hives nest, are you fucking kidding me? Is that your reason for the thousands of dead bodies you've caused? For the lives you continue to ruin?"
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cast iron
POSTED ON May 11, 2022 2:05:15 GMT
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he was too slow to react.

avery attempts to stagger back, eyes wide and mouth agape, but her surprisingly strong grip rubber bands him back into the bars. he listens, that small spike of spear from her random assault transforming into livid anger. he snarls and reddens, his own hand reaching through the bars to grab her by the collar.

"fuck you. a thousand corpses is a drop in the bucket to what you all haven't done. wide-spread corruption in elected officials, laws and bills that support the common man shot down and trammeled upon, healthcare in the shitter. my sis—" he stops himself from finishing that statement, breath heavy. when he picks it back up his tone is lower but no less angry.

"—people are dying everyday trying to make a better life for themselves. but it's impossible. just when you think you're making a step forward a piece of shit pig — like you — kicks you back down the whole fuckin' flight of stairs."

anger fuels him and with a powerful shove, he breaks free of her grip.

"so spare me your fucking judgements, your highness. not all of us were born with silver spoons."

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